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Fantasy To Think of "Love"... [A Human X Magical creature Roleplay]


Senior Member

Human CS:::








Magic Being CS:::







Abilities/Type of Magic:

Race (like Elf, Neko, etc):



No OP characters will be accepted, and too many of the same type of characters will be declined!!!!!

Try to get an equal amount of Humans and Magic Beings in the Roleplay!!!!!
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Niko Aphrodite









Niko Aphrodite[]Aries[]March24[]Homosexual

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male

Birthplace: N/A

Blood Type: AB Positive


Personality: Niko is a young teenage boy who fits himself into the cuddly position of a "silent jackass". He's rude, snappy, and is remarkably observant. He pays close attention to his surroundings so he can find useful information and keep tabs on people. He keeps himself distant however and closes himself in so people can't observe him. He'll even change his personality around different situations so people don't check in on his attitude. He'll become several different personas, and none of them he considers real. Each are carefully crafted for separate occurrences, and he feels out his different ways during his dreams, or when he's asleep. His dreams often put him in those kinds of ordeals, and his nightmares are considered the most useful.

Niko also writes down his dreams in a small notebook he holds with him. He writes them in great detail and doesn't miss a second of the dream. He often immediately begins writing down his dream when he wakes up, and if not he reminds himself of his dreams constantly until he does get them written down. In a moment where the dream is to vivid and he doesn't want to remember it, he tears out the pages and keeps them held tight in a music box he carries around in a bag.

Fears: Niko is a big scared-y cat. He doesn't really fit into the whole "men should be strong" stereotype anyways. Because of his habit of writing down his dreams and taking notes in his small notebook he fears people looking through the small bundle of pages. Of course, he has several others that he already filled in all the way. He keeps those hidden however. He fears people discovering his secrets, and finding out about the "real him". He doesn't want people to hate or reject him, so that could also be added into his list of fears. Bugs, and long conversations. He can handle short and simple talks but when things get long he likes to cut them short. Just a thing of comfort for him.

Likes: Niko is a teenager, of course he likes stuff. His likes might be a little different from the average male his age, but he still has his opinions. He's a small boy, but even so he loves food, especially sweets. Sweet fruits, sweet tea, anything sweet. All of it. He's got a rather strong sweet tooth. But not only sweets, this young male is in love with music. He's practiced dancing, and is well at it, but music is his passion. He's made a few songs, covers to other songs he's listened to, but other than that not much gives way to his passion. Well, other than the large music box he carries in a bag he keeps on hand at all times. The origins of his beloved music box are unknown, but it's always obvious the item is close to him always. Writing is another one of his passions. He writes every morning about the dreams he has at night, but he also enjoys writing stories other than those. Passionate, fiery tales of love and rage. It's been mentioned by him before that becoming a writer was a top option for him.

Dislikes: Well if fears weren't a few of the things he considers as dislikes, then there must be much more than that to be dislikes. First of all, Niko hates, hates, hates, things occurring to him that he's fearful of. Such as being figured out for his personality. It kills him inside to even imagine this event happening. Other then that, he's pretty cool with everything that goes on. Y'know, when it doesn't disturb his personal life.




None ATM

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"Hellooo, Gorgeous~"

Name: Alexander Wade

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Type of Magic:

Sublimainal Seduction

Race: Triton

Personality: Alexander is what some would like to call a "douchebag". He is self centered, thinking the whole wide world revolves around him. He is also extremely ignorant. Not being able to recognize subtle hints most of the time. He flirts with anything he likes. Even if a relationship would only last a month or so for him. He is otherwise loud and obnoxious, bragging about how great he is and things like that. It is very rare, but possible that he would pull off a serious attitude if need be. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, after all.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/3e0a75833352476946d628aa931c2310.jpg.c3c3af0981b091f019e88edaecd10aba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/3e0a75833352476946d628aa931c2310.jpg.c3c3af0981b091f019e88edaecd10aba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 3e0a75833352476946d628aa931c2310.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 17
Sublimainal Seduction [/URL]

Race: Triton

Personality: Alexander is what some would like to call a "douchebag". He is self centered, thinking the whole wide world revolves around him. He is also extremely ignorant. Not being able to recognize subtle hints most of the time. He flirts with anything he likes. Even if a relationship would only last a month or so for him. He is otherwise loud and obnoxious, bragging about how great he is and things like that. It is very rare, but possible that he would pull off a serious attitude if need be. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, after all.


View attachment 321759

Accepted. Just watch the sublimity and language during the Roleplay

Vivian Ferrari








Vivian is mute and therefor has became very introverted. Still liking children toys and only dresses in dark clothing, you would assume that they get bullied. This isn't true, for the most part. Their brother is always by their side and is always protecting them. They got bullied when they were younger, but when he came along he would always beat them up. Attack them, almost strangle them to death, anything that he could in the situation. They thought of him their hero. They are very loyal to him, but also because of him, they can't stand on their own. Independence means nothing to them as he continues to be by their side. Their very naive of this though, and somewhat everything around them. Their the worst when their by themselves and without him(which is rare), a huge crybaby and scared of mostly everything and everybody around them. Very fidgety. Though by his side, they act as if they fear nothing, knowing that he'll be there to take care of their fears.




Their bear is by their side as much as their brother.

They knows sign language.

Their hearing is much more better then the regular human.


Lazarus Ferrari








Lazarus is deaf, but surprisingly speaks very normally. Though not introverted himself he prefers not to speak at all, although will speak if he has to. Very calm with no change in expression whatsoever. He's very possessive of his sister, Vivian. He's very glad that they doesn't notice that his protectiveness is dangerous. Very aware of his surroundings, he himself is aware he is dangerous to them. That it's his "fault" their the way they are. While others who notice this and tell it to him and blame him, he doesn't act any different, saying he saved them from the horrors of this world. And that they should worship him for protecting them. His possessiveness/protectiveness over Vivian has led him to become quite cocky, as if he really is a god and the world is in the palm of his hand. When it comes to them loving someone else, he's actually very okay with it. As long as their love doesn't steal them away from him, he's fine. All his dreams are nightmares, therefor he became an "insomniac". He doesn't consider himself one, as his thinking process is very much fine and it helps him. He can watch his sister at night and protect them through earth's cycle of night and day.




He knows sign language.

He can read lips.

As much as they both love each other, none of them would die for the other.
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BennyAxC said:
Vivian Ferrari








Vivian is mute and therefor has became very introverted. Still liking children toys and only dresses in dark clothing, you would assume that they get bullied. This isn't true, for the most part. Their brother is always by their side and is always protecting them. They got bullied when they were younger, but when he came along he would always beat them up. Attack them, almost strangle them to death, anything that he could in the situation. They thought of him their hero. They are very loyal to him, but also because of him, they can't stand on their own. Independence means nothing to them as he continues to be by their side. Their very naive of this though, and somewhat everything around them. Their the worst when their by themselves and without him(which is rare), a huge crybaby and scared of mostly everything and everybody around them. Very fidgety. Though by his side, they act as if they fear nothing, knowing that he'll be there to take care of their fears.




Their bear is by their side as much as their brother.

They knows sign language.

Their hearing is much more better then the regular human.


Lazarus Ferrari








Lazarus is deaf, but surprisingly speaks very normally. Though not introverted himself he prefers not to speak at all, although will speak if he has to. Very calm with no change in expression whatsoever. He's very possessive of his sister, Vivian. He's very glad that they doesn't notice that his protectiveness is dangerous. Very aware of his surroundings, he himself is aware he is dangerous to them. That it's his "fault" their the way they are. While others who notice this and tell it to him and blame him, he doesn't act any different, saying he saved them from the horrors of this world. And that they should worship him for protecting them. His possessiveness/protectiveness over Vivian has led him to become quite cocky, as if he really is a god and the world is in the palm of his hand. When it comes to them loving someone else, he's actually very okay with it. As long as their love doesn't steal them away from him, he's fine. All his dreams are nightmares, therefor he became an "insomniac". He doesn't consider himself one, as his thinking process is very much fine and it helps him. He can watch his sister at night and protect them through earth's cycle of night and day.




He knows sign language.

He can read lips.

As much as they both love each other, none of them would die for the other.
2 things:

1.) WTF is Agender?

2.) I will only allow you to have one OC to avoid confusion and Self-Roleplaying

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