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Fantasy Tribal RP; RP thread


The Archon of Madness
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"Will we be able to bring our tribe into the modern era, or will it crash and burn?"

This is a fantasy Tribal RP, that will take place through out all of human history. That is, it will start at the very beginning of human history, at the dawn of civilization, and go forth into the future.

If you wish to join the RP, please check out the OOC thread and the CS Thread.

Current State of the Tribe;
Villagers: 26
Livestock: 4 pigs, 2 Oxen.
Latest Technologies: (Last 5 researched technologies.)
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Tipi Huts
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Basic Stone tools/weapons
Current Conditions:
(All times are adjusted for EST)
Fertile Lands:
All food production is 45% higher then normal. Animals are currently in mating season.
Starts: April 23, 2017 at 0:01.
Ends: May 13, 2017 at 23:59.​
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Village Center.

Maeve sighed softly as she looked around the small camp that her tribe had set up to settle down in the area. It had a couple of rivers near-by, and this made the land very fertile, though she didn't understand what that meant. She did know that the animals they hunt seem to congregate in the area, and this meant plenty of game meat, and plenty of fruits and vegetables to eat. The village so far had a more permanent dwelling for the village chief, and the few Elders, who made the trip to the area. As well, the village had a small paddock made for the few wild boars and oxen that the hunters had gathered, some planning on finding away to keep a stock of them around.
Winter ran around camp helping where she could as the thirteenth year old ran out of one or the small cloth huts they have set up she saw maeve and smiled as she ran past only to trip on a wood log that was sticking out of the pile of wood they had "wah"she said as she fell hitting her side on one of the wooden spears she was carrying "ow"
Village Center...

Maeve smiled softly as she watched Winter trip over the pile of wood. "You alright there?" She asked, holding out her hand to help the younger girl up. "Why such a hurry that you'd trip over something?" She then asked, smiling at her still. "No need to rush that much to help the men, I say." She said, laughing a bit softly, before looking around the camp again.
Sorry I just wanted to help finish setting up camp and elder isa is going to teach me how to make a bow staff and arrows out of the Raven feathers I like to collect" she said taking the older woman hand rubbing her side as she went about picking up the staffs that where ready to be made into spears
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Village Center...

Maeve laughed a bit again, before slowly nodding at the younger girl, a hand going to her hip. "I see." She said, laughing still, as she nodded. "Well then," She said, grabbing a bit of the staffs that Winter was carrying. "Might as well help you then, need to get this place set up quickly, to protect against the wolves and bears."
Yup...I wonder if we can tame some of the wolves like we do the horses what do you think maeve?" She asked looking at her curiously "and when do you think ruin will come back I miss that black bird" she said referring to her pet raven
Village Center...

Maeve laughed softly, patting the younger girl on the head. "I don't know when your bird will return." She said, sighing as she continued on, slowing down to keep pace with the smaller, younger girl. "Though, it may be possible to train wolves, maybe that should be what you do, eh?"
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What do you mean maeve is it because I'm good with animals? Or that I can train wild animals when they are fully grown with just a peace of meat" she said grinning like a fox as she saw the weapon workers and waved as best she could to them.
Village Center...

Maeve laughed still, waving at the weapon worker as well, as they approached them. "There's that." She said, smiling a bit still. "But, you seem like a natural with animals, if anyone can tame those animals, you can." She said, laughing softly as she ruffled Winter's hair a bit softly.
Hahahaha" she laughed as she swated at her with a staff a large smile on her face as the weapons workers chuckled at the girls antics and at seeing the smile on her face.
Village Center...

Maeve laughed as well, smiling as she moved to bat the staff Winter used away a bit. "You'll need to try more if you expect to hurt me Winter." She said, smiling softly, before she picked up the staffs they both dropped, slowly moving to the weapon workers, to drop them off. "This is all of them, yes?"
Yes they are thank you both for bring them it helps cut down the time to get them here and work on them" one of them said as winter handed him the one she had the girl soon heard a loud caw as a large raven landed on her shoulder "there you are ruin I was being to wonder about yo-" she said cutting her self off at seeing a letter on one of his feet, she reached up and took it off and unfolded it..... "Maeve we have a big problem heading out way and I mean big, mean, and furry" she said showing her the parchment which said three words "bears are coming" written in blood
Maeve blinked a bit nervously, looking down at the younger girl. "Are you... Are you sure Winter?" She asked, nervously looking around. "The... The scouts should have checked this area before hand... They would have noticed bear dens." She said, sighing a bit softly. "Besides, what reason would several bears have, in attacking a large grouping of people... like this? Could someone have trained them? Why would they attack us anyway? No one knows we're here."
She shook her head not know as she looked at ruin "can you take use to where the scouts are if they are still alive ruin" she asked as the bird cawed and took off
Kane walked through the village with a smile on his face and a spear in his left hand. He was on his way to the forest, where he hoped he would find some berries or something like that. He'd prefer to just go hunting, but everyone else was busy and hunting alone wasn't really that fun. So he had settled on the next best thing, namely gathering. As he walked, he noticed that the two girls known as Winter and Maeve seemed to be talking about something. He couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about, but it seemed like it was something interesting. So he approached the pair, while saying "What are you two gossiping about?"
Maeve blinked a bit, nodding slowly as Winter talked with her bird, sighing softly. "Oh, hello Kane." She then said, turning to him after he spoke up. "We... were talking about bear sightings near here." She then said, looking from Winter to Kane, then back at Winter, before shrugging a bit softly. "The scouts should have reported bears before we decided on this area, right?"

raven flame raven flame Shugoki Shugoki
Winter simply watched the direction ruin was going in "maeve is that the way the hunters and scouts went in?" She asked point south worry in her voice knowing they had gone north east

He'd been busy preparing. The sightings of bears were not uncommon, and Bear himself was most often than not on the missions to keep the territory between both animal and man. Either that, or it was to take them down and skin the beasts of their pelts. Pulling his furs tighter about his shoulders, the huntsman took long and silent strides towards the village centre. Keen cinnamon irises, flickering back and forth at the continual hubbub of people going about their daily routines.

Bear, had slung his bow and arrows pridefully over a shoulder, whilst evidently keeping his holsters stocked with blades of animal bone. Rope, hanging off his hip for snares, whilst bait of animal fats and berries filled the pouches on his belt. His burly figure wasn't hard to notice, only staying back at camp for the day due to both promises he'd made and a close call with a wolf. Still, he prided himself in remaining yet another day breathing. It was somewhat respected in the community especially, for the strong and intelligent survived.

Passing by the cluster now of Kane, Winter, and Maeve, Bear paused to tower over the group. "Watching out for yourselves I hope." He rather light-heartedly remarked, a smirk entertaining his features whilst giving a warm laugh. Tapping the side of his nose teasingly.

ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar raven flame raven flame Shugoki Shugoki
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Winter looked at him and simply handed him the deer skin used as parchment which said bears are coming' "ruin went south and I know for a fact that the scouts went north east. Do you thank something went wrong and .......I don't want to think about it" she said looking north east then back at bear idalie idalie
raven flame raven flame ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar

Kane took a quick note at the deer skin as Winter handed it over to Bear. It appeared to be nothing more than an normal deer skin that someone had decided to doodle on a bit, which was a shame since it was a waste of perfectly good skin. "Is that the only proof we have that bears are in this area, some doodles on a piece of hide?" He asked, surprised that the two girls would get so worked up over something so trivial.
Maeve smiled softly, nodding slowly at Bear. "Yes sir we are." She said, nodding softly, smiling up at him still. She normally tried avoiding the large man, as he scared her a bit, but at the moment, he was more of a relaxation tool for her, knowing that he'd keep them safe from anything. "And yeah, that's the only proof we have, as all of the scouts are either up north, or in the village.

raven flame raven flame Shugoki Shugoki idalie idalie
Accepting the message, Bear examined it intently. "Aye, well, Winter lass. I'll go have a little walk. If there's any bears comin' I would know. As far as my knowledge goes, the cub season is startin' to stop. Which means they'll be less aggressive." The Huntsman reassured, glancing at each Maeve and Winter before lingering on Kane. "Could be a joke from one of the lads. Just questioning why they'd use a good piece of hide. Hm." He took a moment longer before handing the message back to Winter. "If anything happens, Kane and myself can handle it. Just remember, hit the nose and eyes. Or play dead. Don't let the bastard bite you."

Popping the knuckles in each hand he loomed with a forever pensive expression. "It's perfectly fine to be scared, but if it bleeds it can die. Keep that in mind. As long as you're smart, you can do anything." Bear smiled, rolling his shoulders to stretch out the muscle. "Ain't nothing I haven't handled before."

ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar raven flame raven flame Shugoki Shugoki
Winter turned to bear and Kane "we will and just follow ruin he'll lead you to the scouts and hunters and like I said before he wouldn't follow someone else's orders much less let them touch him if it wasn't serious or life threatening to the tribe" she said as she watched ruin circle in the air waiting for them to follow
The caw of the raven caught the attention of one meditating by the river, and she slowly uncurled from her defensive posture to turn dark eyes up at the circling bird. After a moment, she sighed quietly and drew her longstaff up into an idle, two-handed carry, her hands comfortably curling around the leather grips of the solid hardwood staff. Taking a deep breath, she started toward the village, approaching it from the south as she kept her eyes on the raven. The bird had become a useful indication of trouble.

Claire stepped into the village center just in time to catch the tail end of the conversation. Shifting her staff up and over her shoulder, she deftly strapped it into a holster on her back as she sent her gaze around the gathering, her attention finally resting on Bear. "What's the fuss?" she asked calmly, eyeing him. She'd come to respect the overly-furred man a great deal, recognizing him as a skilled huntsman. Nodding to the hide in his hands as she stepped a bit closer, she added quietly, "Trouble?" her voice barely loud enough to be heard and careful to keep it too quiet for the girls to hear.

A protector herself, Claire was a careful observer, always on the lookout for potential threats to the tribe. She made it her business to keep an eye on things. She wasn't often an expressive person, but the thought that the scouting party might have run into trouble while she was meditating brought a frown to her face, if only briefly. She considered it her duty to protect her tribe; if she failed that duty today, it would not sit well with her.

idalie idalie

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