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Realistic or Modern Torrent: A Psychological Mystery


Double Luck
No custom characters are allowed for this role play, save for NPCs that players may quickly drop into a scene (if needed). You will need to choose from among the five available journalists in the Overview tab. This will be first-come-first-serve, but please post here when you claim a character.

Please keep in mind that your character's dossier will expand as the story progresses. New skills may be "unlocked" and available to use, and background information can be provided at any point. While you are free to mold your journalist's personality and minor history as you see fit, try to keep them reasonably within the bounds of their dossier. Should you feel that you need some more insight into their past, PM me and I'll reveal what's needed. If I don't have anything to give you for a particular scenario, then you can assume that you are free to write in whatever history you desire (so long as it's reasonable for their character thus-far).
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Hey! I'm super pumped for this RP and I'm glad I can get involved in it.

If we're going to be snagging up characters I'd like to snatch up Nick while he's still available. He seems like the sort of character I'd really like playing.

I would like to ask, however, if you have full backgrounds on their personal life (relationships, big past events, things that would be noteworthy and adjust how a character might react to different situations) or not and, if so, it's something I'll have to PM you about.
@Pretzel Heart[/URL], primarily, it's a first-come-first-served basis, but the players should communicate with each other to ensure everyone's happy with their character. I'll let you and @IrradiatedWarden discuss Nick.

As far as detailed personal histories, I do have some information on hand for some of them, but not all of them are completely fleshed out at the moment. I should everyone ready to go before we get started though; so not to worry. :)
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If someone wants Nick I'm cool with Vincent.

But I like I said each character sounds like they could be fun to play. B)

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