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Realistic or Modern To This Day

  • Name: Connor Gray
  • Age:19
  • Appearance (Realistic Only):

  • Grade: 12th
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Biography: Connor was bulled during his whole school life. He never had frainds so he has a low seance of self esteem. He also feels that no one really understands him in a way. He pretty much only understands himself. The reason Connor resent's his parent's were because they never really bothered with him thay were to buisy shouting at each other and slamming plates to notice. During school hours Kona was consistently bullied by other student's called names thrown rocks at him ect. It was until now he atculy felt safe for once in his life. The reason why people bully him was because of his very creative imagination. He would creat story's drawing and give them a very detailed explanation. One of his idea's was a race created by the very element's of the earth. People just called him dumb and stupid, but he often trys to ignore it. It soon drove him to a sence of low confidence in himself as well as trust issues with other people.
  • Personality: Connor has a strange personality. When it comes to meeting new people, he can be a bit shy. Not giving eye contact towards others which may comes across as rude. But he doesn't really mean it he is a kind person when you get to know him. He generally get's a little overly excited towards even the littlest of things. For example if he was going on holiday he will be counting down the days. Even though there in the triple digits. Also at times he can come across as very socially awquerd not all the time only in rare instances. For example one time he could be talking about his interests the next he could say about how lovely the sunset is in the most over the top fashion. He has little self confident's every time he hand's in a test he's always afraid of failing it. But out of all these things is a kind and humble young man willing to help others if they need it and will sacrifice himself for his loved one's. He always brings a smile to everyone. But secretly he's screaming inside.
  • Other
drummerboi said:
  • Name: Connor Gray
  • Age:19
  • Appearance (Realistic Only):

  • Grade: 12th
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Biography: Connor was bulled during his whole school life. He never had frainds so he has a low seance of self esteem. He also feels that no one really understands him in a way. He pretty much only understands himself. The reason Connor resent's his parent's were because they never really bothered with him thay were to buisy shouting at each other and slamming plates to notice. During school hours Kona was consistently bullied by other student's called names thrown rocks at him ect. It was until now he atculy felt safe for once in his life. The reason why people bully him was because of his very creative imagination. He would creat story's drawing and give them a very detailed explanation. One of his idea's was a race created by the very element's of the earth. People just called him dumb and stupid, but he often trys to ignore it. It soon drove him to a sence of low confidence in himself as well as trust issues with other people.
  • Personality: Connor has a strange personality. When it comes to meeting new people, he can be a bit shy. Not giving eye contact towards others which may comes across as rude. But he doesn't really mean it he is a kind person when you get to know him. He generally get's a little overly excited towards even the littlest of things. For example if he was going on holiday he will be counting down the days. Even though there in the triple digits. Also at times he can come across as very socially awquerd not all the time only in rare instances. For example one time he could be talking about his interests the next he could say about how lovely the sunset is in the most over the top fashion. He has little self confident's every time he hand's in a test he's always afraid of failing it. But out of all these things is a kind and humble young man willing to help others if they need it and will sacrifice himself for his loved one's. He always brings a smile to everyone. But secretly he's screaming inside.
  • Other

Moe Talons



Appearance (Realistic Only)







Growing up was fun for Moe, as she grew up in the Australian outback. With only her family and the cows for miles, she didn't get much socialization. She wasn't weird, per say, but she did have trouble understanding certain topics. It wasn't until she moved to america that she started to have trouble with bullies. She was in sixth grade, and it started out slow. First, kids picked on her because of her name, and then her accent, and then it was the fact that she was homeschooled. It wasn't until Moe punched a kid out that they started beating on her, too. She'd come home with bruises and cuts, but she would hide them, smiling through the pain.


Moe is a very happy girl at first glance. She hides her depression well. Her parent's don't even know shes been attending the group therapy sessions, they're so out of the loop. But if one pokes at her long enough, they'll see the sadness underneath the sunny exterior. She's also very defensive and rough, making sure others knows that she's tough, and always ending up in fights.


Its super cliché, and she hates the fact that it is, but she's the only daughter out of four older brothers, two of which are identical twins.
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    • Raine Tally
    • 15
    • 4c5b67b59d9382ce090ea29441292567.jpg

    • 10th Grade
    • Heterosexual

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    • Name: Jezebel King
    • Age: 17
    • Appearance:
    • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/shay-mitchell-emily-pll.jpg.0c4b824fce61166eb3f004022a74818f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/shay-mitchell-emily-pll.jpg.0c4b824fce61166eb3f004022a74818f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
    • Grade: 11th
    • Sexuality: Homosexual



  • shay-mitchell-emily-pll.jpg
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Jaicee said:


    • Name: Ethan Price
    • Age: 17
    • Appearance

    • Grade: 12
    • Sexuality: Demisexual

Destry said:

    • Name: Ethan Price
    • Age: 17
    • Appearance

    • Grade: 12
    • Sexuality: Demisexual

Name:Autumn Pendergrass


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mfwfjvEtNt1rjtdqco1_500.jpg.8fe140eec175b4737ad4ff96c33fac45.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mfwfjvEtNt1rjtdqco1_500.jpg.8fe140eec175b4737ad4ff96c33fac45.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Personality and bio:Autumn came from a small family which was just her, her dad, and her mother. When she was 8 her mother killed herself and at first the people took pity on her till after a few months. They started teasing her and telling her that her mother wanted to get away from her because she was awful. It drove her to keep quiet about things and when she did speak up for her self she would stutter and tears would well up in her eyes. Then her dad died in a car accident when she was 15 that was when she started to believe everyone about her mother. She went into a depression after her father died and didnt come to school for a while she still wasn't old enough to live by herself so her aunt took her in. When autumn finally went back to school she was still the quiet girl but she didn't cry much. Everyone teased her about not coming to school they said she must've gotten pregnant from someone and thats why she didn't come to school. They would call her a slut and whore. She was so fed up that every once in a while she would snap at some one.



  • tumblr_mfwfjvEtNt1rjtdqco1_500.jpg
    15.9 KB · Views: 38
DreamCatcher99 said:
Name:Autumn Pendergrass

Appearance:View attachment 172477



Personality and bio:Autumn came from a small family which was just her, her dad, and her mother. When she was 8 her mother killed herself and at first the people took pity on her till after a few months. They started teasing her and telling her that her mother wanted to get away from her because she was awful. It drove her to keep quiet about things and when she did speak up for her self she would stutter and tears would well up in her eyes. Then her dad died in a car accident when she was 15 that was when she started to believe everyone about her mother. She went into a depression after her father died and didnt come to school for a while she still wasn't old enough to live by herself so her aunt took her in. When autumn finally went back to school she was still the quiet girl but she didn't cry much. Everyone teased her about not coming to school they said she must've gotten pregnant from someone and thats why she didn't come to school. They would call her a slut and whore. She was so fed up that every once in a while she would snap at some one.
You're in Pendergrass
Name: Danny Parks

Age: 18


Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Biography: Danny was a very happy and fun-loving guy growing up, he always had a positive view about life. He didn't have any siblings but it wasn't so bad as he had his parents full attention which he enjoyed. His parents were not that rich but were doing alright for themselves. When he was 15 his home was attacked by robbers in the night and held them hostage. Attempting to save his parent's lives he told the robber where they could find the money and they ended up taking it and killing both his parents, though they left him alive. Ever since that day he blamed himself, and almost every kid in the school made fun of him or would tell him that he was the reason his parents died. He lived with his aunt for a couple of years then moved out to live on his own at an apartment that is near the school.

Personality: Ever since the day that turned his life upside down Danny avoided people whenever he could. He didn't say much and just wanted to be left alone. Though he developed some anger issues and became short-tempered, sometimes he would snap and attack people who make fun of him. Yet sometimes he couldn't help but feel the need to have some attention, and would get himself in trouble just to have it. Deep inside, the fun-loving and happy version of himself is still there, waiting for a chance to get out.

Other: He has a few scars on his chest.
BlazeOfGlory said:
Name: Danny Parks
Age: 18


Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Biography: Danny was a very happy and fun-loving guy growing up, he always had a positive view about life. He didn't have any siblings but it wasn't so bad as he had his parents full attention which he enjoyed. His parents were not that rich but were doing alright for themselves. When he was 15 his home was attacked by robbers in the night and held them hostage. Attempting to save his parent's lives he told the robber where they could find the money and they ended up taking it and killing both his parents, though they left him alive. Ever since that day he blamed himself, and almost every kid in the school made fun of him or would tell him that he was the reason his parents died. He lived with his aunt for a couple of years then moved out to live on his own at an apartment that is near the school.

Personality: Ever since the day that turned his life upside down Danny avoided people whenever he could. He didn't say much and just wanted to be left alone. Though he developed some anger issues and became short-tempered, sometimes he would snap and attack people who make fun of him. Yet sometimes he couldn't help but feel the need to have some attention, and would get himself in trouble just to have it. Deep inside, the fun-loving and happy version of himself is still there, waiting for a chance to get out.

Other: He has a few scars on his chest.
accepted :) Feel free to make post

    • Name: Ryan Carter
    • Age: 17
    • Appearance:

    • Grade: 12th
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual

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Xeyran said:

    • Name: Ryan Carter
    • Age: 17
    • Appearance:

    • Grade: 12th
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual


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