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Fandom ★ u n d e r t a l e ☆




Hello! I have been
literally dying for a good Undertale roleplay. This Undertale roleplay will be a tiny bit different. In this alternate version, there are four humans in the Underground. Chara, Frisk, and two OC humans. It is up to you how you respond to the presence of humans in the Underground. This will be a character driven roleplay, and the literacy level is between casual and detailed. So at least one 7 sentence paragraph per post for the bare minimum. There will be canon characters and OCs as well. Each person can have up to 3 characters in all. If you choose to make multiple characters, you can make up to 2 in the canon category, one in the human category, and up to 3 in the OC category. Basically, just run it by me when you choose to make a character. Telling me the characters you are going to make isn't reserving anything' it's just letting me know what you are up to. I will choose which characters are accepted and which are denied once we have a healthy amount of applicants. You can make an OC related to a canon character, but only certain ones. Ask me ahead of time. Also, if I am missing a canon character you want to make, let me know.


Chara - Open.

Frisk - Open.

Human 3 - Open.

Human 4 - Open.
OC 1 - @H A N A K O (Aesthesia)

OC 2 - Open.

OC 3 - Open.

OC 4- Open.

OC 5 - Open.

(There must be at least three. If many people make OCs that I like, I may add more slots.)
Flowey - Open.

Toriel - Open.

Sans - Open.

Papyrus - Open.

Alphys - Open.

Undyne - Open.

Agore - Open.

Mettaton - Open.

Asriel - Open.

Napstablook - Open.

W.D. Gaster - Open.

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Oh, @Noivian , it would be my pleasure to perform a Sans for any roleplay, indeed I would be interested and appreciate the offer! If the creator of the roleplay would agree, of course. But if you would like to try out the role, it would be a pleasure to see your take on the character, dear, and I don't want to take such a chance away from you. <3

I've become enthralled with Sans as of late, and as much as I wish to take on the role, I feel you would do a much better job than I.

On a side note, I'm setting up an 1x1 Undertale RP. Would you like me to ping you when the plot is up?
Oh, thank you dear! That is very kind of you indeed. :)

I would like to apply for the role of Sans if possible for this then, as it would be lovely to do so. I hope I will be a worthy performer for such role.

And sure @Noivian , it would be my absolute pleasure to see such a thing, that sounds absolutely fascinating! <3
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i'm glad this sparked some interest !

Yeah it's awsome!

I'll be waiting for it to start
I'm taking the last human spot before someone else does
I'm bringing my favorite Undertale O.C. to life here, if you don't mind.

*magic sounds*

Coury R. Neu at your service... wait, this isn't DistantLand!

What have you done with my post?

I can't watch for humans!

I'm going insane here and you're doing
I am interested and i see a few i know here...can i...um TAKE UNDYNE!?! I WUV THE SUSHI WARRIOR! and i would gladly RP as her and enjoy a nice stroll to KIL-...um i mean be friend every human ^^ is not like our king needs there souls or anything...i just love the pretty colors is all!....um...yea they make pretty soul lamps! ^^ my favorite is RED!.....fuahaha...
Yonsisac said:
I am interested and i see a few i know here...can i...um TAKE UNDYNE!?! I WUV THE SUSHI WARRIOR! and i would gladly RP as her and enjoy a nice stroll to KIL-...um i mean be friend every human ^^ is not like our king needs there souls or anything...i just love the pretty colors is all!....um...yea they make pretty soul lamps! ^^ my favorite is RED!.....fuahaha...
Don't even think about hurting me
AloisMackens said:
Don't even think about hurting me
Sorry mate but i want the EASY red -3-....or if you want i can try and kill you for it...its not like i might give you a bad time or anything im just a fish with spears...

"I dare ya boy...come on....FIGHT ME!"
AloisMackens said:
Oh you're scared of me? You choose the easy way? Well I thought you be better.
But...but...you said not to think of hurt you so i get the easy one....i am just doing what ya said ;3;

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