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Toxic (SilentWriter83 and Redroses)


Senior Member
Tanner Wells. Just hearing the name made Vaughn Lawler's heart flutter. The man with the gravity defying hair and the most amazing personality. He was completely infatuated with him and today he couldn't stand it anymore. He'd watch him from afar and let out a long sigh. He loved him so, so, so, so much. Just seeing his smile made him turn completely into jelly. To put it simply, Vaughn thought Tanner was orgasmic.

Today was the day he was planning on confessing to him and asking him out. He wasn't even sure if he was gay or not but he was so nice he was sure he'd happily accept no matter what. It was just whether or not he could actually get the words out and ask him withuout making an idiot of himself. He doubted that would be possible though. He needed to just think of the upside, if he accepted, they'd be together. If he rejected, they could still be friends. Either which way, it was bound to be a good thing. He stood up from his chair and made his way over to the love of his life, every part of him was shaking. He knew he had nothing to be scared of though, Tanner was just a big, cuddly teddy bear.

"Tanner. I'm in love with you. Please go out with me." This didn't go at all like he'd planned in his head. He wanted it to be sweet and romantic. Unfortunately, Vaughn wasn't the best at expressing himself, he should just be thankful the words got out of his mouth.
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Tanner stared down at gis unfinished artwork. A half drawn sketch of the object of his affections. It seemed hopeless, vaughning over a boy like him. He couldn't help it though, Vaughn Lawler was everything. From his strategically messed up hair to his lazy but cute style of dressing, it drove him absolutely wild. Every glance he received had his heart racing and lips pulling into a large smile. That boy had won his heart, the only problem however, was that they were friends. 

Now that doesn't seem like too big of a problem. Stepping from friendship to relationship was a tiny hop, but the chance that Vaughn didn't like him, God that terrified Tanner in ways words couldn't even describe. So, instead, he sat here complacent in their friendship, silently wishing to be more as sketches of his crush sprinkled through his notebook, absentminded renderings of a boy he could never have. 

At least, that's what Tanner believed. He could never have imagined that when Vaughn walked over to him that day everything would change. Those three words that slipped from perfectly pink lips had his jaw dropping as wide hazel eyes stared up in disbelieving awe. He loved him. Vaughn Lawler had just said the three magic words that made Tanner melt in an instant. 

He'd been so busy staring in awe that Tanner almost missed his socially alotted time to reply. His mind scrambled for an appropriate response, but only came out as a stuttered response of, "O-Oh, yeah...y-yeah!" It wasn't exactly the response he'd hoped for. Nothing's charismatic of very cute, but it got the job done. 

Tanner felt his face flush with embarrassment at his stuttered reply, a shy smile filing on to his features. He shifted in his seat to face Vaughn better, and to hide the half finished sketch of the boy. It would be quite embarrassing to have him find out about it. His tongue slipped out to swipe across his bottom lip, teeth pressing into the soft flesh nervously. His stomach filled with butterflies  as he looked up at him. "I-I'm free tomorrow," he offered up, feeling his heart race at the idea of an actual real date with his long time crush. 
Vaughn was running on way too much adrenaline to think about anything else except the man right in front of him that just agreed to go out with him. They were already planning their first date together. Maybe things were moving too fast. Was Tanner even sure he wanted this? He guessed they could always just break up if things didn't go well. Maybe he should've asked him on a date before he asked him out. Would Tanner have preferred that? He could always take it back and ask him out again on their date. Maybe not, he was nervous enough doing it a first time, he didn't exactly want to go through this again.

"Okay, me too. What time should I pick you up?" He was avoiding making eye contact as much as he really wanted to look at him. He found himself looking everywhere excpet the target of his affection. He caught a little glimpse of the book he drew in. He loved looking at his drawings and always felt so special when he got to see one. He was never allowed to look through the book though, just the ones Tanner wanted him to see. He didn't mind that and respected his privacy. Maybe that would change since they were going out now. They were going out now.

They were going out.

This was surreal. He had a date with Vaughn Lawler. Vaughn freaking Lawler! "Yeah, okay! Um," Tanner stood, feeling a little strange sitting down while the other boy stood. He came just four inches shy of the others full height, something he reveled silently in. Tanner would never admit it, but he loved height differences, and Vaughn's was basically perfection. The boy himself was perfect, even as he stood here, slightly nervous and confessing to him. It was sudden but he certainly wouldn't be complaining, not by a long shot. He'd been dreaming of this moment since the day the two met. "How's seven?" He asked as he felt his stomach turn inside of him, filling with butterflies. He really wished his body would calm the hell down, allow him to act like a normal person. That seemed to be nowhere in the plans however, the smile on his face refusing to fade. He was just too excited. His crush since like...forever, had just asked him out and Tanner was internally freaking out about that fact as the rest of their date was solidified.

"Great! I can't wait!" Tanner chuckled softly, almost giddily. He was beyond excited. In fact, that word didn't even seem to fit the feelings floating inside of him. Tanner felt like he was on cloud nine, as if he'd just won the lottery. Vaughn freaking Lawler just asked him out on a date. Holy crap! Tanner opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted by his phone ringing. He jumped slightly, surprised by the sudden interruption of their conversation. He quickly pulled the device out of his pocket, staring down at the scream. He felt his cheeks flush as he swiped to the left, silencing the alarm that was reading. "I have to go...class," he explained sheepishly as his phone was returned to its place in his pocket. He felt a ball of disappointment settle in his chest at having to leave. He wished he could stay, talk to the boy for the rest of the day, but he wasn't paying thousands of dollars to go to school and not go to class. "I'll..see you tomorrow," he spoke as he lifted his messenger bag over his shoulders. He was all smiles as he left the room they were in, walking backwards so he didn't have to take his eyes of Vaughn.

Tanner only faltered once, running into someones desk. He jumped, smile falling as a look of shocked embarrassment forced a deep blush on his face. The girl at the table glared as he apologized sheepishly, an embarrassed smile on his lips as he looked at Vaughn one last time before he turned and headed towards his class. In his haste to leave in order to be on time, Tanner had completely forgotten his sketchbook on the table he'd been sitting at. There it lay, open for anyone to see, a half finished sketch of Vaughn himself on the open page. If one were to flip through the pages, they'd find many more like it. Some of then fully finished renderings of the boy, others imaginary situations including himself and the male in question spending time together. 

Vaughn was glad Tanner had stood up, he felt like he was being a little too intimidating standing up when he was sitting. He'd come on pretty strong and he wouldn't be surprised if Tanner found it scary. He had a habit of making people kind of afraid of him. He didn't mean to, he'd just always been tall and pretty blunt. For some reason, small children didn't find that appealing. He hoped maybe with his own kids he'd be a little different though, especially if Tanner was the father. He'd heard it can take a while for adoption papers to be processed, maybe they should adopt one now and by the time they actually get it, they'd be ready for one. Was that the sort of thing you discussed on a first date? Maybe he'd leave that for the second one. 

It was sad to see him go but it was nice to see him nearly trip over the poor girls desk, it made him stay just that little bit longer. Not to mention his clumsiness was adorable. He stood there a little awkwardly as he watched him go until he couldn't see any part of him anymore. Then he let out a long sigh and slid into the chair he was sitting in. He'd indirectly touched butts with with his boyfriend, Tanner. That's when he noticed the unfinished sketch. He didn't want to assume it was him but it did look a lot like him. Curiosity got the better of him and he flipped through the book. It looked a lot like him and Tanner together. He stared for a long moment at one particular picture of supposedly him and Tanner kissing. He even remembered their height difference. It made him completely turn into mush.

A couple of his other friends had entered the classroom and he quickly slammed the the book shut and pretended like nothing happened. He didn't even get to gloat about the fact he was going out with him either. They didn't even know he was gay. One surprise at a time.

Tanner was on cloud nine for the rest of the day. The smile never faded as he went through his classes barely paying attention. The only thing he could think of was this date with Vaughn. He was still wondering how he even managed to catch the others attention, let alone win himself a date with him. He hadn't even known the other liked him, not anything more than friends at least. He was a nice guy...at times. Well, he could be kind of a jerk to people, but Tanner was quite sure he didn't mean it. Vaughn was known for being rather blunt, borderline rude. Tanner had heard quite his fair share of warnings from his own friends when he revealed they were becoming fast friends. He headed them no mind though. Vaughn was always nice to him, overly blunt, but still kind in his own way. So, he thought nothing of their warnings and his feelings grew.

It wasn't until the twenty-three year old returned home did he realize that his sketchbook was missing. He felt his heart drop to his stomach as he retraced his steps in his mind only to realize he'd left it with the absolute worst person in the entire universe. Okay...that was a bit dramatic, but he had left his sketchbook, full of his daydreaming doodles of himself and Vaughn, with Vaughn! He actually wanted to dig himself a hole and go lay in it. Maybe he would even cancel his date because the mortification eating at him right now was threatening to drown him. "Maybe he didn't look through it?" Tanner told himself as he paced the small space of his bedroom. "Yeah, he wouldn't look through it," he thought aloud. It didn't help much, because well, Tanner knew if the roles were reversed he would have looked through the entire thing.

This. Sucked. So. Much.

There was only one thing left to do. He had to ask Vaughn for his sketchbook back. It was either that or wait until tomorrow to ask about it. Tanner didn't want to wait though. The more time that passed, the more opportunities there were for Vaughn to get curious and find out his embarrassing secret, if he hadn't already. Tanner grabbed a pillow, stuffing it over his face and screamed into it. The noise was muffled, harsh and grating on the vocals cords, before he threw the pillow off and took a deep breath. "You can do this," he told himself before he pulled out his phone and flicked down towards Vaughn's number. He stared at the screen for a long moment, stomach twisting inside of him. His tongue swiped out across his bottom lip, teeth scraping across the soft skin, leaving it wet and slightly more pink than before. He took a deep breath before he tapped his thumbs against his screen, sending a quick message.

Hey V, did I leave my sketchbook in the room earlier?

Vaughn didn't really want to return it to him. He liked having a little bit of Tanner wherever he went. He could also blackmail him into going out with him if he needed to. Oh wait. They were already together and they were going to recreate every picture in this book of his. He'd only flicked through some of the pages though and he hadn't seen any erotic pictures of them together. Maybe he should ask him to draw something of them together like that. He'd love to see his face all flustered as he drew it for him. He'd look so adorable. He wish he could reach out and just squish his little pink cheeks. There was a lot of love struck sighs that day.

Once classes were finally over, he headed home, still holding the book. He sat down on the couch inhaling the smell of it. It was just normal paper but Tanner had touched it so it was special to him. He sat there, just holding the book in his arms. He liked to imagine he might be holding Tanner in his arms right now. He was awoken from his fantasy by his phone vibrating. He groaned and pulled it out of his pocket. His smile returned when he saw who had texted him. His favourite person. He replied straight away

You did. I can bring it over now, if you'd like

He hoped he did want. He desperately wanted to see him again. 

Tanner was simultaneously relieved and worried that Vaughn had his sketchbook. There was no telling if he'd looked in it or not. If he did, that would be totally embarrassing and made his stomach lurch. If he didn't, well that was fantastic and he clung to that hope that he didn't. That was the only way he got through inviting Vaughn over in order to get it back. 

For the time he waited for Vaughn to arrive, Tanner paced. He ran through every possible scenario that could unfold. It made him horribly nervous so by the time Vaughn did arrive, Tanner opened the door with a blushing face and a stuttered greeting. "H-Hey."

Vaughn hugged the book one last time before putting it gently onto the passenger seat of his car. He drove over to his house and took a big breath before getting out and knocking on the door. This was the first time he'd ever be over at his house as more than just a friend. Maybe he'd even get to touch his hand as he hands him back the book. Their first hand caress as lovers. He'll have to celebrate when he gets home. 

"Hey." He was also pretty awkward when he finally sees him. He looks like he's really embarrassed for some reason. "I ahh, didn't look at it. If you're worried about that. Just the one you didn't finish that you left it open on." This was the only lie he was going to tell him. It was just for his own safety. He didn't want him to get upset over it and never trust him again. 
The relieved smile that formed couldn't be stopped. All of his irrational fears washed away in the torrent of emotions fell over him. His whole body melting into a more at ease stance as he took his sketchbook back gratefully. "Thanks again for bringing it back," He said sincerely. For a moment he stood there, at a loss for words. He glanced over his shoulder, teeth scraping over his bottom lip as he mulled things over. "Would you...want to come in?" Tanner offered shyly. Vaughn had come all this way, although he wasn't exactly how far the boy lived in reality, but regardless, Vaughn had taken time out of his day to come bring his sketch pad back. 

Tanner stepped aside, allowing the other inside. He closed the door behind him, sketchpad tucked securely under one arm as he flashed a warm, yet still slightly nervous smile. "So uh, want to...watch a movie or something?" It had been quite some time since Tanner invited any one over. He had plenty of friends, however most of their 'hang out' times were spent at other peoples houses or at a bar where he couldn't quite recall what had happened in the morning after.

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