

The Overseer
Everything is gone. Your family, your friends, your life before. Everything was destroyed when the Nizzel came. With their arrival, the world fell to ruin. Though so many fought and so much blood was spilled, humanity fell within a matter of days.

What once was a world reigned by man, elves, and the other races of power, is now a world of death and ruin, solely controlled by the creatures of the night; the hated race of Nizzel, standing in their throne of bones. The few last members of man now can only make a choice; standing above the ruin of what they lost, will they surrender? Will they allow the world to fall to corruption? Or will they stand up and fight? Will they avenge the fallen, and push on with only the will to survive?


There are some things you should expect with this game;

1) You might die in this role-play

2) You may or may not succeed in saving the world in this role-play

3) You will find it a bit difficult to kill the Nizzel

4) With each death, humanity's demise comes ever closer

You see, with this game, I added a bit of a counter. This counter keeps tracks how many people there are left on earth that are truly willing to fight. You will find other humans on earth, surely, but they won't be courageous enough to fight.

Each player is one of these few, willing to fight against this coming apocalypse. With each player-character death, the tally lowers. Now, there are two outcomes of this role-play.

A) All of the players die. It's over. You lost. I will lay out an epilogue as a final post, and it ends. Game over.

B) You send a message to the Nizzel. You show them that humanity means business, and that they won't back down without a fight.

Here is the tally for you to watch;

Brave Souls Left: [12]

Character Creation:

There are some things to be aware of;

You need to choose something that you left behind. Someone who died in front of your eyes, a life that you left behind. An itch that you just can't seem to scratch. Something that, when mentioned, locks you up, or makes you hesitate. Your flaw, your weakness.

Your strength. Something that makes you, you. That one thing, when reminded of, gets your blood pumping again, and gets you back up on your feet. It's how you've survived for this long.

With that, you also get a selection of various races.

Man - http://th02.deviantart.net/fs45/PRE/f/2009/071/8/1/Medieval_Knight_by_lijinbo78.jpg

Heralds of the now fallen world, the will of Man is easily changeable, but easily uncertain. One may simple sway from one decision or path to another, and they can be quite unpredictable. However, they are both versatile and loyal allies, and make great soldiers in a pinch.

Elves - http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/094/b/2/elf_by_asuka111-d3d6lt7.jpg

Young, childlike, youthful, sensitive... a few words one may choose to describe an Elf upon first meeting. However, there is so much to them beyond that. So much that is left unseen. After learning of them, some may choose to use the worlds honor-bound, passionate, willful, and kind to describe such wonderful beings.

Draal - http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/310/8/5/warbringer_by_mabuart-d4fbvud.jpg

Some say they are a fallen race of Man, but that isn't true. Not in the slightest. They are creatures of darkness, contained in a suit of armor by enchantments and dark forces beyond what many might understand. They aren't dead, but simply of darkness; contained, and directed.

Fjorn - http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/336/4/4/knight_captain_by_eko999-d5msy8k.jpg

Loyal to the very end, the Fjorn know no strangers. Upon birth, they are brought to the holy land of Exrael to be baptized in its waters. As soon as their flesh touches the pool, their flesh becomes tainted by a blue streak of light, which they carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Dusk Elves - http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/149/f/1/drow___house_soldier_by_deadwire-d5z1dc9.jpg

Akin to Elves, they live in shadows and in the dark of night rather than in the light. Disregarded as creatures of evil, they slink through the abyss. However, in this time of darkness, they have been brought out; though not without chastise and disgust from the other races.

Now, to wrap up, I would simply like to declare that all types of weapons (swords, bows, hammers, etc.) are accepted for use.

That being said, there are only a few types of magic that are allowed (and these powers are not to be abused or overused);

Pyromancy - Manipulation and composition of fire

Umbramancy - Control and redirection of shadows and darkness

Sanamancy - The ability to heal and recover

Potentiamancy - Telekinesis; the ability to move objects

Visumancy - To see the truth, to see through objects, and the ability to read minds

Friomancy - Power over rapid deconstruction

Character Skeleton:













And finally, there are some rules that I wish to run down.

1) No Godmodding; this includes but is not limited to instant-killing, stasis, freezing, amputating, slaughtering, instantly winning, rapidly succeeding, overusing or overextending the perimeters of magic or basic power.

2) Romance, violence, and language I can handle. Just keep everything PG-13

3.1) Important Rule: I'm not going to kill you just because I feel like it. Firstly, the death of your character will start with an injury. A warning, if you will, that can be healed. Then, comes death. The only way for you to be injured or killed is if you do something simply stupid, fickle minded, or otherwise unwise in the situation given to you. Pay attention to your surroundings, and the dangers ahead.

3.2) If you die, you're always free to make a new character! But for this role-play, you're only allowed one character at a time.

4) Please, be at least somewhat literate with your posts. I don't expect novels, but at least keep them two paragraphs or more.

5) Don't fight with me. If I'm being unfair, tell me. But don't force me to change my mind by arguing with me.

Oh, and here's who you're up against;


Have fun! 
Name: Jexal La'krel

Race: Draal

Age: 27

Gender: Male


His greatest friend in this world of madness was merely an Elf, name Pixis. Without a friend in the world, Pixis was always the one to defend Jexal when others grew violent or cruel because of his race. Being a creature of darkness contained within such a frail robe was difficult, but with Pixis, Jexal managed.

When the Nizzel came, he and Pixis fled to the outskirts of the town they lived; to a small cave that only they knew of. However, the Nizzel swiftly followed, leaving them both to die. However, with a swift mind, Pixis distracted the Nizzel long enough for Jexal to escape. Pixis died that day, and Jexal felt so... hopeless. If ever put in a position like that again, Jexal didn't know what he would do.

Strength: Constantly, Pixis would remind Jexal that he wasn't evil. That he, instead, could be a force of good, if he so wished. Though Jexal often chose not to believe him, being reminded that he could be good always gave him the hope to carry on.

Weapon: Along with a small rapier he keeps hidden within his robe, he also has learned much of potentiamancy from Pixis before his passing.

Personality: Jexal isn't one to fight alone. Usually without confidence and lacking self esteem, he rarely has the will to do anything without a friend or ally by his side. However, if bullied and battered, will try to prove that he is truly of some worth, and that he can do good.

History: Jexal was summoned by a nomadic wizard name Valkuur. He was old and wise, though he grew weary and unhealthy from age. He always wanted a child, though lacked the charisma and time to settle down, marry, and have a proper family. So, instead, he chose the path of the Draal; drawing a dark soul from the spirit realms and encasing it in armor.

Valkuur prepared and executed the ritual to the letter, and was very excited to see the creature he presented into the world. But when the spell was finally complete, he grew weary and worn. With the enchantment needing time to settle, Valkuur died of a heart attack, alone.

The next morning, the spell's seal had settled, and the ritual was finally complete. Valkuur, having no armor to spare, instead gave one of his old robes and hats to use to keep the creature together. This, though it would work, was a bit difficult to move in when Jexal first entered the world. However, when finally controlling the suit he came into, he immediately found his would-be master dead.

Stepping out into the world, with no information or truth of his surroundings, he stumbled upon an Elven city within the trees. Many of the Elves reeled in fear upon seeing the dire Draal, and either fled or scoffed as he walked. But just before he was to leave, feeling that he was a monster, Pixis outstretched a hand. Pixis, a young mischevious Elf, brought Jexal back to his home, and taught him of the world around him.

With an Elf's incredibly long life, they remained together for quite some time; Jexal learning much about the world, along with learning the arts of potentiamancy. However, when the darkness swept into the world, the Nizzel in toe, Jexal could do nothing upon witnessing his greatest friend die. In the end, Jexal survived, now only wanting to give back the life Pixis had given.

Other: Every night before sleeping, Jexal winds a fresh cloth around some of the areas where various tears and holes can be seen in his clothes. Though he is not old for a Draal, the simple cloth robe he was sealed in doesn't allow him to take too many hits.
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Name: Elise Wallflower

Race: Elf

Age: 21

Gender: Female



Before the invasion, Elise spent her days at a hospice, using her pridefully acquired skill of healing to help save those struck with disease and the likes. During the days of the invasion however, the village where she stayed came under assault, and she was commanded to hide.

Later, as the screams around her, terrifying enough as they were, she crawled out of her hiding place, only to find a field of bodies, of mixed races. The sight proved nearly to much for the young elf, as she ran across the seemingly endless fallen, searching for but a single living one, a single one she could save, yet she found none, so she kept running, the memory still haunting her with a great fear of death, both her own and that of others.

Strength: The thing that kept her going, running from the endless field of bodies, the same thing that made her cross it, the will to save another one, to save one more life from the brink of death, to not let the sight she saw repeat itself, is what forces Elise to persevere.

Weapon / Magic?: Sanamancy

Personality: Although seemingly rather joyful for the most of the time, Elise always seem to be slightly paranoid, the one to bother with every scratch and slight wound one might procure. She's also know to throw light fits against people who don't want her to bother with said scratches and the likes, repeatedly lecturing them about the possibility of infections or other, more malevolent things.

As previously mentioned, Elise spent her days before the invasion working in a hospice, carrying a much more cheerful, and prideful, personality back then. Before that however, she lived with her parents in one of the smaller cottages in the village, a patient, yet stubborn child, it wasn't uncommon for her to plan out even minor pranks days ahead, or simply being found reading when she came across something interesting.

During one of her early years however, she witnessed an accident occur in her village, as a roof collapsed upon the man who was building it, sending heavy planks falling down upon, among other things, his legs. This wouldn't have been an all that important event in the young elf's life, if it hadn't been for what occurred next, a man in seemingly purely white robes strode up to the scene of the accident, noticeably completely calm, and knelt down next to the injured one. What followed afterwards, would completely change the path Elise wanted to take in life, as the man seemingly simply touched the injured leg, and it seemed to straighten out, the bleeding stopping.

From that day on, Elise spent many, many hours searching for both information, and possibly a mentor, in order to acquire the power she had witnessed, she wanted to be able to save people, just like the man in white.

Despite being very paranoid about wounds and such, Elise doesn't seem to apply the same amount of care for food, perhaps due to limited knowledge of what to eat and not, or simply being somewhat irresponsible on that part. This has led to a couple of incidents involving food poisoning.
I'm definitely interested in this roleplay. I'm going to do a little research before sending in a PM. :B Just a heads up.
Name: Noneta Vine (Yes I named her after a type of poem, because I'm cool like that.)

Race: Vila

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female




xxxxxOh, young love... Sweet and wonderful, but blind and disastrous. Noneta, still in her early teenage years, had fallen madly in love. The problem was, her suitor was a human. The Vilas never actually despised humans of course, but it was forbidden to be seen by them. If the humans had been informed of their existence, imagine what would have happened. Soldiers storming in, kidnapping the Vilas, bringing them to science labs to be probed and tested. But of course, her lover was different. "He's trustworthy, he treats me better than any of you do! And he loves me for who I am!"

xxxxxThe two of them ran off, in hopes of a romantic and fantastical future living together. Her conscience nagged her the whole time, saying that Karma would bite her back for abandoning her family and the forest she was to protect. Something bad would happen, and it would shatter the life she lived now, scarring her for as long as she lived. She shoved the thought to the back of her head. The only thing that mattered was that she was in love, and nothing would stop her from leaving the human's side.

xxxxxWithout a doubt, Karma did come back to bite her, and it bite her hard, as well as add in an extra slap to the face. The Nizzel found it's way into her home, crushing and destroying everything in its path, including her lover. The Nizzel slowly and torturously killed him, making Noneta watch helplessly, doing everything she could to stop the beast, but to only be shoved back mercilessly. She cried, and begged, and threw chairs at the beast as it pulled limbs off of the writhing and screaming body, but as soon as her first and only love in the world lay limp on the floor, the Nizzel left, leaving Noneta alive, just so she would live her life having known what the Nizzel had done. It let her live just to make her suffer both mentally and emotionally... a consequence worse than death itself.


xxxxxDue to the, "incident," Noneta now has a strong sense of duty as well as loyalty. She sticks to whatever job given, and always finds a way to fulfill any given feat. There was no way she would abandon anything after what happened the last time she did so.




xxxxxNoneta, as previously mentioned, is extremely loyal. She would not hesitated to give her life to save an ally, and never leaves a task unfinished. Noneta is a generally kind girl, treating most people the way they treat her. It is rather difficult to make her angry unless you hurt someone, or something close to her. Being a guardian of nature and animals, plucking off a leaf from a low-hanging tree or pulling a simple blade of grass from the ground will result in a swift kick in the stomach, or something similar.


xxxxxNoneta was always a curious child, adventuring outside of the walls of her village, nurturing the plants, and racing with the rabbits. She was constantly told how dangerous it was outside of the village, but she never listened, running around in the forest despite the many times she was scolded, not to mention the nights she went to bed with a red, and stinging bottom.

xxxxxOne day, she met a human boy, laying on the grass, but the plants didn't seem to be hurt. It was almost as if they were leaning towards him, wanting the human's touch. Their friendship began within seconds, and they met in that very same spot as much as they could for years. Soon, something sparked between then, and their new love began. But then of course, we all know how this story ends...

xxxxxNoneta ran back to her village, tears streaming from her eyes after witnessing the death of her lover. She hoped to beg for forgiveness, regretting ever disobeying them and abandoning the job she was born to do. To her dismay, she found her home in ruins, bodies strewn across the village like broken and unused dolls. Blood was under her feet with every step she took. The blood of her family, her people. This place had formed her to who she was today, and now it was destroyed.

xxxxx"N-Noneta..." Noneta looked down beside her, where the old shaman of her village lay. He was nearing death, and it was obvious there was no way to save him. She crouched down beside him, hugging the only living being left in the village, sobbing. "Noneta... get up." The young Vila sat up, with the tears still flowing. Without another word, a glowing orb of light lifted itself from the shaman's chest floating in front of Noneta. "T-Take it." the shaman ordered. She obey, cautiously touching the orb. It flashed as a result of her touch and pushed itself into her hand, disappearing under her skin. A greyish line traveled up her arm, settling itself on her left shoulder, as a sign of the new power she now had. "It's my power... P-protect the forest with it." those were his last words before managing a weak smile as his soul left his body.

xxxxxThis time, Noneta was truly alone, and all she could manage to get herself to do was cry.


xxxxxWhile traveling alone, Noneta came across a small rabbit who had also lost his family. She didn't hesitate to make the rabbit her companion, and made a new friend.

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Your character sheet is so very detailed and interesting! I like it a lot! The only reason that I'm not accepting you on the spot is because I'm a bit confused about the orb. Did the orb grant you your ability to use naturamancy? That I'll allow, of course. But if you gain some sort of bonus ability that we didn't talk about, we will atleast need to talk about it first.
Oh, it just granted her the ability to use naturamancy. I wanted to give her the power after the Nizzel came, otherwise, she wouldn't have been as helpless as she was fighting against it.

I just wanted some type of physical form representing the power. if that's okay with you.
@TheInfamousHavoc I apologize for the horribly late response.

Alrighty. Though I'm kind of wishy-washy about the thought of most of her species not being able to use such power, I ultimately realize that it flows really well with the storyline.

Hoth thou been accepted! I'll wait for one more before we begin thine game.
I'm signing up! Sorry for the Extremely late announcement but yeah I want to sign up :P  
Name: Atlas Relonus

Race: Fjorn

Age: 19

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Pixiv.Fantasia.full.922086.jpg.86186a0e908e6970ddcbb1c400cd7c2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Pixiv.Fantasia.full.922086.jpg.86186a0e908e6970ddcbb1c400cd7c2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His Uncle always told him he would jeopardize everyone in a mission, that he was a fool and a coward, and with his power he would probably kill more people than what he could save. As Atlas saw his people die he felt guilty. Guilty that he wasn't crying or going back to help. He felt like a coward, he was a coward.

Strength: Before dying his uncle let him flee, he told him he was the Fjorn's last hope. So Atlas ran, he wanted to become hope. His goal and ambition kept him going.


Thanatos: A Lance/Scythe that is very big, and lighter than what is expected, the scythe can be retracted manually and so can the lance tip. The "feathers" on the side can also be a deadly attachment. The weapon is quiet big so he usually tries to get height and strike the opponent from higher ground, the element of surprise to his side. Atlas saved up money for years and made a specific design for the blacksmith to make. He even payed him extra so he did the best job he could.

Vindictus: A short sword, his first weapon.

Friomancy: A power he learned by becoming the apprentice of an Elder. The power wasn't used much among the many magics because it had dangerous potential. It was looked down upon by many, but Atlas's curiosity was what drove him to only learning this magic. He keeps a burnt book around that belonged to his master. A few pages are burnt but some are intact, he's already read it many times so he just keeps it as a reminder.

Personality: Atlas is a quiet and cautious person. He can be considered a coward at times but he usually fights when others are in danger. He tends to avoid very drastic situations on his own and likes to approach things in groups and planned. He is scared of many things really but he can show bravery when it's needed. He can be a bit paranoid, but he always tries to defend people. He doesn't wish to see anyone he loves die while he's around and can do something about it. He is very loyal though.


Atlas's life was never exciting or thrilling. It was quite dull and boring and was always followed with reading or lessons from his master. At a young age Atlas was labeled as the odd child. His mark had settled entirely on his left eye, only to expose a blue eyeball that shined at times. The rest of the mark went down his neck, which is why he wears the headband. He could still see well but he was very insecure of his eye and always wanted to hide it. Although it came useful at times. It could also be a problem but he lived with it. His parents died due to "misfire" of archers when they were protecting from a bandit ambush when Atlas was 3. To be honest he didn't remember them much and he heard little of them. So he was never sucked up in the fact he didn't have his parents.

The eye was only 1 of Atlas's many faults. He learned Friomancy from a rejected mage in his town. Friomancy is usually rejected and is known as a very dangerous magic but Atlas only saw it as a useful tool, not one for murder. He believed if he used Friomancy to help someone his cycle of hatred would stop. One day Atlas entered a recruitment camp for soldiers, he wanted to become a warrior for the Fjor and prove his worth. Sadly he was rejected due to the Friomancy. His Uncle (one of the trainers) said he would be a potential threat with his magic. So he was kicked out and laughed at yet again. He still didn't know how to stop the cycle of hatred and rejection so he went home again, and fell asleep. If you didn't seem the same as everyone else, no one would like you it seemed.

Atlas woke to the screams of people down the street. He was being shaken awake by his uncle and told to stand. The town was being burnt, the Nizzel ambushed them and now they needed to fight, but Atlas could not. His Uncle told him he needed to leave. To become hope to them. Atlas looked at his Uncle trying to refuse, was he really asking him to be a coward? In the end Atlas ran. After the many excuses his Uncle said so he could leave. He did, his uncle simply wanted him safe, even if it was a selfish reason to his people. A promise had bound him to it, and now Atlas had his own promise. To become hope.

Other: He wears the cloak in the picture but without the flower designs. It covers his face well if he wants it too. The Headband is to cover his eye mark.



  • Pixiv.Fantasia.full.922086.jpg
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Alright, unfortunately, there are a few problems I do have with your character;

Firstly, your specific focus on a variety of things, such as weapons, magic, and so forth, leads me to believe that you're probably going to want to have the ability to easily dispatch the opponent. Sadly, you're not going to be able to. Though I don't mind you having a custom weapon, remember that the Nizzel are very powerful, and aren't too easy to dispatch.

Secondly, the Nizzel couldn't have attacked when you were three, because they just attacked about a week ago. And they killed and destroyed everything. If you would, please modify your history to both reflect that everyone is dead, your town hardly stood a chance, and that it all came crashing down rather recently.

Now, that isn't to say that your character is bad. Development of character personality, especially reflecting his unique racial trait was all very interesting and well thought out. I actually rather enjoyed it.

Yep, you did fix the history snag. Thank you for that.

Before I accept you, though, I want it to be clear that these enemies are going to be a bit difficult than what you may be used to in other role-plays. It will take tactics and perception to take out even one by yourself. These things are powerful, and in this role-play, you may even die if you overextend yourself enough.

Just, be sure that you're aware of that. If that doesn't sound like your kind of role-play, that's fine. I won't mind, of course.
I'm well aware and thank you for reminding me. But I would still like to roleplay here because I'm pretty interested :)
Alright. In that case, the role-play will be starting shortly. I will be informing everyone once it does.

I, however, will wait at least an hour or two, in case anyone else ends up joining last-minute (it happens sometimes).
The thread has been started!


Before we begin, I just want to make it clear, again, that it is possible to succeed. I've already laid out a few plot points, and the possibility of succeeding exists. However, it will not be easy.

Your character may be injured. The weapon he or she carries might be damaged, or even destroyed. If you're not careful, your character may even die. I will try to remain fair, of course, but the possibility still remains.

Be careful out there.
I'm itching to go ahead and post. but I think that I'll wait a little bit for someone to post first. ><;;

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