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One x One Tokyo Ghoul: Hunters (Characters)


Picked Clean
Name: Shadō Yūrei

Ghoul Name: Shade

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Kagune Type: Koukaku

Kagune Traits: Blood red in colour; stretches from her back and covers the top side of her right arm when released, the end of it can be formed into a toothed blade.

Personality: Unless ‘prey’ is near, she tends to be quiet unless spoken too. When prey is set in her sights, she has a habit of ‘playing with her food’ by instilling as much in fear in them before trying to kill them and developing what could be considered a superiority complex when chasing them, despite how strong or capable they are.

Special Notes: Prefers ambush tactics, despite having the heavy Koukaku type Kagune

Motto: “The hunt begins”




Theme Song:

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Name: Osamu (means ruler) Iwao (means stone man)

Ghoul Name: Caged Demon

Age: 25

Gender: male

Kagune Type: Rinkaku (Kakuja)

Kagune Traits: Hard to break, can enlarge the tip and make spikes at the tip when needed to cause more damage, very heavy, he can make one into a shield while using the other offensive, colour is a mix with red and purple

Personality: thick skinned, cunning, he can be short tempered, he cant control his anger some times, trustworthy, he cares for allies, he’s always uneasy just thinking someone of going to attack, he’s loyal to his crew, He knows he’s strong and he isn’t afraid to show it if it means saving his life or even more so a crew members, he also loves fighting and being the one who comes out on top.

Special Notes: after a while he developed blood lust when he fights. When he fights he goes for blood to see his enemy suffer.

Motto: *cracks knuckles* “Oh, I can’t wait to see blood.”





Theme Song:

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