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Realistic or Modern Un-Masked


Ruling unknown Kingdoms

Some people hide behind a mental mask, a single smile that hides those around them from seeing what is truly within the person.

In recent years such a thing has grown to be an actual common thing which has been taken seriously by each area within the world, the idea of success has become very important to the world. But empathy and burdening others with how a person may feel is now considered a tool to falter someones path to improving the next generation.

By telling a friend or student your personal problems you are ruining their focus and determination in a certain topic, and for the past couple generations this has been frowned upon.

With this mind set being pressured into each childs mind it's difficult to express who a person is and how they function.

But that's perfect isn't it? It is, it is.

But few seem to not quite understand that and instead of seeing those whose career center around talking about problems they express it to their fellow citizens. It soon became a style, it was an act of rebellion to be seen crying openly or whispering your problems to someone else. And so, actual physical masks became a mandatory accessory.

Just like a necklace or a pair of earrings masks began to be worn on a daily basis, and within our current time anyone who isn't to wear one was instantly outcasted. They were most commonly ostracized and left alone so they couldn't burden anyone else with their conscious, or perhaps corrupt them into thinking the same.

And that's what we are, we're the 'un-masked', the people who hold an ambitious amount of courage and remove our masks.


The main idea is that those who are 'un-masked' or simply are against people wearing masks will form a club and attempt to raise awareness on how it's okay to express what we feel internally. We'll help each other with our personal problems and perhaps go a few adventures in the process.


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