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Fantasy Under the Sea

Harley quickly placed her treasure in the little bag, Avery had swam off before she could thank him but she could do that later.

She explored the room a bit more, picking up all the little things and examining them to see if she wanted to keep any. So far she hadnt found anything but she sure that she would soon. She swam into the room that was opposite the Room Avery had gone into.

Long around she inspected a few more things. Some like a little mirror and some sort of bottle were quickly added to her bag. As she was about to swim to where Avery was a little circular object caught her eye. It was a tiny little hoop with some sort of rock on top of it.

"Hey Avery do you know what this is?" She called careful not to be too loud just in case. She hadn't seen something like it before and hoped that Avery coukd shed some light

@JayKuro @FireMaiden


Avery swam over to Harley when she asked what something was. "I don't know what it's called but you put it on your finger. At least that's the only place it will fit I think." He said taking it as he slid it on her middle finger glad it fit almost perfectly. "See? I have tons of them l you can have some of them when we get back if you'd like." He offered as he looked around the room she was in, not particularly finding anything that caught his eyes.

He was getting ready to leave when he saw something interesting. He swam over to it and picked it up inspecting it having never seen it before. It started out small and got wider the farther it went. He put the smaller part to his eyes and looked around through it
"ah wow! Everything's so close now!" He said as he flipped it around to the other side. Now everything super far!" He said walkkng over to one of the walls of the ship bumping the device on the wall hitting himself in the eye. "Owie!" He said running his eye a bit before he held the thumbs up sign showing he was okay. "Okay, I'm good now." He said as he kept the device in his hands intending to keep it and add it to his collection.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
"watch where you are swimming" Harley giggled ss Avery rubbed his eye after crashing into the wall.

Whatever he had found seemed intresting but not as intresting as the little hoop on her finger, the rock was incredibly beautiful and Harley had never seen anything like it before and she decided that it wasnt ever coming off her finger again.

Looking around once more she noted another door and decided to investigate, looking around she noted that is was full of the clothing that humans wore.

"Hey Avery want to play dress up?" She asked holding a garment up



"Yeah, ueah! I want to!" Avery said eagerly as he swam over to Harley looking at the clothes a bright smile lighting up his face. "This is gonna be fun!" He said as he looked at the clothes Harley was holding up. "We get to dress like the humans, how do you put it on?" He asked the question only just pooping into his head. He was absolutely confused as to what went over his head, as he didn't even wear shirts.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
"don't ask me" Harley laughed "my scales cover everything that needs to be covered. But I'm sure we go through the holes." Harley said sticking her arm into the largest hole but that didnt seem right. It just flopped and didnt do what it did on the humans.

Taking a risk she placed the opening of the clothing and pulled it over her head "ok now what do I do?" She asked, her handa pinned against her sides.



Avery laughed uncontrollably as he saw Harley attempt to put the clothes on. He calmed himself down after a few minutes of laughter and looked at the clothing seeing two more holes. "Maybe you put your arms in those two holes?" He said pointing to the, still laughing a bit. "But can you even move your arms? They look stuck!" He said as he broke into another fit of laughter.

"don't laugh at me" Harley winned struggling to move her arms even a little bit, she was really regretting her descision at this very moment.

"help me" she pleaded, if it was the brush getting stuck in her hair it was the clothing that trapped her, she felt that human belonging were really out to get her. She honestly glad that Avery was here because other wise she wouldn't have known how what to do.



"Okay, okay, I will." Avery said as he swam closer to her and pulled the clothes off her arms and up to her neck. "Here try putting your arms in this." He said grabbing one of her arms and gently putting it through the hole. "See? That looks about right, now you get to do the other one." He said as he looked in the door himself for something to wear. He pulled out something that looked really fancy to him. It didn't look like Harley's and it had a feather on the top of it making it look a bit weird. He put his hand in the whole, not finding it quite right he placed it on his head. "There we go!" He said happily finding the trick in this interesting device.

Harley couldn't help but blush slightly when he guided her hand through the hole, quickly shaking her head she pulled her other arm through the hole and pulled the thing down, her head going through the last hole.

Harley wasn't sure what is was mean to be but it was long almost going past her tail and it was puffy.

"I feel like a blow up fish" she said and twirled around, although she dislike the poofyness she enjoyed how to flared when she spun. Looking back at Avery she noted he had something on his head that she had seen the humans on the boat wear.

"That looks wicked cool" she said "we could pass as humans if it wasn't for our tails" she grinned.



"Ah wow you really do loo like a blow up fish!" He said watching as she twirled around a entertained expression on his face. "Ah man that would be so cool, epwhat if a human mistook us for humans!" He said laughing at the idea, it seemed unlikely but if they didn't have good vision it was very likely to happen, even if it was for a short while.

"I'm sure they would figure out very quickly when they lifted us out of the water" Harley joked although it did seem like something that would be really fun to do but also incredibly dangerous especially if they couldn't escape from the humans.

"I wonder if all humans want to kills us, I hope meet one that isn't going to disembowel us" Harley said wondering what it would be like to be a human and walk on land and own all these treasure that they ad found on the ship.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a human" Harley
asked turning around again in the dress, imagining what it woukd be like to have ti wear something like this everyday, shuddering at the thought

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"Well actually I do all the time, but I stop myself because it temps me to go up and meet the humans. Although, I actually did promise myself to meet them one day." Avery said remembering the time he swore to himself as he kid. He dug back through the clothes and pulled out something like the thing Harley was wearing, although it was much shorter and only covered his chest and some of his tail. He put it on having a bit of trouble getting it over the thing on his head.

"arent you afraid of what they may do?" Harley asked, she had never thought to entertain a possibility of meeting a human, she admired Avery for his braveness with all of this.

" I don't think I would enjoy having to wear this every day, it's becoming quite uncomfortable" Harley muttered starting to wriggle slighty, she wasnt sure how she was going to get this thing off of her though and it was beginning to catch on her scales which sort of hurt.

She supposed she could try get her head out first but then how would she get her arms out? It amazed her that humans wore clothing that was so difficult to put on and remove.

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SheWhoMustNotBeNamed said:
Harley poked her head into the hole, slipping inside once she saw where Avery was and made her way over to where he was.
"Wow, so many things" she gasped picking a fee nick nacks that were lying around some of the she had never seen in her life before.

"Avery this stuff is amazing, may I join everytime you explore" she pleaded, making her eys big.


"Pleasure to meet you. I must say I do have and idea of what you mean when you say watery vermin but just to clarify you mean mermaids" Damian asked leaning back against the couch. He wondered why Captain Renwick had a huge dislike for the creatures, most his crew were eager to capture one but that was mainly for the profit this Captian seemed to have something else in mind.

@JayKuro @Aella @FireMaiden
"Indeed," the Captain said. "And in precisely..." he checked his pocket watch. "Three minutes, my crew will send out lifeboats in pursuit of those mermaids." He spat out the word.

"We intend to capture them and hold them aboard the ship. We have tanks specially for this purpose. If you were to join in our pursuit, well, you would share in our spoils. I have to leave now, captain. What is your choice?"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @JayKuro @FireMaiden
Damian smirked at the other captain, thoughts racing through his head "very well, I'll assisst you where ever you need and you can help yourself to some of my men if need be but before you go, in order for us to trust one another I propose a deal be signed"

It wouldn't do for the man to betry him and Damian didnt trust those not part of his crew very easily.

Damian reareed for a paper and pen and wrote out the agreement and the terms, stating that they would share the profit between them if mermaid were captured. He signed his name under the agreement and pushed the paper toward the other man. He had a feeling this would be a very beneficial alliance for both if them.

@JayKuro @Aella @FireMaiden


"Well of course I'm afraid of what they might do to me! If it weren't for that I'd go up to one any day." He said almost as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. She he was braver than most when he explored these ship wrecks but he wasn't stupid, he had heard the stories of what happened to mermaids if they were ever caught by humans, although he doubted half of them were true, mermaid tail does not taste good. "If I had to wear these clothes every day it would grow very boring, and tiring to have to put them on, then take them off,mother put them on, and take them off again." He said dragging out his words to emphasize his point.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
The Captain raised an eyebrow but reached for the pen nonetheless, smirking as he signed. When he had finished he held out his hand.

"To our future alliance, Captain. May it bring us both much wealth."

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Avery laughed a bit as he heard Vera's voice on the ship saying she was lost. "Okay, i'm coming!" He called following the sound of her voice. He followed it to a darker part of the ship putting his hands in front of him so that he wouldn't run into anything. He felt a hand and gabbed it and looked down, seeing that he had grabbed a skeleton hand h quickly dropped it and looked around the dark room. 'What is this place?' He thought having not been to this part of a shipwreck before. "Hey, Vera where are you?" He called looking around even though he couldn't see anything.


Harley Damian

Harley followed Avery, still in the poofyness, uncomfortable clothing as she had been unable to take it off

"Vera are you alright" she called a bit nervous at the pitch blackness that stretched endlessly in front of her, Avery had already gone into it. "Follow the sound of my voice guys and dont get eaten" it probably wouldn't be best if all of them went into the darkness, Harley knew that she would probably end up lost as well.


"I have no doubt that it will" Damian smirked at the other man, making his way back out of this cabin toward the crew

"Asher have you sensed anything unusual lately" he queried, he knew that if anything was out of the ordinary that Asher would know. "Please also alert the crew that Captain Renwick will require some of their assistance with capturing some mermaids. If you happen cross Ace inform him as well please" Damian asked, he was curious to see these fable creatures. He was very intrigued.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @Aella @MisterUniverse @Leo Radomir
Asher was leaning against the edge of the ship, facing northwards with his eyes closed in some type of lost trance. Hearing his captain's footsteps nearby, he opened his eyes abruptly and looked back at him.

"I'm afraid I can't sense anything too out of the ordinary, especially with Captain Renwick's crew so close to us." He pouted, feeling as if he was disappointing the man. "Give me by tonight, I should be used to their presence by then." Asher was quite surprised to hear Damian speak about mermaids, this was the first time he had heard him mention them. He had listened to countless stories that their scales had magical properties and their voices could give a man immortality if harvested properly. Asher could only imagine what he'd be able to do if he got his hands on one...

"I'm on it." The boy replied before walking off towards the main deck once more. He announced to the others that they were to provide Renwick with as much help as he needed in order to catch these mermaids. His last stop was the kitchen, where he hoped to find Ace. "Ace you big lugnut!" He yelled playfully. "You in 'ere!?"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Leo Radomir
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MisterUniverse said:
Asher was leaning against the edge of the ship, facing northwards with his eyes closed in some type of lost trance. Hearing his captain's footsteps nearby, he opened his eyes abruptly and looked back at him.
"I'm afraid I can't sense anything too out of the ordinary, especially with Captain Renwick's crew so close to us." He pouted, feeling as if he was disappointing the man. "Give me by tonight, I should be used to their presence by then." Asher was quite surprised to hear Damian speak about mermaids, this was the first time he had heard him mention them. He had listened to countless stories that their scales had magical properties and their voices could give a man immortality if harvested properly. Asher could only imagine what he'd be able to do if he got his hands on one...

"I'm on it." The boy replied before walking off towards the main deck once more. He announced to the others that they were to provide Renwick with as much help as he needed in order to catch these mermaids. His last stop was the kitchen, where he hoped to find Ace. "Ace you big lugnut!" He yelled playfully. "You in 'ere!?"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Leo Radomir
Ace sneaks behind asher and puts his arm round him and says" Do you know what i used to be before i became a doctor, yes i used to kill people that needed to be killed but that aside i do enjoy your company so what's up"?
Asher let out a small yelp, feeling the man sneak up behind himself but reacting far too slow.

"You wouldn't hurt me even if you wanted to." He teased. "You know I'd haunt over you for eternity." He said confidently before slipping out of his grasp. The way he spoke to most of the crew was far less respectful than the way he spoke to Damian.

"Got orders from the captain to play nice with the new guys." Asher reported. "Apparently we're on a hunt for some mermaids wit 'em." He said, a hint of excitement in the back of his throat. "Promise not to kill any of 'em, Ace?"

@Leo Radomir
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MisterUniverse said:
Asher let out a small yelp, feeling the man sneak up behind himself but reacting far too slow.
"You wouldn't hurt me even if you wanted to." He teased. "You know I'd haunt over you for eternity." He said confidently before slipping out of his grasp. The way he spoke to most of the crew was far less respectful than the way he spoke to Damian.

"Got orders from the captain to play nice with the new guys." Asher reported. "Apparently we're on a hunt for some mermaids wit 'em." He said, a hint of excitement in the back of his throat. "Promise not to kill any of 'em, Ace?"

@Leo Radomir
Ace grinned and says with evil glee" I was going to but then dam gave me an idea so i'm going to use them as test subjects and i'll play nice as long as the other crew don't start any unwanted drama not in the mood for that stuff", "And if i was to hurt you i'd get a spirit room first but back to main topic let me get my chain then i'll be right up there".
The Captain was back on his ship, talking to his navigator. The man said that the mermaids had gone south, but he wasn't sure why. All there was in that direction were a few shipwrecks... And sharks.

Captain Renwick wrote a quick message to Captain Damian saying the direction he was going and one of his crew passed it on.

"Raise the anchor men! We're setting sail!" he yelled as the unfurled sails caught the wind and began to carry the ship towards the horizon.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Leo Radomir @MisterUniverse
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