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Fantasy Under the Sea

"White flag doesn't mean anything." Lyra growled. "If they come into our part of the ocean, they die."

She narrowed her eyes on her captain, and gripped her sword tightly. A smile appeared.

"Damian, if you don't deal with this, well...a dagger will be the least of your problems..."

Lyra was confident. She was good friends with many of the crew and Ace, if this came to mutiny, Lyra would have a more than fair chance.
Damian looked over to the other ship, they had indeed raised a white flag as Asher had said, he decided to ignore Lyra for now. If she wanted to start something then she was welcome but she would come off second best

"Asher tell the crew to lower their arms but be guarded just in case. They may not be friendly even with a white flag" he said and signalled some of the hands in deck to raise their white flag. He would see what the Captain of the other ship wanted before he decided his next move.


"I think sunken ships may be a better option, even if the were friendly humans it would still be very dangerous."
Harley had heard of some humans that were friendly but that was seemed rare.

"Vera you speak as if you have been in a ship" Harley had noted that she sounded veey familiar with the going ons of humans and it sounded like first hand expeeian

@FireMaiden @JayKuro @Rathalosa @MisterUniverse @Aella


Avery popped his head above the waters and looked behind them. Seeing the ships were moving towards each other he sighed with relief. "I'm not gonna tell you until we get there." He said playfully looking back towards the girls with a big grin on his face as he sped up a little just so that he could catch up to the, before he slowed back down. He knew what shipwreck they were going to although he forgot wether it was in the shallow water or not, he decided to stay to in the shallow water because they were already there and it would be a lot easier that way.


Harley looked around the area but she wasnt able to see any ships around but it didn't really worry her as she assumed some of them were burried undee the sand

"You do remeber where it is right" she teased lightheartedly, it was relaxing being away from the others mermaid and just hang out with her friends. "I wonder what we will find, hopefully no skeletons" she said with a shudder, bones of any kind of dead thing freaked her out.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden


"Nope I'm not gonna say." Avery teased Vera sticking his tongue out a bit at Vera smiling. "i do have the general Idea of where it is though so there's no need to worry." He said completely serious as he looked around not seeing the ship yet knowing the still had a little ways to go before they would spot it.

@FireMaiden @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
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Asher nodded, listening to Damian's commands and heading down the main deck. With a dagger still in hand, he exclaimed the catpain's orders to the other crew members.

"Lower your guns!" He yelled. "Keep them at arm's length, don't let them try any funny business." Asher was definitely a jokester, but he took moments of life and death very seriously. He knew that his spirit wouldn't rest easy if he died without accomplishing his life goals, he would be stuck in the realm between earth and the afterlife for eternity, much like the many spirits that linger around on a day to day basis.
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"Lower your guns!" The captain of the other ship yelled. Captain Renwick glanced around to make sure his crew had done the same. The white flag had worked, meaning the next part should be no trouble at all, if no one did anything stupid.

The two ships were close enough now for the grappling hooks to pull the two ships perpendicular to each other. One of his men placed a plank of wood spanning the gap between the ships.

Captain Renwick stood with his long black cloak and sword strapped to his side as he called "Permission to come aboard, captain?"
"well atleast you have a general idea of where we are and where the ship, I'm completely lost" she said with a wide grin, if had to loose sight if them she knew that she wouldnt me able to find her way back home.

"Hey isn't there anither colony of mermaids near us?"


"Permission granted" Damian answered with a small nod of his head, he was curious to find out why the second Captain wanted.

Looking back to where Asher is he gestured for the man to come to the front, Damian trustes Asher and thought the man had a good judge of character, so he woukd keep in close to see what he got from the other man coming aboard their ship. He also wondered where Ace was, he was sure he had seen the man only a minute ago.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @Aella @MisterUniverse @Leo Radomir
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The Captain swaggered across the plank and aboard the other ship. He took his large captain's hat off and bowed in the general direction of the crew.

"Captain, a word in your quarters please. I have a matter of great importance to discuss with you, regarding the vermin surrounding your ship.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @MisterUniverse


"Yeah, i'm pretty sure there is. Although they're very mean, believe me they must have a thing against kids or something." He said laughing a bit afterwards. He kept swimming when they finally came upon the ship wreck. "We're here!" He said excitedly swimming down towards it laughing a bit.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
SheWhoMustNotBeNamed said:
"well atleast you have a general idea of where we are and where the ship, I'm completely lost" she said with a wide grin, if had to loose sight if them she knew that she wouldnt me able to find her way back home.
"Hey isn't there anither colony of mermaids near us?"
"Yeah, we're pretty close to another one that's not to friendly at first. But I'm just glad we're out of sight of the ships."
SheWhoMustNotBeNamed said:
"well atleast you have a general idea of where we are and where the ship, I'm completely lost" she said with a wide grin, if had to loose sight if them she knew that she wouldnt me able to find her way back home.
"Hey isn't there anither colony of mermaids near us?"


"Permission granted" Damian answered with a small nod of his head, he was curious to find out why the second Captain wanted.

Looking back to where Asher is he gestured for the man to come to the front, Damian trustes Asher and thought the man had a good judge of character, so he woukd keep in close to see what he got from the other man coming aboard their ship. He also wondered where Ace was, he was sure he had seen the man only a minute ago.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @Aella @MisterUniverse @Leo Radomir
Ace leans on dam and says" I was finishing the fish stew anyways so we have company i'd like to capture one alive they'd make great test subjects for my alchemy and so we have another captain well the more people the better chance of getting my wish welcome".
Asher gazed at the stranger boarding onto the ship, feeling the vibe of a captain radiate off him almost instantly. He walked to Damian's side, taking a closer look at the man. He observed him bowing towards the crew and was quite surprised that he had such a way with manners, it was quite odd to see someone like that on the high seas.

The boy glanced up at Damian, nodding approvingly towards him. The man didn't seem dangerous yet. And even if the man were to try to attack Damian, he was more than capable of defending himself. Plus, Asher was quite curious about these 'vermin' that the captain spoke about. What was so bothersome that he had to talk personally about it?

@Aella @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Leo Radomir
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Damian thanked Asher and turned back to face the other made "Captain Damian at your service" Damian said with a bow and a small smile "follow me, I am most interested about these vermin you speak of" Damian had an inkling to what it mah have been about prefered to wait and sew if he was correct.

It didnt take them long to reach his cabin, unlocking his door he strolled in and sat on one the couches in the room "please make yourself at home"


Harley laughed as Avery's enthusiasm was contagious
"it looks bigger then the one up top" she noted swimming closer to the boat, it looked old in her opinion and ahe eager to explore it "I wonder what we will find" she mused "I do hope there arent any more sharks. I dont feel like swimming for my life again"

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @MisterUniverse @Aella


"Yeah I know, I haven't been inside it myself so I wonder what's in here." He said as he swam down and grasped onto the ship pulling himself closer to it as he entered the hole that was in its side. Luckily he didn't see any shark and he sighed with relief bubbled flowing out of his mouth before he started swimming inside the ship looking for anything that might catch his eye. "Come on guys! Don't get left behind!" He said looking back at them as he laughed a bit more bubbles flying out his mouth. And people wondered why he had the nickname bubbles.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
"Captain Renwick, at yours," he said as he sat down. "I am quite curious, captain, about where your loyalties lie. If my crew were to start firing on a pack of those watery vermin, would you join them? You may not have noticed, captain, but there were a few of them right next to your ship. My navigator has informed me they have left now but I intend to follow. Will you be joining me?"

Harley poked her head into the hole, slipping inside once she saw where Avery was and made her way over to where he was.

"Wow, so many things" she gasped picking a fee nick nacks that were lying around some of the she had never seen in her life before.

"Avery this stuff is amazing, may I join everytime you explore" she pleaded, making her eys big.


"Pleasure to meet you. I must say I do have and idea of what you mean when you say watery vermin but just to clarify you mean mermaids" Damian asked leaning back against the couch. He wondered why Captain Renwick had a huge dislike for the creatures, most his crew were eager to capture one but that was mainly for the profit this Captian seemed to have something else in mind.

@JayKuro @Aella @FireMaiden
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"Ah yeah sure I don't mind. I could really use the company." Avery said looking over as he saw something shiny as it caught his eye. He picked it up and inspected it swimming over to Harley and running it through a few times. "It's a comb." He said holding it out for her to take. He looked around once more and saw a fee more shiny things swimming towards them.

(Sorry for the short reply I'm on my phone)

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
Harley looked at the comb in her hands, it was probably once incredibly beautiful and to Harley it still was but she noticed that parts of it hd discoloured from the water.

"Should we keep it?" Harley wasnt sure what Avery normally kept and what he didnt and she wasnt keen to put the comb back. She ran the comb through he hair only for it to get stuck on a particular nasty knot

"I think its stuck" she wailed tugging on the comb that wouldnt release her hair.



Avery smiled as he saw the comb get stuck in Harley's hair. Not in a funny way, more in an amused way. He swam over and gingerly grabbed the comb untangling it from her hair. "You can keep it if you'd like." He said handing her back the comb that was now untangled from her hair. He swam around a bit until he found a chest and opened it, smiling as he removed the crab from it making sure it didn't pinch him he grabbed the once golden coins that had now turned color from the water. He picked a few of them up and dropped them letting them slowly sink to the ground finding it entertaining.

He looked at a few of the pictures that were hanging on what he assumed was the wall, most of them he wasn't an,e to make out but there were bits and pieces that he could.
"This ship must be super old!" Avery said as he touched the broken frame of one of the pictures moving the glass out the way.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
"thank you" Harley said and she rubbed her now sore head "I dont suppose you have something we could keep it in?" She felt silly that she didnt think of bringing a bag of sorts to keep the treasures that they found in and hoped she might be able to find something similar on the ship.

"It does seem very old doesn't it, makes me wonder what happened to cause it to sink" Harley wondered what the people who were once boarded on this ship felt like when it started to sink, did they escape and if so what became of them.



Avery looked around for something to out it in when he spotted a pouch that could easily fit more than a few things. "See? There's everything here." He said handing her the ouch so she could put her comb in it. "Well usually I believe these are skunked by big rocks, but I'm never completely sure." He said pointing towards the large hole in the ship that was obviously not suppose to be there. "I think that hole is what makes it sink." He said as he pushed on a rusted door that was barely hanging on.

He swam into another room and found a few more interesting things. He opened a drawer and smiled something rotting before he quickly closed it again not interested In it Whatever it was. He found some silver ware although he didn't know what it was and started playing with it having a mini sword fight with the knives.

(Nothing much, Harley found a comb and Avery's playing with knives in the kitchen)

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden

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