Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

I made a Percy Jackson roleplay recently, and in the sign-up, I kept a specific area for godly powers. I set guidelines, made it specific. And people made powers that followed the rules, and then they started posting, and they're just like, "Now I have 14 other powers, and it makes no sense why I would have them, but deal with it, because I said so."

That's really freaking annoying. Also, the people that leave out info in the CS, because they 'Don't want people to know'. That's not an excuse. If it's on the CS, and people still magically know, tell the GM. Don't just omit it to make your character this mysterious stranger when every other damned person put down their secrets and weaknesses.
I'm sure someone has already mention it, but a huge pet peeve of mine is those roleplayers that would rather play with themself than other people. Whether it be in a group or in a one on one.

I'm sure everyone has run into one of them, the person that is described as an edgy butt that no one would like and then refuses to talk to anyone or join in on group events because they 'hate humans for all being fake' and whatever other excuse. The one that will be writing short messages every so often so that people remember they are in the group, despite absolutely refusing to talk or interact with anyone. The one that if you attempt to engage them will give you rude responses and make your character feel unwelcome. The ones that get angry when they aren't immediately loved by everyone in the group despite their asshole-ish tendencies.

I absolutely cannot stand these characters, and I truly don't understand how anyone could enjoy playing a character like that.
[QUOTE="Russian peestol pro]"Useless character description"

And also, It's more of an opinion, but I dislike the 'Personality' on the character sheet, because really... why I can I just reveal it on the RP? Do you really have to know exactly how my char acts when that's going to be noticed almost instantly on the first post?

As a GM I find it to be very necessary to need to know how a character is going to act. More than once I've had to reject characters because the personality presented to me did not fit the tone of the game at all, being the sort of, "Oh, I'll kill on a dime and I'm crazy, and so edgy and really cruel and cold and I flirt with everyone and so cool and will shoot you dead without remorse," kind, and I'm not about to have to accept characters like that into my game without knowing it, then turn around and tell the roleplayer, "I changed my mind. I'm kicking you out because it turns out I don't like how you play your character." after they're already in the game, since that isn't the type of thing that comes up in one post.
Dont know how long this rant will be but oh well.

Metagamers/godmodders. Just blegh. Nobody wants to rp with someone with no flaws.

Stage direction format. This is probably the most bland way to rp. Here is an example.

???: Hi I am a Mac.

???: and Im a PC.

Mac: Die, potato. -slashes-.

Awful, is it not? Were not writing a play...

People whose main character is a God or Goddess. See the Godmodder thing above.

Vampires that do not die or weaken in sunlight. Thats like.. One of the main parts of the vampire mythos. Next youre going to tell me your vampire isnt Undead and doesnt drink human blood?

Werewolves that are not brutal, mindless predators. Again, why would you take away one of the scariest parts of a Lycanthrope?

When characters call armor worthless, or say it is too restrictive. Especially in a fantasy setting. Same issue when they say shields are worthless.

Teenagers. You know what teenagers should be doing in any setting? Well I will tell you what they shouldnt be doing: saving the world. Leave that to the experienced adults.

When in combat.. Have you ever had someone write your character getting damaged into their post? That is called autohitting, I believe. That is a roleplaying sin.

People that speak in foreign languages, but do not translate if someone else supposedly knows that language.

Any thoughts?
I absolutely cannot stand the people who see people doing wrong things in roleplay then go on this forum and see that every thread is pretty much that same thread but continue to make their thread anyway... I'm just kidding I love these don't stop making them.
DemetrioMachete said:
Stage direction format. This is probably the most bland way to rp. Here is an example.

???: Hi I am a Mac.

???: and Im a PC.

Mac: Die, potato. -slashes-.

Awful, is it not? Were not writing a play...
I just want to say, just like with para, script-style can be as detailed or un-detailed as you want. I don't use it on forums but most of the time script is my default and I can get pretty detailed. An example in the form of a starter I sent to a friend recently:
[Loud beeps, bangs, and other noises sound through the air, melding with the other assorted noise of the city, originating from the game system in the boy's hands. To anyone, he'd look like a teenage delinquent, with blond hair that might be bleached and a can of spray paint poking out of the pocket of his hoodie. A continued assumption would be that the taller man walking next to him, with neat black hair and a nice suit, is his father.

Of course, none of these assumptions are correct.

They're unrelated. The best word for their connection is probably coworkers, or perhaps business partners. And their work? Preserving souls that have strayed from their intended path and are on the verge of being destroyed. The taller is Sakurai, who reads the souls after collection and disposes of the bodies left behind. But he's not the important one here.

The important one is Amano, the kid paying more attention to his video games than what's in front of him. He's the one that finds the souls in the first place, and handles the extraction of the soul. He can only do this because his own "soul", if you could call it that, is fake, and has a quality which draws him towards those with damaged or unusual souls...

...which seems to be happening right now. His head suddenly snaps up, and he switches off his game as his eyes scan the crowd of people around the duo. Which one is the one that his soul is reacting to?]

...Sakurai. I think we might have work.
Of course, depending on the situation, it could also be as simple as "[shrug.]"
The werewolf thing being in control actually does apply in Elder Scrolls RPs, since at least the Companions (some of whom are werewolves) and the Dragonborn (if werewolf) are able to shift into beast form at will and at least have some control. I think it all depends on the mechanics of the world.

That being said, I hate RPers who shoehorn in things that contradict with the lore and plot. Once I had a Pokemon AU called "Pokemon Delta Species Academy"--it was a school RP, kind of, but had actual action and plot--but then this RPer, clearly a novice, began throwing in things like the main villain worked for someone else (when he clearly worked for himself) and the like. He also godmodded like showing up in someone else's house when clearly it was supposed to be just me and the other player. That what caused me to abandon it as the GM. I plan to make it again here, but I'm not sure when. And also being afraid the same thing will happen again.
UmbreonRogue said:
The werewolf thing being in control actually does apply in Elder Scrolls RPs, since at least the Companions (some of whom are werewolves) and the Dragonborn (if werewolf) are able to shift into beast form at will and at least have some control. I think it all depends on the mechanics of the world.
That being said, I hate RPers who shoehorn in things that contradict with the lore and plot. Once I had a Pokemon AU called "Pokemon Delta Species Academy"--it was a school RP, kind of, but had actual action and plot--but then this RPer, clearly a novice, began throwing in things like the main villain worked for someone else (when he clearly worked for himself) and the like. He also godmodded like showing up in someone else's house when clearly it was supposed to be just me and the other player. That what caused me to abandon it as the GM. I plan to make it again here, but I'm not sure when. And also being afraid the same thing will happen again.
Well the good thing on this site is you can actually ignore people and delete their posts from your roleplay if they try to break your rules or do stuff like that.

Deleting the posts is easy and to ignore someone you click on their avatar and click the ignore link ( it's on the far right after follow )

What Ignore does is I believe it prevents them from contacting you or posting anymore in your threads.
Few things make me swerve around an RP faster than seeing a big backstory about some totally rando gods doing rando godly things and HEY PRESTO ITS THE SETTING NOOOOW.

I feel like "the gods did it" as an explanation for some setting strangeness is just a lazy, easy out that results in a more boring world than it otherwise could. Doesn't help that the gods in question are usually either as flat as a cardboard cutout and/or a self insert.

Also, I actually get a little mad when I see arranged marriage RPs, since I feel that, like with RPs that romanticize mental illness, they are taking a bad thing and making it look positive. Arranged marriages, in the modern world, sometimes involve kidnapping and often involve young girls marrying substantially older men. Arranged marriages are gross.
[QUOTE="Primal Conundrum]Few things make me swerve around an RP faster than seeing a big backstory about some totally rando gods doing rando godly things and HEY PRESTO ITS THE SETTING NOOOOW.
I feel like "the gods did it" as an explanation for some setting strangeness is just a lazy, easy out that results in a more boring world than it otherwise could. Doesn't help that the gods in question are usually either as flat as a cardboard cutout and/or a self insert.

Also, I actually get a little mad when I see arranged marriage RPs, since I feel that, like with RPs that romanticize mental illness, they are taking a bad thing and making it look positive. Arranged marriages, in the modern world, sometimes involve kidnapping and often involve young girls marrying substantially older men. Arranged marriages are gross.

Um as someone who watches several shows dedicated to that arranged marriages do not always involve kidnapping or the like. Maybe in certain countries do but for instance in America they often revolve people going to professional matchmakers and asking them to help find a life partner or going to church leaders/parents/people they trust and again asking the same thing.

Now I'm not saying there aren't roleplays that romanticize a lot of unhealthy relationships. But hell Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey do the same thing and they're world renowned book series. I figure there is no use blaming people for mimicking what they see on TV or in a book.
nerdyfangirl said:
Um as someone who watches several shows dedicated to that arranged marriages do not always involve kidnapping or the like. Maybe in certain countries do but for instance in America they often revolve people going to professional matchmakers and asking them to help find a life partner or going to church leaders/parents/people they trust and again asking the same thing.
Now I'm not saying there aren't roleplays that romanticize a lot of unhealthy relationships. But hell Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey do the same thing and they're world renowned book series. I figure there is no use blaming people for mimicking what they see on TV or in a book.
In fairness, I don't mean arranged marriages that result from someone going to a matchmaker and seeking one out. I mean the kind where it's decided by the parents or some other person or persons that person A is going to marry person B, regardless of the feelings of the people involved. That's the fucked up rapey kind of arranged marriage that has no place in the modern world. I read a first-hand account of a young girl who (though born in America) got brought out to Palestine (could be wrong on that, somewhere in the middle east though) and forced into a marriage with a guy her parents picked out whom she had never met. She wound up getting in touch with the US Embassy and managing to escape, but both her older sisters wound up in a very stockholm-syndrome type of situation where their lives got picked for them without any of their input.

That's the fucked up part. I've seen too many RPs that romanticize that.
[QUOTE="Primal Conundrum]In fairness, I don't mean arranged marriages that result from someone going to a matchmaker and seeking one out. I mean the kind where it's decided by the parents or some other person or persons that person A is going to marry person B, regardless of the feelings of the people involved. That's the fucked up rapey kind of arranged marriage that has no place in the modern world. I read a first-hand account of a young girl who (though born in America) got brought out to Palestine (could be wrong on that, somewhere in the middle east though) and forced into a marriage with a guy her parents picked out whom she had never met. She wound up getting in touch with the US Embassy and managing to escape, but both her older sisters wound up in a very stockholm-syndrome type of situation where their lives got picked for them without any of their input.
That's the fucked up part. I've seen too many RPs that romanticize that.

And sadly that's the fault of the media more than anything. It romanticizes all kinds of fucked up relationships. And to be fair people who do romance often want to just play out a fairytale without any degree of realism anyway. As long as they aren't forcing their cookie cutter twihard bullshit down my throat I say let them play whatever they want.
To be honest, I don't think either of those two can get worse than "My Immortal". *shudders*
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I haven't heard of "My Immortal", but I guess it's pretty bad. I was rescued from reading "Fifty Shades of Gray" thanks to my mother as I was ignorant to what really goes on in it. And I only lasted halfway through the first book of the Twilight saga before I gave up.
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UmbreonRogue said:
I haven't heard of "My Immortal", but I guess it's pretty bad. I was rescued from reading "Fifty Shades of Gray" thanks to my mother as I was ignorant to what really goes on in it. And I only lasted halfway through the first book of the Twilight saga before I gave up.
My Immortal is a very cringy, "edgy", and overall infamously bad Harry Potter fanfic, in case you were wondering. I wouldn't read it if you don't like cringe.
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I stopped immediately after the first chapter. There is so many things wrong with it as a fanfic, it is almost insulting to the fanfiction writing community. Actually, I didn't even make it past the first chapter. One thing I must say is NEVER make a full description of your character right off the bat. Do it through actions like "She brushed her dark brunette hair" or "He shifted his ice blue gaze towards the thick book". That's a mistake a newbie writer makes.
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[QUOTE="Primal Conundrum]Few things make me swerve around an RP faster than seeing a big backstory about some totally rando gods doing rando godly things and HEY PRESTO ITS THE SETTING NOOOOW.
I feel like "the gods did it" as an explanation for some setting strangeness is just a lazy, easy out that results in a more boring world than it otherwise could. Doesn't help that the gods in question are usually either as flat as a cardboard cutout and/or a self insert.

Also, I actually get a little mad when I see arranged marriage RPs, since I feel that, like with RPs that romanticize mental illness, they are taking a bad thing and making it look positive. Arranged marriages, in the modern world, sometimes involve kidnapping and often involve young girls marrying substantially older men. Arranged marriages are gross.

I just want to throw out there that arranged marriages are not all about some poor defenseless girl being forced to marry a man she's never met. Arranged marriages, or parents finding perspective partners for their children, is not necessarily unhealthy as long as an individual has the opportunity to opt out. It's fairly common practice in India and Japan from my understanding. Very "modern" countries I might add. Labeling any cultural custom as having no place in the modern world is a fairly ethnocentric perspective. While it may go against western sensibilities of people finding true love themselves, I see no problem in letting your parents suggest a marriage candidate as long as you're allowed to meet and get to know the person first. In fact, in America people sometimes set up their friends on blind dates. The principle is the same, just more formal. There are many arranged marriages that turn out quite happily. It is only problematic if a person is forced into the marriage or is too young to make an informed decision.

I haven't seen many arranged marriage rps, and I can see how they might be romanticized. I don't think they're equivalent to rape though, and it would be concerning if kidnapping was involved. Still, I've studied a lot about eastern cultures, and in general the majority of attached marriages are between consenting adults, and are highly successful. In India, parents or elders gather suitable candidates (usually with a similar economic an educational background) and the individual goes to meet the candidates. The match be vetoed by either party, it's rarely about forcing people to marry. In fact, it's probably still a part of the culture because of the practicality aspect. If a person finds a partner on their own, that's fine. If they don't, they get a chance to get to know people who are in a similar position in life and of a similar background, and such matches often end up working out rather well. While you may read very terrifying stories about young girls being forced in to marriage, that is not a typical case of how arranged marriages work.
UmbreonRogue said:
I stopped immediately after the first chapter. There is so many things wrong with it as a fanfic, it is almost insulting to the fanfiction writing community. Actually, I didn't even make it past the first chapter. One thing I must say is NEVER make a full description of your character right off the bat. Do it through actions like "She brushed her dark brunette hair" or "He shifted his ice blue gaze towards the thick book". That's a mistake a newbie writer makes.
I read the whole thing. It was absolutely hilarious imo.
I actually have another peeve that I need to vent about here.

People who join an RP you make, then grab one of the listed available races and proceed to make a character that is that race in name only, more or less. Sometimes it's not even that, but that they'd rather use whatever they consider to be the default version of the race rather than whatever setting-specific version has been detailed.

I have a player in a game I'm trying to get off the ground on another site who's doing this with Orcs. Despite everything I've said, he still insists on talking like a Warhammer 40k Orc. His backstory doesn't even make sense with the setting, describing a peaceful Orc tribe that had never known warfare with Humans, which is pretty fucking much the opposite of the setting as it is written up. On top of that, he's been ignoring my input as much as he can get away with without getting outright kicked out of the RP.

Needed to vent. This is pissing me off. Not sure if I'm even going to allow greenskin races in future RPs unless its from someone I already know, they always seem to be the races that attract problem players for me.
[QUOTE="Primal Conundrum]I actually have another peeve that I need to vent about here.
People who join an RP you make, then grab one of the listed available races and proceed to make a character that is that race in name only, more or less. Sometimes it's not even that, but that they'd rather use whatever they consider to be the default version of the race rather than whatever setting-specific version has been detailed.

I have a player in a game I'm trying to get off the ground on another site who's doing this with Orcs. Despite everything I've said, he still insists on talking like a Warhammer 40k Orc. His backstory doesn't even make sense with the setting, describing a peaceful Orc tribe that had never known warfare with Humans, which is pretty fucking much the opposite of the setting as it is written up. On top of that, he's been ignoring my input as much as he can get away with without getting outright kicked out of the RP.

Needed to vent. This is pissing me off. Not sure if I'm even going to allow greenskin races in future RPs unless its from someone I already know, they always seem to be the races that attract problem players for me.

Ughhhh. I totally know what you're talking about. And yes, it is annoying. >_<"

I myself really, really hate it when other people's characters hog all the drama. Let's call them Masters of Misery for sake of simplicity. Basically when someone makes a character who constantly gets injured, constantly gets offended or upset, constantly gets kidnapped... you name it. And if you try to make bad things happen to your own character, they'll turn it into angst for theirs.

Like, I'm absolutely fine with mixing up a little drama, don't get me wrong. Nor do I think there shouldn't be characters with sad backstories. Just.... give them a break, would you? Or at least a backbone. ^^"
This… is going to be fun!

When you join an RP and the GM accepts any character that comes their way no matter what.

I was once in an RP where a character was accepted that was a being so powerful that the Titans (which came before the gods) feared him because the race that came before the Titans couldn't kill him but could the rest of his race. Then when the Gods came to power, they decided to create the planet earth and all of its inhabitants just for him. Really? REALLY?! Who posts that, and who accepts that? I had to leave because of the sheer stupidity of it.
People who join an RP, but then never post.

I was once in an RP where each character had been experimented upon in isolation to turn into a specific animal. They were then dumped into a cabin in the woods surrounded by a heavily guarded wall to see how they interact. It soon died because it turned into a romantic one on one during the first day in game time, but the GM brought it back. In the first one I was a grey wolf, but by the time I found the second one another person had taken that animal. I wasn't happy, but joined as a different animal. Then they never once responded to the RP. This is not the only time I have seen someone join an RP and never post in it, but it was the most annoying.
Laziness in filling out a CS.

i think this one speaks for itself, but I still have an example. I don't remember what the RP was about but I know I posted a different RP at the same time and the same person applied to both RPs, and their CS was absolute sh!t. They had at most 4 words in each section of the CS and for the bio section they said "amnesia" for both. Not even "they have amnesia," just "amnesia." And they couldn't even be bothered to write one paragraph in at least one of them?
People who don't read and/or listen to my rules.

Whenever I make an RP, I list out several rules I expect people to abide. I always say "Rate this post so I know you have read the rules" in it. So many people clearly don't read the rules, and when I call them out on it they say "Oops, I forgot." I know some will honestly forget, but not the number of people that have said it. I mean, really, it's an action you can do right then and there on any device and I know so many of people just don't read my rules. And that's not even mentioning the people who just disregard the rules and then get mad at me when I hold them to it (I'm sure it's been covered before on this thread, so moving on).
People who don't believe what I say as a GM.

There are so many versions of this, but I'm going to say the one that annoys me the most right now. Right above the CS I leave for people to fill out, I say (exactly as you see it) "Read the rules in the Overview Tab first (I will know if you have not)." So how come I so often see in my notifications that someone has posted a character, and then later rates the post of my rules. Do they have selective reading and not see the word "first?" Most of the time, I have rules posted regarding what is and/or isn't allowed for a character. Just today I had a person change their character becaus they read the rules after powting a character and their character contradicted a rule.
Fandom crossovers that make no sense.

This should be self explanatory, but yet again I have an example. I saw this just a couple of hours ago: Tinkerbell and fairies with Sonic the Hesgehog. How do those possibly relate to each other at all? I get that it's hard to cross fandoms, but there should be limits.
When people try to tell me how my original world is supposed to work.

This is a quick way to get on my dirt list. I made an RO called "Element Academy" (twice, actually). I don't remember if it was the first or second time, but it doesn't matter. It is a five year mythical academy where people learn about the mythical world and how to use their elemental ability. On one tab I had the appropriate ages for the different grades since there wa five instead of four. Then there's this guy. He gives a wrong age for the grade he wants his character to be in, and I correct him with the appropriate age range. He says something very similar to this: "No, you're wrong. This is the correct age for my character." I was mad, but I tried to respond as calmly as I could, pointing out that there were five grades instead of four and directed him to the page where he could find the correct age ranges.
People who try to not reveal anything in a bio.

The whole point of a bio is to give the players a bit of an idea what their dealing with (and to make them think out their character). I hate it when people say "To be revealed." Just… no. Another reason for this section is so I know you are being reasonable and not ignoring the lore. They say they don't want to spoil anything, but if you try to pull something like "Surprise! I'm really a dragon!" and I didn't know about that when you were accepted than I'm taking that power away from you. And it's not like our characters are going to be reading your CS and learning your entire history, so any role player worth their salt would not give their character the slightest inkling to your past upon them first meeting (unless your character is famous or something).
People who can't use good grammar.

Is capitalization, proper punctuation, and good sentence structure too much to ask for?
Everyone has a tragic backstory.

Luckily it's been a while since I've run into this, but it is really annoying when everyone saw their parents murdered, or had abusive parents, or severely bullied, etc. What fun is it if everyone acts so similar because they are all so broken inside?
On a different note, I'm going to refute some things people have said here from the point of a GM. Some say they don't like the personality section of a CS, but for me I like it. I understand that your character might not act the way you originally described them the more you play them and they develop, but just having that section there helps guarantee that people who sign up have put at least some effort into their character.

If you know me and I do something that annoys you, please tell me so I can fix it. Unless you want me to be less critical when reviewing characters, because that's not going to change any time soon.

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