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Trials by Fire AG (Sign Up)

Sombra Arcana

Wandering Vault Hunter

Day 0

Salzuburg, February 1786. The harvests had been poor. Crows have been seen rounding up around our houses. Our trade relations had been broken down by supposedly fear of flying women who kidnapped children. I don't know what will happen to the village if we don't do anything soon. Our people are scared and hungry.

Salzburg, March 1786. Crops continue to yield bad harvests. My neighbor just saw a ferret enter her house and bite her children. They have gotten the plague. The plague is expanding throughout the village. Why has god forsaken us? What have we been doing wrong? There might be something behind this!

Salzburg, June 1786. The village chief had already decided that this is not an act of God nor of the natural balance. It must have been the act of a witch! We shall start investigating what is happening and act accordingly. We shall carry on trials by fire once again to cleanse the village and bring peace and prosperity once again. I just can hope that calamity doesn't fall upon us.

Player List

  1. @Space Face
  2. @theManCalledSting
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Day 1

Salzuburg, June 1, 1786. I am writing in this diary to depict the atrocities that had been happening on the village lately. I thought that the death of poor Timothy was just the beginning, but it seems like everything is going blank on this. Everything is going wrong. What will happen of this poor, poor village of ours. What have we done wrong? Where did we go wrong? I don't think there is a way to fix the havoc and pandemonium that has fallen onto us.

Dear Diary, today has been a fructuous day. I saw lady Simmone Verdi at the bakery. She was buying such a fragrant loaf. My mouth was watering in delight. Also, in the plaza I saw Dr. Gerard Mort and miss Gabriela Ronsard having a good time feeding the birds. It was lovely to see how cute they seem as a couple. Teacher Tabitha Pixie and Charles Dragunov, the russian carpenter, were having a nice chit chat across the street on the nearest café. I think i saw miss Joan Bodeville walking her dog while I was taking my daily stroll.

As I was looking for a good spot to rest, I think I saw mister Raffael Meyerbleu and Timothy Schrödinger having quite an argument over the last lacrosse game. I feel awfully confused on how such gentleman can lose their temper over such a belittling thing as sports. I also saw, Jonathan Feuerwehrman and mister Troy Gomez heading to bet their money on the horse races. Outrageous! How can they spend money this way?!

I think I overheard the nun Irina Issengard talking about thinking someone sneaked into her home at night. I know that Erwin Romero can be quite a creep, but I don't think that is possible in any way, shape or form. Who knows? He does believe he's a police officer. Ha! I also noticed that police officer Sasha Biscotti was releasing lady Brunhilde Rotterchild from jail. I guess she thought she could be some kind of villain or something. I don't know how she could believe that. Miss Brunhilde is always nice to me and brings cookies over to eat them with the morning tea.

Now that I recall, I did seem to see miss Cynthia Glück that morning. She was quite awkward as always. She had this smile on her face that gave me the creeps. I kinda saw something shine inside her dress, but I couldn't recon what it was. She also had some red stains on her dress and cheek, but I guess that was from eating too many tomatoes. It comes to mind that I haven't seen the spaniard Hugo Cienfuegos lately. It's almost noon, so I went to his house to check on him. Biggest mistake in my life.

His body was a lifeless corpse on the ground. He had been stabbed multiple times all over his body and his face seemed to be in shock. I called everyone over as soon as I could, but he was already dead. May the Lord give his soul peace in the everlasting cycle of death.
CellistCat - Hugo Cienfuegos - Villager has been murdered.



Player List

  1. @Space Face
  2. @theManCalledSting
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Day 2

Salzuburg, June 3, 1786. Dear diary, the days have gone and the plague still continues to spread. I heard that the cattle is dying from dehydration. Dehydration?! We give them water everyday and they still die. This might be a witch's curse rather than the plague. I am afraid things aren't going smoothly. I am afraid we're doomed to oblivion. I just heard a voice downstairs. The door has just opened. I heard Cynthia's laughter. I knew she was hoohoo, but I didn't expect her to come. Diary save me! She's here. She's outside my door. Laughing. Cackling. She's there. The door is opening. She's got a knife. Please save mmmeeehhdjkshdkjfhvk










Dear Diary, today was a weird day. I died and now am a ghost. How curious is life! I saw lady Simmone Verdi at the bakery again. This time she was eating a muffin. She might not have seen me because I am translucent and maybe a little dead, but be afraid not, since I am just an observer now. Nobody ever missed me anyway. I think my body still rots in that cottage. I just wish I could smell that muffin. I saw Dr. Mort and Mrs. Ronsard having an argument over the party they were going to assist in a couple of weeks. I think they were discussing the dress code. Things are too complicated. Teacher Tabitha Pixie was coming out of jail together with deputy officer Biscotti. I wonder what she did? I hope it was nothing lewd! Oh my! The scandal! So exciting!

As I was looking for a good spot to rest, I think I saw Raffael and Timothy discussing playing poker together with Jonathan and Troy. I think they are quite betters. I just hope they don't lose their clothing in the game in the casino. Well, they know how to use their own money. Oh right! Mrs. Joan went to the veterinarian to take her dog for a checkup. I heard it got rabies, so we might need to be careful. I say we, hehehe, but it's a they because I am dead. So dead. I think i saw the nun Irina at church collecting the money from Mass.

I think I overheard Sasha mentioning that someone entered her house at night and stole her handcuffs. I think she's got more kink on her than anyone else. I managed to sneak on her house and man how daring things she wears under that uniform! If I were a man, I would be happy! I'm so jealous of her fetishes...and her being alive. I did see Mr. Erwin sneak out the plaza with a pair of colorful underwear in his hands. He might be a pervert after all.

Everything had seemed to be nice after all, even after my death. But all good things come to an end. You see, karma struck back. The town didn't care much, because she was bat shit crazy, but Cynthia Glück was found burnt alive this morning. Her house was fine. Only her body was burnt alive. The walls inside were painted red, but I guess that's how things go when you're a psychopathic sociophobe murderer. Take that, killer woman. No more killing for you. Assailant - Cynthia Glück- Villager (Psychopath) has been burned alive.

Charles body was also found dead today. He seemed to have been killed by the plague. I thought it only harmed cattle, but I guess I was wrong. I just can only pray that his soul finds inner peace in the afterlife..
Djinnamon - Charles Dragunov - Villager has succumbed to the plague.


Ghost Diana

P.D.: if you don't want the plague to kill you, please vote.

Player List

  1. @Space Face
  2. @theManCalledSting
  3. @Sombra Arcana

Day 3

Salzuburg, June 5, 1786. Dear diary, the days being a ghost haven't been so bad as I thought they would be. I have been happy and observing everyone even in their intimate moments which had made me see a world I was ignorant about. If I tould you about the things Sasha does at night, you would be petrified and wouldn't think of her as the saint she is. Anyway, it seems like the plague has been speading and infecting more people. Poor Jonas, he has gotten the plague and was exiled from the village. I wish to know what else is going to happen to us.

Dear Diary, today was a weird day. I died and now am a ghost. How curious is life! I saw lady Simmone Verdi washing her clothes. She was using the river near our village to clean her rags. She still can't see me and I am feeling quite lonely in here. I think my body still rots in that cottage. I saw Dr. Mort and Mrs. Ronsard going different ways. Miss Ronsard was feeding ducks before she was taken away adn Dr. Mort went to his office. Teacher Tabitha Pixie was buying some underwear in the store. I am curious about whom does she want to show them?

As I was looking for a good spot to rest, I think I saw Raffael together with Jonathan and Troy. I think they were a bit down that their buddy Timothy was trialed for being a witch. I just hope they get better after going to the casino. Nun Irina was having a charity event and was giving out hot broth to the poor. I hope there were more event like this.

I think I overheard Brunhilde mentioning that someone entered her house at night and stole one of her favorite books. I didn't know she was a vivid reader or that she knew how to read. It is strange. Oh right! I saw Erwin carrying a book of modern latin on his hands. I think he might be the thief. I also saw miss Ronsard going out of jail followed by Sasha. I overheard Sasha saying she must stop feeding ducks in public because it's public immorality. I don't see how that's immoral, but it's the law.

Everything seems to be more interesting while I am dead. Still, there have still been happening some mysterious events in the village. You see, diary, the body of Joan was found incinerated in her home in a similar modus operandi than Cynthia. I think someone is burning them alive.
TheManCalledSting - Joan Bodeville - Villager has been burned alive. I hope her dog is okay. I also happened to beside Erwin and I can tell that he's covered in a foul smell. I don't believe that he's not washing himself, but maybe someone did something to him. Also, it seems like Dr. Mort woke up with the chills. I think things are happening in here.

Timothy's body was also found dead today. He seemed to have succumbed to the witch trials which lead to the plague entering her body. I think the methods are becoming more inhumane, but who knows what might happen next. I think he might be the mastermind behind everything.
Space Face - Timothy Schrödinger - The Mastermind has succumbed to the plague.


Ghost Diana

P.D.: if you don't want the plague to kill you, please vote.

Player List

  1. @Space Face[/s]
  2. @theManCalledSting
  3. @Sombra Arcana
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<div style="text-align:center;">

<p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0);">D</span></strong></span><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="color:rgb(255,77,77);">a</span></strong></span><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="color:rgb(255,166,77);">y </span></strong></span><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="color:rgb(255,128,0);">4</span></strong></span></p>

<br /><br /><span style="font-size:24px;">






<span style="color:#b30000;">Salzuburg, June 6, 1786. Dear diary, the days being a ghost are becoming more lively. I see more and more dead people joining my ranks, which makes me feel overjoyed about having my friends here. I have seen things. You don't want to know. Erwin doesn't take a shower, there is more of a collection of kinks in Sasha's house and a </span><strong><span style="color:rgb(179,0,0);">red</span></strong><span style="color:#b30000;"> person eats raw meat. Anyway, it seems like the plague has been spreading and infecting more people. I hope to have more friends here</span></p>


<span style="color:#ff8000;">As I was taking a stroll, I saw lady Simmone and Dr. Mort discussing the plague and how it was possible that it was bringing vermin to the village. I also overheard that locusts and maggots are creeping closer to Erwin's house and that they want to do an intervention. I also saw lady Brunhilde going out of the library. I think she was re buying the books that were stolen from her. I also saw her stop for a cup of coffee before heading back to her home. Who drinks hot coffee in summer anyway?</span></p>


<span style="color:rgb(255,128,0);">As I was looking for a good spot to rest, I think I saw Raffael together with Jonathan. They were mourning the death of another gambling friend. I don't think they have the intentions to going gambling today. Nun Irina was holding the funerary services for both the people that died today. She was also preparing graves for everyone except me, because nobody remembers or cares about me. I'm so jealous. </span></p>


<span style="color:#ff4d4d;">I think I overheard Gabriela mentioning that someone entered her house at night and messed up her doll collection. I hope those dolls are crashed! I hate porcelain things. I saw Erwin exiting the house at night. On a quick note, he still stinks and seems to attract locusts and flies to his body. I think he might be the thief. I also saw mister Troy going out of jail followed by Sasha, but it's a shame he died anyway. I knew that her intentions were the correct ones.</span></p>


<span style="color:rgb(255,77,77);">The bodies of both Troy and Tabitha were found pale and stale today. I think they both stayed up arguing about the problems they had, while they were in an affair. I am sad to say that no one bats an eye on this events and we lost both of our precious friends. It seemed that both have succumbed to the witch trials which lead to the plague entering her body. I think the people are just losing what's important and becoming just killing machines. </span><strong><span style="color:rgb(77,77,255);">Rachel28 - Tabitha Pixie - Villagers</span></strong><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;"> and </span></strong><strong><span style="color:rgb(77,77,255);">Kinky Shinigami - Troy Gomez - Villagers has succumbed to the plague.</span></strong></p>


<span style="color:rgb(179,89,0);">Loves,</span></p>

<p><span style="color:rgb(179,89,0);">

Ghost Diana</span></p>

<p><span style="color:rgb(179,89,0);">

P.D.: if the votes are tied, you both die.</span></p>



<p><span style="color:rgb(255,77,77);">

</span><span style="color:rgb(255,77,77);"><strong>Player List</strong></span></p>



<ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li>@Space Face[/s]<br /></li>


<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@theManCalledSting</span><br /></li>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17861-sombra-arcana/" data-mentionid="17861"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@Sombra Arcana</span></a><br /></li>


Day 5

Salzuburg, June 6, 1786. Dear diary, more dead people means more friends. Tonight I heard the blue person that two more were going to fall onto the limbo with me. Yay! I am just worried that the village is slowly being overturned. I guess Timothy was the mastermind, because he told me so, but people are all confused and dying. Anyway, I just want to observe some more. I think I saw Sasha kissing a picture of her cat before leaving home today. I think that was an omen. She also threw the key to her chest of kinks out the window. I wonder what she was hiding there.

As I was taking a stroll, I saw lady Simmone and Dr. Mort discussing how the foul smell that has invades the town might be the act of a witch and how the vermin might also been part of an elaborate curse. They also talked about how the chills that Dr. Mort suffered before doesn't seem to be natural. I also saw lady Brunhilde going out to the lumberjack today. She was gathering wood to keep her house warm at night. Or maybe she just wanted to cook in the stove. What a weird lady!

As I was looking for a good spot to rest, I think I saw Raffael together with Jonathan. They seem to be on such friendly terms. I am sad to see them in such a grief that both have wasted their money and time getting drunk and smoking cigarettes till dusk and dawn. I wonder what their friends would have told them if they saw them like this. Nun Irina was doing the usual charity work, but I think I saw her spanking and punishing a child for bad behavior.

I think I overheard Erwin that he was going to visit Simmone's house tonight. Sasha happened to be there and frowned at him, which made him wary. She decided to punish him for his actions and placed him in jail at noon, which prevented Erwin to visit anyone's home that night. It is sad to see the poor Sasha having to deal with that foul smell and locusts that Erwin has and has been following him. Maybe it's my imagination, but that seems like a witch's magic to me. Oh right! I was taking a stroll down street and saw in an alley the body of Gabriela Ronsard burnt to a crisp. I guess this is a royal retribution, because I think she was going to meet with Erwin. I think they were having a smelly affair. Poor poor Dr. Mort. I am sorry for him. Quiet is Violent - Gabriela Ronsard - Villagers has been toasted.

The body of Sasha was found today just beside the jail where she held Erwin captive. I think that Erwin's smell might have to do something with it. He seems to be the most shocked since Sasha threw the keys inside towards him before dying. I might think that Erwin is cursed or hexed. Maybe the doctor can do something about it. I heard he also knew how to cure voodoo curses, so it's worth giving a shot. The corpse of Sasha seems to have passed away peacefully, even though she died of plague. DreamBeat - Sasha Biscotti - Villagers has perished to the plague.


Ghost Diana

P.D.: if the votes are tied, you both die.

Player List

  1. @Space Face
  2. @theManCalledSting
  3. @Sombra Arcana

Day 6

Salzuburg, June 8, 1786. Dear diary, the whole village is with me now. Tonight I heard the blue person that that they were going to protect the coven. I also overheard the green person that actions were going to be taken and the red was just standing like a dummy. Yay dummies! I have a feeling~~~ Wooohooo. That the village is slowly overtaken. I guess the coven was more secretive and organized that I thought. Sasha is doing ghost things to me now. I can't believe she's kinky after death. Even Erwin stares at me with Sasha doing this stuffs. I feel uncomfortable. Help me, diary.

As I was taking a stroll, I saw lady Simmone and Dr. Mort discussing about the creepy dude who has been entering the houses at night. Simmone had mentioned that she would find a way to punish the trespasser. Dr. Mort laughed it off and mentioned it was probably Erwin and she should not worry if she had nothing to hide. Simmone Verdi seems weird to me, but anyway, the village feels so lonely now. And I feel so much bliss.

As I was looking for the rest, I think I saw Raffael walking towards nurse Irina. He seemed to have spilled some water over her, but it didn't look like a big thing. The problem was when Irina wanted to confront miss Verdi, she suddenly began feeling the chills and went directly to her home before speaking up. I think her silence was what killed Jonathan. Still, Raffael doesn't seem to have a sense of guilt in him. I think the village has been overturned.

I think I overheard Erwin that he was going to visit Simmone's house tonight again. I did see him entering the house, but he never got out. Once, I went to see what happened, I found his body next to a pile of children's corpses in the house. The house had a really faint green glow, but it was nothing compared to the red glow that Erwin's body emitted before it burst out into flames. It was the most beautiful scene of spontaneous combustion that I have ever seen. TsukikoMoon - Erwin Romero - Villagers (Investigator) has been spontaneously combusted.

The body of Jonathan was found dead next to a bottle of scotch. I think that the curse that Erwin had possessed went over to Brunhilde, since she's the one who smells bad now. I guess that Jonathan didn't feel a thing, since he was so drunk when the plague took care of his body. I am so sorry for him. I hope he finds peace in the afterlife. Scattered Ambitions - Jonathan Feuerwehrmann - Villagers has succumbed to the plague.


Ghost Diana

P.D.: chills means the person's vote is nulled

Player List

  1. @Space Face
  2. @theManCalledSting
  3. @Sombra Arcana
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Day 7

Salzuburg, June 9, 1786. Dear diary, it is not a mystery to say that the whole village has perished. Every single villager has been knocked out or killed in cold blood in the past week. It is kind of sad to see how our hard work has been overturned. The city has now become a coven for future witches and people are flooding in, but those people are magic casters of several different areas. I just hope that someday, they are eliminated before they kill more people.

In my last stroll, I saw Brunhilde, Simmone and Raffael celebrating their victory against the odds in the village. They were happy to have confused the villagers and killed them off one by one by burning them or hexing them to vote for other people and let the succumb to the plague. It was quite the show, but I guess we now know who the witches were. I am just sad to say that this time, evil people can have their happy ending.

Dr. Mort had a similar fate as Erwin. Brunhilde had gone over to him and burnt him to ashes. There was no pain and there was no time to react. It was over in a few seconds. His body became charcoal and turned into black cinders before a person could say "beware". I guess this is the end of the trials by fire. Generic Gamer -Dr. Gerard Mort - Villagers (Doctor) has been turned into cinders.

The body of Irina was found dead next to a cross. After so much time doing charity work and helping the poor people. She had a lot of contact with sick people and must have acquired the same predicament. I guess her soul will be restless for centuries to come after she knows that evil won. Le Nebula - Irina Issengard - Villagers has succumbed to the plague.


Ghost Diana


Player List

  1. @Space Face
  2. @theManCalledSting
  3. @Sombra Arcana

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