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Fandom Trainee's Life


Transform and Roleplay out!
An Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) roleplay, where, before certain teens graduate into the devisions, they have to pass the challenges of the trainee squad. Some teens may have just joined to get away from titans, but others wish to kill titans. But in the trainee squad, you also have to get you're comrade's trust in order to survive. Wall Maria was all ready lost to the titans, it depends on the trainees, will the walls fall again? (We are in the 104th trainee squad)

1. Roleplay still goes on after graduation

2. No sex

3. Kissing/hugging allowed

4.you can interact with characters from AoT if no one is them.

5. You can be a character from AoT (Attack on Titan)

6. Sentences minimal = 3

7. Character killed? Make a new one if you want to.
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(RP STARTS~ Signing is not over, so even though it's started, you can still sign up you're character!) Ricky looked at captain erwin, then at the rows of soon-to-be soldiers. Ricky was a trainee, but she didn't have to undergo the intense questions. Ricky forgot who her actual family was, and she thought of commander Erwin as a dad. "uh, dad? Will I have to become a trainee first to join the survey corps?.." Ricky said, looking up to commander Erwin. She often called him 'daddy', but she was around a bunch of teenagers, and didn't want to make childish impressions. Erwin nodded, still looking at the nervous trainees.
Kira was being annoyed by all the chattering and hormonal teenagers surrounding him. Half of them didn't look fit at all and were probably gonna quit after the Initiation, None of them looked serious about this except a few who had horror and hate written on their face. Kira had one goal, and one goal only, Join the scouts regiment. The rest of the divisions were jokes, he had witness in many occasion their corruption and mask, they were all hypocrites taking advantage of this gouvernement. Suddenly, a bald men ,with a wheatish complexion and prominent wrinkles on his forehead screamed attention. His most notable features were dark circles around his eyes which made him appear more imposing and frightening.
Christopher stood beside some randoms staring at his hands, fidgeting in anticipation. Alright, alright... He thought, calm down. He immediately straightened up when attention was called for. Taking a deep breath, he focused, not letting his daydreaming take over, once again.
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Ricky was often asked why she didn't become miserable after what happened to shinginshina. Ricky just answered with, "I know that once someone dies, they're not dead. They're still mentally alive, just physically dead. They're not gone, and i'm sure they want us to focus on the living more than the dead, because the dead are fine. They're in a place where only happiness exists." Ricky would often change a person completely after saying this, because not many people thought about what happens to you when you die, mentally. Ricky was asked before if she was willing to die on command, and Ricky answered yes. But she wasn't going to die for no one. She was going to die in order to save someone's life, or other lives. Ricky was often told that she should join the military police, mostly because people loved how cheery she was and didn't want to loose her. Ricky saw a lot of people around who looked like they thought they were about to go to paradise. Ricky sighed, but then noticed some people looked miserable, and they looked like images stained their eyes that they didn't want to see. Ricky was on the side, standing next to Erwin with her trainee uniform on. She saw some people she would appreciate to be friends with, but then suddenly, her eyes landed on a boy with black-brown hair and green eyes. he looked determined. but... Ricky felt like she knew this person. oh well.. Ricky observed the rest of the crowd, wincing at the screams of the frightening man.
Kira kept his face straight and emotionless, he didn't feel anything particularly except boredom. This Initiation was a waste of time for him, tho he thought about the positive side of it, the hindrance would leave earlier. Less deaths on the battlefield.. he thought. The intimidating soldier in front of them introduce himself as Keith Shadis, their instructor until they graduate. He then started the inspection, so many broke in tears and looked defeated. One second ago they were laughing and smiling like nothing was wrong in this world.
The next person Shadis approached was Christopher and the brunette had just begun to space off. He jumped at the sudden, loud tone being shot straight at him. He inhaled deeply, standing at attention, once more, and then, he replied quickly and softly, "Hans, Christopher... Sir..." Of course, that wasn't good enough, and he was demanded to speak louder.

"Hans, Christoper!" And, once again, not loud enough.

"Hans, Christoper!"

"Hans, Christoper!"

"Hans! Christopher!"

Finally, on the fourth time, he was able to raise his voice to a shout.

"I'm here to fight with my life! Even if it means losing it, Sir! I was always discouraged as a child, but I am here to prove a point! That I am not just a quiet soul! But one with loud intentions!"
Ricky looked at Christopher. that was a pretty good reason, and it was much better than others. At least some people here were actually soldiers. Ricky smiled at Christopher, signaling that he said the right thing. He may have not seen Ricky smile at him reassuringly, but she did it anyway. Keith seemed to skip a few, and those people looked serious. Ricky sighed, noticing the lectures were about almost over, and then everyone would go into the cafeteria for, well, socializing.
That kid had some good intentions but he just didn't fit the role of a soldier. What was his name again? Christopher?, he mentally took note of observing his progress. The trainee camp was none for changing people for the better or the worst. The lecture was finally over after Keith punished a girl named Sasha. Just why would she start eating a potato in the middle of inspection? It's common knowledge that you should look the sharpest in inspection, especially the first one! He sighted and left the ranks once Keith dismissed them. He was the first to enter the cafeteria and sat at the far end of a table and took out a notebook and started scribbling stuff in it.
Ricky sighed and walked into the cafeteria, and sat at the same table as Kira. Ricky pulled out a blank piece of paper and a sketching pen. She drew a few mountains, and a stream going down one of the mountains. the sun was popping up behind the mountains, and the clouds were under the tips of the mountains. It looked realistic, and Ricky knew what mountains were because of books she read. Ricky turned to Kira and held up her drawing, and said, curious, "what does this look like to you?". Ricky wasn't very shy, since she lived around a lot of people in her life.

(i am adding the drawing here just because i'm awesome. xD )
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Kira was absorbed in his own world not paying much attention to the brunette sitting near him. He wrote a his observation of the camp, how everyone looked like, he even drew Potato girl very artistically. He had the habit of conserving every thought he had in that block of paper. he promptly looked up at the brunette staring at him and shoving a similar notebook to his at his face. He calmly stopped drawing potato girl and stared at her notebook. What exactly did she want? Usually people wouldn't go to him because of his demeanor and sharp eyes. The brunette what he thought of the drawings. He could see rocks touching the skies and what seemed like a river descending that somehow strange landscape. He then looked at her with an indifferent look and continued drawing Sasha. '' It's strange... but somehow inspires me adventure, life and peace.'', finishing his last detail. He closed his notebook and looked at the deep green orbs of the girl.
Ricky smiled and put the notebook back down on the table. "they're called mountains, they are formed by the ground pushing together and causing an upward motion!" Ricky said. She took out two pieces of paper and put them next to each other, then pushed them together and they bent up, creating a mountain-like figure. Ricky put the two papers on top of each other. "they take a long time to form, though." Ricky smiled up at Kira. "I'm Ricky. I wasn't in any of the rows during the lecture because i was, well, abandoned, and the survey corps cared for me when i was young. So i guess i have three reasons to come into the survey corps. But its sad, how most people didn't even think of joining the survey corps. They just wanted to get away." Ricky sighed, looking around the cafeteria.
Christopher sat in a corner by his lonesome self, tucking his knees to his chest. Maybe I'm not fit to be a soldier, he frowned. Maybe I should've given up when they told me to. Maybe they were right and I was wrong. He pressed his forehead against his knees, closing his eyes tightly. He had a headache. "Too many thoughts," He sighed to himself, squeezing his thighs tighter against his torso, and set his chin upon his knees. What if I really were wrong about this all?

((Do you mind if I remove Penelope from the RP? I'm not feeling her anymore... :|
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Ricky saw Christopher alone at a corner, and got up. "i'm going to go see if Christopher is all right. Oh, and do you mind telling me you're name?" Ricky said politely to Kira. Ricky knew Christopher could be a good soldier, as long as his opinions didn't get dragged down by others. Ricky glanced at Christopher once more, concerned. But when she saw others, a lot of them looked miserable, to. Maybe Ricky would play her piano tonight..
Seeing someone approaching, he returned to a normal position, lowering his feet to the floor. He stared at the approaching girl, blinking at her and tilting his head in curiosity. What would she want with me? Then, he lowered his head, I bet she's coming over here to beat me up or something... The brunette swallowed hard,wrapping his arms tightly around his waist. He sighed deeply and watching her every move and every step, being a cautious and humanly possible.
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He looked attentively making sure to grasp every single detail of her explanation. Mountains looked interesting, she made him want to explore them. She looked well educated and knowledgeable like those kids at the Capitol. He , on the other hand, didn't have the privilege of attending school. He didn't have any address nor parents to pay for schooling. He wandered around the school during the schooling hours and would sometime eavesdrop under the windows of classes hoping he could learn something or understand all of those mysteries kept unanswered in his head. He felt a pinch in his heart, he felt envious. He hated the fact that he wasn't educated and would hide it at all cost. Luckily for him, those hours past under the window payed im off. He was able to learn how to write and read with ease now. But it took many hours of practise and enormous amount of concentration. Curios as to why she stood up, he glanced at the direction she was staring. Not wanting to keep her up to long he answered her back. ''The name is Kira.''
"thanks!see you later, Kira" Ricky said, and walked over to Christopher. She sat down next to him, and looked at him with kind eyes. "I think you would be a great soldier" Ricky said. She pulled out her notebook and showed Christopher the picture of the mountains. "Christopher, you can't let other people drag you down..." Ricky said softly, and pulled out the picture of the mountains. She put the drawing on Christopher's lap, and got up. "Good luck," Ricky said energetically, as she heard Keith yell out for hand-to-hand combat training. Ricky got up and headed outside.
Christopher really didn't have time to respond, but he felt warmness flood his chest. He stared at the picture of the mountains and sighed softly. He'd only seen stuff like this in books, and they weren't nearly as beautiful of pictures as this. He tilted his head and smiled slightly, whispering a small "thanks."

Before he knew it, they were being called out for hand-to-hand combat training. He stood and began to walk out in a somber, slow fashion, as he wasn't too sure about his abilities in this area. His heart was racing and he began to run, heading away from everyone, as in attempt to avoid having to spar.
Kira tucked his notebook inside his Jacket and stood up from the bench. All of the trainees walked out of the cafeteria towards the hand to hand training ground. Many felt unsure on how this was going to work. Keith then started shouting the regulations and showing the basic for the beginners. He already knew the basic and started sparring with a guy who looked similar to Ricky. He easily dropped him down and won the spar, he was reckless while Kira was content and calculating. He was easily throwable, The boy named Eren threw one two punches towards Kira's face and would lose balance, then Kira would use this opportunity to make him fall straight on his back using his reckless strenght. He barely broke a sweat.
Ricky got paired with Mikasa Ackerman, and the two fought for a while. Mikasa would kick and punch at the same time, at a very fast speed, but Ricky would dodge or block it, to attack Mikasa, and to only end up with her dodging or blocking. This would go on for a while, until finally keith noticed. Ricky gotten a new partner, Reiner, yet he was barely a challenge. Ricky would grab Reiner's fist and slam him down to the ground, then pinning him tightly, and taking the wooden dagger easily out of his hand.
Christopher was approached by a tough-looking boy about his age, but a lot taller. He shuddered and held his ground the best that he could. He took a deep breath and waited for the first swing, dodging it and throwing the next punch at the taller's unguarded side, knocking him off balance. The challenger had terrible form and Christopher used that to his advantage, striking his ill-guarded spots until he was crouched over. Christopher struck the back of his knee with his heel, causing him to fall to his knees. The shorter sighed deeply in relief. Well, this is going better than I expected.
Kira went on and on with different individuals. He fought a very tall guy, Berthold, then Connie Springer, his way of fighting really annoyed him, he was always defensive or when he went offensive, he would lose balance and fall face first without Kira even touching him. Getting tired of these ridiculous fight, he instead looked at the people fight around and noticed Ricky.She was busy fighting an Asian looking girl, they seemed pretty equal . Then keith showed up and partnered him with the nervous teen from the initiation, Christopher. He just knocked out a tough looking guy. Surprising he thought
Christopher looked up at his new partner and inhaled deeply. He cleared his throat and assumed his almost-perfect fighting position. He had practiced before and studied martial arts, but always doubted his ability and strength - despite really having no reason to. He was still terribly nervous, though, and rather light-headed. This was going to be a tough fight to win.
Reiner groaned in pain, then smirked like an idiot. "how can a cute chick like you be fighting? Shouldn't you leave this to the big boys, babe?" Reiner teased, getting back up. Ricky fumed, mouth open, speechless. "oh, YOU!" She said, not believing he just said that. She kicked his knees, hard, then punched him in the gut harder. Reiner fell to the ground on his stomach, groaning. Ricky bent down, and said in a stern whisper "dont EVER call me chick, or babe. I'm more of a soldier than you, Reiner. So shut you're little perverted (excuse my cuss~) mouth and act like a legit soldier" Ricky grabbed Reiner by his hand, not softly, and pulled him up. Reiner actually looked regretful. Ricky continued like nothing happened. "Reiner, you have to quicken you're attacks. try to bend a bit more, and don't stare at you're fist while fighting. Look the enemy at where you wan to hit them." Ricky and Reiner fought more, Reiner slowly improving.
Kira position himself into a fighting stand. He was the first to throw a punch towards Christopher face, he had kick reactions and instinctively blocked Kira's punch. He then threw a few powerful punches towards his guts. He blocked them easily. He noticed the quick reactions, he was fast with his feet but Kira noticed a few flaws in his stand. Changing strategy, he transferred his weight to the front, so he could stand on his toes and then trew one powerful kick on the left side of Christopher.

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