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Realistic or Modern Tomorrow's Dream - OOC

We should try and make characters in similar weight classes, so they can actually get fights in unless we all make multiple characters
Sorry but what do you mean by that? lol
Basically, if I make a character who's a Heavyweight and you all make Flyweights like John, then there would be no logical sense that our two characters would match up against each other. I'm just suggesting, unless you want two or more characters, we stick to the Flyweight, Bantamweight and Lightweight weight divisions.
Basically, if I make a character who's a Heavyweight and you all make Flyweights like John, then there would be no logical sense that our two characters would match up against each other. I'm just suggesting, unless you want two or more characters, we stick to the Flyweight, Bantamweight and Lightweight weight divisions.
Ah, I see. I mean, if we have them be put in the same league/division, would that make a difference? I thought it might be interesting. But I suppose you're right. So what suggestions should I keep in mind?

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