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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~


~ King of Pink ~

The Lovely OOC Chat

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Second!....I guess. anyways, by the way I'll be posting my character soon.


Kawaii said:
Second!....I guess. anyways, by the way I'll be posting my character soon.
Actually All the ghoul spots are taken right? Well, I was thinking if I could take one or something, please? (I respect all answers)
All the SSS Spots are taken, But you can make an SS~ Or any other level Ghoul

@Kawaii Feel free to make an SS~ or below Ghoul If you want, Or you could Make an Investigator aswell!
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@Aqua SSS? According to the interest cheek the ones who got it were myself @peppycat and youself.
Yay just so you guys know I won't be on Sunday and Saturday because I'm over my fathers every weekend and he doesn't have wifi.
Hey, sorry for not posting my character yet! She's almost done, I've just been super busy.

Well. Scratch that. All my saved progress for that character was deleted. Awesome.

I'll start on a new one. Don't worry, this character will be done in a few hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm really sorry, I had to go out & got home late, but I can roleplay now!

NOOO ugh I have to find a new mask now.
Well you could start in the Graveyard with the other two Or you could just be wandering around the 20th Ward.

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