Um, hi there! It's been a while ^_^'


I feel like a newbie all over again
Hi there :)

It's been quite a while since I last rp'ed, but I thought I would try and give it a shot again. I used to love anime and manga themed rp's via GaiaOnline and Neopets...gosh, about ten years ago now? I've moved much more towards writing fanfiction in recent years, but I always round rp's to be a great way to inspire me to keep writing regularly.

I'm hoping to find a few one to one or small group roleplays, either fandom based or horror (or a combination of the two). I think I'll have to explore the forums here to reacquaint myself with rp'ing.

So, er... that's it I guess. Hi :33:
Hi! Welcome to RPN!

Fanfiction and rp often go close together! I even wrote fanfiction based on rp and roleplayed a fanfic XD
I hope you find what you're looking for!
Hi! Welcome to RPN!

Fanfiction and rp often go close together! I even wrote fanfiction based on rp and roleplayed a fanfic XD
I hope you find what you're looking for!
Thank you! :) Oooh can I ask which fandom? That’s so awesome! I’m hoping I manage to find others who are interested in the same fandoms ^_^
Hakuouki. and that fanfiction/rp is still ongoing XD

What fandoms do you like?
Too many dead fandoms :closedeyescryingfrown:D': For current, I’m a huge MCU fan, but so many of my anime and manga fandoms long since died:dead: Must. Find. New ones!
It should be fairly easy to find people for MCU I think ^^
But yeah i know what you mean. A lot of fandoms are kinda dead and if you come across a dedicated fan it still doesn't mean they would rp in that fandom.
I wish you good luck though. Maybe you'll find someone!
Good luck to you too! ^_^ Thank you :) I totally know what you mean - even if you do find a super fan who likes to rp a dead fandom, chances are they won’t like the same characters or pairings :closedeyescryingfrown:
Hi!! I'm a (sorta) new and it's awesome that you're trying out roleplaying again! I haven't had a true rp in about 2-3 years, so I'm a bit rusty too lol
Hi!! I'm a (sorta) new and it's awesome that you're trying out roleplaying again! I haven't had a true rp in about 2-3 years, so I'm a bit rusty too lol
Hiya! *waves*
It’s aweslme you’re trying out roleplaying again too! :o What made you decide to come back? :csmile: I’m sure we’ll both get over being a bit rusty in no time :bishiesparklesl:
Hello! I just joined, and wanted to well, jump in? While not happy, I'm relieved I'm not the only one suffering from Dead Fandoms. It is a sad, sad existence...
Welcome to RPN, I am late as always.
I used to be big into Gaia as well. Glad to see they flood here too!
Again welcome to RPN.

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