
Thanks for the intro. I will refrain from posting anymore now until other people get their posts in.

Sorry for the length. I haven't roleplayed in a little while and I needed to get some of that out. :b

Understood. :v

Also, I just wanted to inform you of something really quickly. Noneta can't fly if her wings are wet, so if fighting a Nizzel and it just so happens to be raining, or if the Nizzel is smart enough to drench her with water... hint hint. ;D

Get what I'm saying here? ><;;

Might ruin her chances of getting away if in a sticky situation.

I feel so bad. It's almost like I want another person to suffer. >>;;
:o Sorry I was too busy to post my characters! I'll do it now lol 
Name: Elaine

Race: Human

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: (No headphones on my character though)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/glamorous-portraits-11_thumb_large.jpg.ea56a839dd863cc6560c9e90f00240a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/glamorous-portraits-11_thumb_large.jpg.ea56a839dd863cc6560c9e90f00240a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be12173c0_images(3).jpg.4de22655627976960b7adeb216636d48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be12173c0_images(3).jpg.4de22655627976960b7adeb216636d48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fault: Elaine lived with her mother and her older brother Eric, who she was very close with. People always said Elaine's mother was crazy or "not right in the head". But she and Eric never believed them. But when the Nizzel took over and the world started to fall apart, something in Elaine's mother started to snap. She started acting and talking strangely. They're mother took them to a small home just outside of town and locked them all up together in it to keep them safe. But on they're first night there, the two woke up to the sound of they're mother's laughter. But it wasn't a happy laugh. Instead it sounded sick and twisted. Immediately Elaine and Eric were suspicious, but before they could even think about running away, they're mother attacked Elaine. Eric moved in front of Elaine to protect her, and they're mother stabbed and killed Eric right in front of Elaine's eyes. She watched and listened to her brother die in horror. Pain and hatred filled her heart as her mother laughed like a mad person. Elaine grabbed her knives and quickly ran out the house, not looking back once. As she ran, she heard her mother let out another crazy laugh, and then silence. Elaine doesn't know if her mother is alive or not. But deep down, Elaine hopes her mother is dead because of what she did to Eric.

Strength: Elaine's brother gave his own life to save hers, and she wishes everyday that it was her who was dead instead of Eric. But she finds strength in this weakness, and instead of taking her own life, she decides to live every day for her brother who sacrificed his own life to keep hers going.

Weapon: Claw Knives (hard to explain what they are so I'll just show you lol)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be1213fa6_riddick-s-fantasy-claw-knives-60-pekm300x300ekm.jpg.85c28569d2b0964ddc197fa63c4c5193.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be1213fa6_riddick-s-fantasy-claw-knives-60-pekm300x300ekm.jpg.85c28569d2b0964ddc197fa63c4c5193.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Elaine is a bit shy sometimes. She also doesn't open up so easily to people because of what happened to her and she's afraid to get close to people and get hurt again. She's usually a friendly and nice person, but try not to piss her off because she has a really quick temper.

History: Basically the same as what I put in Fault. Her father abandoned them when she was born so she doesn't even know him. Her mother did end up killing herself in the end, but Elaine doesn't know that. The rest your just going to have to find out c:

Other: Sorry I took foreveeeer to make this girl lol. Oh and sorry if there's any typos I did this at 1 am :P



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I like your character. She's very creative, and she has a heart-wrenching history. However, as I told Cressy, please remember that the Nizzel are a force to be reckoned with. The fact that you were able to flee and hide is fine and all, but remember that such was probably luck or chance. They're a powerful race; one that shouldn't so easily be conquered.

Now, I've had my worries about this before, so I'll just voice this now.

@Cressy, and @NotKasey

I don't mind that you have custom weapons. Really, it's a nice idea, and it can really help define your character. However, just remember that having a custom weapon over a make-shift standard weapon doesn't give you any sort of over-whelming power. You're not going to more easily be able to take out the enemy.

That being said, your weapons can also be damaged, or even destroyed. Whether or not their custom or run-off-the-mill doesn't make any sort of difference.
No, I don't want you to change anything. I merely wish for you to realize that, though you may have specific weapons or tools at your disposal, you won't be able to easily take out the enemy at hand. Simply, I don't want you to write out a paragraph explaining how you underhandedly took out the entire Nizzel army.

I understand that I've explained the fact that you can't do that multiple times, but hey, some people have been known to completely ignore me and pretend like they're God in every post they present.
Lack of posting, I see? I've got an encounter planned anyway. I shall institute that sometime over the weekend. Thou hath been warned
Sorry that I haven't posted a lot. Im limited to using mobile for a while plus irl stuff going on ill try to post something

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No problem! Things happen.

To everyone, I do wish to remind you that, though this is meant to be both the first encounter (and a relatively easy one), it should still come with some difficulty. Enough that time and possibly even injury may take effect. In the future, these encounters should be avoided, as (more often than not) the risk will not out-way the reward.

If possibly, feel free to start a group conversation or simply talk in here to decide what paths you will take, tactics against certain enemies, and so forth. I do hope that you have fun with it!

The Nizzel, currently, are all equipped with basic close-range weapons. They're a bit blood-thirsty, making them over-zealous. However, this makes it much easier for them to overextend themselves, leaving them open for a well timed strike. Consider this in your posts.

And, do consider the fact that Nizzel are meant to be 6-7 feet tall, and somewhat bulky. Feel free to consult the picture given at the bottom of the first instructional post of this thread to get a good look at what you will be up against.

Happy hunting!
Alrighty! One quick question before Noneta nears her death...

So plants are minimal in the area, but would it be okay if there were an amount of weeds, or something? :B

Since, well... she's close to useless without any plants nearby. ><;;
Expect there to be a bit of overgrowth and weeds about. You might need to overturn a rock to find it, but it's there. Also, interesting way to premise the question. It's almost like you're afraid I want your character to die! *mischievous laugh*

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