Training Up In Romantic Plots


The Dragon Lord
I'm going to be blunt:

Seeing just how many works here have some degree of romantic involvement between characters, it would be great if I got experience RPing as part of a pairing. In my long years traversing the Internet, I've had to do so repeatedly (as both genders, in pairings with both genders, as well as an OT3), but I just . . . can't . . . get it right.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that, as an asexual, I have never had sexual or romantic inclinations personally, so I can't just write from experience. Most of my romantic subplots, therefore, are based on those (extremely unhealthy) relationships I see around me, or watching those of fictional characters (not much better).

So, if anyone would coach me (or, better yet, help me with hands-on 1x1 romance plots), I'd really appreciate it. Fandoms are fine provided I'm familiar with them, and I don't really care what role I get- although my personal forte is psychopaths.

My best work at faking it (in my own opinion) has come from my (extremely unfortunate) multiple-use character Sara Kiwi, who for some strange reason always winds up being shoehorned (read: I was told to write a romantic subplot featuring a specific character, so I did) into going after someone who will not or cannot reciprocate. She's on my character page, if you're interested.
Very interesting. What is it that you can't get right? Is it the opposite side of a dysfunctional relationship you're trying to learn on? If there's no personal experience to write from, I would suggest to watch a few Soap Operas, or romantic comedies. If you're into anime, Slice-of-life genres are the place to go. Most situations from those suggestions are over-the-top and realistic, but there a few moments within them that shine true to real-life romance. If you watch them, it will be those moments where it's just the two of them; away from friends, family, pets, and other distractions. These are the moments you need to pay attention to.

Though from what I'm getting from you, just doing that might not make it real enough for you. On that note, read some romance novels, or when seeing these situations, actually try to visualize yourself in the girl, or guys' shoes. Why does he hate when she nags him, or why does she hate when he looks at a topic she's bringing up as not important? If she's bringing it up, clearly it's important to her. <---These, you may not get right off the bat, but as you see through more and more situations, things will start to click and make sense on how partners try to get along through the ups and downs. Hopefully it'll strum some similar cords in that heart of yours ^.^

But really, like you said, some RP might be of some use and the quickest way. If you do take that route, play a character that is not you, but like you. You'll get a deeper romantic work-out doing that since you're rumbling through a scenario the same exact way you'd actually think and act. Get a partner that will have their character ride yours. A persona that would test your player, point out how inept they are at romance, how to become better, and how to become more in tune with another's emotions. It'll change how you really act, and give insight into how a relationship like that would go. :five:
Since most of the romances on rps are pretty much wish fulfillment it means they'll be very much idealized and fantastic even if the romance in play is angsty and milked for drama.

That means the best way to prep would be to consume: Nicholas Sparks novels & films, shoujo, and the more dark and edgy shoujo and romance novels. So you can masterfully and shamelessly whip out the many cliches that would suitable to both the Western and Japanese romance conventions
I do agree with trying the suggestions above to help. Though, personally I would avoid anime/animations and choose either a live action show/movie or a novel (independent films have really good relationship building plots in them). I find most anime/animations to have very cliche relationship archetypes that are a bit...corny.

Also, have you considered making a character that has asexual tendencies, but is wanting a relationship? In my opinion, that would be a great plot for the 1x1 you're looking for. If, you haven't thought of an idea yet.

Anyway, if you're still interested, I don't mind helping. I've had a couple of successful relationship rps and a really good odd-couple, struggling relationship. The best rp relationships are the struggling, complicated ones.~
Thank you for your suggestions, everyone.

In order:

Acting as myself WOULD NOT END WELL. Due to . . . pressures . . . I've attempted to date on five separate occasions. It never ended well. In fact, this was how I came to realize I was asexual in the first place. As for watching slice-of-life and reading romance novels, what do you think I've been doing? It's painful, but for the sake of improving my writing I continue.

I actually hate a great many cliches of genres I like, let alone standard romance settings. Why would I intentionally use one?

I would like to go beyond my flatter romances, so yes, any 1x1 RPs would be appreciated.
It sounds dumb and as if there's no difference, but play as someone similar to you; not you yourself. What you said is exactly why you'd need a strong partner, not only to RP, but instruct.

Like if you're a wallflower and you RP as a player type, how is learning the steps of something so personal, going to help you if you're learning them as someone else ? You see what I mean?
I have RPed as characters who act similarly to myself before- it's because I got bored with being myself that I started RPing as just about every personality type I could think of. I understand entirely what you mean, and I agree I would need a solid partner, but, well . . . I haven't had one.
Honestly seems to be some sort of baggage pervading these posts. my advice would be to take a chill pill and take care off that and come back when you've calmed down.

As for the stuff pertaining to what you can do on site? Go consume the cliched stuff. The people who'd be doing a more nuanced and realistic representation of romance with its ups and downs are going to be the minority. The rest are gonna be all up for the funhouse version and its wish fulfillment.
No baggage. I'm just a serious person most of the time.

If there's just going to be a train of half-baked cliche-filled romances in RPs, I guess that I don't want to do one.

Oh well.
Aha. Ixa is right. From what I've seen, there are very few serious, fleshed out RPs in general, and romance would be even less so.

Check through the forum though! I haven't checked the list in ages, so there might be a good one I don't know about. If not, start one up and post what you're looking for. It'll be hard for the right people to see it, but hey, miracles happen.

Idea for you: A couple's retreat RP.
Well, I didn't say to play as yourself. I suggested creating a character with asexual tendencies since you're familiar with it. The character doesn't need to be similar to you either. Since asexuality is an orientation (I consider it as one) and not a personality trait, all personalities can also be asexual. But, that's up to you.

I think at this point, the best thing you can do is post up a recruitment for a 1x1 (if you haven't done so yet) with all the necessary information. Like, what kind of romantic rp do you want? What kind of relationship? Things like that.

But, honestly, you say you don't want a cliche. Then, why not stick with unhealthy ones? In my opinion, those are the most fun to rp in anyway. But, then again, you're talking to someone who prefers to play the antagonist/villain lol.
Couples' retreat? Explain.

Well, that's the thing. All my characters have personalities ripped off of people I have met and psychoanalyzed. Since I am the only asexual I know . . .

That's just the thing, though- forum rules dictate no "I don't care" situations, and I don't have any real preference- I don't really know what I do well.

Same here- statistically speaking, 85% of the population either would like to be or would like to have sexual relations with a villain. Evil Is Sexy, indeed.
I abhor evil! Go 15%! @GatoTechno

If you're ever playing villain in an RP and need a strong hero opposite, dial my number!

And to you Drac, jump into it. Start somewhere with gaining experience here. Don't get caught in paralysis by analysis.

Forgot to add something. A couples retreat RP where players gather at a relaxing locale for a week of fun. It usually never turns out fun, but that's the allure of it. It usually brings out the demons in the closet.
I'll be sure to give you a call when I'm in need of a strong hero @White Masquerade =) The same goes to you if you are need of a strong villain^^

You should try that couples retreat RP Drac. It sounds perfect for what you're looking for. Not only are you getting some help, but you can also see how others interact in the rp at the same time. Sometimes, the best you can do is just jump in and learn as you go. You might make a couple of stumbles, but a good rper can recover and let those stumbles be a relevant part of the rp story.~

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