Tomb of Annihilation

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Felicity glances at Tovalt with a hint of surprise. No one ever really asked her how she felt before, or really payed any attention to her at all on the streets. "I'm fine, I'm just not used to being tied to a group of people. I've always been by myself so if I want to do something I do it, without having to wait for others to come with me." She rubs her arm awkwardly before looking away and changing the subject. "Anything interesting in that journal? It must have something important in it if it came from someone who explored the jungles."
"Apologies sire, but guides can be expensive; as well as provisions. Maybe there is paying honest work that needs doing? So that we may earn our way."
Boden was uncomfortable speaking so boldly. Why did this man stare at him so?

He saw Felicity leave and quickly wished to he had not asked a question so that he could leave to.
Tovalt gives a small smile. It would look unfamiliar on his face, as if not done often, but would seem heartfelt. "Aye, I can relate to that myself. Not many want me for company so I've become used to my own." He closes the journal and secures it on his person and rubs his face. "Well, it's full of tales of this wizards adventures through the jungle. Nothing very detailed as far as locations. It mentions they traveled with a construct of some kind though, might be a good idea to find it. But beyond that just fragments really." His voice would sound slightly strained for the first time but he quickly gets it under control. "But at least this merchant prince thinks he knows where the construct might be and showed me on our map."
Wakanga raises his eyebrows slightly. "I am sure if you look around town you shall find many things that need doing." He agrees. "but yes, I can show you to somewhere to acquire a guide." He pulls up his hood and ducks out into the street, walking briskly down the street till he finds a shop. he ducks indoors, exchanging a Chultan greeting with the man behind the counter. "Friends, please meet Jobal. He is in charge of the guides and also sells various weapons that you may have use of." He quickly turns and gives a soft goodbye as he walks out of the shop.

Jobal is a middle-aged man with dark skin and curly hair, with dark brown eyes. "You wish to find a guide? Lovely lovely, all the best guides in Chult go through Jobal, you see. And anyone who does not..." He pauses for a moment, before continuing. "Wait a moment, I can get a boy to show you about." He ducks into the back room and you can hear him shouting in Chultan.
Felicity smiled at Tovalt's comment. Someone knew the way she felt, being alone all of her life, and that was a comforting thought. When everyone else walked out from the house she followed at the back of the group. When they got to the store Felicity looked around quietly until Jobal went into the back room. She walks over to the counter and leans herself over it as she shouts after Jobal. "How much is this boy going to cost us? We aren't exactly the richest group of people."
It takes a moment, but Jobal reappears leading a young Chultan man. "This is Aazon, one of my most trusted workers. He will introduce you to the various guards under my...guidance." He turns to face Felicity. "As for price, no price for showing, no price to me for using. I take a little figure from the money they make, you see." He turns and ducks into the back of the shop, leaving Aazon standing in front of you.

Aazon is a young looking, slim man who has, like every chultan, Dark skin, hair, and eyes, Unlike Jobal, his hair is more wavy and rests around his ears as he smiles at you all. "Well, let's be off, lots of guides to see."
"Lead the way! And as Boden says, some leads on fundraising would be handy too." Felix was excited to be off, though a little apprehensive about being adequately prepared. He turned with a plaintive look to Tovalt. "Mind if i take a peek at that journal? A construct might come in handy. Tho i've been thinking of delving into the arcane arts, so the spellbook in trade is tempting too."
Felicity glanced at Aazon briefly before turning to the door. "Yes let's go, quickly. The sooner we find a guide the sooner we can get this whole thing underway. As for the fundraising, it would be best if it was something that could be done in a swift manner." She glances over to Felix as she opens the door. "We were also told that money could be found while on this adventure, so we shouldn't need too much."
Aazon leads you down the street a little way till you reach a small pub. He gestures you to a small table off to one side, where a woman "Azaka, potential customers are here." She looks up, tilting her head at him and the party before gesturing for them to sit. "What do you want to know?"
Once the guides have departed, Aazon leads you to the door of the Thundering Lizard. Even from outside you can hear the noise of people talking and laughing and drinking. he ducks off into the night as you enter the bar, being greeted by a woman behind the bar.
Tovalt enters the bar, his pupils rapidly dilating in and out as his eyes adjust to the lighting. His pale skin, silver hair and yellow eyes accented even more so in this environment. Looking to his companions he tries a smile. It's out of practice but sincere. "Shall we share a meal and drink? It's been a day and I'd like to know those I travel with. I can cover our meal and the first round seeing as Boden was kind enough to room us." He begins to look around for a table they all could sit at.
"Oh, absolutely, I'm famished! Should have our fill of decent food before we hit the trail. I don't think they have meat pies in the jungle." Felix points to a table that looks like it could handle their group and plops down. "I won't bore you with the details of my latest excavations, but suffice it to say, nothing nearly so exciting as what sounds to be in store for us in the Chultan jungle." He gestures to his pack of papers. "I hope y'all don't mind me taking on the documentarian role for our little expedition. Would be a shame for everything we discover to stay in our own heads. I'll try and send notes about structures we find to the AAN (that's the Archaeological Association of Neverwinter), for posterity. Maybe the rest could be a book? Traipsing in Chult: Adventures of an Eclectic Quintet? Or: Jungle Fervor: Uncovering the Mysteries of Death and Life at the End of the World? Open to suggestions."
Felicity's eyes shift around the room as she tentatively sits down in a chair at the table. She couldn't remember the last time she was allowed to stay in a place like this, usually she wasn't allowed inside the door because she looked like she would kill someone once she was inside. She huddled close to the table, a thought in the back of her mind being that if she was seen she would be thrown out onto the street. "You seem like the man for the job Felix..." Felicity remarks softly as she waits for the rest of the party to sit down, since she wasn't the best at making conversation.
Tovalt sits with them at the table gesturing the bar maid over. Looking to Felix he chuckles. "I don't mind at all, though those titles are a mouth full. Why not something like Chasing Death: My time in Chult?" He sits back into his chair, adjusting his sword so it was more comfortable. "By the way, just so everyone knows I'm proficient in combat and can wild a bit of... Unconventional combat magic. More like curses really. I'm also not terribly used to being with people. Many find me unsettling. Myself, I don't like to judge a book by its cover." If they hadn't already spent some time with him they probably wouldn't have noticed his tone was warmer than usual. Looking to Felicity he sees her discomfort. "Relax. Myself, and I'm sure our new companions, won't tolerate prejudice." This time his smile comes more easily and naturally.
His mind still on his conversation with Eku, why had he been so open?
As they approach the Thundering Lizard, the rough nature of the establishment once again reminds him of a previous life. His first job at one of the rougher establishments in Waterdeep, as a bouncer. Better to not stay down that path
His companions seemed apprehensive about the cost of rooms.
Boden volunteered to pay, afterall he had money and these new compatriots seemed to have a need.
After a decently good night's sleep, you all wake up to a warm, sunny day, with a slight amount of rain. The woman behind the bar greets you with a tired smile and says that breakfast will be two silver each.
Tabasco gives the woman a polite note hello and hands the money over without comment. As they wait for the food, he says, "Boden, a word?" and walks a fair distance out of earshot of anyone in the inn.
Felicity had stayed at the very edge of her part of the bed with her tail curled around her during the night. She wanted to give Tovalt more room since he was bigger then she was, not to mention that she felt guilty for even being in the bed in the first place. She felt grateful for having someone else pay for her to sleep in it, but she never knew how to outwardly express it correctly. Once everyone was up she followed them to the bar. "If everyone wants some money before we head out there are some jobs we can find around town. Let's just hope they don't take up too much of our time."
The woman comes over to you all and passes out plates of food, bread and eggs along with some meat. She passes out plates to each of you, having already taken the money from Tabasco.
Tovalt was aware enough to give Felicity plenty of space. He slept...not quite like the dead. His breathing would have been barely noticeable and he wouldn't have moved at all during the night. He was awake the moment Felicity moved to get up though, not being used to sharing a bed and being a light sleeper does that. Following with her he nods at her recommendation and gratefully takes the food provided. "We can either try and make money here to pay for services or we can take the however many day's detour for the mission to waive a fee. We could get lucky and it takes us in the right direction but the reverse also applies." His eyes scan the tavern as he speaks, never really fully looking at his allies until he made a methodical check and categorization of the change in surroundings. "Honestly, I am fine with either route, though if we want to save our benefactors life and be paid, haste should be in consideration."
"Hmm, I suppose it depends on the nature of the work." Felix turns to the server and hands her silver for the food. "Maybe you can help us. Got any good leads on work that needs doing? I mean in terms of short-term, high-risk, high-return-type jobs, rather than, say, embarking on a career in bartending. Not that we have anything against that! Quite an honourable profession. But time-to-pay ratio is a factor."
The woman considers for a moment before she speaks. "Well, if it's money you're after you can always bet down at the track. If that's not your style, there's usually people around the track who want a....hand, at collecting debts."
Tabasco stands and grins sharply, having torn through his morning meal as quickly as possible. "Let's go see some dinosaurs!"
As you guys walk out of the Inn, you hear alarm horns start screaming from the south, where you remember Syndra had pointed out a slum district called Malar's Throat. People are running past and a woman stops to grab at your arms, crying out "Someone help please, they're trapped in the temple!" If you look, you can see that everyone seems to be coming from the direction of Malar's Throat, where the alarm bells are still blaring.
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