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Transgender Boy x Transgender Girl


Two Thousand Club
A lonely teenage transgender boy meets a lonely teenage transgender girl at their new school. They hit it off instantly and begin dating, but neither of them know that the other one is trans.

((Will we start from when they meet each other? And do you mean they've both transitioned and look like a male and female or that they're just trans on the inside but haven't started to transition and they don't know that yet? sorry if none of that makes sense))

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((I'm so sorry that I took so long to reply.

I was thinking that the story could start with them both going to their new school and meeting in their first period class since they sat next to each other.

I was picturing them both being pre-transition, so the girl looks like a boy and vice-versa.))
((I'd only do character sheets if you want to. I'd rather just discuss our characters briefly and then get started.))
((Again, I'm so sorry for the delayed reply. I've been having some computer complications lately, but I think they're sorted out now.

I can start if you would like. Either way is fine by me.))
Ryan walked into his new school, immediately filled with dread -- dread for all the new friends he would make here, who would all think of him as a girl; dread for roll call in each class, in which the teacher would call the name "Amanda," his legal name; dread that he would have to pretend that name was his real name for the rest of the school year, and possibly the rest of his life.

He ran his hands through his stupidly long hair -- he hated his hair even more than he hated himself -- and headed for his first period class, chemistry.
It was Henry's second year at this school. She had lived her life knowing she would never actually become a she, so she'd never considered what she'd like to call herself. She didn't mind her short hair becaus girls can have short hair too. She had grown more and more quiet as her voice had started to break but she'd always been shy. She spent most of the time in the computer lab playing video games with the rest of the guys, that was one of the only more masculine things about him aside from the physical things.

He was making his way to chemistry, holding his books tightly against his flat chest. This was the only class he knew none of his friends were in and he was a little nervous.
Ryan entered the chemistry class and found a seat near the back of the room. He'd once been the kind of guy to sit in the front of the room and participate in group discussions and make lots of friends, but ever since he realized he was transgender two years ago, he'd had trouble socializing. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable every time someone called him by his birth name or referred to him as a girl -- so now he spent most of his class periods hiding in the back and just doing schoolwork.

Since he didn't have any work to do yet, he took out a notebook and pen and started doodling on the corners of one of the blank pages as he waited for class to begin.
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Henry had already sat down in the second row from the back. Ryan had sat down behind him. He was playing a game on his phone, it had some anime styled people and some text on the screen. It looked like it might be one of those dating sims that were usually popular with women. He was trying to hide his screen so no one found out he liked those sorts of games and had spent a fair bit of money on them.
More students filed into the classroom and found their own ways of passing the time. The guy in front of Ryan was doing something on his phone. Ryan saw what he thought was a glimpse of some sort of anime character before the guy tried to hide the screen. It had looked like one of those dating sims where people pretend to date some anime guy. Ryan briefly wondered if the guy might be gay before realizing that it was really none of his business, except for the fact that the guy was kind of cute.

But it didn't matter anyway, since the whole world saw Ryan as a girl. If this guy was gay, he certainly wouldn't be interested in Ryan. And it wasn't like Ryan would ever have the confidence to just start talking to someone, so he would probably never even become friends with this guy.

Feeling depressed at the thought, Ryan went back to his doodles, which included little ghosts, flowers, and skulls. It was stupid.
The teacher was a little late to class and he seemed like a bit of an airhead. He called out the names of the students, a girl and a boy came in late together. Then, he looked around for the girl who'd answered to the name Amanda. "I believe there's a new student in my class today." He said, squinting even though he wore thick glasses. "Where is she...?" He mumbled mostly to himself, scratching at his nearly bald head.
Ryan blushed bright red at having attention called to himself. He slightly raised his hand and shyly answered, "Here." His heart beat wildly.
"Ah!" The teacher didn't stop squinting once he'd found her. "Amanda here is new so I want you all to be nice to her." He said to the whole class before focusing on her again. "Don't be afraid to ask any questions if you need some help, no one here bites." He smiled showing gross yellow stained teeth. He then went on to tell the class what they were going to focus on for the next few weeks.
Ryan just silently nodded when the teacher spoke to him. He continued to blush as the class began. His hands shook from the pointless adrenaline rush he had undergone when the teacher put him on the spot. Because of this, he found it hard to doodle, so he closed his notebook and put it away, along with the pen.

((Is it okay if I RP as the teacher as well?))
((Go for it!))

Henry had put his phone into his pocket, the teacher was old fashioned and got pretty annoyed if he saw anyone using it during class, even if they weren't using it to goof off. He looked at the girl behind him, she thought she was really pretty. She didn't really know what her sexuality was yet, she was pretty confident she was bisexual though.
The guy in front of Ryan put his phone away and looked behind him. Ryan blushed once again, hating any sort of attention. A moment later, the teacher piped up, "We're going to work on a group project now. Everybody, find a partner and head into the lab room."

Ryan felt himself panicking once again. In a minute, he would probably be the only one left without a partner, and all the attention in the room would be on him again as he stood alone.
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Henry hadn't even bothered standing up. He usually waited to see who was left or if anyone came up to him first. Everyone had sat together and he looked around for who was left, it looked like he was stuck with a new girl. She hadn't talked much and also seemed shy, so that wasn't a bad thing.

He spun around on his chair to face her. "I guess we're stuck together..." He smiled nervously at her, "not litterally, of course." He gave a small laugh.
Everyone in the room paired up, except Ryan and the guy sitting in front of him. The guy greeted him, and Ryan gave an awkward smile and said, "Yeah, I guess." A moment later, he stood up and added, "Let's, um, go into the lab room."
Henry nodded and got up from his seat with a loud screech against the wooden floor. The lab room had been renovated over the last school holidays but there was already some chewing gum stuck under the tables and penciled graffiti on the walls and tables. He waited for Ryan to chose a place to work at.

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