Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

Nobody's perfect, and everyone's got at least one noteworthy quirk at that gets on the nerves of others. And, if it's really that bad or disruptive, they can be shown the door and their characters written out of the storyline. This is why I'm super-tolerant of annoying issues with fellow players.

When it comes to GMs though, I'm far more critical. Bad player habits can disrupt a scene or two, but bad GM habits can torpedo an entire RP.

  1. Letting bad players ruin an RP: May as well mention it first. If someone in the group isn't "getting it" and won't listen to reason, it's your responsibility to your creative vision - and the sanity of your players - to drop that person. You're under no obligation to be nice about it either, so if your concern as GM is "you don't want to hurt their feelings", then yes, taking the extra moment to craft a gentle-yet-firm pink slip is appreciated, but not mandatory. This goes hand in hand with...
  2. GMs trying to be everyone's "buddy": A minor annoyance but still worth noting. At some point, two people in your RP are going to disagree about how something should be done. Your responsibility is to settle the dispute, not "see it from both sides". Again, if you can do both, then awesome sauce and you deserve a medal, Mr. Churchill. But if there's no third-path compromise, stow the cajoling and make the decision that best fits your creative vision. And on THAT note...
  3. GMs without a creative vision: Every RP starts with an idea. However, GMs should evolve past that basic seed of an idea before setting up their IC/OOC/CS/Lore/Etc tabs. This is critical during the character creation phase; you're wasting both your time and everyone else's if people are creating characters that don't fit your world, because they only have a hastily slapped together Lore page to go from. And, if you don't have any idea what direction you plan on going with this whole thing, then don't be surprised if the IC thread becomes a sloppy directionless mess of random musings.
  4. GMs who insist on too much arbitrary and/or redundant information in the CSes: I have yet to run into an IC situation that would be crippled without knowing ahead of time that my character "Likes: Apple pie" and "Dislikes: Mondays". The same goes for requesting detailed historical elements (e.g. locations, family histories, social circles) in a setting that will never actually use them in a practical way. If players volunteer these details, that's hunky-dory, but it shouldn't be mandatory for players to dive more deeply into their own asses than the RP will ever need.
  5. GMs who don't set the pace: It's your baby. Make it clear with both OOC words and IC actions how detailed and how often you want people to RP, and make sure you're moving the plot forward in the process. Otherwise, don't lament that the RP's been meandering along for 2 weeks and the characters are still just randomly carousing in the starting tavern.
  6. GMs on obvious power trips: There is no greater sin in RPing as far as I'm concerned. GMs should ideally be tour guides, and maybe supervisors, but never dictators. I think we can all recall an example of this. You usually see this with "general concept" RPs, where the "Lore" consists of a genre and maybe some general locations, but then the GM pitches a fit if someone's character does something that "wouldn't happen" in that world. Another telltale sign is the GM populates their world with elements borrowed or stolen from existing works, then refers to it as "my world" or "my creation" when shooting down someone else's suggested additions. Really, what it comes down to is GMs who start games just so they have people to boss around, and the most annoying part about it is how they seem to think their players will never get wise to this.
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Players who can't abide character restrictions.


Recent roleplay. Original setting, typical fantasy classes, elves, halflings, orcs, dragonborn, gnomes, custom races, wtf ever you want, idc. Only restriction: CANNOT BE HUMAN OR HALF-HUMAN. All standard classes, be whatever you want! Only restriction? NO MAGIC.

1)No humans. 2) No magic users.

These restrictions were for setting purposes: humans had been hunted down and wiped out hundreds of years ago because they had become collectively evil, and kept doing evil shit, so the other races ERASED them. No humans. That still leaves, um, like INFINITE other options. And I had made it clear from the very beginning that the rp would be very magic-lite. What magic was present would only be seen in ancient ruins and legendary beasts. NO ONE, player or NPC, would be casting magic in ANY shape or form. I encouraged focusing on skills like diplomacy, history, crafting, etc.

So whats the first thing one of the player's says to me?

-"If I have a really good backstory, can i be human and cast fire magic?!?!?!"

--"No, I explicitly restricted both of those."

---"Oh . . . but I don't want to be anything else really . . . "

----"Then go find another RP."

-----"You know, no one is gonna have fun if they aren't free to make their characters how the want to. Why so many rules? Seems a bit unnecessary."

------"You are free to make your character however you want to. You can be a half dark elf half orc swashbuckler, or a half gnome half dwarf engineer. Or ten thousand other combinations. There are only two rules. They are necessary because of the plot and setting."

-------" . . . can I be a half human spellsword then?"

You get it. If I had not specifically restricted human and magic, that person wouldnt have cared.

And as far as RP types I dislike: I just can't stand animal/furry RPs, high school/braindead anime RPs. Shits weird.
Scylla said:
Also school RPs. Can't you just simply go to school/college?
Depends on what the driving force of the school roleplay is. Technically X-men roleplays can be seen as school roleplays if they take place in Xavier's Institute. But funny thing - it might be a school with kids but how many times have you seen anyone actually go to class in the media featuring the location?

One movie. Sometimes in the comics as a background tool.

I think some school classes are fun. Like when the school is an academy where you learn to like use giant alien mechs or have magic battles in the cooriders, etc.

But if you mean straight up doing Joe Schmoe High focusing on cliches and b.s. with no other over-arching plot than yeah. Gag me with a spoon.

But if school is just the setting and the plot is like - Murder Mystery - Sci Fi Gundom Training - etc. than nothing wrong with a school setting.
AbherrantForm said:
Players who can't abide character restrictions.

Recent roleplay. Original setting, typical fantasy classes, elves, halflings, orcs, dragonborn, gnomes, custom races, wtf ever you want, idc. Only restriction: CANNOT BE HUMAN OR HALF-HUMAN. All standard classes, be whatever you want! Only restriction? NO MAGIC.

1)No humans. 2) No magic users.

That sounds awesome and really original. I'm sorry they pestered you about it instead of just moving on to something else.
Xyshurondor said:
That sounds awesome and really original. I'm sorry they pestered you about it instead of just moving on to something else.
Thanx, i ended up kicking the derp out, and it turned out great anyway. That one guy was the only person that had any issue with the restrictions.
Some things that will drive me up a wall as I prefer to do more "realistic" RP:

1. Power and meta gaming. This has already been said on just about every post here but I'll restate it again. No, your character isn't the sequel the Jesus. Stop trying to make him/her impossible to even trip up. This especially goes for those who want to RP younger characters. So we've established a realistic setting, yeah? Then why is it that a random 20 year old who lived in a farm his whole life is also a master swordsman? Not to mention his perfect personality and striking intelligence. People are flawed, make your characters flawed. (This can be taken too far but I'll get to that next.) Then there's Meta gaming. This often goes in hand with power gaming as players try to force mine or others hands during RP by using information they had no way of knowing without reading OOCly.

2. "Cry me a river." This is when a character is too flawed or uses every post as a reminder that they have a dark past. You know the type. They sit in a corner, alone, brooding and full of edge. Tragedy struck them at a young age and now that's all they speak of. It's the only thing that motivates them. So much so that this tragedy practically is the character's personality. I'm fine with tragedy in character stories as tragic events can shape one's life; however, nobody has constant hell reign upon him like that. People naturally try to push tragedy out of their lives, not hold onto it. Let the positive shape your character just as much as the negative. Realistic is not synonymous with dark and gritty.

3. RPing the opposite sex to fit one's fap material. I'm a guy. I've RP'd many girl characters and many male characters. That's all fine and I think I've done a pretty good job at it. But there are so many who take the opportunity to RP the opposite sex as a means to make a walking sex doll. Rather than treating the opposite sex like another person it's just a means to have her unusually large chest flop about whenever it's inconvenient. Or to have his perfect broad shouldered and ripped body tear his shirts in two. Sex is fine. We're all adults here and let's face it, everyone is horny. Just keep the hormones in check when trying to represent a sex other than your own.

First non intro post is me complaining. That's a good start. :D
Silas said:
I don't like it when people have the inability to lose. I'm fine with letting my characters get killed/injured if somebody springs a clever trap for them, but some people always think they have to win.
People are thinking the roleplay is some sort of video game.
AbherrantForm said:
These restrictions were for setting purposes: humans had been hunted down and wiped out hundreds of years ago because they had become collectively evil, and kept doing evil shit, so the other races ERASED them.
good 'ole ethnic cleansing

images come to mind of elven soldiers burning stuff and raping human farmgirls

wait hold on

what if my character's ancestor was a raped human farmgirl? c-can they be half elf?
Characters made solely to romance other characters. You know the ones: Sloppy and so painfully obvious they put little work in them just so they could be the first one to get in your character's pants. I once knew a guy who would make a character for every girl created in an old forum I was in long ago. If he got rejected or if they didn't want to write with him, he just killed them off in some one-liner freak accident.

A: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

B: "No."

A: And then 'A' got stabbed by his long lost brother carrying a huge ass anime weaboo sword looking for revenge for [insert obscure and ridiculous reason not mentioned ONCE in A's backstory here].

Like, really? Really? You're gonna play that card huh?

This is getting kind of lengthy so I'll only post one, but trust me, there are a lot more that I can't stand.
Cavil said:
1. Romanizing mental illnesses as something attractive or role playing them incorrectly or incompletely. Bipolar disorder is NOT cool. Schizophrenia is NOT cool. People with mental illnesses like that will fuck shit up, not 'learn to love' so quickly.
Another thing: making characters that have a tragic backstory but are 'open to having a relationship'. What the fuck? How?
I remember I was part of a role play like that. I looked up an illness and created quirks and characteristics according to it, and the GM of the role play said my character was too crazy!!! xD

My character saw green people and thought they were aliens. She would attack them on sight. What the hell was the GM thinking? Mental illnesses need to be more normal?

*sighs in frustration*

I ended up killing my own character in the end. She looked in the mirror, saw that she was green and killed herself. I couldn't stand how normal their characters were. lol
Age ranges with no justification. It's fine if say, the characters need to be teen or up in a darker RP, but I despise it when theres a very limited age range (ex. 15-19) and the OP doesn't explain.
I suppose I hate dystopian roleplays that have incredibly silly reasons for why the dystopia exists in the first place, and/or don't really bother to explain how such radical social change even occured. I suppose there's a few examples I've seen.

-The president decided to give up the entire country to North Korea and everyone just went along with it.

-Some tiny, crazy terrorist group manages to overthrow the government, despite the country being completely stable and nobody supporting said terrorists.

-Out of the blue, the government decides to become evil. The entire populace allows the country to INSTANTLY transition from a liberal democracy into a ridiculously oppressive dictatorship without even caring.

Of course, I'm not just some optimist who thinks governments lack the ability to become oppressive. It just takes certain circumstances for dictatorships to rise.
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SilverSanctuaries said:
Characters made solely to romance other characters. You know the ones: Sloppy and so painfully obvious they put little work in them just so they could be the first one to get in your character's pants. I once knew a guy who would make a character for every girl created in an old forum I was in long ago. If he got rejected or if they didn't want to write with him, he just killed them off in some one-liner freak accident.
A: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

B: "No."

A: And then 'A' got stabbed by his long lost brother carrying a huge ass anime weaboo sword looking for revenge for [insert obscure and ridiculous reason not mentioned ONCE in A's backstory here].

Like, really? Really? You're gonna play that card huh?

This is getting kind of lengthy so I'll only post one, but trust me, there are a lot more that I can't stand.
Related to this people who ask you to create characters whose only purpose is get in their characters pants. Or at the very least worship their character like some flawless Adonis/Angel.

I kid you not that's happened to me once in a roleplay.

[ it was a supernatural school roleplay ]


So i'm going to play a animated skeleton teacher.


Can the skeleton be a female? I only play with females.


Um...sure whatever.


Can you also make a second character, like a werewolf?


Yeah no problem... here's some ideas [ insert short character pitch ]


Okay but can you have her spend all class staring dreamily at my character and fantasing about them?



[ respectfully i declined the roleplay after that ]

Actually now that I think about it - dictating the kinds of characters your partner can play is also another peeve of mine. I mean unless the plot specifically calls for set roles than don't be telling me ...

Yeah I want you to play a punk rocker with dyslexia and a sarcastic sense of humor.

Um how about I choose who I want to play myself.
I'm in five active RPs, one here, one on Skype and three via email, since I joined this site. My hard and fast rule now is that I won't play characters created by other people - not canon characters, no, but also definitely not those created by other roleplayers, and for mostly the reason readingraebow has given.

I responded to a roleplay ad a week ago where the person listed a lot of things that sounded compatible - medium-length posts, fast post rate, good grammar and syntax, interested in an original fantasy setting. Then, when I pitched my original fantasy universe to her via email, she said,

"Actually I just want to play a bad girl assassin and have you play an incubus prince. My character is supposed to kill yours but she doesn't, and then they fall in love. He's really too nice to rule a kingdom, and over time she gets nicer and he gets tougher as they learn from each other."

I'm not looking to be someone's finger puppet. If you want that, you should openly state it in your ad or profile listing. Someone else might still go for it (I know some people don't like character creation). The second anyone uses the word "incubus" or "succubus" I'm also going to decline because no, you do not have an interesting plot involving that, you want to write bad erotica.
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readingraebow said:
Me: So i'm going to play a animated skeleton teacher.
Them: Can the skeleton be a female? I only play with females.
Lmao its a skeleton. The other guy wanted it to be female? "Mhm girl... look at that bone structure."

I will say that playing a character someone else made can be alright. On another RP form I use, two players asked me to play their character's child as they trusted me to play a child well. The child is only 5 or 6 years old at the moment so I get to project a lot of my own ideas in the character so long as its reasonable to the family life she's been surrounded in.

That being said, I've never had anyone tell me or force me to play "X" character for then. The child thing mentioned above was something they asked me to do and I had the choice to say no.

As some real contribution to the thread... Don't you just LOVE when people refuse to have any character development? I guess people never learn and grow from mistakes or challenges they face.
-OVERLY CUTSEY INTRODUCTIONS ON RECRUITMENT-When I see people trying to be cute when they introduce themselves, I think, This seems childish and immature. Why would I want to role play with someone childish and immature. Honestly I hate opening a recruitment thread and seeing:

HAAAAAAAIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^ ^-^ <3 <3

-BAND RP'S-I don't know why, I just hate them.

-COMBINING ANIME AND REAL PHOTOS-It just seems so weird when half of the characters are fake and drawn and the other half look real.

-"MAKE IT PRETTY"-Honestly, I don't want to see pretty. Because "pretty" usually means, small, curly font, in bright coloring.

-SLICE OF LIFE-I tried this once and I got so bored, so quickly.

-FINDING OUT SOMEONE'S PLOT NEEDS A CERTAIN CHARACTER AFTER I'VE SHOWN INTEREST-I hate finding out that a plot needs a specific character after I've shown interest. I messaged someone about a pairing and the plot they gave required a certain type of character, a tough character. I HATE playing tough characters. I really prefer playing characters that have to find their strength. I feel it offers more development.

-RECRUITMENT-I don't mind someone messaging me saying, "Hey, I've seen you around and I see your interested in (insert type of RP here). I had something that's similar. Would you like to do it?" I don't mind because it usually, I am interested in it. What I do mind is someone messaging me randomly with plots that I have never been associated with. I have had someone ask about an Avatar RP, yet there I have not once shown any interest in it.

-PEOPLE WHO ARGUE WITH THE GM-I haven't seen this one often, but I did once see someone whining because they wanted their character to sing their own version of 'Let it Go.'

-OVER TRAGIC BACKSTORY'S-This is so overused, and they just get lazy. Someone said that nothing happy had ever happened to him. Basically, everyone goes through every horrific thing that can happen to them, and in the end, the only effect it has on them are trust issues, which are usually resolved after meeting the love interest. I have done Cinderella RP's in the past, and there it is kind of unavoidable. But still, there was the fact that most of the tragic backstory characters make themselves the victim, something that characters like Cinderella don't do.

-NAMES-A lot of people chose names that make their character sound cool and edgy, I roll my eyes. I can sometimes give my characters names that are not very common. But they are not names that no one in the history of the world has ever given their child. Oh, and there are names so overused (which I will not mention, as they are common) that I liked, but then everyone names their character that, and I get tired.

-PLAGERISTS-Have I taken inspiration for things used in my RP's, but I have never used someone else's idea entirely. My friend and I created an RP, which has died. But, I found that someone had taken our plot and I found out a month later. They literally copied and pasted what we wrote. It was about two rival families and they didn't even change the names. They didn't PM either of us, they didn't give us credit, they didn't say that they did not create the plot. They didn't say they did, but not saying they didn't is a jerk move.

-"I'M COOL WITH ANYTHING"-I have heard people say that they were cool with anything. They ask me what role and what pairing I prefer, but then act all upset with my choices.

-THEME SONGS-I used this maybe once or twice, and then I said never again. Honestly, the music used is so generic, and it's usually just a song the creator likes.

-PRESSURE-I don't ask if people are still interested until at least a weak, but at one point, I had someone asking me every twenty or thirty minutes when I was going to post.

-STARTING RP' WITH SCHOOL COMING UP-School before RPN, I know. But don't start an RP when you start school in a week. You know it's coming, you know you're not going to have time to post. You might have fun, and know you're going to leave soon, but I hate being informed that 'School starts tomorrow, I have to drop.'


NAME: Mary-Sue

"Hello, nice to meet you."

-THINKING THINGS ARE OBVIOUS-I am guilty of this. If I create a realistic RP, I think it's obvious that there is no magic, but then, 'I have magic powers that were given to me by a witch.'








-STUPID PERSONALITIES-I have seen someone create quadruplets, and their personalities were basically what color they liked. I have seen looks listed as personalities, too, and I hate it.

-THINKING PEOPLE THAT MEAN TO THEIR CHARACTERS MEANS BEING MEAN TO THEM-They act like a character being mean to theirs, is the RPer being mean to them. It's like those people who identify with certain characters and then feel attacked and offended when you say you don't like them.

-DUMBASSES IN DISTRESS-This is common in medieval RP's that are Princess X Kidnapper. You know, when the character is a princess who has defied every expectation of a princess and has always taken sword fighting lessons and knows all types of combat. But when someone shows up to kidnap her, all skills are gone. She usually gets knocked out and when she wakes up, all those fighting skills are back.

-TELL DON'T SHOW-I have seen an RP where someone was writing in (), as in OOC, this is why this is happening, this is why the characters are feeling this way.

-EXTREME TOMBOY-If you want your character to be a tomboy, that's fine, but I hate seeing them act like someone being girly is an awful thing, and immediately hate them for it. I literally had someone think about my character being feminine was insulting to her as a female. I wasn't offended by it, as I know that's how her character thinks, and not how the creator thinks. I don't know, maybe because I have seen so many characters who are like this on teen sitcoms, specifically Disney, who kind of embed it into the minds of young girls that if you were pink and be girly, you're a bad person. I think I was really annoyed by it, because I was really annoyed by the RPer. I was in a developing relationship. This person said their character has a crush on the character I was with, but she wasn't really looking for a relationship. Then when mine and the other persons got together, she asked if we could break up.

SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE SCHOOL: They usually are just like, “You’ve been an outcast your whole life. You have no friends, your parents fear you. Here’s why…” I can’t help but laugh at those RP’s.

INSTA-ROMANCE-This happened in my early days of RPing. I once role played with someone who cut himself for my character the day after they met. This was my first Romance RP and I hope I’ve matured from it.

JOINING AN RP LATE-I like that some RP’s are always accepting, but I hate when people show up when the RP is like 10 pages in. When they show up, it’s just kind of awkward.

FIRST PERSON, PRESENT TENSE-I can handle present tense, though I hate first person. It’s distracting to read so many posts with third person, past tense, and then see someone write in first person, past tense.


“I walk up to you and kiss your hand.”

“Bob walks up to you and kisses your hand.”

OOC IN IC-Honestly, I get asking a question once in a while, but I hate seeing, (How is everyone?).

“I’M TOO BUSY TO RP”-I get when people start an RP and then something comes up and they have to drop. But then a day or two later, you see them joining other RP’s.

“PAY ATTENTION TO MEEE!”-People who think the RP revolves around them. They always show up and try to make people pay attention to them. I was in this one RP and this one character showed up and just started talking to everyone around, even though it was really distracting. It was in a tense moment to, and she was acting very childish, like she really had no idea what was going on.
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[QUOTE="Mia Moulop]

-STARTING RP' WITH SCHOOL COMING UP-School before RPN, I know. But don't start an RP when you start school in a week. You know it's coming, you know you're not going to have time to post. You might have fun, and know you're going to leave soon, but I hate being informed that 'School starts tomorrow, I have to drop.'


NAME: Mary-Sue

"Hello, nice to meet you."

-THINKING PEOPLE THAT MEAN TO THEIR CHARACTERS MEANS BEING MEAN TO THEM-They act like a character being mean to theirs, is the RPer being mean to them. It's like those people who identify with certain characters and then feel attacked and offended when you say you don't like them.

Agreed on all three of these points, and aside from Mary Sues (and Gary Stus) neither of the other points are spoken about enough in my opinion. Understanding time commitment is vital to having a good RP thrive or die a week later. -_-
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1x1 Partners that make me feel like I'm talking to a brick wall.

I can put in all the interesting hooks and twists, only for them to stall so I have to decide.


<... ...There was a sharp knock on the door, Daniel looked up in confusion. Who would be there at this hour?>

<Melanie walked over and opened the door>

I hate this with a passion. I had it so an alarm went off, maybe a fire, maybe a burglary. What does she do? She looks around and asks what it is!

Needless to say, I quit shortly after.

EDIT: For some reason, some of these despie posts reminded me of when I found an EarthBound roleplay on another site years ago. There were a few slots open, and someone asked me to play Jeff. I agreed happily, as Jeff is one of my favourite characters. Said person asked everyone about playing a second, minor character. (I chose Everdred. Dunno why.) They chose Tony and every post was just really lengthy, flowery angst/slobbering over Jeff, which really bothered me.
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People who can't seem to understand the concept that I have a life outside of RPNation. And start harrasing me for a response or a post within minutes of posting their reply.

Like okay A. I can't make a three paragraph post in less than five minutes. B. even if I could I am currently having dinner with my family so get over yourself.

I just find the constant harrasment super childish. Like it's great that you have limitless free time but don't expect other people to forgo having a life of their own just to cater to your ego.
Hmm... Somehow, everything that I read was true in a way...

From Mary-Sues to people pressuring others to answer faster because clearly no one has a life outside of this website! But, of course, nothing is/can be perfect, may it be a character or the RPNation community. Then again, not everyone has the same definition of perfection, nor the same preferences roleplay-wise. Oh, well.

Personally, the only things that bother me are Mary-Sues, smut in a roleplay for the only purpose of having smut in said roleplay, edgy and over-tragic backstories and forced, instant romance. Other than that, I'm good.
I'm just going to plop it down here,

Why the hell does everyone in RPnation hate Military Rp, or is that just a small group i haven't met with yet?

But i definitely hate Powerplay, it just burns an rp to the ground.

QuixoticKitten said:
  • Roleplayers who give their characters terribly depressing backstories ALL THE TIME. Sorry, but we can't all be a product of the foster system, abused, and raped when we were ten. That's not how life works.
  • Unbalanced characters: I tend to hang in the realistic section, and I see characters whose creators a) list personality and b) make it somewhat like this: + hot, flexible, funny, lovable, popular - bitchy, sarcastic, addicted to drugs, cheater. Like how is it possible to be bitchy and lovable? And if it even is, can I get this secret o great master of the universe haha?
  • Misrepresentation of mental disorders. Seriously, I have two. They're not cute. Enough said.
  • Roleplays where all people do is party. 'Aint nobody got time fo dat.
  • Any kind of school roleplay that has no plot other than just school. I'm in a college RP right now, but it's about time travel and character building and focuses little on the actual classes.
And if you are talking about bitchy and lovable you have a role model right here.

And the mental disorders part just get misrepresented like if Martin Luther King was wearing sunglasses and a flipped hat in his speech.

But disorders such as Schizophrenia and ADHD get overly abused.

Alot of ADHD characters act like a fucking chipmunk on meth. And many more schizophrenic characters only cover one symptom instead of the other three or four.
Like, what the fuck, you expect me to believe that you can be a fucking chipmunk if you want to because that's how ADHD people act. Hah, No.

Most of 'em need to tone it down a notch, somone with High-functioning Autism may not even act jumpy and hyper, i knew a friend who was depressed as shit all the time, (Not to cover ANOTHER disorder.) he had ADHD.

I believe my post turned into a rant, sorry about 'at.
amdreams said:
Metagaming has always been (and still is) one of my biggest pet peeves. It always annoys me when characters suddenly know secrets or others' thoughts and backgrounds for no reason. Even more so when they don't even try to come up with a reason for why they know so. It's especially frustrating because a lot of the stories and characters I like to do are the ones with misunderstandings, secrets and plot twists. But when you've got people metagaming, none of that matters because they're somehow all knowing and always know exactly what to do so that they're the perfect hero.

  • I have this character, M, who's supposed to seem like a bad guy but is actually sort of good. In the past, I've tried asking people to play along, but somehow everyone is being sympathetic, and rather persistent, with her. I had her set up to look like she killed someone's pet and the person was just like "It's okay. I know you're good deep down." Meanwhile, I'm just screaming, "M just killed the dog you've had for 5 years! Sort of." (Luckily, I know a way around that now.)
  • I've seen another character, C, whose secretly a prince that has never been presented to the public. This one girl, F, then leaves for a trip, doesn't say what happened (even afterwards) and just pops up and says to C, "I know you're a prince."
  • I've had a character say to my character "You're a villain, aren't you?" within 5 minutes (in the rp's time) of even looking at her. All she said was "here" in accordance with roll call.

It really annoys me when this happens, but there is an upside, I guess. I've found that metagamers are also extremely easy to manipulate with selective IC postings and misleading OOC. Just a precaution and slight punishment system.


I'm also not fond of the overly aggressive love interest. It's something I mostly see in female characters but it happens in males too. Basically, these people make it their livelihood, their purpose, to snag a specific character as a love interest with no regard to the feelings of their target or others. It's rather rude in my eyes, the lengths they'd go for this to happen, and sort of creepy if you're the target. And sometimes, this can lead to other problems, like godmodding and metagaming.


  • My character L was in love with X and X loved her back. But another character, J, also liked X. X has rejected J's advances multiple times, saying he loves L. So J then godmods and kills off L. Unfortunately, her plan didn't work as X became repulsed by J for what she did and killed himself out of grief of losing L.
  • My character M had become oddly popular in this one roleplay with a few people trying to get her as their love interest. But none of them were her type and kept doing things that made her hate them more. This particular guy, G, was especially persistent. He kept following M. Whenever M was talking to another guy, G magically teleported in and whisked her away. And he kept trying to force himself on her, despite her (and me) repeatedly screaming at him to stop along with some more violent methods. Eventually, it had gotten to the point where G's roleplayer began harassing me OOC to get M to like G or for tips as to what G should do.

This can get especially ugly in a harem-like setting (any setting where girls heavily outnumber guys) and you have multiple of these overly aggressive love interests. I swear it's like watching hungry dogs fight over a piece of meat. Interesting to read, but you never want to get involved, especially if you're the prize.
I agree. Some rpers can get annoying at times.
The rpers that I hate the most is the ones that want all the attention. I want to talk about my character. They have to ignore what I wrote and then talk about who there character is talking to or what there characters are doing. Like why the fuck did you ignore what I wrote. The rp is not supposed to be just focused on just your character.

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