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Futuristic True Blood Runs Cold (Reboot)

Vyork Ashfin

*Undead Captain*

(Please see overview.)

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(Keep this area clear until the RP starts.)

(Tabs have been finished.)

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It was a cold morning on what was supposed to be a warm summer day. The sun had just risen, and most were getting prepared to start another day of survival in the wasteland. Some did not even sleep, and were up throughout the night, listening to whatever crept in the dark. Not many knew it, but this day was going to be another mark in history, a tale that some would tell with their dying breath. Everyone could feel it, there was something horrible about to take place, and very few would even have a say in the matter.

The wasteland had been changing, as if it were trying to make survival even harder than it already was. It did not matter where you had taken refuge, you could have still heard the gunshots from those fighting an endless war. This is what the wasteland was becoming, an all out battleground for anyone that wanted to take part. For those that had the ability to defend themselves this was fine, but for others it had spelled out almost certain death. The group known as the True Blood Society had began allowing outsiders to join their ranks, increasing the amount of people it could throw into a battle. This also meant that anyone desperate enough could sign up as a soldier for a group they knew nothing about. The options for a survivor were few, they could remain neutral, or become part of a much greater power.

Nick walked alone through a destroyed city street, closely inspecting his surroundings for any sign of possible danger. He came to a stop as he passed a large pile of rubble sitting in the middle of the street. After making sure that he was not being followed, Nick began walking again and took a turn into a small alley. He did a quick check of the area as soon as he entered the alley, only to sit down on the ground and place his bag onto his lap. He let his head rest against the old alley wall as he took a moment to regain his energy. His nights had been long and he slept very little, all due to not having a safe area to rest in. It was not long before Nick accidentally fell asleep, but was awoken suddenly by the crack of a rifle shot. There was a brief panic before he sat up and let out a sigh. "Damn snipers..." He grumbled, only to stand up with his bag in hand. Nick placed his bag onto his back and peeked out of the alley, only to hear another shot in the distance. He immediately ducked back into the alley, and decided that it would be better if he waited for things to calm down. There was no way for him to tell how long he would be sitting there, and he could not even tell where the shooter was or what was being shot at.

Lily Kihara

"Bang!" Lily said out loud with a finger pointed like a gun toward the sniper. "Bang!" She said again after a shot came for her head that she tilted out of the red line for. She wasn't very much interested in the sniper as she was the gun though she had pissed the owner off quite enough to try and kill her; not to mention the guy was insane enough to 'claim' her a monster. Basically, he'd seen her swallow up some ammo with her snakes back behind a run-down building, which she'd stolen from him; thus, he was trying to kill her Borg for his ammo and for being a monster that quite clearly wasn't about to leave.

The guy was quite insane about it though, so nobody would believe him if he said it to them and presented Lily, who would just simply act as an offended little girl to get out of such 'insane' accusations. "Bang!" Lily would say just once more, the man shooting soon after and barely missing her shoulder. Getting a bit bored with the sniper guy now, Lily started backing away before running behind the nearest solid structure, curling behind it and acting scared; quite good acting, if it were ever to be seen by anybody.
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Crouched low on all fours within the shadows of ruined old world marvels, the monster once Garrett Marshal was still, combined with his grey skin and bestial face it would be easy to confuse him as a Gargoyle. If we're not for the cold wind that carried his ragged clothes and knotted hair. His eyes black as pitch stared ahead, making eye contact with a wild animal that had wandered into the city. The deer gave him that iconic look, the deer in the headlights and Garrett merely stared back, drool slowly dripping from between his clenched fangs. Each tooth was pointed like a dagger and all of the teeth could be seen interlocking with each other when he close his mouth.

The silence was palpable, the tension could be cut with a knife, the deer's bobbed tail flickering as it was trying to figure the ominous figure 5 yards away out. Garrett's clawed fingers tensed up as he readied to pounce, his muscles tightening in his legs, his arms slowly bending until...


A gunshot range out across the city, it's sound echoing between the dead pillars of humanity. The shot startled the deer and instantly the frightened creature hopped off into the city. Garrett didn't move, didn't flinch, didn't even follow the deer with his eyes, he waited.


A second shot, the beast's head immediately snapped towards the source of the sound. A fearful gunman had made a fatal mistake today. The dreadful sound of a gun used to frighten the former police officer, he feared it would be the last sound he heard, or rather; didn't hear, before he died. Now, the beast that was once Garrett Marshal took the familiar ringing of a gunshot as a dinner bell. Just as quickly as the monster had snapped it's head, it's arms and legs kicked into gear. Bear crawling across the ruined city as another gunshot range out, traveling at dizzying speeds he made a dangerous sharp turn gripping hold of a lamppost to slingshot himself along his path. Easily the beast weaved between rubble, leaped over destroyed cars, and slid underneath fallen buildings. All he did was done with a disturbing amount of silence, a disturbing amount of skill.

Garrett came to a grinding halt, a small poof of dust spraying up into the air as Garrett scanned the buildings, there he saw the sniper, aimed at someone who seemed to flee behind some rubble. The second one didn't seem to have a weapon so Garrett chose his prey. Unnatural speed allowed Garrett to reach the building the sniper was perched in without alerting the shooter, his eye in a scope and already tuned into a target. Garrett crouched down and sprang up into the air, a massive hand with equal large claws crashed into the concrete of the sniper's perch. The sniper took his eye off the scope only to stare into the black soule as eyes of the monster as Garrett peaked just his eyes over the ridge of the perch. It was all too late for the man, he desperately tried to swing the rifle around only to have it smacked aside with a free hand and sent spiraling away from the building.

His scream was short, but harrowing. A scream of true fear, true terror, cut short as Garrett heaved himself onto the perch, lifted the man by the throat, instantly crushing his windpipe. His face went blue almost instantly, his eyes bugged out of his head, staring fearfully into the black soul essential pits of beast. Garrett held him in the air for a moment, arm fully extended as he examined the human's body. Satisfied with his prey, Garrett opened his mouth disturbingly wide, from ear to ease, rows of sharp teeth and a twisted purple tongue awaited. His mouth was wide enough to fit around a person's head- and so they did.

With a sickening crunch, Garrett took a big bloody bite out of the human's face, actually managing to bite the skull in half vertically and killed the man. Garrett swallowed the bloody mouthful and instantly took another disgusting bite, another disturbing wet crunch.

In two bites, Garrett had eaten his entire head and the body slumped out of his grasp when he was done swallowing the second bite. Garrett crouched over his prey and proceeded to shred the body to ribbons eating like a feral dog as blood and bits of offal splashed across the concrete.
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Ren smiled wryly as he looked on at the ensuing chaos, his eyes were squinted to at least improve his acuity somewhat as he perched on a desolate hill a few meters away from the fighting. Paying close attention to the downed sniper's rifle, it would be best that he go to retrieve that later; even the sight on it's own would benefit his little scouting tactic. He payed careful attention to the borderline comical mutant. The frenzied Garrett tearing through hapless humans was quite a sight, he'd been following the beast for a day or so now, and it's brutish actions were yet to cease giving him a sense of superior joy. Although it had took a fair amount of precaution so that he wasn't spotted, the view was certainly worth it, sort of like a fox being released into a den of hens.

Ren grinned a little as the beast kept on barreling through the pair, chuckling slightly to himself. He couldn't know for sure, but he himself had assumed there was more than one sniper out there, and considering marksmen would work in pairs, a shooter and a spotter, he was certainly curious as to whether or not that was all the ambush was. if so, he'd admittedly be disappointed in the lack of equipment he could gaijn from this escapade, but it was still certainly an interesting spectacle to hold and hope to develop either way.
Anyas head snapped up at the sound of the first shot, green eyes flashing. But the sound was far, and getting no closer. She turned back to her work, which was looting the shredded corpse of some poor waste scavenger. If you could call it a corpse - it was more of a smear. Whatever had done this hadn't cared at all about the canned goods, though, which felt pleasurably heavy in her pack. It had been more interested in flesh. With a grimace of disgust she scraped some offal off a tin of beets, a vegetable she had always hated with a passion. Her extra fingers curled and uncurled reflexively. She would have to really be starving before she ate this one.


This guy was clearly a moron, wasting ammo like that. Why be a sniper if it takes so many shots. Then the sound changed, a faint but blood-curdling scream, a sound that started out human and quickly became animal. It made the hair stand on the back of her neck, and she looked down at the meat strewn around her, the red smears on her mutated hands. After another minute there were no more shots.

I could use that rifle. It was a crazy though, of course, but a strangely appealing one. The metal spear she carried was a good weapon, but she could trade the gun for antibiotics, try to remove another finger. Even the thought brought back a wave of nausea, remembered pain, but she needed to look more human if she was getting into this bunker. She started through the streets towards the sound, weaving past trashed cars, ancient rubbish. At a corner she quickly ducked her head around, to check, and instantly withdrew, heart pounding. There was someone, or something, crouching there. His head was turned towards the sounds - she thought he possibly hadn't seen her yet. (@Vyork Ashfin) From her brief glance he had looked more human than anything she'd seen in a long time. Reflexively she looked down at herself - smeared with gore, carrying a primitive metal spear, many-fingered.

Shit. There was no doubt she'd be competing with the man for what was left of the sniper. Or she could cut a deal, maybe. From this far away she could probably lose him if he started chasing her, no harm in trying...

"Hey," she whispered, just barely loud enough that he could hear.
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Maya had not slept the night before. It was a cold morning, and the night before had been worse. She'd spent most of it moving in the hope it would take away some of the bite. It did not. Maya knew that this was Summer now, and that if she was cold on a Summer day, she would have to find more clothes before Winter came around. She huffed. She could search the general area she had settled down in a few months ago for clothes that fit her when it was more pressing. That was not of importance now, though. What was important now was food. She longed for when food was as simple as a trip to the grocery store and rationing was unnecessary. Oh well, those times were gone and they weren't coming back.

A crack rang out, and she tried not to think about what it meant as she flinched. It was day now, she guessed, and the noise and sounds of guns were going to pick up. She would need some cover. More shots came, and she lightly moved into an alleyway, observing the cracks in the buildings for movement and listening for noises as she went. Once she was positive she was alone and could escape quickly if the need arose with minimal chances of dying painfully. Not that this would be necessary if people would give her some time to prove she wasn't hostile. She was working towards a pretty good inner monologue, but her mind got cut off by a scream.

It sounded distant and was relatively short, but it was the nature of it really. She'd never been able to deal with that sound of someone who was terrified and nothing else. Gave her the heebie jeebies. Well, at least the shots had stopped and she could maybe get back to scavenging, right? Right. She tried to push it into the corner of her mind with all the other horrors of the new plane of hellish existence the world had graduated to in recent years. She tried to shrug it off, and when that didn't work pinched herself to remind herself that she was still alive and had to fight to keep it that way.

Dude, you have gone through too much bullshit to die now, she thought to herself, and with a small nod to herself set back off to search thoroughly and quietly for a couple of cans of food she could put in her bag- maybe she'd find some water too if she were lucky.
Nick needed to get out of the alley and into a safer area, and he knew this. As soon as the shooting stopped, it was replaced with a hair-raising scream. The scream was filled with terror, something that was not uncommon to hear in the wasteland. He took a few deep breaths, only to take another peek out of the alley, looking for signs of the most likely dead sniper. It was only then that he heard a whisper. (@Coward) His mind raced, had he been one upped? No, if the source of the whisper wanted to kill him, it would have already. He snapped his gaze towards where the whisper had originated, searching for whoever just spoke. "Identify yourself." Nick said just loud enough for anyone nearby to hear, not wanting to draw unneeded attention.

The sniper most likely attracted plenty of beings from the surrounding areas, some probably just wanted free loot. Everyone was going to have to be quick if they wanted anything, as everything of value was probably going to be taken by the first person to arrive. It was most likely as well that the sniper was not working alone, and there was a spotter lurking in the shadows somewhere. With this in mind, Nick weighed his options. He could either stay here and possibly be attacked by someone or something that was drawn in by the sniper, or he could go and get himself a new weapon. His hand went to the knife at his side, just in case this person that whispered to him was not so friendly.

(Sorry for the delay with this post.)
(@Vyork Ashfin)


Anya snickered to herself behind the wall. Was this guy a secret agent or something? It was a long time since she'd heard someone phrase it as anything except "who the fuck are you?".

She was using the brief conversation to pull a pair of leather gloves onto her mutated hands- it was difficult going, not just because she had to cram her fingers in but because her hands were slick with gore. Eventually she managed it, cursing under her breath.

"I'm Anya, and you're some guy, probably you want this sniper's shit too. Right? So lets get it. Fifty fifty split."

She shrugged her pack higher on her shoulders, rubbed a strand of sweat and damp black hair out of her eyes. Finally she took up her spear again, feeling the improved grip with approval. She might need it before long. But her extra fingers were already starting ache in the confined space.

"Two people is better for this job, I think."

There were already probably a half-dozen people and... things... that had heard the shots, and some of them were going to be closing on the source. If she wanted the gun she needed to get moving.
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Llily KiharaThe moment the mutant had gone by her, Lily followed. She kept up pretty well, though didn't move at inhuman speeds; rather, just as fast as one could ever expect a girl her six to run if athletic. As the guy started shredding the sniper's body apart, Lily slipped right by and grabbed the sniper rifle, having already stolen all but those loaded in the gun earlier as that was why the guy started shooting at her in the first place.

Quickly slipping away from the mutant, anybody watching would probably go 'holy shit' at how brave a girl Lily appeared to be with that giant mutant just there. She wasn't really in need nor possession of fear though, as she herself could definitely handle a little fight and get out unscathed; not that she'd really do any harm to the other mutant though, as she wouldn't just outright fight him.

Throwing the rifle into her jacket, she made certain not a single person could see it as it vanished inside her body, as she went through some tight-spaced debris in order to hide her doing so. Topping it off, anybody who'd go after the rifle would look in there since she was more human than an actual human thus not suspect for having swallowed it inside herself by most sane people.

"Bang!" Lily said as she came out of the pocket of debris still running, no trace of rifle nor anything else left. Additionally, not even the mutant would get through that debris, as it was far too much to break through plus.piled high and she'd gone straight to the other side of the area by doing so. Really though, there were plenty of points to watch her too, as well as ways over top it if already elevated.

Weaving through the ruins, Lily eventually ran right past a group of two and took notice of them looking at them as she passed by, she spoke though quick as she herself was on the move. "Rifle's mine, I got it!" With a smile all the way through, she dropped it as already away from them; she was ready to quit playing innocent girl for the day.
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Engorged with his meal, Garrett hardly noticed the little girl scurrying about beneath him. However as she shouted out his feast halted, already the sniper was hardly recognizable as human. An empty and broken ribcage with large bites taken out of the flesh on the arms. His head turned towards the sound, a low gurgling growl emitting from his throat. Blood flowed steadily from his mouth, sloshing against the ground from between his fangs. Bit's of flesh and clothes tangled between the massive teeth. His keen hearing now focused as he heard the girl crawl through the rubble and Garrett honed in on his next victim.

Grabbing mangled carcass by the arm, pools of blood and loose flesh spilled onto the concrete as Garrett jumped on to the rubble and began scaling his way up and over. He held the bloody mess in his mouth, using both his arms to throw debris aside and scale the ruins. The may have been fast, but Garrett was faster her headstart though was he saving grace. When he had scaled the rubble and landed on the other side, Garrett was silent once again listening, his body still enough to one again be mistaken for a statue. Then he heard it; a little voice just down the street. Slowly, Garrett followed after the sounds of voices, crawling lowon all fours while dragging with him the mangled corpse clenched in his jaws.

The only sound that came from his approach was the dripping from the steady stream of blood flowing from his mouth and the pitter patter of his claws on the pavement.
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Nick's hand left the knife on his belt as he crossed his arms and listened to what Anya had to say. After hearing the idea of splitting the sniper's loot he shook his head. "My name is Nick, and I owe you a thanks for not stabbing me while I was looking the other way. Back to this loot situation though. I believe that you and I are the only two people in the area at the moment, other than whatever the sniper was shooting at. We could possibly grab whatever the guy was carrying before anyone else arrives." He stopped speaking for a few brief seconds, thinking about his next choice of words. "I have an idea similar to what you said though, only changed a slight amount. How about I get the gun and any ammunition he had, and you can have everything else, how does that..." He had suddenly stopped speaking and turned his head towards where he had heard a figure approaching. Nick was completely caught off guard by the sudden appearance of another person, and watched as what appeared to be a child ran past him and Anya.

Disappointment had showed on his face when the child claimed that she had already taken the rifle, but he did not bother to give chase. He did not have the energy to run after someone at the moment, and a gun that was most likely empty was not worth the trouble. Nick cursed under his breath, only to turn back and face Anya. "The rifle is gone, unless you want to go after it, otherwise I have no other reason to be here. I will be going to check the sniper for anything that was not already taken, and will then be on my way. If you wish to join me, you are welcome to do so." Nick adjusted his backpack as he waited for a response from Anya.
"My pleasure," she said dryly, saluting him with the bloodied tip of the spear. Finally she came into view fully, and took a closer look at him. It startled her how normal he looked, almost like a person from before. If there was anything wrong with him she couldn't see it.

She listened while he laid out his compromise, her grin growing steadily bigger. It figured, he wanted the only thing they actually knew the sniper possessed. The gun is mine - was at the tip of her tongue, when something that looked like a small girl dashed into the alley, foisting the rifle over her head like it was a parade baton and grinning maniacly. Anya's mouth fell open slightly, watching in complete bafflement.

At first her impulse was to duck behind one of the overturned cars, in case the girl decided to stop and shoot them, but before she could the child was already past them and sprinting away. She stared down the alley after her for a second, then turned back to Nick.

"I am not following whatever the hell that was," she told him, pulling a face of horror "Let's try for whatever is left -"

She trailed off, listening. Scraping, dragging. It sounded like a lizard walking... but a damn big one. Her eyes widened slightly.
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