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Fantasy To Own a Dragon's Heart

Jarkov Malachai] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33928-wild-imagination/ said:
@Wild Imagination[/URL] got a quick question for my CS, do I have to find A Picture or can I just type it out? I've always liked typing it out instead, allows it to be more ME.
I prefer pictures. But if you really wanna type it out that's fine.
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]I prefer pictures. But if you really wanna type it out that's fine.

Huzzah! If I see a picture that works Ill edit it in if need be.
So to make sure I understand what the hell is going on. White dragon attacked one of the Demi-Dragon females But I cant figure out if this safe house is outside or inside the city. I'm assuming outside since why use a safe house if they could simply go to the keep?
@Jarkov Malachai I have an idea, Valdir is heading to the mountains. So lets have the Legion be at the mountains, I was thinking maybe Valdir wasn't apart of it yet and Emporous had guided him to join it.
EMP said:
@Jarkov Malachai I have an idea, Valdir is heading to the mountains. So lets have the Legion be at the mountains, I was thinking maybe Valdir wasn't apart of it yet and Emporous had guided him to join it.
All right, the Legions base is in one of the outerlying plains but I can think of a few reasons they would be in the mountains on a campaign of sorts.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]All right, the Legions base is in one of the outerlying plains but I can think of a few reasons they would be in the mountains on a campaign of sorts.

Great, I'll start formulating my post.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]So to make sure I understand what the hell is going on. White dragon attacked one of the Demi-Dragon females But I cant figure out if this safe house is outside or inside the city. I'm assuming outside since why use a safe house if they could simply go to the keep?

On the outskirts surrounded by a large lake.
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]On the outskirts surrounded by a large lake.

Rrrrodger that thank you very much.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]You know I've been wondering but why is it called To own a Dragons heart?

Because the demis have dragons hearts and spirits.
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Because the demis have dragons hearts and spirits.

Hmmm, so own as in voluntarily or we've got the poor bastards locked in the basement to use as a breeding tool own? Or is it entirely up to whomever is reading it to make up their own idea's of what the title means?
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Hmmm, so own as in voluntarily or we've got the poor bastards locked in the basement to use as a breeding tool own? Or is it entirely up to whomever is reading it to make up their own idea's of what the title means?

The second one. It's abstract and open ended on purpose. (:
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]The second one. It's abstract and open ended on purpose. (:

Huzzah we can all figure it out and make up our own horribly wrong conspiracy theories!
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Wow the difference in time zones may be a problem.

Yes, I've found that in most Roleplays. Most people I Roleplay happen to be American, and so the time zone is completely different, haha.

I'm English, and haven't met many English roleplayers yet:((
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Yes, I've found that in most Roleplays. Most people I Roleplay happen to be American, and so the time zone is completely different, haha.
I'm English, and haven't met many English roleplayers yet:((
Well that sucks a wee bit, and of course I'm an American here. But now that I think about it yea most people I role play with are American as well. Save those I know who have gone oversea.
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]There we go. Read all the IC. Now, time to post

Wanna interact with my character(if you haven't already)? They could be grocery shopping or something~?? =3=
labyrinthecho said:
Wanna interact with my character(if you haven't already)? They could be grocery shopping or something~?? =3=
Grocery shopping? Well damn looks like I posted to early my own men were grocery shopping but I will admit they probably wouldn't have met anywho. They were shopping for just raw rations and... uh things to kill other things with.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Grocery shopping? Well damn looks like I posted to early my own men were grocery shopping but I will admit they probably wouldn't have met anywho. They were shopping for just raw rations and... uh things to kill other things with.

Whatever they bought she'd probably eat right away, anyway. ^-^

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