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Realistic or Modern To This Day

Raine sat quietly, looking down at the blank write up slips on her desk, knowing she would never use any. She didn't want any trouble, and writing people up for the teacher would cause just that. Mr.Brady had already caused her a bit by even asking her to do so, and now a few people had turned their attention towards her. "She has sex with him on his desk during lunch.... I actually saw it. She's disgusting." one girl mumbled to her friend. Luckily for her, the girl went back to talking about Connor. She didn't get why she couldn't be kind to a teacher without someone saying she was having sex with him, or really any male for that matter. She saw Connor stomp back into the room. She lowered her eyes back to her desk, she wouldn't want him to think she was talking about him too. A few minutes later, a very angry Mr.Brady entered and began to write down more pages of work on the board. The students around her groaned and went back to what they were doing, only a few continued to talk, and Mr. Brady wasn't hesitant to give Saturday school to them. Soon, everyone was quiet. Raine was already done with her work, and before she knew what she was doing, she drew the words "I'm sorry about your book" in big bubbly letters on a sheet of notebook paper and slid it on to Connor's desk.
Autumn came inside and heard the murmurs about the girl sitting at her desk with the write ups. She frowned and sat in the corner. Watching as the teacher and a boy she thought was named Conner come inside. She watched them and frowned.
Moe fiddled with her phone, walking down the sidewalk. She had spare, and then Math, which she was already getting a tutor to help with. She was always behind in math, even between her and her brothers. Looking up, Moe stared at the school, feeling as if she was going to prison. She hardly made a week without a fight, and even had one yesterday. She simply sighed, tugging on her headphones and heading inside, the music so loud she was sure others could hear it.
The day as always, had started off on a bad note for Ryan but today especially so. He never took the bus to school it was always crowded with the loud mouths who likes to spew whatever thoughts came to their mind as truth even though they weren't. After 17 years of endless bullshit he'd had enough of both the bullies and the bullied. He was one of the bullied, because of his learning difficulties, because his parents never came home one day...He shook the thought from his mind as he sat as usual, in the back of the class, focusing on school work. He had gotten used to it. The daily insults and attacks that surrounded him since he could walk. But there were always times when he'd snapped like this morning when his peaceful walk to school had been interrupted by a group who loved to pick on him. At first it had just been taunts about his parents and he'd ignored it but then he saw one of them holding a gift given to him by his mother. A small fox keychain that quickly went up in flames. It had ended with the boy lying on the floor groaning in pain and his companions calling him a gangster, delinquent, criminal. But it didn't stop there. No. What was an announcement for an optional session of group therapy has become compulsory for him. He had too many problems for the school to simply ignore and he was told he had to go. Ryan looked up from his seat when he heard a slap and saw 'notebook' as he remembered the boy by the shredder glaring at a girl who no doubt had messed with him. Ryan returned his attention to the worksheet in front of him. Why they loved doing such things to others he didn't understand and didn't want to. The intensity of the bullying never stopped for him when he got older, in fact it got worse. Even though he was now 6'3, taller than most of his bullies and more muscular than he had been before, it only seemed to make them want to bully him and fight him. Perhaps to prove that they would always be superior to him regardless and that he should behave as someone inferior should. That he should fear them and cower in their presence not glare at them and ignore them as he did nowadays. He struggled through the last few questions of the worksheet when a boy leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Why don't you stop trying to act smart Ryan? Idiots will be idiots. Nothing lpcan change that. And the sad truth is that you were born an idiot." He pulled back and broke into a cackle, throwing his head back and doubling over as if he'd said the joke of the year. Ryan simply ignored him and finished up the last of his questions before walking over to Mr Brady to hand in his work with the same cold and unfriendly expression on his face that scared some and infuriated others.
Raine sat quietly throughout the remainder of the class period, and asked to be excused about 3 minutes before the bell to

second block rang. She really didn't need that long, her next class was only three rooms down from her current, but she had an errand to run. Raine walked down the mostly vacant hallway to her locker. Once unlocked, she pulled out a notebook. One that was filled with writings that most the world wouldn't understand. She stuffed it into her backpack quickly, then ran towards her next class. She slipped into Ms.Border's Family Consumer Science class, and stood towards the back until the bell rang. Then she slipped into her seat and began to write.
Having finished early though with probably more than half the answers wrong, Ryan left class, spending the rest of the time hanging out in a quiet corner of the school. Normally he would have taken his time, tried harder to get more answers right but after the incidents of this morning, he was in no mood. He sat himself down and leant against the pillar, producing the burnt remains of his precious keychain from his pocket. He'd been abandoned just like everyone else said but as much as he hated his parents for doing that to him, a part of him still wanted to cling onto the belief that they had loved him, that those ten years had not been a lie. A part of him still wanted to trust and love the mother and father who had promised him they would come back and never did. Ryan slammed his fist into the pillar out of the blue, bruising the side of his hand, body leant forward as he glared at the small keychain in his hands. There was a hint of sadness in his gaze as he leant back against the pillar again, head thrown back so that he was staring at the ceiling as he waited for the bell signaling the start of the next period to ring. "Damn it." He cursed softly as he rose from the seat, placing his keychain back in his pocket as he headed to the next class.
By the time they'd reached the last ten minutes of class, Ethan had formulated a plan. The teachers had stopped letting him leave early a while ago due to his tendency to try every time, and now he did it on a rarer occasion and at an earlier time as a bathroom excuse. He only had to motion and the teacher nodded, Ethan escaping into the hallway early enough that he could get to the restroom. The stall door locked and his legs pulled up onto the toilet, he was invisible to anyone who decided to check the restrooms for stray victims. As a result, he was late to his next class as he waited for the place to clear out before finally leaving. His history teacher gave him a dark look as Ethan entered, clutching his books tightly to his side and keeping his gaze lowered to the ground. "See me after class, Price," the teacher muttered, earning a snicker from a few of the students. He could feel his face burning as he took a seat. He despised his last name and it seemed that every time a teacher used it, others were just reminded of the word plays they could use, although many of them really weren't that clever. The boy sitting next to him leaned over, a smirk accentuating his too-wide features. "Hey, I'm uncultured. What price do you charge for a good blow? Oh, wait, you're so ugly I don't think I could get it up in the first place for you to service." Ethan just stared forward, his jaw clenching. His throat seemed to tighten, choking back any words that might come. He hadn't spoken in over a month and had no plans to break his silence. There was nothing for him to say, nothing worth responding to. His speech never seemed to make a difference, so no longer would he open himself up to further ridicule by saying anything. It had gotten him into further trouble with a couple of teachers, but neither were willing to press the issue far enough to make a difference. Ethan remained silent.
Jezebel was relieved when the bell rang, signaling that she was now able to leave. The boys to her right thought it would be hilarious to throw balled up pieces of paper at her constantly throughout the period. She sighed and gathered up her bag, fleeing the room. She thought about her next class and contemplated whether or not it was worth it. She rubbed her arm and sighed once again. She reluctantly got to her next class and walked in. To her dismay, her usual seat was taken. Jezebel scowled at the boy and sat down in the opposite corner, feeling closed in without the freedom of the window. She clenched her jaw and rested her forehead on the desk, just wishing she was anywhere but here. Her mind wandered back to the group therapy announcement and she made a face. It sounded like hell, but who knew, it may be a way to finally make a few friends. Her heart lightened with hope but reality quickly dampened it. No one would want to be friends with someone who couldn't even protect herself. She shuddered and looked up, her dull eyes focusing on a spot on the wall. Who needs friends anyways? She thought bitterly and waited for class to begin.

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