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Fantasy Two FxFs


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#1: My High School Life Is About To Begin!

MC and YC are sisters, but they live very different lives. MC is biological. She is normal. She gets to go outside. She gets to go to school, to flirt and make friends, to venture outside and have a life. YC is adopted. She is magic, a trait looked down on, and one she can't control. She's never left the walls beyond the family's garden.

Until yesterday. Because yesterday, she followed MC to school- and she almost got caught. Now she's begged- begged- MC to help her be a normal high school girl, even if it means deceiving their parents (and everyone else). Even if it means MC will have to face lingering feelings she's avoided for years by...getting out of the house.

#2: My Fairy Godsister

YC has finally accepted her feelings. That's it. She likes girls. Well, loves. A girl. Her best friend, Lila, to be specific. But it seems like every move she makes only pushes her farther away. One night, she wishes on a star for true love...and the next morning, MC is there, an excitable half-fairy given her first ever assignment: help YC and her 'true love' Lila get together! Small problem: The harder MC works, the closer YC and MC grow, and the more YC wonders if it's really Lila she wants...

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