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Fantasy Toulouse Academy of Refinement

It frowned, dragging up Winnie's memories. "Well, yes. Dances with waltzing and politicians. Never been to a school dance. " It dropped Winnie's hands and took his. Winnie got control of her eyes finally and panic was clear in them despite the sweet smile on It's face. {Help me, Mika. Please. } "let's go outside, I can create a winter wonderland for our first dance. " Ha! It finally slipped! Winnie didn't have that much control over her power!
(Thats why I had super strength too, but my powers were completely useless) The infected Susan stalked through the halls, creeping towards Nichole's room where she heard talking. {whatever the hell they injected me with, I'm fighting it. Thats probably why I don't look as myself as Winnie does. I've got to do something. I've got to fight} The Thing opened Nichole's door, twitching slightly. Inside its mind was a cacophony of noises. {Susan screamed at the top of her lungs, and began singing various nursery rhymes as loud and out of pitch as possible} realizing Winnie was inside, It backed away before anyone could see or hear It. Sinking into the shadows, the Thing listened and waited
"Fine, "Mika said, a glare forming. His eye twitched and a smug smirk was on his lips."No thanks sweet cheeks. I only dance with open minded people." He said, pushing away from Winnie." Sleep." He whispered, sending waves of relaxation strong enough to put someone into a coma like state and watched as they enveloped her in an iron grip. This was the difference between Gypsy and Mika, Gypsy was a master of his power while Mika was still an amateur. Someone or something had sealed off Mikas/Gypsys full potential at a young age and even Gypsy can only control about 75% of the power.
Winnie smirked smugly inside her head. {that's my Mika! Wait...what the hell does this solve?} her body collapsed and It passed out, snoring slightly. Winnie was also pulled into the sleepy blackness and her body was as useless as a bag of rocks.

She traveled the halls with Nichole to no avail and noted the time with a sigh. "Nichole, this will just have to wait for tomorrow. Room with the other girls if you must, but I must go meet with a new student. "
Nichole said"ok Brittany. "She sighed and walked to her dorm to grab some clothes. Yuki followed close behind and looked around. "Thanks yuki. "She said smiling. But kept her guard up. Nichole put on her overnight bag and walked out with him. She started to hum biting her lip.

She headed back to her office and brewed a pot of tea, awaiting the arrival of the new student so she could catch him up on things.
(Guys I think its safe to say Killgor isn't coming back. He had his phone privileges revoked and I haven't been in touch with him in a week :( should we say he got captured and is unable to be rescued? That way if he does come back someday his character is still there)
Gypsy picked up Winnie, throwing her over his shoulder. Now what to do? He should turn her in to Brittnay, but that would invovle authority and Gypsy was worse when it came to that than Mika was. Heaving a sigh he grudgingly exitted the room.

Ari arrived at the school, a smirk planted on her face. "So this is where you've been hiding, Mika."SHe said before entering the main building and wandering off in search of the Head Mistress' office. This place gave off a 'middle of a crisis aura' and she didn't know whether she should be cautious or join in on the chaos. Upon arrival she didn't bother knocking."Hey, whats going on here exactly? And wheres Mika Roze? I'm Ari. You are?"She asked the woman she assumed was the Head Mistress. This was typical Ari, always full of questions and unrelenting when asking them.
Lexie said:
Alex jumped slightly as she finally noticed the girl. Was I that out of it? The thought crossed her mind briefly before looking at her. She sat back down with a small sigh,
(Sorry went to sleep!)

'Celena' looked at Alex worriedly, "Are you alright Alex?"

She had completed ignored Nocte and was focusing only on Alex acting like she was worried. SOMEONE! KNOCK ME OUT! GAG ME! HURT ME! SO THAT YOU DON'T GET HURT YOURSELF! Celena cried out in her mind and began to attack the person in her mind. Thankfully a small response was given from her body and it staggered a little.

Brittany smiled at the new girl. "Mika, oh he's with his girlfriend Winnie near the dorms. I'm afraid another student has spooked some of the others but it's alright. You'll be sharing a dorm with Winnie, actually, so feel free to meet up with them. I'm the Head Mistress, Brittany. Nice to meet you Ari. "
Alex nodded slightly before watching her start attacking someone that wasn't there. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.
Akio had just arrived at the school, a school he didnt even know existed until a few days ago. A school for those with a gift like him. 'For a place so secretive its quite big.' He thought to himself as he looked up at it. He walked in and looked at the signs till he found the one that said main office. He walked that way still he found himself were he needed to be. He sighed and walked into the office.

(was busy so that took way to long)
Ari didn't bother responding, instead she was out of the office and on her way down the hall, skating down the hall in her skates that she'd conjured out of the metal on her shoes. As she picked up the pace she saw Mika heading the direction shed just came from. "Mikaaaaaaa~"She said launching herself at him.

"Ari? Wha--"The impact caused his power to waver and he lost his grip on Winnie, sending her rolling across the floor. He caught Ari as she clung to him, wrapping her arms and legs around him."What are you doing here?"He asked, chuckling and holding her close. Gypsy had had a thing for Ari and even Mika did at one point.

"To hunt you down of course."She said, a sly smile on her face as she kissed him. Reaallly kissed him. A couple steamy moments passed before she broke the kiss off."I missed you."She whispered.

Gypsy was tensed up as his inner battle of right and wrong hashed it out. Mika had passed out mentally from the shock of what was happening and Gypsy was a wreck. He liked Winnie, despite hating her background and preppiness, but Ari was.......different. But so was Winnie. But now wasn't the time for a love triangle crisis. He'd retracted his powers from Winnie in the couple of moments with Ari and he had to get to the Head Mistress' office to get everything settled out. He turned to look at where Winnie had landed.
'Celena' looked at Alex and rubbed her temple, "I think I just need to lie down."

Celena watched in horror as her body moved perfectly beside Alex ready to inject her with the serum, slowly 'Celena' lent her head against LAex's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"I am so tired..."

Oh no you don't! Giving her mind a really heard wack 'Celena' dropped the serum that was in her hands and crused. Then turning to Alex she smiled cruelly dropping the mask of acting as Celena and plunged towards Alex ready to inject the needle into Alex. NOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!

@Lexie @Firelava
Alex watched and quickly jumped back, managing to just avoid the syringe. "What the hell?!" She yelled as she backed against the wall.

A groan escaped her when she hit the floor, and Winnie clawed her way up from the black void. She wasn't alone though. It waited for her to wake up and slowly stand, so distant Winnie thought It was gone. But seeing Mika with another girl shocked Winnie and It felt a bubbling anger control the girl. It could use this to It's advantage. Years pricked Winnie's eyes and she ducked around the corner, not wanting to see anything else. "See? What else do you have to live here for? You could have the world in the palm of your hands, Winnie. If we worked together. " It whispered to her.

Winnie swallowed. "Fine, but we do things my way. None of that German crap. " she hid in the shadows of the hallway, tucking her knees up to her chest and waited until Mika went away.


She smiled at the newest student. "Hello, I'm Brittany, the Head Mistress. Before I send you to your room, do you have any questions? Oh, and you'll be sharing with a boy named Nocte, alright?"
Nocte whipped forward in his shadow form and placed a hand directly inside and over the other girls face. He waved Alex out of the room as he continued to blind the girl and try to move her away from Alex.
"Stay still Alex dear! I just need to give you this and then we are all good."

Smiling cruelly again, 'Celena' raised her arm over her head and rushed again for another shot. Didn't. I. Just. Say. NOT. TO. HURT. HER~! Giving her mind another good thump. 'Celena' dropped the serum and clenched her head with both hands.

"Just shut up and be quiet!"

Oh ho ho! So you can hear me. I thought you couldn't... Celena began to make more noise and more racket for her mind.
Alex fumbled for the door knob and managed to open the door and run out. Thankfully she had taken her shoes off. She kept running, unsure of where to go. She stopped around a corner and tried to catch her breath.
Nocte shifted to human and walked up to Celena. Gageing his strength he punched her solidly in the side of the head just hard enought to knock most people out.
Thank you... Celena drifted out of conscious and she felt her body go limp. Please... Save..... Then she passed out into a black abyss.

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