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Realistic or Modern Travelers - A New Beginning

while walking away from the bar he hears the voice of a woman, "Yoo-hoo! Big guy!" he ignores it asuming she meant the big bear man. he heard the voice get closer to him, it cant be me she's calling, could it? he thought. He heard her call him from behind "Woah, Mr. Macho, hey!" cyrus was surprised by this not many people cared to approach him before, if not for work or to kill him. "You look like you got business to do. Me? I want an adventure. You should let me tag along." cyrus turned around to face her, the woman before him was taller than he expected, she was smiling so she didnt seem like someone who would try to kill him.

Cyrus smiled back at her "um... i do have some business, but not for some time. so you can't tag along tlong for a while," he said keeping his smile. "um.. im not saying you can tag along though" he said suddenly. Cyrus was not very good with talking to people as he had no experience with it, for the most part he's been alone for 3 years traveling.

he looked at her and chuckled awkwardly, "um... forgive me, but could you repeat your question?" he said, smiling awkwardly, cyrus felt he was making a fool of himself infront of the woman.

@Tori Blackwood
Blaine stood before the man, her six feet of height seemingly catching him off guard - if only for a moment. He seemed to be rambling on.

"Uhm...I do have some business, but not for some time. So you can't tag along for a while," he said. He kept a boyishly charming, albeit cheesy - if not a little awkward, smile plastered on his face that made his hazel eyes dance. But only subtly. "Uhm...I'm not saying you can tag along, though."

Blaine cocked her head to the side, smiling the same she had been. Her eyes bore into him expectantly, as though she could force him to answer her through sheer willpower alone. She doubted anything, let alone willpower, could force this man to do anything he didn't want to do. He wasn't exactly a mountain of a man, but she could definitely appreciate the muscle that wielding his weapons gave him. She kept staring at him, hoping the awkward situation would force him to agree to letting her follow if only to end the confrontation.

But then, "Uhm...forgive me, but could you repeat your question?"

"Nothing's lost on that noggin of yours, is it?" Blaine deadpanned. Her subsequent laughter filled the air between them and she cleared her throat, adopting a drawled out, English accent. "This lady would take companionship of your Lordship should it be so allowed." With a click of her heels and confident nod and harrumph, she beamed at him.

This man is either a complete dolt or is intentionally testing my patience. Either way, best to play it bubbly. I really do want a damned adventure. Is battle lust a thing? It surely must be.

@Mechani Giraffe
Greer stopped when Mr. Groff told her to. She could easily walk away from situations like this and not feel a blow to her pride. It was best that she walked away now just so she wouldn't dig herself a bigger hole.

She turned around, still standing close to the door, though she absolutely did not want to since she did make an idiot out of herself both knowledge-wise and what she blurted out. Of course someone will want to hire another a person if they just say, "I like weapons!" She thought sarcastically. Then the old man walked to her and then around her, all the while Greer had to fight off the urge of slapping him upside the head, especially when he said that she will do. It perplexed her that he would hire her, but then the thought of how desperate he possibly could be crossed her mind. He'll replace me when someone better comes along. This is just a temporary job anyway until something better comes along.

"Greer," she said in response to Groff's question, although she knew he probably wouldn't remember it the next day or even the next second. Since formalities were exchanged and all, she asked rather upfront, "So, when do I start?" And then added, "Thanks for the job."

@Francis Stickmin
"This lady would take companionship of your Lordship should it be so allowed." Cyrus listened as he stared at the girl, he looked on seemingly admiring her beauty. Cyrus darted his eyes away as to not appear enamored, "oh... um, well i do have a job to do later today, with two other men" he said, would the other two be ok with me bringing another on the job? he thought, cyrus didn't want to dissapoint the woman but he didnt want his new companions to be annoyed by it. he saw that the man offering the job wasnt perfectly happy with him joining the quest as he would have to split the winnings amongts the three, four would only make it worse.

cyrus thought about it for a moment, he didn't want to make his new companions angry but he also didn't want to deny the girl. weighing his options he would be better off to say no and go on the bounty hunt, but his conscious prevented him from telling the girl no. he saw her smile, the look on her made it almost impossible to denny her every wim, of course Cyrus was always a weak man when it came to women. "yes, you may accompany me" he said before realizing what he's done.

the other two may not be verry please with me when i show up with a fourth, splitting the winnings among four people wont be easy, even spliting it among 3 would be difficult, he thought before accepting his decission. Cyrus could only hope that the other two would be okay with his decission.

@Tori Blackwood

"Right, I understand, I'll see if I can't rub some of my charm off on him," Finn responded to Leandra's remark about her brother's lack of speech with a wink. "You head off then and your brother and I shall take one horse and meet you out on the road," he concluded. The trio began to part ways, and once Leandra had gone off out of sight, and her brother had brought out the horse that Finn and him were to share, he climbed atop the horse and reached a hand out. "Come on then," he said to Manjano. When Manjano took his hand, however, Finn only raised him half way up and said with a smirk,

"Actually, If you don't mind, I'd rather ride alone," he then dropped Manjano to the ground, gave the horse a kick and galloped off. He had decided that he, with a horse could do all of the work himself, and keep the gold, however not far from town, while struggling to push the reluctant horse on through the thick forest, lost his focus and failed to duck under a passing branch. The result was his immediate, and very painful, dismount. He now lay unconscious in the forest, the horse likely to have returned to its owner.
After getting all the information he could out of the beautiful Mrs Belefew he headed to the west gate to meet the others. Luckily enough the husband had last been seen leaving by the west gate. He had been acting suspiciously for day, manic even, Mrs Belefew had said. Talking about solving all their money problem.

He looked back at the Belefew manor thinking that would be perfect for what he needed. Arriving at the West gate he seemed to be the first one there. He wasn't going to wait around long.
Once Leandra felt satisfied that her brother and Finn would manage on their own, she left them and went to retrieve her own horse from the stables. Finding her horse among the stalls, Leandra smiled when it whinnied a greeting to her. Saddling her horse up, Leandra then began to lead it out of the stables. Outside, Manjano cursed when Finn shoved him to the ground. Scrambling to his feet, Manjano quickly nocked an arrow and aimed it at the boy, but decided against it at the last second. He wasn't about to risk injuring his stallion. Watching Finn ride away, Manjano spat to the side and put the arrow back into his quiver before slinging his bow across his back again. Turning around, he saw his sister exiting the stables with her horse and quickly jogged up to her.

Seeing Manjano jogging up to her, Leandra instantly could tell that something was wrong. "Where's Finn? And your horse?" She asked him, her facial expression showing her concern. Manjano let out a small sigh and then said in an almost silent voice, "He stole it." Smirking, Leandra said, "I'm surprised you let him get away." Manjano gave Leandra a look after this and she then realized what he was saying. "Oh, right. No need to risk harming your horse. I gotcha. Well, come on. Let's go get your horse back." Leandra then mounted her horse and held her hand out to Manjano, who promptly took it and then mounted Leandra's mare and sat behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Manjano got comfortable and then sat still while Leandra shouted, "Hyah!" after kicking her horse in the sides. Lurching forward, Leandra's horse began galloping through the town and then slowed to a trot when they got to the edge of the thick forest that Manjano's horse's trail ended at. Quietly saying, "Woah," Leandra pulled back on the reins to bring her mare to a halt. Not too long after halting, Manjano's stallion came bursting out of the forest, startling Leandra's mare. Calming her horse down, Leandra then patiently waited while Manjano quickly dismounted and then chased down his stallion, calming it after a couple of minutes elapsed. Walking his horse over to Leandra's side, Manjano gave her a small grin and Leandra gave a bigger grin in return. Looked liked the twins were good to go on their quest now, though the whereabouts of Finn were now questionable.

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