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Fandom Total Drama Island!

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
"Welcome, to Camp Wawanakwa! I am Chris McLean, the host of: Total Drama Island! It is here that you will compete for 1,000,000 dollars! Sounds easy, huh? Well, you guys are gonna have to go through rigorous challenges, terrible living conditions, and even worse roommates. What makes it even worse is you're gonna have to live with 'em. Now, do you think you're ready for this?"

Welcome! In this RP, you will be competing for 1,000,000 dollars! You may be asking how this is all going to happen? Well, I've got it figured out. Every three days in RP time a challenge will happen. I will do some random dice rolls and such to determine who will win each challenge. Of course, I won't outright say who it is, but I will place some stuff for them in my posts (I shall be competing as well.) For immunities and other goodies, I will drop subtle hints for their location and it is up to you to find them.

For outhouse confessions, much like in the show, they will not require you to go out of your way and make one. You just need to insert one in italics somewhere in your post, and we'll be all good. Eliminations will be the same way. You simply post your character saying who they choose to eliminate and why.

Good luck, campers!!

  • All RPN rules apply
  • I might do a bit of bunnying, but no other players should
  • No getting all butthurt when you get voted off. Remember, there are no real rewards! It's all just a game ^^
  • Chris is not an NPC. Only I am allowed to control him. Same with Chef Hatchet.
  • Spots will only be reserved for 48 hours
  • You may know something about someone else, but your character won't so keep that in mind.
  • Romance can happen, as they do in all reality shows.
  • Have fun!
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