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Realistic or Modern Torrent: A Psychological Mystery

Oh wow

How will the journalists get decided? I haven't nearly read through anything yet but the first words I see are "former police detective" and my love-of-detective-fiction senses are already piqued haha
Oh wow

How will the journalists get decided? I haven't nearly read through anything yet but the first words I see are "former police detective" and my detective

Edit: Read through everything, personal first choice would go to Nick or Vincent but everyone sounds interesting and fun to play. ;)
IrradiatedWarden said:
@RecAgenda I'm excited to see what you come up with for their personal histories. They seem pretty well balanced and interesting already.
and, @Pretzel Heart, if you want to snag Nick up I'll gladly let you call dibs on his character.
Moving to OOC cause Ima OCD and made a mistake before buuut it's cool you sounded excited to play him and I'm A-OK with Vince. B)
I've been kind of tempted to switch to Janice's character anyway. Who better to write a snarky liberal working in a male dominated field than a snarky liberal working in a male dominated field?
IrradiatedWarden said:
I've been kind of tempted to switch to Janice's character anyway. Who better to write a snarky liberal working in a male dominated field than a snarky liberal working in a male dominated field?
Lol sounds like a match. But mind sharing this male dominated field?
Ah, that's so cool though. I dabbled in coding but noped after two semesters......way too much time in the engineering squad for something I wasn't passionate about. But I can appreciate how amazing it is...

Also I think I might stick with Vincent after all since it looks as if he'd give me a bit more creative leeway. Though is someone else comes to thirst after him I could be swayed. ;)

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