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Two-faced chase {Eexyin x Iridescene}

I like the title!

~ . ~

The city's hub was bursting with activity. The cafes and restaurants were full. Well, full in comparison to the previous evening. A look of sullen disgust drew across Cecile's face as her hazel green eyes jumped across the vibrant surroundings. Her strawberry-blonde hair appeared bright, almost bleached, under the white glow light of the nearby streetlight.

The young woman walked rather awkwardly amonst the chaos with her hands deeply embedded within the pockets of her trouser-pants. As you see, Cecile wasn't here to enjoy an evening out. She was here for 'investigation purposes'. In other words, she was here to explore her brother's last known location - the 'crime scene' as she liked to call it. She hadn't visited here in months. To be honest, the place made her nauseous no matter how much fun everyone else seemed to have around it. In the distance, her attention became drawn to some sort of fun fair or whatever those things were called. She squinted at the sight of the multi-coloured lights - it was a wonderland of neon greens, hot pinks and shiny blues. The Ferris wheel released a gentle hum with each quarter rotation and the roller coaster soared down the track as if it were going to fly off at any point.
{ Okey, thanks! ^^ Tell me if I should try to make my posts longer/shorter or keep them to about this length. I'm currently on a tablet so I can't really tell if they're long enough or not. }

Jasper was in big trouble. Big, big, big trouble. Two bald thugs were approaching him, standing shoulder to shoulder, muscles bulging.

"Gentlemen," he stood up from his seat, pushing his chair backwards. They stopped when they were across from him, and the smaller one sat down. The other one walked around the table and stood behind Jasper, his beefy hand pushing him back in the chair. The newcomers were both dressed the same - ripped tee shirts and long black pants, expensive gold watches on their wrist and black shades covering their eyes - but the one sitting in the chair had a ring on his right hand.

Ring-finger pushed an envelope towards him and waited patiently. Jasper was aware of the other thug's breath near his ear as he opened it and read the letter inside. "No. I refuse." Shit. Not now. Please not now. Throwing the paper away, he pushed his blond coloured hair out of his eyes, his heart pounding inside his chest. Looking around the club - dump being a more fitting title, really - he spotted his escape near the bar. Now to get away. "I need another drink."

At his boss's nod, Garlic-breath backed off and let Jasper rise, keeping a close distance between them in case the 'client' wanted to do something. Ears buzzing, he stumbled towards the bar, trying to breathe deeply. Please, he though, this is the last thing I need. It's enough that these two idiots cornered me here. Reaching across, his hands wrapped around a bottle of beer and he turned around, hitting Garlic-Breath across the head. The thug reeled but stayed up and grabbed Jasper's neck. The young man clawed at the hand cutting off his air, but to no avail. The buzzing in his ears got louder but Jasper didn't try to do anything this time. "You want to play rought?" he rasped, wheeze-laughing. His captor's last thought was something along the lines of, "Why's the little bugger laughing?'

And then blinding white light filled the whole club and seeped out of building, engulfing it.
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( That's a really good length! I'll try to keep mine around the same. )

A symphony of screams caught Cecile's attention in the distance. Time seemed to freeze as she drew her attention away from the fun fair and toward the outer layer of the city. The cause of such screams - a bright, almost blinding white light that flooded the evening sky as far as five blocks away.

Although the distance, she could feel the vibrations of its sheer power quaking under her high-top boots. Stopping mid-step, a crowd of people emerged from the shadows and raced toward her. They wore fear on their faces as if it were blatantly spelled across their sweat-soaked foreheads. By the time they pushed past her, she knew the thought that sparked in their brains - "Explosion".

What had seemed like such a lovely evening became the remains of a fear-clogged wasteland. Colours that made her nauseous now seemed to fade into black and white. The world was nothing more than a negative-photograph. "Damn," Cecile muttered before lunging herself down the now close-to-vacant street, "Damn. Damn. Damn." The cold air caught her lungs, choking her with its hollowness.

She found herself in a narrow space between two buildings, full of garbage, discarded bottles and the skittering of rats. The roofs above her touched, enclosing her between walls of brick and small windows that seemed to hold nothing but darkness. To think that people thought this city to be beautiful was beyond her. Sure it was nice in its centre, but the further away she scattered, that niceness was replaced by a somewhat 'dirt-wonderland'. A haven for rats, really.

She felt like she had walked into the sun, minus the unbearable heat and prospect of being burnt to a crisp. The young woman had to hold her eyes in near-squint to get this close. The location - what appeared to be a dance club in the distance. Maybe it would have been a place of fun and enjoyment in its prime, but in its current state it wasn't too adventurous to label it a dump. The walls were cracked and the windows were broken - some closed up with wood and nails. It probably skill run though, although its miswoven shape and crumpled figure. Obviously this was no explosion.
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{ Sounds good then! :) }

He had blacked out. As Jasper woke up a few minutes later, his ears popping and his head pounding, he realised this. He had blacked out. And things were even worse - or good, depending who you asked - for him. Shakily standing up from the dirty floor, which looked like it hasn't been washed in eons, he turned his head to look at the destruction. Broken chairs, tables, cracked windows and walls; he whistled as he took everything in. The bodies of those unlucky enough to be the closest to him were gone without a trace, and those farther away didn't fare any better.

As his brain started working again, a plan started to form in his head. Since he was pretty sure police and whoknowswhat would be swarming this place in a few minutes - hell, from all he knew they might as well already be here and have him surrounded - he had to get away. And fast.

Only problem? He was drained. It was as if all his energy seeped out of him in a matter of seconds - and that was exactly what had happened, more or less.

Jasper made his way towards the front exit, dodging his way through the broken place.
"Not much of a difference, really," he muttered to himself, an attempt to keep his spirits, "I just gave it more windows. It was about time this place was properly aired out." Carefully climbing out through a missing window, he breathed in deeply once he was outside. "Ah, fresh air. Wonderful thing." A group of curious - or stupid, as he would say - braved to stay close to the what used to be the dance club, and he dropped down to the shadows, crouching. Heart beating loudly, he took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, the words "no connection" flashing across the screen. Not a big surprise. But he could still use it to his advantage. . .

Standing up once again, he held his phone in one hand and staggered towards the people looking at the building. Some took a step back when he came out of the shadows, but went back to their position when they saw it was no danger. Jasper held his phone up and one hand out, seeming as if he drank one too many drinks.
"T'is places' 'n ruins," he slurred, pushing his way through the throng, "An' dead everyw'ere! Heard som' ticking and went KA-BOOM! Still some tickin' in ther', might be anothe' one." With that, he 'drunkenly' weaved his way around those staring at him and walked faster, his right hand holding his phone to his ear and his other clenched in a fist.
When the light had disappeared, Cecile made her way closer to the ruined building. She pressed her hand on the rusted back door, ignoring the obvious NO ADMITTANCE sign spelled out in red paint. The door's amber hinges whined as she stepped gingerly onto the floor's ravaged frame. "What on earth happened?" she muttered to herself in a state of awe. Cecile crouched in the shadows of the building's shattered form, picking up a chair leg in both her hands. For a place that a few minutes ago was soaked in light, darkness now draped over the walls like a tapestry. Maybe it was this intense change in lighting that made her blood icy and her muscles tense.

Flashlight freshly in hand, pulled from the wide bag hung over her shoulder, she now began to search the rest of the building. For what? She did not know. A bomb? Perhaps. A supernatural presence? Defiantly. With each step, Cecile swore that she could feel the building's foundations move with her. To be honest, the building felt like it was going to collapse at any minute, not to mention that the cops or who-ever else came to check out these things could be on their way right now. She had to get out. But first the young woman began to quickly snap photos of the damage until her phone’s storage was almost full.

"To think this place was once a dance club." Cecile awkwardly manoeuvred through a hole in the wall near the entrance. Maybe she should have checked her surroundings first, because she found herself at the mercy of numerous eyes staring her down. Blowing a rogue hair out of her eyes, she swiped out a badge from her pocket and flashed it toward them - a perfect replication.

"FBI," Cecile declared. “I need to know what happened.” They seemed on edge, some moving back as she approached them with forced confidence. It took a few seconds before one man kindly took the lead and pointed to another quickly walking away from the scene. “We only saw the light but he was in there,” he professed, “stormed out stating he heard ticking!”

So her only lead fell onto the shoulders of one man. Great. Turning, Cecile ran towards the man, her legs feeling like there were going to buckle from under her at any moment. “Sir!” She called out, edging closer and closer. “FBI. We need to talk.”
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"Work, work dammit!" Jasper was walking fast and punching keys on his phone, annoyed. Finally, he seemed to get some internet. Just as he was about answer who was calling him, he heard someone calling him from behind. He froze when that someone, who sounded like a woman, called out "FBI". He felt a hand on his shoulder and he shook it off. Crap. Leaving behind the pretense of being someone drunk, he took off, wheezing for air as he went.

No, no, no, NO! After all this time, he got caught because of a stupid strife with a business man and his thugs. All the precautions he took, all these years spent moving from town to town, from place to place, for nothing. What was Rex going to think? He was supposed to meet with his buddy - well, the closet thing to a friend he could get - after leaving the club. I could still try to, Jasper thought, then immediately got rid of that plan. No. Too dangerous. He couldn't risk getting someone else behind jars or in a lab or wherever people with this curse were put. No. He had to figure it out on his own.

Sharply taking a turn to the right, he squeezed in the cramped space between two building, gasping as he pushed his way through. Tired... Must stop... So, so, tired... His legs felt like lead, and there was another buzzing in his ears. Unfortunately, he too tired to try anything that soon. Maybe in a few weeks, if he were free. If.

Shivering, he ran out of that confined space and took a right to a street. He could hear footsteps behind him, and he sensed that whoever was chasing him was coming closer. Jasper yelled over his shoulder, "Leave me alone! I don't know anything!" and continued to run. Kids were playing everywhere in the street; kids on bikes, kinds jumping ropes, kids playing with rocks. That's it!

Roughly pushing a little boy out of the way, making sure that the legos he was playing with were scattered behind him. "Hey, mister! Watch it!" a girl on a bike was pedaling next to him. Probably the boy's sister, he guessed. He made a move to reach for her bike's handles and roughly pushed her off. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to forsee what happened next; the two siblings jumped on him, one landing on his chest and one holding his legs. He fell on the ground. Great. "You're dead," Jasper yelled angrily, coughing as the little guy sat on his legs and didn't let him up.

The girl huffed, "Don't mess with my brother." She slapped him.
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Cecile had run after him as if he were the last man on earth. He was too fast though. So fast that she swore one of his steps equalled two of her own. Darn her shortness. The slapping noise of her heavy boots resonated around the vandalised walls of the city with a clanging echo. For a second, her legs became coiled springs, bounding across the concrete to the rhythm of her racing breath. No, more like collapsing breath. "I just want to talk!" she whined, flinging her hands out and turning the corner into a new street.

"Just stop and -" She began to laugh, almost hard enough that she was breathless. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over. Her hands slyly fell onto her hips. "Brought down by a couple of six year olds. I love it!" the words barely managed to leave her lips without being interrupted by giggling.

She approached the children and crouched down at the Lego pieces. One found its way into her finger tips. "And Lego? That was your 'big plan'? Did you honestly think I'd stop at the idea of potentially hurting myself on Lego? I'm wearing shoes!" She began to laugh again before looking at him directly in the eyes. "Kids, I'll take him from here. Thanks for helping me get the 'bad guy'." With that she kneeled next to him, grabbing his hands and stuffing them in a pair of handcuffs she had removed from her bag. Cecile clicked them shut and leaned her face toward his. "If you try to escape I'll be calling backup and let me warn you - they won't be friendly." A sweet smile formed on her face, directed at the children.

Her hand roughly grabbed his arm, nails close to digging into his skin, and she pulled him up from the ground.
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"Brought down by a couple of six year olds! I love it!" As the agent said this, Jasper felt a blush was rising up his cheeks and he groaned, furiously hoping she thought the red colour in his face was thanks to the chase.

"Just get them off me," he begged her as she bent down to study the Lego pieces. "And, if you think about it, it was actually a marvelous plan! Pity it didn't work." Sighing as the cold metal of the handcuffs closed around his wrists, he closed his eyes. Great. Well, it was great knowing everyone. Sayonara, freedom! When he opened them again, the woman's face was close to his, her lips moving as they sounded the threat. He rolled his eyes and held up his shackled hands, "Oh, man! How did you know what I was planning to do? Because, I mean, watch out. Man in handcuffs tries to escape. What do you think I am? A supernatural person who can suddenly poof out of the handcuffs? Haha - yeah, well no." Not that it was a bad idea. "Or, better yet, I am just like a primate and I can use my feet to pickpocket the lockets and then run away into the sunset. No can't do, ma'am. I'm not someone whose energy never runs out."

True enough, he was tired. He didn't even fight back or fidget as the two kids - who stuck their tongues out at him, strutting along like proud peacocks - jumped up and then rolled off him. Instead, he let the woman drag him up to his feet, not doing anything to aid her in making him get up. "Say, do you happen to have any water?" he asked when he was standing, his eyes glinting. Trickles of sweat ran down his face from his blond hair (which he planned on dyeing. Again.) and he shook his head to move the locks out of his eyes.
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She ignored his off-handed remarks and tugged him away from the children. "If I had any water, don't think I'd be giving it to you," her eyes avoided contact with his.

For a spilt second, happiness consumed Cecile. She had caught the bandit. Hello respect! Hello promotion! That happiness faded pretty quickly though because of one simple thought. What am I supposed to do with him? She didn't even know if he did the crime. And what was the crime? Was it even an explosion? Darn. Darn. Darn. Darn. She couldn't hand him in like this - she'd be a laughing stock! She couldn't just hand him into the police either. She needed the victory if there were any. Plus doing that would totally blow her ‘FBI’ thing she had doing. She had to be able to sneak into crime scenes somehow if she were going to find Ethan.

Ethan. What would he do? Probably not what she was doing now. Cecile bit her lip and tried to keep a straight, serious face. She had gotten herself in some deep, deep trouble. "I need to ask you some questions about the... incident earlier. If you cooperate, expect a lesser punishment." They continued to walk down the path they had originally ran. "First, what were you doing at the bar?"

Maybe it was beneficial to watch all those CSI-type shows. She had to start by playing dumb as if she expected that he had no part in it - 'good cop'. After that, she would go full-awesome-capture-the-bad-guy on him and expose his actual position in the case. Then it will be revealed that he was in cahoots with the criminal and she will take him to jail. Her father would be so proud and then the FBI will recruit her for her awesome talents.

That's what was going to happen in her head, anyway.
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"Ooo, feisty." At least he could enjoy taunting her. He strolled along next to her, casually looking around. Acting as if walking next to someone who clearly had him in cuffs was normal. Acting as if being in cuffs was normal. Yup, just a normal day for ol' Jasper.


Welcoming the cool breeze that blew around them, he yawned, keeping track of where they were going in case the agent decided to switch the way around and try and confuse him. Not like he had a terribly awful memory and an even worse sense of direction. When she started the interrogation, he noted the way she bit her lip, stretching his arms as much as he could without making the metal bite deeper in his skin. "Why would I tell you?" he asked. "Give me three good reasons and explain what's in for me." Red is going to murder me. He sighed. At least he'll have to wait in line. Before, annoying the woman and not answering her questions seemed like fun, but now he started to question his decision.

Giving in, a crease visibly formed in his forehead as he lifted an eyebrow, his body language relaxed and composed. She sounded like someone who would carry through with her threat, so he might as well heed her warning. Or, part of it. "Fine," he admitted reluctantly, "I was at the club because - and now, don't hold this against me, okay? - because I wanted to go dancing. It is, after all, a dance club. Had to get my moves out and see how rusty I was; my friend and I, you see, we were going to have this dancing competition. And, naturally, I wanted to win. You can't judge a man for wanting to practice his dancing skills, can you?" Jasper was quite proud of his lie. Yes, quite proud. Came along nicely, in his opinion, and would hopefully also antagonize her some more.
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"A dance competition?" Her eyebrow lifted. "You have got to be kidding me."

Pretty-boy defiantly had a mouth on him, didn't he? At least she knew that she could probably get him if he tried anything funny. He was caught by a little girl, a boy, a bicycle and some Lego pieces to say the least. She took note of his body language. For someone who acted so 'relaxed and composed', he sure did appear tired and weak. When he said he wanted water, he probably wasn't lying. The guy looked dehydrated. "Come on. We both know that you weren't dancing alone in an empty club to practice for a dance battle with your imaginary friend." Cecile took in a deep breath, releasing a loud sigh. This boy was a hard nut to crack. "I was in that club. It was empty apart from the broken glass bottles across the floor." She stopped mid step and looked the boy dead in the eye. Being shorter than him made her feel less intimidating, but she attempted to put on a 'cool' exterior. "I'm going to give you another chance. Now tell me what you were doing. Now."

Fire sparked in her narrowed hazel green eyes as she waited for, but did not essentially expect, a truthful answer to exist his mouth.
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"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Jasper had to get her to believe him. And fast.

Lessons that he had learned after he had been 'adopted' flew around in his head. How to pickpocket someone - not that itd be useful right now. How to tell if someone was lying - he was rubbish at it, anyways, so that would be no help. His eyes unfocused and he stopped walking as he mentally dived in his memory. Ah, there.

The time when he was young, about 13 or so, and Boss was lecturing him about the arts of deceiving someone. Exactly what he needed right now. He remembered the way Boss placed his big hand on his shoulder and crouched down so they were eye-level. The way he patiently explained what he wanted to teach. "Jasp, remember this. Every lie needs to have a sliver of sincerity in it. If the 'target' believes you - good job! You didn't have to make up a completely untrue story you were likely to forget. But, remember, all lies are uncovered in the end. Sooner or later, truth will prevail."

Opening his eyes, he stared the agent in the eyes. "I was also in that club. And it was not empty. Surprising, how many people were in that place. You'd think it was a dump, the way it looked. Wasn't much worse before the 'light-show'. Anyways," he cleared his throat, intending on sticking to the topic and not changing the subject, "Like I said before, it was packed. Suddenly, this white light fills the whole room. People don't even have time to scream before they fall down, as if having spent a whole week not sleeping or eating or anything of that sort, and then they were gone. Poof. Disappeared. As if the man - the one who wasn't affected, you see - ate their energy up. The feeling of your energy draining, seeping away..." Jasper shook himself. He didn't need to fake it; he was downright terrified about what he did. Murderer. The word swam before his eyes and he shivered again.

"Well. Now do you think I'm kidding?" A smirk tugged the corners of his lips upward as he put on his arrogant facade back on, hiding his true emotions behind that. Hopefully this would be enough for now and she would bite the bait. Hopefully.
She listened carefully, giving a slight nod of the head here and there to acknowledge her attention.

A white light that absorbed people's energy, huh. She had never seen of such an 'ability' before, nor had she ever read about it. Her mind wondered back to the building and how she had carelessly walked through the remains. A place that was once filled with fun... laughter... Those people, those innocent people. They were turned to nothing in a matter of minutes. Hand pressed tightly on the phone in her pocket, she swore that her body shook. As for her heart - it twisted and sunk with nerves, hammering against her ribcage and shattering her bones. It was the feeling of eating a bucket of live worms before being punched in the gut. For a second, she couldn't talk. All she could do was think about his words and picture the disappearing bodies in her head. The fear that would have enveloped that room. Oh no. no. no.

She was chasing a monster.

Cecile let out a breath that she hadn't realised that she was holding and her lips curved into a straight line when he retuned back to his default 'arrogant' exterior. Get that smug smile off of your face she wanted to say. Cecile had to make the effort not to slap him. "Ok. ok. Lets pretend that I believe you were there merely for dancing." Her hand gripped his arm tightly, causing the tips of her fingers to whiten. Before continuing, she made sure to scan the surroundings. It was pretty empty with the 'explosion' of white light that occurred but it still wasn't safe enough to discuss these types of things. Swiftly, Cecile dragged the blond-haired man down the road and into a deserted back alley. It felt safer here.

"How did you then not -," she hesitated to carefully craft her next few words, "how did you not disappear?" With her left hand, she made a 'poof' gesture that contrasted with the seriousness of her face. Hopefully he didn't sense the anxiety in her voice. It was a logical point though - if the rest of the room had become nothing in a flash, what made him not do the same.
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Jasper walked with her in that alley, feeling goosebumps appear on the back of his neck. She was right to be scared. And she wasn't the only one.

A murderer. That's what she was dealing with.

For a second, he was moved to confess what he'd done, to get it out of the way. She was going to find out, after all. And why take him to an abandoned dark alley if she only wanted to ask him some questions? His grin slipped and he dragged it back up, making an effort to keep his facade. This was it for now. There is no other way to escape. Good-bye life! Aurevoir freedom! Jasper was a dead man. Unless...

He looked down at his shoes. "How did you not disappear?" An excellent questions. God, if only he knew the answer to that. How come he didn't disappear? After all, he also took energy from himself. So, then, what stopped him from poofing away? Maybe his subconsciousness? He didn't know and he didn't want to find out. "I'm, um, I'm not exactly sure. I hoped that maybe you, since you seem to be the 'smart' agent, would tell me. Because I'm just a normal guy that has imaginary friends, aren't I? So how am I, the one with imaginary friends, supposed to know?" Smiling smugly, he looked at her, daring her to tell him that she didn't know either and searching to see if the jibe had any effect on her. Two can play the 'cool' appearance. It would come down to who would back off first; who would lose their patience first. He had a feeling that if it came to loosing his patience, he would deploy his faster. Being patient is so boring, so mundane.

"Anyways," he continued, "I have a theory or two." Holding up his arms, he held his palms flat and spread them apart as much as the cuffs would allow him. Slowing his breath and heart rate, Jasper concentrated his thoughts, his goal to achieve something only a supernatural could do and keep it in one of his hands. He felt energy pour out, not as much as at the dance club, of course, but still some amount. A little white light flicked in the center of his left palm, dancing in the wind for a mere second or two before he let it burn out.

The effort it took to do that showed it tools on him. His face was more pale than before and the dark circles under his eyes were more pronounced, giving him a ghastly appearance. "I think it's because of that," he said in a monotone voice. "He still took some energy from me, but I think my.... ability flared up for a second and that made him stop. I was one of the last ones, anyways."
Cecile watched as he let his veneer drop. If only he dropped it for a few minuets rather than a few seconds then maybe this process would speed up. "So how am I, the one with imaginary friends, supposed to know?" She bit her lip, feeling blood flow to her face and consume her cheeks. Stating he had 'imaginary friends' was defiantly childish. She could imagine herself at the police office when they had found her guilty for impersonating a FBI officer. Those grey bars and stone walls separating her from the world. The thought shot a shiver down her spine. All she could do now in response was remain professional and look him straight in the eye. She wasn't going to appear intimidated.

But that was when it all went wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong.

When that light flickered in the man's palms, Cecile found herself frozen in place, caught in a state of awe. She didn't know what exactly to say. The feeling she possessed in that brief moment of time merged into something unrecognisable - even to herself. First was fear. That was easy to hide under the shadow of professionalism. But there was no way she could hide the suppressed, misdirected anger that creeped through her system. She didn't even had time to think about why she felt this anger, but behind her 'straight face' were narrowed, rigid and cold eyes, clouded by a layer of hardness. Normal guy? Is that what he described himself as? A 'normal guy'? There was nothing normal about cradling a flame in your bare hands.

As if to be subtle, her hand slowly crawled into her bag that hung from her shoulder. Cecile's fingers clung onto a silver cylinder-shaped object before she found herself holding it behind her back. It was her staff. With one press of the button, it would extend and act as her protection. "So...," she started with a somewhat strangled calmness, "You're one of them." The word rolled off Cecile's tongue as if she spoke of sin.

Her mind wondered to a piece of advice she received in her childhood. It was a scene that she could remember as fresh as the day she lived it. Cecile could even remember the day. The fifth of June. It was a Friday. A beautiful day really.

-- He held her small, dainty hands in his own as they sat hidden between beds of crimson bloom and the sweet aroma of roses. She use to love to run through those flowers and get mucky her small shiny shoes. But today was a day for sitting and talking. Wrinkles emerged in the folds of his forehead when he wiped a small piece of dirt from her cheek. "This world is full of bad people, Cece. People with powers beyond our own imaginations," he looked at her with tender eyes, "if you see one... Promise me that you will run. Run as far as you can and don't stop. Don't ever stop." Cecile's young mind never truly understood the sadness sitting across his face.

Cecile's muscles relaxed but her voice was still slightly shaky. "Okay. I see. That would make sense."
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He could see anger and hate in her face - notice it from the way she stood. He had dealt with this all his life, had received the same treatment everywhere he went if he ever showed someone what he could do. When she called him "one of them" he winced, the words cutting into his skin. What made him think she would believe anything different about him? What made him think that she wouldn't judge him for his powers? His curse.

The barb dug deeper than he thought possible, and his heart toughened. The memory of a little girl with blond hair and fire that burned in her blue eyes came to the surface of his mind. She was so much like this agent. So much. And, yet, in many ways, there were so many differences. He remembered how they strolled out through the orphanage's cement garden before he was taken away, before she rejected him. The way he felt her lips brush his ears as she whispered, "I promise I won't tell ayone." And then her terror as a white light shot out of his hand. He didn't mean to hit her shoulder - he really didn't. But, nevertheless, it happened. Her wide eyes as she stared at him and the way her mouth formed an 'o' shaped as she yelled for help. She hadn't talked to him after that.

Angela. Ah, yes, that was her name; he remembered now. She kept her promise, never told anyone what Jasper could do. But still, she hadn't laid eyes or him, spoken a word, or just stayed in the same room alone ever since. That happened 14 years ago. 14 years to harden his heart to the reactions of the 'normals'. 14 years to become used to being looked at with scorn, terror, greed. Yet, all the few times he shared his secret with someone who didn't know him were the same. Always cutting deep, always hurting.

Face hardening after the brief flicker of pain in his brown-colored eyes (his real colour, for once), Jasper lifted his chin. "Yeah. I'm one of them," he spat. "Anything else you want to know before you stick me behind some bars and leave me there, forgotten?" Then and there, he resolved to not give in anymore. It wouldn't matter anyways. This girl would soon ship him to God knows where, dust her hands, and then lean back in a comfortable leather chair in a brand new office, content. She'll probably receive a promotion too- maybe be assigned a higher position where she wouldn't have to go out in the feel or stoop to having a conversation with someone as low as him. Now that they were having a conversation. It was more of an interrogation, to use the term officers call it.
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That look that sparkled in his brown eyes hit her with a fierce fist. Kind of in a way that made her fearful, angry and saddened all at the same time. There was a familiarity in the intensity of his voice. Just like all other super-naturals that had been captured with her present.

Some would yell. Others would scream. Many would threaten to hunt everyone down. She couldn't lie and say that she was unafraid of those threats. She was afraid. To be honest, sometimes it would keep her up at night. Especially in her younger years when a tapping on the window became the long-yellow-stained nails of a hideous monster and a creaking in the floor boards was it emerging from the ground into her room. A ache pounded in the back of her head as she took in her surroundings with eyes that reflected everything but truly saw nothing.

What was she to do now? This man was her only hope to capturing a greater threat. Her only lead. The silence between them fell over the enclosed space. She hadn't even realised that she had been staring at him until the sound of a passing car brought her into the real world.

His information was too valuable to lock up. Not at the moment anyway. "My offer remains. Tell me what happened in the club and I promise I won't tell anyone."

She was an idiot.
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Time was endless. Jasper stood unmoving, as if petrified, his mouth slightly agape. "W-what?" he spluttered, not being able to come up with a more intelligent reply. His fingers twitched without him realising, a nervous tick. "I promise I won't tell anyone"

"That's what she said, too," he murmured quietly to himself. A trade. Information in exchange for the promise that his secret would remain just that: a secret. It sounded too good to be true. A lie; a figment of his imagination. And yet... there was no way that he imagined her saying that. No way he made that up.

He leaned forward, shortening the distance between them. "Agreed," he said quickly, afraid the only chance he was given was going to be revoked. A bit like an excited puppy lunging to snatch a bone that was extended to him. The bone being the promise and the puppy being him. No. The bait being the promise and him being the one to snatch it up. Recklessly agreeing before he asked what was the catch, he realised his mistake. Oh well. Too late now. It didn't matter if she was about to say "I'll keep it until you are no longer useful" or "I'll tell on you the moment this is over" or "if we get caught, you're secret is no longer safe".

All he needed was a little extra time. And this was the perfect opportunity, seeing as she seemed to take his word. An intricate plan started to form in his head. If he could lead her away on a wild goose chase, maybe try and find who those thugs worked for, he'd kill two birds with one stone! Jasper nodded, "Agreed, I accept your offer. There was a struggle, a fight between the one who did it and some others, some thugs. They seemed to have a conversation and he tried to run away. He got caught and then then the... thing happened."
The young man's movement made her feel uncomfortable. Cecile found herself strongly clenching her closed-up staff behind her back, finger hovering over the release button. She would have pressed it if it weren't for the hope in his eyes. It didn't stop her from taking a small, unconscious step backwards though.

"Then its a deal," she muttered to herself under her breath. There was no turning back now.

When he began to speak, she still felt a bit dazed. Too much emotions felt in too short a period she guessed. "Thugs?" Her eyebrow lifted, "So he's done something to tick off some sort of crime boss." There was something in her head that told her he could possibly lying. Firstly, Cecile still was certain that he wasn't at the dance club to practice dancing. Secondly, she wasn't naïve. 'Super-naturals can't be trusted' as the saying goes. However, in her gut she felt like he was telling her the truth. Maybe it was his body language that made her feel that way or the serenity in his voice. He didn't really show any of the obvious 'lying signs' she was taught.

"Tell me what they look like." The colour had began to return to her complexion.
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"They? You mean the two thugs? Well, they're gone, so they can't really look like something. Unless air counts." He smiled, happy she agreed, and went back to trying to annoy her. They had a deal, after all, so he wasn't in any danger of being locked somewhere - he could do whatever he liked now! Hopefully.

He didn't notice the way she took a step backwards or the way she held her hands behind her back, almost as if holding something, so Jasper continued, adopting a haughty tone. "But, I'm sure that I'll be able to remember how they looked like before they pissed off the man if these handcuffs could go off." He held his hands up. "Just so you know in the future, I seem to think better when I'm not treated like a dangerous criminal. And I think I could also remember what the man wore. Of course, some water and maybe some food would be highly appreciated, too. There's nowhere I could go, and if you're thinking that I'm gonna blow you up or anything, well, I can't be doing that even when I get my full energy back. Too much effort and energy needed; a task for someone with stronger abilities. Also, you might want to discuss this somewhere else. I know a marvelous hotel that has rooms with two bedrooms; naturally, I'd like to get the master room, but I understand if you also want it - we could get two different rooms then." He grinned, showing white teeth, "I'm sure your, ah, company will pay for the expenses." He could already imagine it. A well cooked meal, a room in an expensive hotel, a nice hot bath. A comfortable bed where he could just plop down and sleep forever. It sounded so great. Good news the posh hotel he had in mind also had room service and a mini-fridge stocked with expensive drinks. A glass of wine and pizza sounded like a wonderful way to relax.
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"Well I know that," she snarled. This guy knew he had her around his pretty-little finger but she was not going to be a puppet and let him take the reins on this. If she could only get a description, she could possibly find their identities by hacking the database. 'Hacking' because there was no way anyone would let her walk in with an unknown. It would raise too many questions that she didn't know how to answer.

Annoyance flushed across her to the sound of his chattering handcuffs. Cecile's eyes panned from them to his face, digging her hand into her pocket. "Remember. If you even try to escape the deal is automatically off and I can get backup in a matter of minutes," she seethed. His list of wants dumfounded her as she pulled out the key and jammed it recklessly into his handcuffs. Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed.

The hotel idea seemed stupid at first but when the seconds passed, it grew on her. It was getting dark and she needed somewhere to sleep tonight whilst being able to keep an eye on him. However, there had to be locks on every door. She wasn't going to risk anything. The young woman let out a deep sign.

"First thing first. There is no way in hell that we're going to a five star hotel," Cecile yanked the handcuffs off of his hands and stuffed them into her bag. "The best you're going to get tonight is a two star and a couch. And also, the deal never involved me paying for your anything." Still holding her staff by her side, willing to use it at any second, she fiercely grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the alley and into the light of the setting sun.
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"Ahhh, freedom." Jasper rubbed his wrists and stretched, yawning lazily. "Yeah, yeah. Do you think it wasn't obvious enough?" he rolled his eyes.

Getting his phone out of his pocket, he turned to look at her. He sighed, genuinely annoyed that they couldn't stay at something posh. "I suppose a five star would be a bit over the top. But, if you want me to pay for my own things, you'll have to come with me so I can get my money." Two start hotel and a couch? He could work with that. It's not like this would be the first time he had to sleep at something that sounded similar to that. There were a lot of times when the conditions were, frankly, quite bad and inhumane, but a hiding spot is a hiding spot. "Like they say, beggars can't be choosers."

When she grabbed his arm, he pulled out of her grasp. "Look," he said. "If you want to work together, you have to trust me. And I have to trust you. So how about I promise that I won't run away this week and you'll have enough confidence in me that you won't be needing to drag me around." Quickly texting Rex a message - "dance competition's off. hopefully staying at 5 * hotel - take the fish with you at bernie's. talk 2 u later." - he put his iPhone back in his pocket and walked next to the woman. Hopefully Rex was going to understand what was going on. They had created a code for when one got caught but there was chance of escape, and he hoped his traveling companion would remember it.

The agent kept on going but Jasper stopped at the spot where the road branched into a little path to the left, head slightly tilted to a side. "Quick trip home and then we can go check in at a two star hotel. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to get there. Also, I think there's an inn or something close by my place."
Shock obviously played on her somewhat disconcerted face when the young man pulled out of her grasp.

Trust. It sounded so easy in theory. In practice, however, she would have found it easier to hike a mountain. How could she even trust someone she didn't even know the name of? Lynda was right when she had declared her to have 'trust issues' five years ago before she left her house for the last time. The memory played clear as day. That look she gave her. The way she slammed the door. Cecile's eyes sneakily flashed over his phone. "dance competition's off." Oh gosh. A subtle red stained her lightly freckled cheeks.

Slowly, Cecile moved her compressed staff down into her bag, forcing her fingers to release its metal structure. The simplicity of this gesture was enough to tie a knot in her stomach and ignite a caution that she could not remove. I mean, because she was going to trust Pretty-boy now didn't mean that she couldn't still feel apprehensive. That wasn't going to become nothing because he simply said he wouldn't catch her on fire.

When he stopped in the direction of his house, she couldn't help but feel slightly confused. The young woman swore that he was homeless when he had requested to stay at a hotel. Seemed like she was wrong. She tended to be wrong about a lot of things lately.

"So you do have a house," Cecile turned back and walked toward him and the slim path. Arms folded, perhaps in defiance of having to rely on his directions, her lips slipped into a straight line. She wasn't exactly in the mood to question where he got his money from.

"Ok. You have to be in and out. I don't exactly want to try to navigate these streets at night with their obvious lack of working street lights." Her eye passed to the shattered glass of the broken street light above them.
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When the agent put her weapon away, Jason nodded his thanks, inwardly releasing a big sigh. He started walking fast, not fast enough to seem like he was running away, but fast. "It's more of an abandoned place, and it's not mine. It's my invisible friend's, the one I was supposed to have the dance competition with." He noticed the faint blush that rose up her cheeks and knew instinctively that it wasn't due to the cold or anything of that sort. Good. Let think you have a life and friends.

Walking in silence with his hands in his pockets, he strolled through the dark streets and stopped in front of a house with its door broken. The wood was held up by one hinge and kicked inwards. "Shit." This wasn't supposed to be like this. Who could have done this? Moving to peek in over the windowsill, he motioned to the woman to be quiet, in case whoever entered uninvited was still there. A few tense minutes later, he stood up from his crouched position under the window and cautiously opened the door - or, moved it out of the way the best he could - and stalked inside, treading lightly.

Winging it, he warily called out, "Anyone here?" Like he expected, Jasper received no answer. Shrugging he navigated through the mess inside the hall and walked into a dirty kitchen. Plates were broken, food was thrown on the floor- it was a disaster. Luckily, the ones who ransacked his home didn't seem to find the hiding spot where the money was at. That is, assuming they came for that. He crouched down under the sink faucet and probed around until he found a cardboard box. Taking it out and unceremoniously dumping the contents on the floor, he sorted through the cereals and held up a plastic bag with cash in it.

"Okay, I'm ready now." he called out to her as he grabbed an apple from the fruit ball. "Lets go find our two star hotel." Munching thoughtfully, he sighed. He was not going to drop the fact that they weren't going to somewhere fancier anytime soon. Plus, it seemed to annoy her, him complaining and everything.

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