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Fantasy Under the Sea


They entered the cave at just the right time the Sharks crashing into the walls thinking they were big enough to fit in. "See I told you we'd be safe." He said smiling. As he kept looking ahead. "And here are the shallow waters. I heard there are a lot more ships here." He said swimming towards the other opening in the cave expecting the girls to follow behind him, or in front of him he did t kind which one.

Damian wanted to laugh, he knew exactly what Lyra was trying to do and it amused him that she thought she would win this. She may win a few rounds when he let her but he would win the battle. If he was honest he was beginning to grow annoyed with her constant jabs, she reminded him of a toddler who wanted attention.

"My dear, if we come across a mermaid and if you seemingly possess the talent to catch one, then by all means do with it what you will. But until then sharks are what are bringing in the money at this stage and the crew, well the ones with brains, realise that chasing mermaids isn't going to feed them"

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @Rathalosa

Ace smiles widely and says" You just gave me a great idea dam thanks but for now i'll go and cook us some fish stew after all an army can't win on an empty stomach, i'm not going to force my opinion on you dam but remember one's choices have a nasty way of coming back to bite one in the ass but this crew needs a dreamer to keep pushing us forward in this twisted world". Ace waves as he heads back towards the kitchen humming gently his bad mood completely gone.
Harley followed Avery towards the other side of the cave, he had obviously been here before so she decided to follow him.

"Friends protected their friends" she said turning to face Vera, while she ended up swimming backwards, "besides wrestling with sharks will delay our adventure" Harley heart twisted at the thought of anything happening to the other two and she was glad that Vera didnt end up fighting the sharks because Harley probably would have ended up dying of a heart attack or worry.

@FireMaiden @JayKuro
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"Yeah guys, and talking with delay our adventure as well." Avery said as he looked back at the two before exciting the cave and going into the shallow waters. He popped his head up at the surface and looked around spotting a ship already. "See you guys! Look! Look! I told you!" Avery said excitedly as he swam towards the ship to better investigate. He popped his head above the surface every once in a while to make sure the ship was still there and didn't stop until he was close enough to touch it. He looked towards the other two and motioned for them to come over.

@FireMaiden @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Leo Radomir @Rathalosa
"well I'm thankful that you didnt have too" Harley whispered as she too popped her head out of the water to take a better look at the ship. Her hand grazed the hard wood of the sides. She was in awe, having never really seen one up close she had never realised how massive they were.

She heard the voices if the men who were on the ship and quickly ducked her head, just in case they looked over the side and saw the three of them, that would most likely end very badly for them.

Although she was fascinated with humans, she knew that they were also incredibly dangerous as well, having hears stories from the elders of mermaids being taken from the waters. No one ever knows what happens to them and Harley didnt want to find out first hand.


Avery looked up at the ship, seeing nothing he swam around it a few times making sure he didn't hit it with his tail. He had never actually been this close to a moving ship before and listened to the footsteps on the deck. "Ah wow! This is so cool!" He said excitedly lowering his voice as he reapproached the two girls. He backed up a bit wondering if he could see the people who were on deck, when he realized he couldn't he swam back to the side of the ship putting his hands on the wood softly. He equaled a bit before ducking underwater and looking at what was moving the ship, before coming back up deciding not to touch it in risk of cutting himself, or sinking the ship.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden @Rathalosa @Leo Radomir
Harley stayed under the water as to not be seen by any of the humans, she studied the ship and how it moved about in the water.

"I wonder how they make these things, how does it float when it looks so heavy" she mused, humans were very clever in her opinion and often came up with the most amazing things.


Damian watch Ace walk off wondering what he meant by that comment.

Shrugging it off he turned to a crew mate who seemed to be trying to get hia attention.

"Captian, some of the crew say they have been hearing weird splashes around the sides of our boat" the crew mate informed him looking a bit grey.
"Avery get back here!" Vera said a bit commanding sounding. "You don't know how the humans will react!" She swam a bit closer to him. "Come on, let's go check out some wrecks."

The cold wind that had blown The Violet Skull off course had ceased and from his perch in the crow's nest, the Captain could see another ship on the horizon. But what was more alarming were several small figures sticking out of the water.

The Captain shook his head. How one didn't notice the presence of those despicable creatures... Especially when they were so close to your own ship.

Men, hoist the flag! Set a course for due west! We have vermin to catch!" He yelled. He would do this ship a favour.


"Ah come on, just got here." He said in a whining voice swimming over to Vera. "They won't notice us as long as we're quiet." He said lowering his voice again as he once more looked up at the people on deck. They seemed really busy to him.

@FireMaiden @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
"Well, there is another ship coming up on us, so we have to go," Vera urged. "Please Avery, I don't want to get caught today."

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"Okay, okay we can go now." He said as he swam away from the ship and towards the cave they had come from hoping the sharks we gone. He didn't swim that quickly thinking ships were slow because of how big they were. Besides it didn't look like they had anything to catch the mermaids with, or at least it didn't look like that to Avery.

@FireMaiden @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
"Thank you," Vera saod, before she dived underwater. She knew what show ships had on them, and she knew not to underestimate them. I mean, there is a reason the end of her tail looked a bit torn up. She had been caught before but a rather nice lady let her go. "Come on Harley."

@JayKuro @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
Harley heard what Vera had said and turned to face the ship it was heading toward them very quickly and that made her very worried.

Diving quickly she swam to catch up with the others, not wanting to be caught by the humans, who knew what they would do to her.

"Those ships are fast for something that is so large" she gasped noticing how the ship sliced through the water.


Damian noticed another ship approaching them, calling all hand on deck he prepared to engage in battle should it come down to it, he was confident that it wouldnt come to that but it didn't hurt to be prepared.

@FireMaiden @JayKuro @Aella
Ace had just finished the stew and heard dam and sighs and quickly starts heading out again through the halls and when he gets back out he sees another ship and smells a fish smell stronger than normal, then lowly tuts and gets ready for what ever might happen next to them.
The Violet Skull was approaching the other ship at high speed. The first mate was belowdecks prepping the crew for an attack, if the other ship should prove unfriendly. But that was unlikely. The Captain was only after the merfolk, after all.

Through his spyglass, the Captain could see the skull and crossbones flying from the mast of the other ship. This would be easy.
Lyra gave a roar full of joy, and drawn her sword.

"A fight!" She shouted. "Finally, I can have some fun!"

She watched the other ship, and smiled darkly. Oh how she looked forward to start killing. Why couldn't they sail faster?
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Damian glanced at Lyra and smirked at she suddenly got hyped up at the thought of a battle. "If it comes down to a fight you can go wild and bath in their blood if you should wish, but first let's see if they are engage first" he said softly and walked towards the railing of his ship, waiting for the other ship to approach them more. He wondered what this was all about.


Harley shuddered at the thought of being caught, it was one of the worst things she could think of. The stories that she had heard made her shiver in fear.

"I do not wish to be on one of those boats, exploring sunken ones sounds a lot more safe"

@JayKuro @Rathalosa @FireMaiden @Aella
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The two ships were close enough now for the Captain to make out the crew without the use of his spyglass. They didn't seem to be preparing their cannons, but just in case...

"Hoist the white flag Mr Dwells! I'll have no bloodshed over those things. Make that perfectly clear! And keep the skulls flying! We don't want to be mistaken for prey, now do we?"

As his men rushed to obey, Captain Renwick gestured for his first mate to get the men belowdecks ready to fire the cannons. Hunting merfolk was much easier when they didn't think you would attack.

@FireMaiden @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Rathalosa &Everyone-else
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Asher rushed out of the lower decks and towards the bow, noticing the other crew members preparing their weapons and cannons for an all out war. He felt the immediate presence of foreign spirits, which was only really obvious in the middle of the ocean, where you were isolated from anybody other than your crew. He spotted the alien ship and squinted his eyes, looking up towards it's mast to see what their intentions were. A white banner rose, signaling a request to end any hostilities.

"Cap'n!" The boy made a quick rush towards Damian with a concerned expression. "They rose a white flag, do we lower our arms?"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Rathalosa @Aella


Avery swam behind the two not looking back as he listened to Vera. 'I Didn't know humans had ill intentions towards us. If I had known we probably wouldn't have come here so quickly.' He thought as he nodded his head in agreement to exploring sunken ships, that didn't have any humans on them. At least he hoped they didn't have humans on them, he was never to sure if a mermaid had actually given a human the ability to breath underwater, but if the mermaids were capture by humans they probably didn't.



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