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Fantasy Together We Walk Through Fire


There's a little magic in every word you write
Roleplay Availability
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Faye Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Aurora Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

Everything happened so fast.

Faye was running. Her feet hurt with each slap of the cobblestone against them. Each breath felt like brambles getting pulled into her lungs. She'd been running for what felt like forever. Usually she was able to slip away from the soldiers, disappear into the crowd with the other dirt caked citizens of the West district, but she'd fucked up. She'd fucked up bad. She could still feel the grip of the soldier's fist in her hair as he dragged her back. Her throat hurt from screaming for her sister.

Aurora could fix it, Aurora always fixed it.

Just as she'd spotted her sister's face, the same pale cheeks and blue eyes that Faye saw in the mirror of lakes and streams, Faye had fixed it herself. One of her flailing arms caught the soldier where the sun don't shine and his grip slackened as he crumpled. Faye scrambled to her feet, snatched up the parcel, and ran. She ran and she ran and she ran, her sister at her side, but the soldiers doggedly kept on their tails. This was why Aurora told her to stay away from the sponsored vendors. The empire paid for their security, not some hired hands looking for extra whore house coin. Faye knew better! Why had she been so stupid?

For a moment Faye felt the sizzling against her fingertips. The stinging in her chest each time she pulled in air started to burn. All it would take was a well placed spark- Faye's magic had always been particularly explosive. She clutched the parcel closer to her chest and imagined the sizzle of water poured over the evening cookstove. She smothered the flames. Being caught for stealing was bad. Being exposed as a witch was worse. They were better off getting caught than getting away like that.

As if called forth by her mind, the shambling chain of two bondsmen rounded the corner in front of them. Witches- hands bound with cold iron and cheeks scarred with the mark of the empire- were lead by four soldiers. Absently, with a forced detachment that came with the adrenaline pumping through her veins and the dulling waves of familiarity, Faye noted that there was a young man among them. Younger than even she was, the boy the thing all of them sobbed at first- that he didn't do it, that he was innocent, mercy, please, mercy- Faye realized he must have just been caught.

"Pheonixshit!" Faye slipped as she slid to a stop, feet skidding in the dirt road. Dread pooled in her stomach, hollowing her out, as she looked back- the soldiers chasing them were already at the entrance to the street. To go forward was to run to four soldiers guarding the terrifying vision of their future. To go back was to be caught and branded a thief, thrown in jail.

This was when things started to go even faster and got... Fuzzy.

Faye remembered falling- not falling, she was thrown. She remembered a rush of wind so strong it knocked her off her feet. She remembered something large and- and brown? Something feathered? The back of her head throbbed. Was that- no, it couldn't be... But it was. A person- a woman with long black hair contained in one thick neat braid that twinkled with braided in babbles- on the back of a massive brown bird. Sound slowly came back to her, but she was still seeing double, or maybe she wasn't and the beast was just that large. It filled the street entirely, blocking her view of the bondsmen. Then it was gone, and suddenly so was the boy.

She became slowly aware of her sister shouting her name. Then Aurora's blurry face in front of her. Her sister's hands dragging her upright. Faye had just enough time to scrape her parcel back up out of the dirt before Aurora was forcing them into a run, slipping right past the guard, all still getting their wits about them as she was. Aurora must have not fallen as hard from the... The whatever that was, or maybe she was just stronger than the rest of them. Faye found both options plausible.

Once they had slipped back into the flow of traffic, scarves pulled over their distinctive scarlet curls, Faye waited until air wasn't quite as painful to pull into her lunges before speaking. She had gotten them into this... This whatever that was. The bird, the person, Faye was half convinced she had imagined them, her skull pounded with enough throbbing pain for her to believe that she'd hit the wall hard enough to cause visions. What she did know was that she'd almost gotten caught.

"I'm sorry, Aurora, I- I didn't see them."

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Aurora Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Faye Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

Aurora liked to think of herself as a good older sister. When their caretaker tragically passed, a sickness that had claimed many and had nearly taken Aurora along with him, she stepped up to assure that her younger sister Faye would be taken care of despite still being seen as a child herself. There was no one on the face of the planet that Aurora loved more than her sister, no corner of the earth she wouldn’t venture to in order to keep her alive and safe. Growing up a street rat did little to ensure one’s safety though, which was why there were specific rules to keep them from getting into trouble. Of course rules were only useful if the person the rules were made for was willing to follow them. When they weren’t that’s when she had to step in to save her little rule breaker.

That’s how Aurora found herself running through the streets of West Latos, her heart pounding in her ears and her breath catching in her throat as she followed the sounds of Faye screaming her name. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, pushing past the other unfortunate citizens and nearly knocking a few over in her haste.

As the screams grew louder Aurora turned a corner and finally caught sight of her sister. Her relief at seeing Faye was extremely short lived though as she realized just who the younger girl had been running from. “Shit!” She whispered, her bright eyes widening in shock as well as slight fear at the sight of the soldiers. Faye had really done it this time. Aurora didn’t have time to be angry however, not when they needed to focus on getting away and avoiding being captured and sent to jail. She could be angry at Faye for ignoring her specific rule of avoiding sponsored events when they weren’t fearing for their lives.

They ran side by side, Aurora praying to the gods, old and new, that if they were captured that it was for whatever item it was that Faye was carrying and not because they had been exposed as witches. They were as good as dead if so.

Aurora nearly ran into Faye as they were forced to a halt, nearly falling over herself in the process. Panic began to dwell in her stomach as she took notice of the cruel sight in front of her. Witches chained and dragged, the all to familiar scarred mark of the empire on their cheek. She may have felt more sadness for them in the moment had she not been preoccupied with trying to figure out an escape of her own.

There weren’t many options. The soldiers from behind were gaining on them and there was no way past the soldiers and witches in front of them without them being alerted to stop them from escaping. Blue eyes glanced at the parcel in her sister’s hands and for a moment Aurora considered snatching the damned thing out of Faye’s grasp and distracting the guards long enough for Faye to make an escape. Think Aurora think!

Perhaps the gods were on their side that day however because before she could even process what was going on Aurora felt herself being thrown into the side of a wall by a large gush of wind. She landed on her knees, her shoulder aching in pain from m taking most of the impact and she instinctively placed her hand against it. She looked up both in shock and confusing as to what was happening. Never in a million years would she have believed that she would be setting her sights on something this extreme. A woman with a long, black braid atop a giant- no giant wasn’t the right word to describe the creature not when the brown bird was absolutely *massive* in size and took over the entire street on its on. Before Aurora could even fully comprehend what exactly she was seeing the woman and her bird had disappeared, along with the young boy that had been previously begging for mercy.

“Faye!” She shouted, forcing herself to her feet quickly and ignoring whatever protests she felt from her body. She wasn’t going to let this opportunity that the strange woman had indirectly given them.

Aurora grabbed Faye by her clothes, forcing her up to her feet before dragging the girl along with her into a run, slipping past the confused and disoriented guards who were no longer paying them any mind as they were to focused on figuring out what just happened and getting their wits back.

After escaping they slipped into the crowd of people, scarves pulled over red hair to make hiding their identities easier. Pulling in air no longer seemed so hard once they gave up running for walking. She was sure her body would hate her come morning but at least they were free to see another day.

She casted a look Faye’s way once soft words reached her ear. A sigh made its way past pink lips, “It’s fine.” Truly it wasn’t fine but Aurora was sure that Faye was beating herself up in her own mind and didn’t need any added assistance from her over protective older sister. “Though if you’re going to continue to not follow the rules I created I’d appreciate it if you were more careful about it.” Of course Aurora didn’t want Faye to steal from sponsored events in the first place but Faye has always been as stubborn as a mule. Aurora could preach about rules to her mouth fell off but it would always fall in deaf ears and broken promises of listening.

“I do know, however, that whatever it is that you just had to have it better be worth all this trouble.”

Glancing around to make sure that they still weren’t being followed, she grabbed Faye by the arm before pulling her to a secluded alleyway. Once alone she gestured towards the parcel to signal that she wanted it open.

“Well? Don’t keep me waiting all day.”

coded by archangel_
Faye Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Aurora Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

"It's fine."

Faye wilted at the short, curt response. Faye almost wished she'd gotten yelled at, it would make the guilt easier to deal with. Disappointed was so much worse than angry. She hugged the parcel close to her chest like a teddy bear and listened to Aurora's request, bobbing her head in understanding. She knew better than to go by the sponsored carts, but that was always where the rich people shopped and rich people were more likely to hand over coins to a kid begging on the corner. Faye knew that she only had another year or so before begging would lose it's effectiveness with them. A kid on a corner was sad and needed a helping hand, a woman on a corner was a strumpet and got the guards called on her. She was just trying to squeeze as much money out of the next few months as she could... But Aurora was right. She'd been wreckless and stupid, stealing from those wealthy people with the soldiers around.

She knew her sister thought she was a screw up sometimes, and maybe she was, but she was just trying to help. She just... Helped in the wrong ways. She'd figure it out one day.

So lost in her thoughts, Faye was taken by surprise when Aurora took hold of her arm and yanked them unceremoniously into the alley. She yelped but stumbled along after her sister, as always. She hesitated, arms tightening around the parcel and shrinking back from her sister when she gestured to the parcel. Her brows furrowed in open conflict, she didn't want to open it here, out in the open... But her sister was right, she deserved to see what it was that had gotten them into such trouble but also, well, it was supposed to be for Aurora anyways.

"Happy Birthday," she muttered without the usual cheer. It wasn't Aurora's birthday- it wasn't even close to Aurora's birthday- but Faye had never been able to get her a present before. Aurora always said they needed the money elsewhere when Faye tried. She wasn't wrong, but this cost no money and it was perfect... She didn't know what it was, really. She'd hoped to be able to look before offering it to her sister. It could be nothing... But Faye didn't think so. It sang to her when she saw just the flash of it's pale surface and she hoped it would sing to Aurora too. Aurora deserved it.

When Aurora peeled back the paper she would find not a square object or a box as the packaging suggested, but something round and smooth that had been packaged misleadingly. It shined like a polished stone but was a dull grey like wet rock in a river. Unremarkable in color and scarred with a spiderweb of cracks... But as she looked at it Aurora would feel something spark deep in her chest at the sight of it. She would feel a pull- weak but there- towards it, telling her to hold it tight, keep it safe.

"What is it?" Faye asked, leaning close to see between the paper for the first time.

coded by archangel_
Aurora Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Faye Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

“Happy birthday.”

Aurora’s face twisted into one of confusion. It wasn’t her birthday. In fact it had been months since her birthday had past for the year. Faye, of course, knew that so Aurora couldn’t understand why she had gone through the trouble of getting her a gift that caused so much uproar. Still, even if her birthday had past she felt a tug in her heart at the sweet gesture. Birthdays were a day that was rarely celebrated- well correction her birthday was a day celebrated few and far between. Aurora always did her best to get Faye something for her own birthday, even if it was just a more lavish meal then the ones the girls were normally forced to settle for but when it came to her own special day Aurora hardly felt she was worth the amount of money it would take to get herself something nice. Even then Aurora knew that she would be a liar if she didn’t admit to herself that she was excited to open her own gift for once.

She carefully pulled back the paper, her heart racing in excitement and curiosity. At first Aurora thought the item inside the parcel would be a rare piece of jewelry, or maybe even a solid gemstone. After all it had to be something of great value if it was for sell at a sponsored event. Her curiosity grew, however, when blue eyes landed on not fancy looking jewelry but rather something that looked more akin to a stone. It was shiny like jewelry, she’d give it that, but besides that it looked like any rock she could find by a river the only difference being the spiderweb cracking covering its exterior.

Though as Aurora held her gift in her hands she felt herself being strangely attached to the item. It was almost as if it was calling towards her as crazy as it sounded. When Faye asked what it was Aurora simply tilted her head, eyes squinting slightly as she tried to figure that out herself. “I’m not sure.” She answered honestly. For a moment she held it up towards the light, hoping that maybe if the light beamed into it that perhaps it might give her more answers.

“To be honest it almost reminds me of an egg.” Thought of what she had no clue. Besides it being an egg seemed unlikely. Why would a rich sponsor need to sell a plain looking egg in the first place. Either way she was glad it was in her possession now whatever it was.

After carefully wrapping her gift back up she nodded towards the alley exit. “Come. We should head home before it gets too late in the day.”

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Faye Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Aurora Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

Faye didn't realize that gift giving was like weaving or cooking. She had thought she could just hand Aurora something she thought she'd like and it would be good. In her mind she had worked this whole situation up from the moment she saw that grey shine being packaged away. She would take it and slip away unnoticed, peak at her pilfered item along the way, and then give it to Aurora. Aurora would love it and maybe even hug her and Faye would get to see her smile for the rest of the afternoon. It was a wonderful dream that she had fucked up pretty much every step along the way. Nice going, Faye.

Aurora hadn't even seemed to like it- not that Faye could blame her. She'd almost gotten them both arrested for a rock.

"Yeah, okay." Faye muttered, rubbing at her still throbbing head as she wandered out of the alley at her sister's side. She must have hit it pretty hard, she could still swear she saw the shadow of a massive bird when she closed her eyes. Plus, it was a great excuse to hide her disappointment behind her sleeve as she walked. She knew if she was too obvious about it she'd get the pity face and some fib about how she 'loved the rock' which of course would only make this more embarrassing. "I'll, uh, I'll go find dinner tonight." It was the least she could do after all of this. At least Aurora knew she could do that right.

Faye was pretty good with a bow, catching rabbits and fish around the shallow rivers near the edge of Latos. Their grandfather had taught them, though, well, maybe Aurora had started learning from their parents before that. Faye didn't really know, she never really asked about them. Her Pops had been enough, teaching her to fish and shoot and hugging her when the summer storms got loud enough to shake their cabin walls.

What she wouldn't give for one of those hugs now.

coded by archangel_
Aurora Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Faye Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

Perhaps it was the fact that she had not received a birthday gift in so long that made Aurora not stop to think about thanking Faye for the gift, her mind to focused on coming up with possibilities on what the gift itself even could be as she and Faye walked side by side. Being openly emotional had always been something Aurora struggled with though and she always wondered if she had been born this way or if it was due to having to grow up so early. Either way, whether she realized it or not, it would have to be something she worked on. Though even if she didn’t outwardly express her gratitude towards her present the way she held the parcel carefully in her hands spoke for her.

As they walked Aurora couldn’t help but to think back to the dark haired woman that had unintentionally saved them. Of course she had grown up hearing about beast riders but to see one in person and so up close was not only a surprise but it left an exhilarated feeling in her skin. It made the stories she heard pale in comparison. Truthfully she found herself wishing that the circumstances of their meeting- well not exactly a meeting if they hadn’t even spoken to one another and the rider and boy were gone within seconds, but either way she found herself wishing that she had gotten a chance to talk to the women. Aurora would have loved to have been given the opportunity to know more, to hear about the resistance their own parents had been apart of and died for. As a child she has always dreamed of joining the resistance one day like them but that dream had quickly died once they were forced to flee with their grandfather and taken residency in Latos. Besides it wasn’t like she even had a phoenix to ride or a fire witch to teach her how to use her powers, and she could never leave Faye on her own.

Aurora was pulled out of her own thoughts by Faye’s declaration to gather the food for their dinner. The acknowledgment of food made her stomach silently rumble, “You sure you don’t want me to go with?” She knew that Faye had always been more naturally gifted with a bow and arrow than her. Aurora had always taken better to sharp objects like knives and swords when she could get her hands on one long enough to swing around.

“If you’d like to go alone that’s fine too.” Aurora knew she was over protective but she also knew that smothering Faye wasn’t the way to go. Besides everyone needed some alone time every now and again. She could finally start to see the outline of their cabin in the distance and suddenly felt her body begin to feel heavy. Faye could definitely go do the hunting and gathering, seems like her body was finally out of survival mode and wasn’t exactly happy with her for being thrown against a concrete wall. “Find some hazelnuts and I can make us some soup too if you’d like.”

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Faye Flamesong

Location: West Latos
Company: Aurora Flamesong
Witch: Unbonded Fire Witch

"Whatever you want," Faye was quick to deflect. She was torn, well, no she wasn't. She knew that if Aurora wanted to tag along then she'd agree, because after all, it was the least that she could do after royally fucking up and almost getting them arrested, but she wanted the solitude. Being around Aurora more, having that tag along, it felt like pity. Aurora knew as well as she did that a stupid rock was not a good gift and neither was a race from the guard. "Hazelnuts, got it."

Faye took a quick stop inside to grab her bow, sitting next to the door in their little one bedroom cottage, before taking off. Their home was always tidy, if she left things strewn about they would just end up in the cooking fire or on Faye's floor cot. Aurora had a bit more room, seeing as she'd adopted their grandfather's bedroom as she grew older (it had the benefit of privacy but the drawback of being farther from the fire when winter rolled around), but still, every meager possession they owned had it's proper place, which made Faye's escape into the woods a quick one.

It wasn't until the sun was starting to creep down the horizon line that Faye returned home. She could have caught a squirrel or some fish and been done with it all, but that had never been the point of her offer in the first place, deep down. So she went out with her bow, she shot defenseless branches and kicked piles of leaves and shouted at the river until sparks jumped from her fingers and that aching disappointment fizzled and she felt ready to move forward again.

She'd screwed up one gift, but they'd survived it. She'd do what her grandpapa said, and let it flow over her shoulder and roll down her back until she was ready to try again.

So that's what Faye did. She let out of frustration and then tried again. She went and found a few good fish and carried them back to the cabin already skinned. Hours late, yes, but there with what she'd promised and a pouch of gathered nuts and berries at her hip

"Aurora?" She called out for her sister, three fish speared on an arrow held out in front of her and a few sticks in her hair. "I got dinner- could we talk?"

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