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Realistic or Modern Town of Wolvesburg

Kira Beast

Senior Member
This town in Canada is a small one. The mayor in it declares that all Wolves are protected. That's what gave this town it's name. It's a special rule that applies to everyone. But some people outside the town wonder if the mayor is really who everyone thinks he is. Some people say they see him sneaking out of the office at nights on full moons. Who do you think he is?

Notes: Supernaturals are allowed in this RP but not big ones. o-o I'll make my character in sign up
Fairy dresses into a cute fall outfit and ties her hair up. She walks outside getting a quick chill from the fall breeze.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/eb3d738dbcfdcd952b69764fa171a8e2.jpg.8793d38fc56ce13ee49d4459adfd5aa3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/eb3d738dbcfdcd952b69764fa171a8e2.jpg.8793d38fc56ce13ee49d4459adfd5aa3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elizabeth jumped out of the window as soon as she heard her uncle calling her name. She began walking to the woods until she found a quiet place and she looked at her hand. Her hand became completely black and Elizabeth made a small bolt of dark energy hit a tree.

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Jackson wakes up and dresses into a regular batman T-shirt and jeans. He ties his sneakers and grabs his Nintendo and game. He walks out of the house and walks to starbucks.
Elizabeth made more dark energy bolts hit the tree until she realized she was making too many noice. She started to walk away until she realized the tree was completely black from her powers and it was glowing. She tried to absorb the black magic but it was too hard, she countinued trying as fast as she could hoping no one would hear her even though she was making a lot of noice
Mei shifted into her usual black cat and padded down the street. It was easier in animal form, were her own thoughts. Of course, she was a pretty girl. Average but pretty to herself. She moved down the street silently, slipping between alleys and ducking through fences. She crossed over a man's path, loving the looks of superstition they give her. She turned her head the slightest and purred at his reaction of a muffled curse word.

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