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Realistic or Modern Tyler Family Values - Additional IC


Aspiring Do-Gooder & All-Around Smart Aleck
Main Characters:

Cayman Tyler (age 26; professional wrestler)

Gia Daniels-Tyler (age 25; wife)

Joseph Tyler (age 3)

Dante Tyler (age 9 months)

Supporting Characters:

Coralie Ngongo-Tyler (age 19; Cayman's sister; gymnast/model/professional wrestler)

Matteo Austin (age 20; Cayman's wrestling protege)

Characters Needed:

Martin Tyler (age 49; Cayman's father; construction foreman)

Belinda Gray-Tyler (age 44; Cayman's mother; housewife)

Elroy Daniels (age 47; Gia's father; football coach at C. Leon King High School)

Janice Monroe-Daniels (age 41; Gia's mother; owner and operator of Shining Stars Day Care Center)

Rowan Tyler (age 33; Cayman's eldest brother; military veteran)

Jackson Tyler (age 29; Cayman's second eldest brother; actor and model)

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