Under The Albatross


Dialectical Hermeticist
A collaborative world-building and RP project between a number of Fellows.

Oceanic world.

One major continent - Mediterranean southern shore, central desert, northeastern mountains, rainy northeastern shores.

Many scattered islands.

Magic is linked to craft and creation - spells far less common than magical artifacts.

Giant beasts roam the seas and skies - betentacled whales with magic blood, giant turtles, massive albatross.

The existence of gods cannot be proven nor disproven.


Orcs - tough, tusked, descended from boars.

Humans - numerous, adaptable, enduring.

Octopodes - highly intelligent, quick, dexterous.

- Tropical octopodes are closer to humanoid in physiology

- Arctic octopodes have evolved for survival in deep, cold seas.

Sharkfolk - belligerent, strong, good at lateral thinking.



The Caliphate

- A cosmopolitan theocracy of multiple city-states united by worship of Fate. Welcoming to non-humans. Split into two factions; one more dogmatic than the other. Located on the southern shore.

The Empire

- A human-supremacist empire from the north shores. Rapidly advancing technology due to increased whale-hunting.

Desert Orcs

- Nomadic people with a history of persecution, inhabiting the desert.

Island Orcs

- A more laid-back Orcish culture living on tropical islands.

To do:

More depth on each aspect before adding new aspects.

Hammer out some rules for magic.

Possibly hammer out an origin for the world that we know, but not the characters.

Linking to my tutorial for reference in case anyone needs a nudge: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/primordial-a-world-building-primer.126170/
Here's a few notes that I put together for the Caliphate.

Fate Based Religion = Alhaam (regardless of denomination)

Al-Baraka (liberal) vs Al-Taaba (conservative)

Ra'Hima = spiritual leader of the Al-Taaba

Major cities in the Caliphate

Ada'Malja: liberal

Jawharji: liberal

Magaaraat: conservative

Myhr Khayr: liberal (home of the Caliph)

Yarhamu: conservative (home of the Ra'Hima)
So, orcs.

Desert orcs, nomads. Led by a Far Seer. Supposedly this individual can predict the future. The Far Seer undergoes heavy training once they become of age.

-Can be of either gender

-Once becomes of age ( let's say 17) goes on a spiritual journey to acquire a magical artifact, a pendant owned and empowered by Far Seers before them. -Upon sensing death, the Far Seer leaves their people briefly mentioning where they will go,( usually deeper into the desert or a location from their youth.)

-Several people from the tribe are sent in training to become a Far Seer, but only one succeeds if they return with the artifact. The rest become advisors, chieftain or high priests and priesteses (depending on magical talent)

-If something happens to a still-strong Far Seer any of the other people that had the training can take their place.

-Voting occurs and this ritual is considered sacred. Proof of cheating or forging the results ends with excommunication.

I will add more on them later.
Just sharing updates as they come.

May Fate guide you.
Cleric of Alhaam

Alhaam, a religious belief in the all powerful universal force known as Fate. Only through an acknowledgment of Fate, and in some cases its worship, can mortals reach their full potential. It's said that those who are willing to kneel in humility and open their minds can become better vessels to channel the glory that is their destiny. So it is taught, so it is observed; at least by the brothers and sisters of Alhaam. Prayers are whispered when one wakes and then again before one sleeps.

The Alhaam does not promise an afterlife, no Heaven or Hell. But Fate, whether one wants it or not, can touch a bloodline. How else does one justify royalty? The father can affect the son, and the son can affect his unborn sons. Ancestry is studied and respected, because Alhaam teaches that it shapes the future.


Here's the map. Keep in mind it's only the beginning.

I suggest you put the Island Orcs more to the West, unless you want them first in the Empire's crosshairs for slavery.

Also if they live on tropical islands but the Empire is more British Isles that proximity would make no sense.
Grey said:
I suggest you put the Island Orcs more to the West, unless you want them first in the Empire's crosshairs for slavery.
Also if they live on tropical islands but the Empire is more British Isles that proximity would make no sense.
Alright. It'll happen.

Is this better? I thought about the empty space where the Isle Orcs used to be and I thought maybe that big Island there could also be the Empire's and it could be used for various activities. My guess would be that the island could hold a fishing town or maybe something even bigger. It would have to do with whale hunting and whatnot. Thoughts @Grey ?

Also, I suggest the desert orcs are good Artificers and island orcs are good at making potions and medicine. (With limitations of course. If they don't have a trade rout established they'd only have the herbs available on the nearby islands and what adventurers bring from their treks.)
I was thinking maybe a few more islands could be included. I understand that no one wants the map to be too busy, but I think a handful more islands might help reinforce the archipelago setting we're going for. I dabbed some green globs (crude as hell) around the map to represent some possible additional ones.

I also included an arrow to mark where Myhr Khayr, the capital of the Caliphate, will be. Just in case you can include it with a star or something.

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Bone2pick said:
I was thinking maybe a few more islands could be included. I understand that no one wants the map to be too busy, but I think a handful more islands might help reinforce the archipelago setting we're going for. I dabbed some green globs (crude as hell) around the map to represent some possible additional islands.
I also included an arrow to mark where Myhr Khayr, the capital of the Caliphate, will be. Just in case you can include it with a star or something.

I'll include them once I get back home.

@Bone2pick Does this look good?

@Aldur Forgehammer Perfect. ( :) )

You can see the silver domes of Yaghmor Palace from nearly any point in the city. It's a monument that every tourist makes sure to visit. Once seen up close, it will never be forgotten. Architecture of its scale, balance, and elegance, reminds us that we can create wonders.

Seven decades have passed since the palace was built to house the royal family. And while Myhr Khayr has been credited as the capital of the Caliphate for over three centuries, it wasn't until Yaghmor was raised that the City of Pizzazz became truly iconic.

Another point of pride in the city is the Bayt wa Lawh, the House of Study. A university that schedules debate, encourages free thinking and expression, and invites multicultural study. In fact, foreign speakers are regularly auditioned at wa Lawh (short name), and if they're up to standard, they're compensated to give insightful lectures. The students of the Caliphate are delighted to engage in this worldly education.

But outsiders visiting Myhr Khayr — of which there is always an abundance — often report that the best way to experience the spirit of the city is to stroll through its Grand Bazaar. There smiling vendors showcase their wares: baskets of figs, jars of olives, fresh baked wheat bread, sacks full of fine southern cotton, and artisan jewelry spread over felt topped tables. All that is for sale in life can be found in the Grand Bazaar. But be sure to head to market early, because bargains don't last long.

Myhr KhayrCity of Pizzazz, the Heart of the South

Areas of Note:

Yaghmor Palace = capital building

Bayt wa Lawh, aka House of Study = university

Grand Bazaar = expansive marketplace
If you don't know how orcs look (kill me) I've drawn a male and a female because I couldn't help myself. If you guys want I can also do this for the other races.

Grey said:
To do:

Hammer out some rules for magic.
Anyone in the mood to help flesh out the magic of this world? I've got a few classic fantasy magical items in mind, but I don't want to get carried away with them before I'm sure if they'll fit in.
Bone2pick said:
Anyone in the mood to help flesh out the magic of this world? I've got a few classic fantasy magical items in mind, but I don't want to get carried away with them before I'm sure if they'll fit in.
I was thinking potions or magical elixirs. Certain items like pendants, rigns, etc. that give the user some powers.
[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]I was thinking potions or magical elixirs. Certain items like pendants, rigns, etc. that give the user some powers.

I had those in mind too. For instance, Caliphate nobles may carry never empty water skins when they set out into the desert. That's a relatively minor enchantment (though a very practical one) that just enhances a standard piece of equipment.

And that leads me to my next thought: maybe whale's blood is the most potent available magical ingredient, but it's not the only ingredient. Maybe the Caliphate harvests a rare oasis flower, that when combined with the right rituals and alchemy, can bestow supernatural gifts. Basically the world has several magical elements (whale's blood, volcanic rock, oasis flower, ect) that can be processed individually or combined together to create magical artifacts.

Update on Magical Materials:

There are four known magical materials, each one being difficult to obtain.

1. Whale Blood - Difficult to obtain because it needs a whaling industry to harvest. Large ships, experienced crew, migratory charts, and general sailing knowledge required. Mostly used by the Empire and aquatic cultures.

2. Mana Lilies - Purple flowers trimmed in silver that only grow in hard to find oases. Mostly used by the Caliphate and desert orc tribes.

3. Glitter Ash - Brilliant sparkling dust and pebbles left after streams of lava burn down the sides of volcanoes. It needs to be harvested shortly after the lava cools or it will be lost to wind gusts. Mostly used by islanders.

4. Onyx Ice - Black patches of ice found on the sides of floating glaciers. The ice is formed in freezing conditions, but it will remain frozen in any temperature short of fire. Mostly used by ?
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I'd suggest the Mana Lilies be used by the orcs also, since they roam in the desert. I'm not sure though ifit would make sense to just have them move on a timely basis. Maybe just have different tribes across the desert. Would they clash with the Caliphate?
I agree that the orcs would also harvest the mana lilies. In fact, I would be surprised if they didn't try to sell as much as they could spare back to the Caliphate. And I don't imagine the orcs and the Caliphate would clash too often. Sometimes they would, sure. A short tempered orc chief might become rivals with a dishonest Caliphate merchant lord, but no more than usual. The Caliphate is always open for business, so the market is their top priority. And I imagine them dealing with the orcs on two main fronts.

1. Mana Lily trading

2. Desert guides/scouts

And if a few older orcs wanted a change of scenery, they could retire in nearly any Caliphate city they desired.
I'll fulfill my promise and expand on the desert orcs. I shall describe the island orcs when done with these guys.

-They work in a "caste" system. There are Merchants, Artificers(Mages), Craftsmen, etc.

-A 17 year old orc is chosen from each caste to train to become a Far Seer. After 13 years of training they are sent on a journey to discover the final resting place of the former Far Seer and retrieve a pendant. To obtain it, one must know an incantation. Without the incantation the pendant will be harder to find and releases either electrical charges or is incredibly hot to the touch. Once the incantation is performed the pendant will "sing" to the orc. I realize I might have gotten into too much detail with this ritual alone so I'll just go on with something else.

-A chieftain is chosen every 5 years by hand to hand duel. It is not always to the death and if defeated the former chief will become an advisor to the new chief.

-Females, however, cannot become chieftain, but they have the same opportunities as males do. They can become warriors, merchants, artificers, whatever they wish without much trouble.

Also, question to @Bone2pick

Would the Caliphate accept young orcs into its schools or at least be able to send a few teachers there for anyone that wishes to expand their knowledge. It wouldn't come cheap either. They'd mostly offer craftables amd from time to time a few Mana Lilies.
Would the Caliphate schools accept Orc speakers? Absolutely. The administration seeks out worthy foreigners to lecture their students about world history & culture. And would the schools accept young orcs who wished to study? Ultimately yes, but with hesitation. understand that Bayt wa Lawh is a prestigious institution which has fairly high tuition fees. The cost basically ensures only the upper-middle class and wealthier classes can attend. It's not a matter of culture, it's a matter of price. And to an extent, it's also who you know (because entry can be competitive).

The question I have is would the young desert orcs be interested in attending a university? I think of the desert orcs as roughly early Native American in spirit. A bit reclusive, dismissive of other world views, deeply tribal, and overall not very open to the value of any foreign system of education.

I believe we're trying to keep clear distinctions between the island orcs (more open and worldly) and the desert orcs (more clannish, aloof, and spiritual). I hope that answers your questions. Let me know how that sounds.
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Bone2pick said:
Would the Caliphate schools accept Orc speakers? Absolutely. Their administration seeks out worthy foreigners to lecture their students about world history & culture. And would the schools accept young orcs who wished to study? Ultimately yes, but with hesitation. understand that Bayt wa Lawh is a prestigious institution which has fairly high admission fees. The cost basically ensures only the upper-middle class and wealthier classes can attend. It's not a matter of culture, it's a matter of cost. And to an extent, it's also who you know (because entry can be competitive).
The question I have is would the young desert orcs be interested in attending a university? I think of the desert orcs as roughly early Native American in spirit. A bit reclusive, dismissive of other world views, deeply tribal, and overall not very open to the value of any foreign system of education.

I believe we're trying to keep clear distinctions between the island orcs (more open and worldly) and the desert orcs (more clannish, aloof, and spiritual). I hope that answers your questions. Let me know how that sounds.
You do prove a point. I was thinking about special cases. Mostly young orcs who, in spite of their way of life, seek something more fulfilling, be it Artificers or just those who want to study. Y'know, like those rebelling, angsty teens. Or perhaps the old ways are declining with the new generation, demanding that they are let to explore the world and experiencing what is to experience maybe having heard of their island-dwelling cousins and feeling a certain bump to try and 'reunite' the orcs. I'd also suggest we name the desert "Zion". It's nothing special, just preference.
You know, it would be very interesting if this youngest generation of desert orcs started (slightly) to reject the world views and traditions of their tribal elders...

Maybe a charismatic young orc is thinking about starting a cultural revolution? There's a lot of depth to explore there imo. Good idea.
Bone2pick said:
You know, it would be very interesting if this youngest generation of desert orcs started (slightly) to reject the world views and traditions of their tribal elders...
Maybe a charismatic young orc is thinking about starting a cultural revolution? There's a lot of depth to explore there imo. Good idea.
I thought of something like that for a character. Maybe my character and yours could be friends?
I'm game for that idea. My character, at least my plans for him, is that he's a former Caliphate thieves guild leader who has been recently overthrown by his own guild.

I built failure right into him from the start. (8))

Anyway, he's the type to work with & befriend anyone who can help him get shit done.

Update: I wanted to share my submissions for setting images. I envision much of the (Zion?) desert rocky and scrub brush covered, so more Mexican than Sarahan. Check these out.

Bone2pick said:
I'm game for that idea. My character, at least my plans for him, is that he's a former Caliphate thieves guild leader who has been recently overthrown by his own guild.
I built failure right into him from the start. (8))

Anyway, he's the type to work with & befriend anyone who can help him get shit done.
Mine would be a fairly young Artificer, let's say 20-something. Charming and not so fond of 'the old ways'. Maybe a Far Seer candidate who got booted from their training because of another candidate. Have some sort of defining moment. Instead of failure I gave them a desire for vengeance.

Edit: I'm liking the desert pics.

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