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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: The Old Blood


A Man With No Face

  • Ward 1, Main Offices.

    Yoshitoki Washuu stared at the man in his office for a few moments. He was tall, and possessed a well groomed beard, and clearly not Japanese. The pin of the head of a fox told the Bureau Director all he needed to know. The director leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath before eventually speaking. "To what do I owe the pleasure to have one of the German's finest Ghoul Investigators?" He spoke in English, allowing the two have some ability to communicate to one another. The German was silent for a few moments, though spoke after clearing his throat. "I've been sent in place of one of the higher ups to discuss a sort of..'prototype'? Ah..Randolph is the name by the way. Randolph Brandt."

    Yoshitoki nodded, a small smile spreading on his face. "Ah..yes, yes. The Investigators capable of utilizing the ghoul's weapons against them. Quinx." Randolph nodded, though he said nothing. "We've created about five of them so far..all using different methods. They're still attempting to figure out the best way to carry out the procedure. They're ready when you are for them to be sent off to Germany. That is..if the Germans are willing to take them?" The director looked at the other man expectantly, making it clear which answer he wished for.

    "Of course, of course..." The reasons for sending the experimental investigators had been made clear since the discussion begun. The CCG couldn't risk the potential mess of PR if they tested them here in Tokyo. They had to be sent elsewhere. Away from Japanese eyes where if they failed then they could be handled without public outcry. "We've had quite a jump in ghoul activity in the Fatherland as of late..The increase of manpower is something much appreciated. I suppose that's all there is to discuss..other than our terms in arrangement."

    Yoshitoki gestured for the man to take a seat. "And those would be?"
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*raises hand*
can we play half-human investigators?
Now that's a lot of familiar faces...
Well, I'm still in even tho I hate all of you guys, especially Sim.

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