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Two track mind


New Member
Private RP with @shygirl3


It wasn't every day that a scruffy looking man like Eric came storming into an expensive store, looking ready to strangle someone with one of the expensive silk scarves they sold at the store. Eric usually didn't look very happy to start with, most of the time frowning or deep in thought, but this look was a whole new level. He stomped up past several people right to the counter and slammed his hands, still filthy from the car he'd been working on, down on the previously pristine, shiny surface.

"Who the hell thought that tossin' my little sister outta this shit hole of a place was a good idea? Huh?" he snarled, lip curled up and eyebrows digging down.

A man, looking far too young for his grey hair -- yeah, those were definitely dark roots showing -- carefully edged towards the angry young man. "Sir, maybe we can discuss this in private and avoid creating a scene?"

Eric glared at him. "If you can toss my sister out in public, you can deal with me in public an' explain t' me why the hell our money ain't good enough for ya. What? You thought she was gonna be liftin'? Just 'cause she don't dress like those little hoity toity snits?" He gestured with a wide, sweeping arm movement at a few of the women at the store.

He might not be rich, might not have finished school and might have been in his fair share of trouble over the years, but if there was one thing he was good at, it was taking care of his family. He had to. No one had any idea where his mum was, his father was in and out of jail. All his younger siblings had was him and if some snooty little bastard like the one in front of him was the reason his little sixteen-year-old sister was sitting at home ine completely humiliated tears, well, he was just going to have to tear someone a new one, wasn't he?
Annabelle was in her favorite store, Bendels, trying to find a perfect outfit for the event her mother and father were making her attend tonight with them. She was trying on a dress when she heard a commotion coming from the store front. Usually the typical shoppers at the store were female so it was kind of surprising to hear a male voice creating the disturbance. Out of pure curiosity Annabelle cautiously stepped out of the dressing room, watching the guy yell and create a scene. At this point most of the shoppers had fled in fear. However, Anna wasn't the typical hoity toity snit, as this guy had so rudely put it.

She bit her lip as she watched and listened to this guy yell about his sister was thrown out from this store. It didn't really come as a surprise to her, this store was famous for judging people and choosing who gets to shop at their store. Annabelle, being her nosy self, began to walk towards the pair. "Harold, sweetie, could you get me this dress in the teal? The peach just isn't doing it for me." she said, interrupting their conversation. Harold happily scurried off to find the dress. She turned and faced Eric, scrunching her nose slightly. "Oh I'm sorry...were you talking with him?" she said putting on a high-class snooty attitude act.

Anna knew that would probably set him off on her, so she immediately began speaking again. "So I couldn't help but overhear, along with the rest of the city, that your sister was kicked out of here." she said staring at Eric. She could see why if his sister dressed even the littlest bit like him. "What was she trying to buy?" Annabelle asked curiously. The store clerk returned with the dress handing it to her "Your dress, Miss. McAllister." Annabelle turned grabbing the dress and glancing at the tag "A size 4?! Are kidding me Harold?! Do you think I'm a whale!" she yelled overly- dramatic, throwing the dress at him. The clerk ran off again and she turned back giving Eric a friendly smile "I am a size 4, so back to your sister...what happened?" she asked again curiously. She could hear her parents' judgmental voices screaming in her head about how she shouldn't be associating with people like him, but as always she pushed them and their 'bad publicity' nonsense out of her head.
Eric blinked, needing a moment to figure out what exactly had happened. The man he'd been unleashing his righteous indignation -- or at least that's what he liked to call it -- on the store clerk was gone and instead there was some rich looking chippy was playing the interested caring bit. Well, maybe less caring and more curious. He bristled at the development, trying to snap at her that yes, he had been talking to the clerk only to have her start talking again. Did she even expect an answer or did she think she could just steam roll all over him and get him to shut up, be quiet and leave her precious little rich people sanctuary alone?

Well, she'd have another thing coming.

"I don't remember askin' or carin' 'bout your input, princess," he sneered at her, and turned around to try and spot the clerk. He'd haul him in by the collar if he had to. Eric didn't know why his sister had had her sights set on one of those silk scarves, but she had worked and done extra chores until she had the money scraped together. That was her choice and her money. His part only came in when she'd come back home in tears and refused to come out of her room for an hour, which was a little problematic because she shared with two sisters.

"Why don't you go back to spendin' your money and let me tear 'm a new one an' we don't ever need to talk to each other ever again." That should, he figured, be enough incentive to get her to back off already.
Annabelle was a bit taken back by the response she got from him. She tilted her head, a bit surprised. She was used to being called a princess even though it was only an act that she puts on to keep her parents and friends off her back. In the high class society it's bad to stick out. She wasn't about to let him insult her, she never did anything besides ask what happened. "If I'm a princess then by the looks of things you'd be the pauper." she said examining his dirty clothes and hands. She crossed her arms and stared at him, "Maybe your sister got thrown out because she was giving the clerk the same shitty attitude you're giving me." she snapped back to Eric.

"I'd gladly never talk to you again, but unfortunately I think I'm volunteering at the anger management class for homeless people next week, so I will be forced to see you again." Anna snapped, channeling her inner bitch. Almost immediately her face softened, "That's probably the typical response you'd received from my type." she spoke softly. "We're not all like that, but clearly not all poor people are kind either." she said as looked at Eric. She scowled at him and walked back into the dressing room. After changing back into her own clothes, she walked out with her designer back on her arm. She paused at the register and slid the clerk money, "let him buy whatever he wants for his sister. I'll take care of it...under one condition. He says please and thank you." she said giving Eric a look and walking towards the door.

She was shocked at how rude he was to her. Sure, it wasn't right for his sister to be kicked out, especially if she did have the money to buy whatever it was she wanted. She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and opened the door to the store.
Eric arched his eyebrows up, a mocking smirk appearing on his face. "What, is the dainty little princess not use to seein' someone who gets his hands dirty doin' honest, real work?" Heh. She'd probably never had to work a day in her life. Just bat her lashes at daddy dearest and get whatever her little heart desired. Sure, it was a stereotype but wasn't there supposed to be heart of truth to it? He was left blinking at how quickly her moods seemd to shift. Anger to soft to anger to- to-

Hold on a minute.

Casting the clerk -- what was his name again? Harold Howard? Not that it mattered -- a last whithering glare he stalked of after the girl and slammed the door shut just as she opened it and rudely crowded into her personal space. "One, I don't say please an' thank you to people who think they're too good to breathe the same air as me. What, should I be holdin' up a bowl next and ask if I can have some more please?" He might have dropped out of school, but he remembered being made to read Oliver Twst. He'd liked literature back then, when he had the time to still read it. "And I don't need your fuckin' charity."

Rich people's charity came with too many strings attached.

Eric took a step back and gave the shop a derisive look. "Whatever, I'm not even gonna buy that damned scarf any more. Would clash with my blue collar."
Annabelle turned and backed away slightly, she wasn't one for being super close with someone. She gave him a puzzled expression, "One, you should say please and thank you to whoever you speak to because it's polite. Secondly, Nice Oliver Twist reference. And Lastly, please move out of my way. I have to go." She re-opened the door, "manners will get you pretty far." She said giving him a snide remark. Anna began to walk out the door and glanced back at Eric, she just wanted to help people but they always thought she had some ulterior motive to helping them.

"Pride is a hard thing to swallow isn't it?" she said softly as she walked out into the black car that had come to pick her up. She climbed into the car without another word to him and drove back to her penthouse apartment. The clerk had approached with the scarf bagged but then stopped when her heard Eric say he doesn't want the scarf anymore. "Sir? Will you be taking the scarf or not?" he asked curiously. "Miss. McAllister had taken care of it all, all you need to do is take the bag from my hand." he commented.

Annabelle was dropped off at her home and she arrived to her parents getting ready for the event they were all attending tonight. "Anna, dear, I noticed you don't have a plus one. What happened with Nathaniel?" Annabelle gave a sigh, "mother, we've been over for a month now. If you even cared you'd notice." Her father scolded her, "Annabelle don't you dare speak to your mother in that tone." he snapped. Anna rolled her eyes and stormed upstairs. She was not going to that stupid socialite event tonight no matter how much her parents threatened to cut her off. Sometimes she wished they would.
"Not as far as your daddy's money will get you," Eric pointed out with a sneer. It would be a cold day in hell before he ever thanked anyone. No one ever gave him anything and he wasn't about to thank anyone for acting like a somewhat decent human being. Or for giving him things he hadn't asked for. He wasn't a charity case. He could keep his family fed and homed on his income from two jobs and the money the second and third oldest of his younger siblings sent their way. He watched her go until the clerk drew his attention.

Eric whirled on the man. "You can stuff that scarf up your ass," he snapped at the man before storming out of the store. That scarf would now only remind his sister of being humiliated and probably bring on another wave of tears. He'd given the guy a piece of his mind and that had satisfied his righteous fury for the time being. After leaving, he dropped by the babysitter to pick the youngest of the family up, his three-year-old half-brother and made it home just in time to get dinner started and listen to his other siblings ramble about school before he had a quick shower and ran off to get his shift at the bar.

It wasn't the best paying job, but he managed to flirt his way into a nice amount of tips by the women who came down to the bar. A few rich ones liked to slum it.

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