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Fandom Trainee's Life

Armin was in tight salute and commander pixis saved armin, stopping Keith. Ricky let out a smile and a nod to armin, and eren was told to come with pixis. Ricky, armin, and mikasa were allowed to leave, and Ricky was soon informed to listen to commander pixis as he told the devastated soldiers his plan. Soon some soldiers were rebelling, leaving. A soldier told Ricky to run, but she refused, and was called and idiot from him.
Kira stayed, he wanted to regain more territory. That was their chance to victory. He saw Ricky at the front of the crowd and went over to her. leaned on Ricky, ''Are you staying?'' he asked.
Ricky nodded, focused on eren. He has our lives. All of ours. Rakia looked back at Kira, smiling. "We're gonna retake trost! And people won't die in vain!" Ricky said. But Ricky was trembling. She tried to stop, but the visions came back to her. Rakia breathed in slowly, then out. It didn't help. Deep down inside, she just wanted to see her passed away friends, she just wanted to not be alone. Even though kira was always her side, Rakia didn't want to loose him. Ever.
Kira took her hands in his, he was hesitant at first. He stared at her green orbs, ''We will, and we will be able to see humanity win over them.'' He said with a determined tone
Ricky nodded nervously. "Yeah..." Ricky listened as commander Pixis gave permission to leave the military, "YOU CAN LEAVE, IF YOU WANT THE SAME TERROR YOU EXPERIENCED, TO REACH YOU'RE LOVED ONES!" Ricky saw some soldiers hesitantly came back, while others still left. Ricky sighed as Pixis told everyone to go to the graduation center.
Erwin presented the Scout Regiment with great honesty. Many were unpleased and just ran away wanting the safe life The prison life Kira thought. He stood there proud of his decision, many surprised him by staying. Such as potato girl, Jean who detested them before and Krista.
Ricky stood firm. Scouting legion is my life. Ricky saluted, giving her heart to Erwin. Ricky yelled, along with others, "WE PLEDGE TO GIVE OUR HEARTS TO HUMANITY!" Everyone's voices rang out, causing some of the people leaving to glance back in embarrassment. Ricky felt the blade going through the titan's skin, that avenge full feeling... It felt, and described Ricky herself, laughing in the face of death.
As he screamed, he felt chills running through his spin. The feelings overwhelming him, he was finally doing something right in his life. Now he could found out who he really was.

"We pledge to give our hearts to humanity!" Ara yelled with the rest of the Survey Corps recruits as she did the salute. Not really knowing anyone, Ara hung back against the wall cleaning her blades and making sure her 3DMG was working properly. No use in going to battle with a broken one.
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(Yes there is! Hahaha first its after the attack on trost and depending on what corps ur gonna choose, make her react to erwin ! :) )

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(Where erwin is trying to convince people to join the scouting legion after trost fell.)

Ricky walked over to Kira, smiling. "Well, I guess our life begins!" Ricky said, looking around to see who joined. "I think I'm going to talk with some people, bye kira!" Ricky walked over to Marco, and soon both of them were laughing and talking."well, good luck Marco!" Ricky said, smiling. He seemed like a very positive person, Ricky could call him her 2nd friend here!
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Yuka sits in a corner looking at everyone as they laugh and talk. "Is this how it all starts ?" " I can imagine how many bodies I'll see once we go to war with the titans." She says to her self while she looks around searching for anyone she knew. "Ricky!" She yells." I hear you joining the scout regiment" She says as she walks over to the fellow cadet.
Kira waved at Ricky as she left, he looked around noticing a few people that he recognized from the training camp. He pulled his notebook and started scribbling in it how everyone looked happy and drawing all the faces around him, ''At least, I'll have this to remember there face..'' he said out loud while thinking. He didn't like the idea that 30% of them were certainly going to die.
Ricky glanced to see Yuka. "Yuka! And yes, I am! What about you?" Ricky says, her tone questioning. Ricky walked over, a smile planted on her face. Some new soldiers stared at her, wondering how she could possibly be so cheerful. Ricky glanced around, recognizing some people, Ricky sat next to Yuka, hand in her lap.
"Same here , to be honest I'm kind of scared. How are you so happy during all of this ? "5 years ago everything was a disaster and you never know what can happen now." Yuka looks down at the ground trying to hold back tears. I lost everything and I can never get it back never. Yuka wipes her face as she looks at the clouds.
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Ricky sighs, putting her hands together. Ricky looks at the floor, taking a deep breath in. " when someone we love passes away, they go to a happy place called heaven. They watch down on us, and they're fine. They are not mentally dead, Yuka. They are just physically dead. They are always alive in our hearts......" Ricky looked at Yuka. " but, if you mentally die, and you never feel free, and you just deny you're feelings, then there is no hope getting feelings back. I believe that we don't have to die to change things."
Yuka took Ricky's words into consideration. "Thanks Ricky." Yuka says as she hugs Ricky. She stands up. "Well it was nice talking to you." Yuka says with a big smile on her face. "Its getting late. I've got to go and think about some things." Yuka says as she walks off waving at Ricky. "Bye !" Yuka yells.
Ricky accepts the hug, hugging back. Yuka was smart, so she probably understood. Ricky smiled and yawned. Ricky stretched and teased eren and Jean, leaving them agreeing on things. Ricky laughed and walked over to Kira, smiling. "I'm gonna go to sleep early. I don't want to crash into a building during the retake of trost! And by the way, I'm going to be in Hanji's squad!" Ricky said.
Kira glanced at Ricky, "That is the squad i wanted to join actually. I've been curious at these creatures." He said finishing to draw ."and i'll walk with you to the barracks if you want." , he put away his notebook and looked at her smiling tenderly.

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Ricky nodded "that's great, we will be in the same squad! And sure, I don't mind you walking me to the barracks." Ricky began her way to the barracks, stepping carefully, because older soldiers were known to get drunk and drop glass,which Ricky didn't exactly favor. Ricky looked at the rusted guns here and there, this place wasn't exactly clean.
Kira noticed all the broken glasses and the guns on the floor, he lifted Ricky easily and continued walking smiling, "well, i wouldn't want you to get hurt or infected because of this junk." He chuckled holding her wedding style. He didn't think much of it, it was very friendly from his part with no second thoughts. He just found it amusing and playful. He was comfortable with her, probably his first real friend.

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The next morning Yuka wakes up to a quiet breakfast. After getting her breakfast she sits at a table by herself , she see's a sketchbook and looks in it. "This might belong to that Kira guy" She says to herself. She looks around looking for Kira but there is no sign of him. Yuka starts eating hoping to run into him soon. 
(( this is getting good :P ))
Ricky squealed playfully as Kira picked her up, holding onto his neck so she won't fall, without choking him. Ricky was thankfull it was night, because her whole face was just a complete shade of red. Ricky was honestly impressed by how strong Kira was. Soon both of them returned to their dorms, Ricky falling asleep in her bed. She woke up soon, rubbing her eyes with a yawn. Ricky swung her legs out of the bed, got dressed, and headed to breakfast. Ricky noticed Kira wasn't there yet, so she sat next to Yuka.
"Hey Ricky" Yuka says as she gets up to throw out her food. I'm going to go to the training yard in a few, you want to come ? Yuka says as she looks at Ricky chewing the rest of her bread. Yuka was ready to put her fighting skills to the test. (( sorry it was so short ))

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