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Triwizard love: SioofxRaven closed RP


New Member
Hannah was slumped in her seat, a book held loosely in her hands as her eyes traced the written words. She and her classmates had been at Durmstrang for about a month now, just trying to pass the time. All the Durmstrang students and professors spoke Bulgarian, so they couldn't follow classes to see what they taught here. There were also a lot of students who didn't speak English, so there was almost no one to talk to. Which left them all spending time together, but with far less to do. But hopefully that would change as today they would announce the names of the champions.

They were all gathered in the dining hall, the Goblet of Fire placed in the middle of the room. All three headmasters - Madam Maxime for Beauxbatons, Angelov from Durmstrang and McGonagall from Hogwarts - were standing around the Goblet, quietly talking to each other. The dining hall was alive with conversations, the food on the table forgotten as they waited. Finally the Goblet turned blue and the room went silent, attention turned to the Goblet and headmasters.

It was the Durmstrang headmaster who took the lead. He took a step towards the cup as a piece of paper shot out, the man catching it between his bony fingers. His voice was raspy and but strong as he read the name on the paper. "The champion for Beauxbatons is... Albert Dupont!" The hall erupted into polite cheers as a boy stood up and walked into a seperate room. Hannah noticed most Beauxbatons students lookin dissappointed they weren't chosen.

The hall went silent again as the Goblet spit out another piece of paper. "The champion for Durmstrang is... Antonin Chekov!" The hall exploded with cheers, as the other Durmstrang students cheered for their classmate. Antonin confidently pushed himself to his feet, marching into the other room.

Finaly it was time for the Hogwarts champion to get chosen. Hannah sat up, she and her classmates focused on the goblet as it spit out a note. Hilda was tense as the headmaster read the note. "The Hogwarts champion is... Hilda Stevenson!" Hilda froze as her classmates cheered for her. She couldn't believe it. She never wanted to be a champion! Why did she let herself get dragged along by her sister? She pushed herself to her feet as her friend pushed her, walking into the other room where the other champions were already waiting.

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