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Fantasy Toulouse Academy of Refinement

Nichole stopped and saw alex and ran over. "Alex are you ok?! What happened?!" She whispered to her and hugged her. yuki barked and his tail wagged. Thankfully they found another that wasnt a mindless zombie.
"Celena...tried...to inject me...with something...I don't know what it was," she said, feeling like she was going to faint. "I'm fine, but Nocte is...still...in..." With that, she fainted from the events that had just occurred.
'That was a fast introduction.' He thought to himself. "I do not mind." He said looking at her. His eyes seemed emotionless. "My name is cedric and if theres nothing else ill take my leave."
Nichole caught her and picked her up biting her lip. "Cmon yuki!" She said running to a dorm. She knocked on the door frantically. Yuki barked and scratched at the door.
(Hehe, totally screwed.)

Gypsy pushed Ari away and scrambled up, hands in his hair , he began pacing in the usaul you-just-screwed-up way. "Okay....So I just cheated on Winnie......Oh that sounds bad......NO SHIT YOU IDIOT IT SOUNDS BAD! IT IS BAD!......Stop yelling Mika! its not my fault.....IT IS YOUR FAULT ! LET ME OUT.......But in this situation if you're attacked you have no chance......Why must you screw my life up, Gypsy? Huh? Do you hate me that much? Why are you even here? Why are you in my body? Go in fest someone else you fucking parasite....HEY! I mess up alot but I've saved your sorry pathetic ass more than once! Don't blame me for your lifestyle. You chose it.........i fucking hate you."The two argued. From afar, he seemed crazy, arguing with himself but to those who knew of his little secret it was completely sane.

Ari cringed but stood up, waiting til it was silent. "Gyp.....MiMi.........I'm so--"

"SHUT UP!"They roared, the black aura surrounding them grew, trapping anyone nearby in a chokehold of terror and confusion.

Ari gasped and stood there, frozen with her heart racing. She'd seen them made individually before and had been the object of their anger many times before but it was never this bad. it appeared that they had somehow managed to share the control on the body instead of give complete control to either of their strong and very different personalitys. A bubble of hysterical giggles came out of her mouth before she could stop it. How wonderful! Their wrath would smite her and over take her. She would get their full attention. That was all she wanted. Was their attention, whether it was good or bad. She wanted them to see only her.

Gypsy/Mika scowled at her, their blue gray eyes piercing her, making her shiver and tremble. "You're......."No words came to mind. Which was okay because they were over her. "Winnie..."They called out, walking over to where Winnie had been.
Nocte moved over and openned the door to show the unconscious girl on the ground. He had left the needles on the ground and the girl where she fell.
(Just wondering but how am I suppose to get out of the trance? Is there any way for me to get out of it? Or do they have to keep knocking me out? @Bree )
Winnie heard the ranting but she didn't process the words. There was no way she could head to her dorm without running into either of them. Sighing, she got out of her hiding spot despite the ache of her muscles and began walking back to her dorm, It whispering encouragement to the heartbroken girl. 
(They can get out of it by will power or strong emotions. That's why Winnie was able to sorta get rid of it. )
(Okay I am going to do that @twilight sparkle @Firelava @Lexie )

Rubbing her head Celena opened her eyes and realised that she could move her hands. Rushing out Celena came out of the room and looked at the fainted Alex.


Rushing over she held to her friend and began to cry.
Nichole winced and looked at celena. "I-is it really you celena? " backing up. Yuki sniffed her and barked his tail wagging. He licked away celena's tears. Nichole relaxed and hugged celena still holding alex.
Celena cried out loud and sobbed, "I am so sorry Alex! I didn't want to hurt you!!"

Turning to Nikki she cried even more and she just kept the tears going as she looked at everyone around her.
Movement alerted him. "Winnie! Hey.... that wasn't , that wasn't what it looked like! I would never......well i would... But not intentionally. She just......Ari is like a sister to me......Let me explain....."He said, grabbing her arms and turning her towards him.
Winnie glared, her skin as cold as her gaze. "Don't. Touch. Me. I've been played too many times, I've learned that you don't give out second chances. " she wrenched her arm from his grasp and began walking down the hallway, wanting nothing more than to go back home. Or find her friends.
Nichole walked out of the room and saw winnie. She bit her cheek. "Hey winnie? "Nichole said softly. she cautiously walked over. "Winnie are you alright? "
Winnie shook her head, burying her face in Nichole's shoulder but kept the cries inside. " not really. " she knew Mika was still there and took Nichole by her arm and kept walking. "But I will be, don't worry. "
Nichole nodded and followed her. "Do you need some cchocolate? Wait can we go back to this dorm I found? I have yuki, celena, and alex with me. Celena was able to fight off what ever that was in her. We'll be safe there."
'I'm out...'Gypsy said, fading to the back, leaving Mika there to fend for himself.

Mika crumbled mentally and physically, cringing at the coldness of her glare that pierced right through to his heart. He fell to his knees, heart breaking and hot tears rolling down his face. What was he going to do? He'd gotten attached and used to the life that he lived at the school and he didn't want to go back to being alone, to fending for himself, to going with the outrageous flow of the world, to hiding his feelings and laughing everything off, to hiding behind the fog of drugs and alcohol. But what was he to do? He'd fucked up.

Ari frowned as she watched everything go down. The strong willed carefree and deliciously spontaneous man that she loved was being reduced to nothing before her eyes. And by who? Some, by the looks of it, ungrateful, stingy bitch with some issues. That spot in his heart should have been hers! She has been through thick and thin with him and knows things about him that he doesn't eve know himself. And what does she get? To watch from the sidelines.What kind of bullshit was this?"Hey! Who do you think you are? Who in the hell do you think you are to treat this man who didn't intentioonally cheast on you like this!? Do you even know his story? Did you know that he has multiple personality disorder? Do you know Gypsy? Do you know--"She stopped herself from say the last one. Even she didn't know Mikas hidden third personality that well, all she knew was that his exist was terrifying. "You don't deserve him. Hope you don't mind if i take him away from you."She said with a smirk

Mika listened through a haze, not bothering to speak up or stand up. His world was crashing and he didn't know how to pick up the pieces. He was slightly aware of someone helping him up and taking him away. He saw Aris faces and breathed in the nostalgic scent of her perfume, hearing her whisper,"You're gonna be just fine, MiMi. Aris here."
With no word from the principle after he asked for leave he left the room, he knew what he needed to know so there was no reason to stay. He went into hallway and decided he was gonna wander a bit. He was walking the halls and he closed his eyes. His hearing suddenly got incredible strong and he could not only hear students talking 100's of feet away, but pinpoint around where they were. He started walking that way.
Winnie stopped walking as the girl yelled at her. "Multiple...." She whispered. Pieces slowly clicked together but it was fragile and one thing was certain. She turned on her heel to see him being taken away. "No way in hell am I letting things end like this. " Winnie said aloud and flicked her hand towards the two, freezing the girls feet with the help of It. She walked slowly towards them, the confusion evident in her eyes as she said slowly, "don't talk like you know me, and no. I'm not okay with you taking him cause you don't deserve him either. " what? Was she fighting for someone who just cheated on her! It made no sense, but Winnie couldn't help it, Mika was hers and she wouldn't share him.
Bree said:
Winnie stopped walking as the girl yelled at her. "Multiple...." She whispered. Pieces slowly clicked together but it was fragile and one thing was certain. She turned on her heel to see him being taken away. "No way in hell am I letting things end like this. " Winnie said aloud and flicked her hand towards the two, freezing the girls feet with the help of It. She walked slowly towards them, the confusion evident in her eyes as she said slowly, "don't talk like you know me, and no. I'm not okay with you taking him cause you don't deserve him either. " what? Was she fighting for someone who just cheated on her! It made no sense, but Winnie couldn't help it, Mika was hers and she wouldn't share him.
(Wait what happened? Are you still in the room or did you leave?)
Nichole was going to say something but was really lost. She looked back and forth between the three trying to figure this out. "Um guys?" Nichole said rasing her hand. "Um can you please explain what happened? Im lost and the tension here is gonna kill someone..."
Ari scowled."I found him. He's mine!"She said. Aris arms began to be covered in a strong metal, the ends ending in sharp metal points. She drove on hand into the ice at her feet and heard a satisfying crack as her feet were freed. Her arms went back to normal, leaving behing two metal bracelets in which she had formed the metal ice picks. The bracelets grew and began to form a metal cart which she put Mika in and slid it down the hall a ways.

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