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Fandom Tokyo Mew Mew Rp~ A New Era of Mew Mews

For this Rp Mew Mews can be male as well

All Mew Mews go to Kitoriko High or Fugikara Middle school. We will be using the Japanese School system. Middle School starts at the 7th grade and goes through 9th. High School starts at 10th grade to 12th grade.

There will be up to 4 Mew Mew teams and only up to 6 people in each. If another team is need let me know and I'll put it up. The team members must decide the name of the team and the leader.

Mew Mew form




Grade Level (high school or middle school)-



Normal appearance-

Mew Mew appearance (I used this -> http://orig08.deviantart.net/4a0b/f/2016/050/6/9/tokyo_mew_mew_character_creator_by_hapuriainen-d9ruyky.swf) -

Endangered animal species-

Solo Mew Mew or part of a Team-

If Team which one?-



Alien/ Enemy form




Alien species-

Home planet-



History ( include why they are trying to invade the earth)-

My Character

Name- Izumi Fujioka

Age- 15

Gender- Female

Grade Level (high school or middle school)- 10th

Personally- Izumi is a shy girl. She is often seen by herself reading books or studying. She will talk to others but she is just not used to it and it seems weird to her. She also plays the violin and plays for recitals

History- Izumi grew up mostly alone. Her mother died when Izumi was 4. Ever since her mother died her father start to work more and left Izumi all alone in their large lonely mansion. Ever since then Izumi has alway closed herself off from other people and never really talks much. She spends most of her time making sure she keeps high marks in her grades in hope that her father would finally notice her.

Normal appearance-


Mew Mew appearance-


Endangered animal species- Snow Leopard

Solo Mew Mew or part of a Team- Solo, but she is open to joining a team

If Team which one?- NA





Melody Star






12th, but has a part time job as a model


Melody is quiet and doesn't make friends easily since her parents obviously preferred her brother over her, so they rarely gave her attention. Though once you manage to earn her trust and become her friend she's pretty okay, she mostly hides her sadness with a smile and assured everything is fine.


Melody grew up in a rich family, but her older brother was to become the heir to their families business, a fashion company, at first he insisted she was better fit, but their parents didn't agree as she had much to learn, so she ran away, since their parents never saw her as anything but someone that got in the way, her brother soon moved out of the house and started living with his grandparents, which was where Melody also went, however he ignored her, not on purpose, but because he didn't know what to say.

Normal appearance:

).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150207201919' alt='latest?cb=20150207201919'>

Mew Mew appearance:


Endangered animal species:

Vampire Bat

Solo Mew Mew or part of a Team:

Solo, but will join a team if you can convince her to join

If Team which one?:



A black scythe and she has a bow and arrow if she wants to finish things without being seen


Has a black cat and white dog as pets​
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I'm sorry but could you fix the appearances i'm afraid I cannot see them, but beside that you're accepted. I want to have about 2-3 more people and then we will get started. Let's wait a couple of days and if no one else joins I'll make a enemy and we'll start just me and you if that is fine with you. @Flame Demon
Perfect accepted! Now lets just wait until I'm thinking until friday to see if any other people will join. does that sound good to you?

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