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Fandom Transferring to the world of Dragonball Z...

How well do you know your DBZ? :3

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  • Uhhhhh Isn't that guy with the sword Goten...?.. ._.

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Serenity Tsukino


Serenity was a bit taken by surprise when Vegeta spoke up in his brash voice as usual, "Well, not formal training or anything but strength training and meditation, yeah, and I was trying to manipulate my ki a little on the way here, but this is as far as I got so far." she said and took a deep breath and focused her energy as she did before, pooling it into the center of her body and pulling it out into her hands and a small energy ball started to form but it was feint. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated and couldn't tell if it was working or not but it was definitely there. When she stopped she opened her eyes and looked up at Piccalo for approval if she did okay. She then turned to Adam and laughed a little, "You may be disappointed. Piccalo's actually the greatest trainer there is. Vageta can only yell. He doesn't teach. He's too proud anyway. Besides, the mighty prince of Saiyens doesn't have time to teach whelps like us. It would be beneath him." She was actually being kind of clever to get into Vegeta's good graces by stroking his ego a little.

"yea we will me and him will train that's a ground problem solved everyone's happy."The boy said looking at the girl for a moment before looking back at the scowling man "Is this the first lesson imitate the master."He said doing what Vegeta was doing "I think I aced that lesson."Adam said while Kyuubi snickered a bit while jumping from Adam to Vegeta landing on Bulma's hair "Trust me Adam is a stubborn brat let him learn the hard way...its funnier to watch."The fox said looking down at the women


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.cb3d9adb479e17ad5893b64140ab891e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.cb3d9adb479e17ad5893b64140ab891e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vegeta looked at Serenity, still surprised by her knowledge, and although he knew she was being sarcastic- he liked the sound of what she was saying. Bulma was in charge though, meaning Future Trunks and he would end up training the whelpiest of the four- Jason. But that Adam kid did get on his nerves about how he was sure he'd always get his way and that he was sooo strong. Piccolo laughed at Serenity trying to stroke Vegeta's ego. Bulma frowned. "I'm serious, it's much easier and more efficient. Just stick with the partners I gave you." She said irritated.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel



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Serenity Tsukino


Serenity smiled as she was able to surprise Vegeta and she could almost see him stiffen with self pride. She was really only being half sarcastic. He really was too proud to train anyone really and it would be beneath him to train someone so under his radar. She turned back to Bulma and smiled still, "Of course. I was just making a statement. We'll stick to the plan and just train with our groups. I'm just glad I got Piccalo and Gohan. Piccalo knows that sometimes you got to show some tough love in order to get stronger and he will push you past your limits each time to ensure that. I actually think your assessment is spot on Bulma. Thanks for being around when we need you." she smiled again and then a thought came to mind. "Hey, I just now noticed, I don't see master Roshi anywhere. Did he go on vacation or something?" she asked.

Kyuubi sighed "Miss did you not here me the others might listen put that boy doesn't listen for some odd reason he found that man to be a great teacher for him...just let him have it he'll get beat up and learn he'll have to start from the beginning like everyone else...hes lets say a hands on learner."The fox said looking directly at the girl upside down "Come on if you so called are the Saiyan princes it should be easy for you to teach me or yell at me whatever it is you do just come on...lets spar if I win you train me if you win I'll do what i'm suppose to do deal!?"Adam asked grinning "My that boy is an idiot is anyone good at treating wounds?"Kyuubi asked the girl


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Bulma shook her head. "No, he's outside lounging around with those magazines of his." Vegeta smirked. "That would be a total and utter waste of my time." He spoke irritatingly towards the weird fox and Adam. Jason just put his head in his hands in a subtle face palm. "Look kid, it's not worth fighting over. Why don't you learn from Krillin and Goku, then once you're stronger you can challenge him? That is, if we make it out of this situation in the first place." He spoke nervously, afraid speaking against the kid would end up getting him hurt.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel



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"Will it be an utter waste of your time because your scared to lose to a person who can't use his full power?"The boy asked crossing his arm smirking at him before turning his attention towards the boy talking to him "Because I'm a stubborn idiot that wants to get stronger and its to boring working my way up to fight him when I can fight him now to see how much stronger I have to become which gives me a reason to train harder but I want to fight him first to set me goals!"Adam explained to the get getting more energetic by the minute eventually yelling by accident


Serenity Tsukino


Serenity was actually getting kind of nervous about the whole situation and was wanting Goku to get back soon with some news on the enemy. She wanted to find out if they were being targeted or not. "Agreed. Besides, you'd wind up killing him pretty fast." she agreed with Vegeta then sighed as she went to the window to try and see if she could find Goku in the skies anywhere. When Adam got louder and more obnoxious she sighed and went over to ask a favor of Goten, "Hey, could you do me a favor? Could you punch him and make him be quiet a while? Just show him that he has a very long way to go just to get into the minor leagues." she asked with an encouraging smile. "He's getting to be just a bit too grating on the nerves anymore to take. Just don't go too hard, huh?" she still smiled sweetly then went to the window again and thought about home for a minute. How it could be in great danger if she or Jason were caught. Things could go south very fast and it worried her a bit but hey, this was the DBZ world and the Z fighters always come out on top, right? She hoped so at least. She decided to start practicing on her Ki control and make it easier for Piccalo to train her later. She went through the first steps a little faster than before and it was getting a little easier each time but she could only make a small light appear in her hands but now she could open her eyes and do it. "I...I can't believe...that it's possible...if people in my world knew...if they only knew..." she said to herself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.ff7e61e1f897ca06bd294f781595ab3f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.ff7e61e1f897ca06bd294f781595ab3f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goten cocked his head sideways. "I dunno if that's a good idea... I'm not that great at controlling my power. I'm sorry, I don't wanna hurt him too badly." He denied Serenity's request and started playing with Trunks again. Jason was surprised on seeing her do the same as Videl had when she was being taught how to fly by Gohan. He approached her and watched for about a minute. "It's not really that easy, is it?" He asked curiously, wondering if you had to be strong enough to do it but he wasn't entirely sure. But just before she was allowed to answer his question, he felt three strong and familiar power levels, two of them a little weaker than before. A figure carrying two others was fast approaching and after a while, Jason could make out who it was. Goku, carrying Future Trunks and Gohan, who were badly beaten and Goku was half as bad.

Jason ran out to them. "Are you guys okay?" He asked although even he could tell they needed senzu beans. Multiple. Goku shook his head, setting Future Trunks and Gohan gently on the soft grass of the island. "They're stronger than ever but they don't seem to be destroying as much as they usually would... I think they're trying to draw us out to them." He reached into his belt and pulled out a small sac of beans, feeding two to both half saiyans. Future Trunks shot up from his laying down position and his expression showed how pissed he really was. Gohan slowly sat up, a defeated look on his face. Goku took a senzu for himself and placed the bag back into his belt. Bulma rushed outside and completely filled the three in on what they'd all been discussing while they'd been off fighting the androids.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel



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Jane walked outside and going right behind Jason "What happened?"The girl asked plainly looking at the three seeing the sad Gohan she sat down in front of him smiling "I'm sure you did great...next time you train think of this one defeat and image how strong your opponent was and then push yourself to the limits and then some you should be able to beat them."Jane said with a small smile on her face putting her hand on his head messing with his hair before turning to Goku "You mean they are just toying with you guys now?"She questioned while trying to think of reasons on why the enemies toys around when they could have easily killed them


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.87027c24a905cbab5fa56640560c46e4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.87027c24a905cbab5fa56640560c46e4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goku shook his head after hearing what Bulma had to say about what they'd talked about earlier. "I seriously think they're trying to draw you guys out. I'm pretty sure they know you're here and they're probably searching cities, trying to draw you out with their destruction. They know if you're in the cities either you'll run away or you'll run straight to them. If you're with us, you'll probably end up tagging along one of the times we try to stop them. Either way, I think the group thing Bulma came up with would be best for now." He said with a much more serious expression on his normally carefree face. Gohan got up and walked over to Serenity, Piccolo doing the same. The groups began forming as Trunks and Goten went over to Jane, Future Trunks and Vegeta went by Jason, and Krillin and Goku went over to Adam. "We need to get into hiding. Less likely they'll find us in wastelands since they have a habit of sticking to the cities." Piccolo spoke in his rough tone. All of the fighters knew most wastelands so it wouldn't be hard picking the least likely to run into their enemies. Each of the four was picked up by their group-mates and were flying slowly through the air towards any one of the wastelands. Jason as usual, clung to the strong arms that held him as they flew. Vegeta was much too proud so Future Trunks ended up carrying him.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel



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Adam sighed a bit "So we can't straight head on fight them?"The boy asked plainly a bit annoyed wanting to fight the androids since they were destroying cities looking for everyone that wasn't from this world clenching his fist and looking at the ground

Jane giggled a bit "I'm not trying to be rude but i'm surprised you are managing to hold me up."She said looking ahead "Sooo how hard is it to learn everything you guys are doing?"Jane asked


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9eaf05fc1459ff8628e4b0e422be1538.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9eaf05fc1459ff8628e4b0e422be1538.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goten and Trunks both held one of her arms, but it was a much stronger grip than Jane had expected. "Well first off you're human and you haven't been training your whole life like the other humans with the Z-fighters, like Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien. I'm guessing you could grasp some of the stuff as easy as flying and Ki blasts, but other than that you might be a little hopeless." Little Trunks spoke a little cockily as he always would. Goten looked over at his friend. "Aren't you being a meanie? It's not like it's impossible for her to learn some other stuff..." He said, defending Jane verbally. Trunks gave an annoyed glance towards his friend but kept his mouth shut for once.

Goku shook his head as he carried Adam. "Not a good idea. If you end up getting captured, that'll ruin your world and I'm sure you don't want that." He said with a more serious tone than usual and Krillin nodded, wordlessly agreeing.

Jason opened his eyes a little and looked up at Future Trunks. "So where we're going... What's the chance we could be found by the androids? Or any of your enemies? Because we still have to look out for the other guys like Cell and Frieza right?" Future Trunks nodded, understanding his concern. "Well, we should be able to hide for a while hopefully... And in the event that they find you, my father and I could fend them off while you run away." Jason gulped. He knew for fact he wasn't strong and he wasn't a good runner when scared- which was pretty much always. He frowned nervously as they neared a series of random islands. "Well... You guys are going to train me a little right? Because just a fair warning... I'm not strong. I was just a weird nerd back in my world and in a sense, I still am." He said softly, hoping he wouldn't get yelled at from being weak. Vegeta shot him an annoyed glare but Trunks just gave a slight frown. "That won't make things easy... But I'm sure we can definitely get you strong enough to at least last a few seconds against them. Especially since I can see quite a bit hidden potential and even your power level isn't as low as you think." He said reassuringly as they landed carefully on one of the smaller, uninhabited islands.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel



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"No I agree with the boy I might be a little hopeless but that doesn't mean I can't try right?"She asked smiling at both of them laughing "And I do train only its different from the Z-fighters like you said we don't have the same type of power yours is called Ki corrects ours is called Chakra and its flows though out our body allowing us to perform Jutsu."The girl explained to them with a small smile

"Yea I understand that....but I can't sit back and do nothing while cities are being destroyed in search for us."Adam said "Guess you two are training me right? If so I want to get strong enough to face Vegeta."The boy said making the fox in his jacket sigh in annoyance "You're still on about that Adam?"He asked looking up at him seeing the boy's smirk grow "I swear if you say what I think you're going to say..."Kyuubi got cut off "Believe it!"The boy announced grinning and snickering


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Trunks and Goten nodded in unison. "You sound like my big brother." Goten spoke proudly as he mentioned Gohan. "I think we'd better teach you how to control your energy first. You can't really do anything without knowing how to do that first." They stopped and landed in a desert oasis, setting Jane down gently.

Krillin laughed. "You can focus on trying to land a hit on him once we make it through this situation." Goku nodded as they came to a forest. They all landed safely next to a sad excuse of a river.




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Serenity Tsukino


Serenity smiled to Jason a little as she maintained her small ball of light. "It gets easier with each attempt but....it's not as complicated as I thought it would be. I mean...in our world, nothing like this happens, even with years of training and fighting. I wonder...if it will stick around if we go back..." she thought about it for a bit and thought if she even WANTED to go home. She didn't exactly have the easiest life. It wasn't even her own choices, but here. Here she could start all over and be someone new. Someone worth something. Someone she could like. When she saw the three figures she was worried and especially when they came down hurt. She was relieved that Goku had sanzu beans and was able to heal them pretty quickly. She stood by Gohan and Piccalo and let them carry her but on the way to anywhere she was practicing and getting better with her Ki control. She didn't want to be a burden on them forever and thought on the episodes with Videl and how she was able to learn. She also thought about Kririn and how strong he was. She had to be better. She had to be stronger. There was no option here. "Piccalo, Gohan, do you think you can train me while we hide? At least enough to be able to last a few seconds. Enough to at least get away. I may not have been trained in martial arts but the same basic principals apply and I'm a fast learner." she said as she took to the flight speed pretty well, not cowering or even letting the wind bother her.

Jane thanked the two when they touched ground "Who's your big brother?"She asked while nodding at the other one "Oh..i'm Jane by the way."The girl said extending her hands at the two smiling "So shall we begin?"Jane asked

"I'm sure I can land a hit...if I had the ability to make Shadow Clones...to confuse him."The boy said looking at the river "Okay well I'm ready to train lets go!"Adam exclaimed while Kyuubi jumped out of the boy's jacket and started drinking from the river "Try not to kill him guys..."The fox said looking at them before continuing to drink the water

@KayIa (Also when Goten said you sound like my brother my first thought was Piccolo yelling NNNEEERRRDDD!!!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.94e57a25e5a3d41a27a68015a0b27007.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.94e57a25e5a3d41a27a68015a0b27007.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Piccolo nodded and Gohan grinned. "Of course we can teach you! But we have to start off with the basics. First off well have to get you to be able to control your energy, then we'll teach you how to fly- well, I will. I'm guessing you'll want to be meditating?" He asked, turning to Piccolo only to be met by another nod. "Yeah, well I can show you how to control your energy, fly, and create Ki blasts- maybe even a kamehameha. Piccolo can teach you the real fighting, and especially how to dodge." He grinned brightly since he actually kind of liked teaching people how to do the things they did.

Goten grinned as he spoke. "My big brother is Gohan! He's the best!" He said with a goofy grin and Trunks laughed. Trunks had more pride in his father than anyone ever did and thought highly of him, thinking that Vegeta could beat Gohan in a second if he really wanted to.

Goku laughed at the fox and turned back to the hyper boy. "Okay, we can start with how to fly. Do you know how to draw your energy out and control it? Cus if you can't do that much you'll never get that far. But don't worry, I'm sure you can do it." He said, grinning as he awaited the answer to his question. Krillin just sat down next to a tree in the shade, ready to observe Adam's progress.

Future Trunks sat down comfortably and had Jason doing the same. "Alright, I'm guessing you can't control your energy yet, so just follow my directions and watch." He said and a ball of energy formed on the palms of his hands. Jason just stared. "Alright, so first you've gotta be able to feel your energy. Then try to concentrate on dragging it out. If you can form the same kind of energy that I did, it means you'll be able to learn a lot easier how to fly and Ki blasts." Jason nodded. He shut his eyes and tried to feel around for his energy, concentrating but he just barely felt it. He tried to force it to his hands and a very very faint white light appeared instead of the ball. Future Trunks nodded. "That's some progress, but you'll have to get better than that." Vegeta just sat on a rock, watching the boy learn something his own son had practically known since birth.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel

( xD of course you thought of that, although I meant about the determination part, like when he gets Mystic Gohan)​



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"Really I didn't know that...but know that I get a good look at you you look just like you're father hair and all."The girl said giggling leaning forward looking at him before standing up and clapping her hands together "Okay what's the first lesson?"Jane asked smiling at the two

"Umm I would think so...put I only know how to do it while Chakra not Ki...I don't even know what Ki is!"Adam explained while focusing closing his eyes feeling deep inside him trying to find the Ki within his body


Serenity Tsukino


She nodded her head and giggled a little, "Yeah, I remember. Piccalo's more of a....hands off kind of teacher until actually training and then, you better be fast and on your toes or he'll blast ya while holding your hand up and he'll say that your opponent won't give ya a hand up." she laughed a little remembering how he was training Gohan as a kid. She then got a little serious when Gohan mentioned getting her Ki control up. She nodded in understanding and wanted to get those skills down pat. "I noticed that it gets easier the more you practice it. I'm able to get a ball of light so far but not much more than that." she said and started to show him. She gathered the energy in her hand and it was a lot brighter than the last time. "Woah....that's interesting. It was almost like breathing that time. That's actually pretty cool. Okay. Well, that step is taken care of. What's next?" She asked smiling and still holding the ball of light in her hands and maintaining it pretty easily for the time being. "I guess those dance and yoga lessons came in handy."


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Goten looked at Jane curiously. "Wait, you don't know how to fly... I guess that's gotta be the first thing. Okay, so basically you just gotta push your energy underneath by your feet and once you can control that, you can fly!" He said it as if was a piece of cake that literally even a baby could handle, not knowing otherwise. Trunks didn't think otherwise either, so both stared expectantly at her.

Goku smiled. "Don't worry, just concentrate on finding it and once you feel it, mentally grab it and bring it out to your hands. If you can do that, then you can move it anywhere to concentrate on making your blows stronger when fighting. Plus you can fly by putting it under your body." He said simple enough, hoping that the boy would understand a little better or at least get more motivation.

Jason sighed, already kind of tired. But, he shut his eyes and tried again, the little ball of light becoming a little more solid with each try. Future Trunks was a little satisfied at the progress, but Vegeta seemed to be highly unimpressed as always.

Gohan nodded. "Yeah, Piccolo does teach really well. It may seem pretty harsh, but to be fair our enemies won't go easy on us. Maybe you since they need you alive, but yeah. So what you need to do next is try to draw that energy under your body just like how you drew it to your hands. It may take more energy to do that, but if you can do it then you're one step closer to flying like we do." He said happily, loving the progress she had made in such little time. She learned nearly as fast as Videl had when he had taught her.

@Cicero @SerenityAngel

(Alright, I'm off to bed, nighty night xD don't get too far ahead :P )​



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