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Multiple Settings Trinity Night - Limbo (OOC)

I see! Thank you for clearing some stuff up for me! I didn't exactly see a lore tab so I kinda just threw this together and hoped. I saw you mention that you were crowded on the ESP side, so I'd rather not slot my character into that. I can come up with something else later. Perhaps tomorrow after work. But I'm heading to bed at the moment.

Would I be able to ask questions in this channel when adjusting or making a new character?
Yes, of course. Throw as many questions as you need. This thread is for anything concerned with the RP, and character creation and brainstorming is always fun.

While World Building is versatile, in the sense that you can probably spice up your background quite easily, in terms of game mechanics, the character must adhere to the templates provided. A hunter who is also a vampire is a common trope, so expect to cross paths with at least one of them, but they'd need to adapt their mechanics to keep the vampire feel. For instance, a common answer for them is to simply keep the vampire trait as not being complete, and thus having no weakness to sunlight while keeping enhanced physical abilities that go beyond human. These would be reflected in the stars alloted to their physical stats. In short, the vampire backstory acts as a justification for high physical stats, instead of granting them any real boons.

Sleep well, and go at your own pace! I'll always be able to find yourself a spot to introduce you into the IC thread naturally.
So, if the current year is 2099, would I be able to make a robot/android of some kind?

Construct/Artificial was going to be a 4th Occupation, but I decided to go with just 3 in order not to overcomplicate things seeing interest was limited to just a few rpers.

If you can't fit it into current classes/subclasses (which is kinda possible), i do have some ideas and scrap info. Feel free to PM me a concept if you feel its not polished enough for the CS thread yet.
Can I get a link to the IC? Also, is there a Discord?

No discord as of yet.

Might incorporate one in the future, but only if everyone is cool with it.
I'll send out a post once I get home! Meaning probably some hours from now.
Is there a post order to follow? Or just anytime between GM posts?
I will likely update tonight.

As long as you arent directly involved in battle, or there is a particular challenge that checks against initiative (ill let you know in both cases), players can post in any order they desire.

However, once you find yourself in these situations were initiative is key, i will share a posting order each round.
It's all good! Nicely done!

No need to change anything.

Beinga Hunter takes time and resourses, both things that are hard to come by in the heat of the battle. To counter-act this, each hunter has prepared spells, a method (generic or unique) to store spells they have prepared, so they can be actualized later, when they are really needed. That's the essence of prepared spells. And if you want to be nimble, that's fine too. Mechanically, a prepared spell is launched the moment the you declare the action, so its activated at instant speed with no chant.

No prepared spells slots remaining? You still can rely on creating the setup for one as the battle rages on, or making up all that you are missing. But both of these are dangerous and risky options. So much so, that even veterans will tell you to avoid them, if you can help it.
We are.

However, I will post tomorrow regardless, as this round is taking longer than desired. I will also take measures to fix this in the rounds to come.
Update coming today.

Honestly, it's like 95% ready, but it might take a while longer because it's longer and still gotta add images and formatting. Look forward to it!

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