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Two Worlds Apart

[NOTE: Credit goes to the Hunger Games trilogy for being this roleplay's inspiration]

War. That was all that was really on anybody's mind right now. The districts of Calvenna (what was formerly known as the United States of America)- all 7 of them- were at war with the nation's wicked capitol, Libertas. An ironic thing, really, to be at odds with a capitol whose name was derived from the Roman Goddess who represented freedom and liberty, remembered best by the landmark created in her stead... It was supposed to be a beacon of hope, a signal to its nation that all would be respected and granted with the rights everyone deserved to possess. But the reality of it was that Libertas, which had control over the districts it had organized the 50 states into, was corrupt even beyond its core, and stood for nothing but complete domination and the submissiveness of all that it ruled over. Calvenna's sectors, of course, opposed this when it all came to light and tried as best they could to fight a civil-mannered battle in order to make sure everyone in the nation was treated fairly without oppression having to sag their shoulders. But the government of Libertas wouldn't listen, wouldn't see from their perspective what they were beginning to suffer through every day. Instead, they made it worse on them, and sent out soldiers to keep them bordered and gun down anyone who tried to disrupt the 'peace' that they were trying to maintain.

But it didn't work the way they wanted to. What they did instead was turn a candlelight of flame into a burning inferno that consumed everything close to it.

What was once civil became primal, and the districts began to fight back fiercely. This led to many casualties, much death and much destruction on both sides of the long-lasting fight, and yet neither side would led up. More specifically, Libertas wouldn't just down and arrive at a damn truce. The nation just had to keep fighting with itself, and slowly tear itself apart from the inside out. It made Kyle Kennington of District 4 wonder how beautiful places such as this could exist, as he sat with one leg crossed over the other and looked out at a valley with many hills and forestry to encompass it. A wooden guitar given to him by his parents also sat idly in his lap, being left alone for now while its owner just took in the sights and sounds of nature for what they were, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath. To think that even young ones were starting to be drafted into this war, without a say or choice about what they wanted to do... What was it they said, kids as young as twelve? Maybe even eleven? He didn't know, but he didn't really want to know either. All he had to worry about right now was keeping his family safe, and making sure that they could stay alive and well for as long as they possibly could.

After all, there was really no telling of when Libertas troops would end up descending upon their little town, a possibility that served to frighten Kyle during many of his waking hours.
The chirps of birds and the sound of running water mingled with the smell of freshly fallen rain and the sensation of sunshine that broke through the foliage above to create the perfect scene for a day of relaxation. Days that brought this ambiance of calm were few and far between and Charlotte treasured them. She had been doing her usual circuit throughout the seven districts when she had found this perfect little nook to take a break in. She had lost track of where she was exactly. Somewhere between District Two and District Six. Not that it actually mattered.

That was the lovely thing about being a 'ghost.' There was no reason to stop. You could constantly keep moving with no concern about leaving something important behind.You could enjoy the tranquility of nature, of the real world, not those boxed-in prison that they called towns. Then again, not everyone lived like that. Some were able to live as if they were royalty. They had everything they could ever need at their fingertips and then some. But the districts hardly ever intermingled. The poorer districts had no idea the luxuries they lacked. The only view into the outside world that they would ever see would be the quick glimpses of Libertas they got on their TV screens. Being a 'ghost' made travel from district to district easy. You could savor the best and avoid the worst.

But a life like this was not without consequence. If you were to ever get caught in an area you didn't belong in, you would never go unpunished. Rumor has it that those found in the wilderness were often never seen again. Or if they were, a family member would vanish mysteriously. None of this concerned Charlotte, though. She really didn't have much else to live for. There was no family for them to take from her. Being taken to some undisclosed location would only be another chapter of the sad story that was Charlotte's life. She lived in solitary, bouncing from district to district, seeing all the sights that could be seen, bringing stories to children who would never leave their districts. Alone was what she had. Alone was what kept others - and her - safe.
After what felt like an eternity of silence in the open wilderness, a wooden pick began to pluck at the strings of the guitar that hadn't been played up until now, filling the air with the tune of a song from days of old. It was amazing, Kyle thought, to think about how long things could be preserved for, to be rediscovered at a much later point in time. He was reminded of when he was just a kid, sitting by the fireplace at home with his younger sister while his father played the instrument that now resided in his own two hands and his mother sang in accordance with the music. Beautiful moments that somehow still managed to survive amidst all the chaos that made up the outside world.

Kyle closed his eyes and immersed himself in the sounds he was producing with the guitar while the scent of pine filled his nostrils, forgetting about everything else in existence in the meantime. As much as he was bothered by everything that was going on, he knew that dwelling on his life's current circumstances for so long wouldn't accomplish anything, so for a while, he allowed himself the luxury of believing that things were without flaw or consequence. Hell, that was how just about everyone in Calvenna got through day to day life... It was hard to do when supposedly imaginary prospects were so real and bound to occur at any given moment, but that was what kept them going. That was how they survived every day, because if they were to let their insanity take over, then they'd end up tearing themselves apart from the inside out.



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