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Realistic or Modern Through the Mud and Blood

Robert Mure


Robert looked at his men and at the Gurkha. He heard undescribable shouting in the back and the constant him of machine gun fire. Artillery bombarded the background. He grabbed his grenade.


"Now boys! Toss 'em up!" He shouted as he threw his grenade onto the barbed wire.


A large exosion followed. He grew light headed from the ringing his his ear. A soldier was too close and had taken some shrapnel to the face. A jagged piece of metal was embedded into his cheek, a large gash opening up and spewing blood onto the sand. He had to move before machine guns realized what was happening.


Some men had already went over the top, moving forward. The barbed wire wasn't completely destroyed by the shrapnel and some were stuck in it only to be shit but the rifles. Some wire was cut leaving small openings in the line of wire. Their was no time to think, they had to move before the machine guns realize what was going on.


"Go! Move it lads!" Robert shouted at his men.



Vikram Tripathee

The Gurkha silently nodded, and tossed his grenade over the cover, he glanced to the side, and prepared to charge, not truly flinching at the explosions. He watched as the soldier beside him took shrapnel to his cheek, but paid not much mind to it, he had to push up with his new comrades, and by hell he was going to make it there. Vikram watched as his fellow men pushed forward, but awaited Robert's orders. Mentally preparing to charge forward, something he was quite used to by now, which kept  him quite calm compared to the anxious attitude of the rest of his comrades. And with the order, to move forward, the Gurkha smiled slightly, as he sprung into action with almost cat like reflexes, as he sprinted forwards, moving quite fast compared to the other men into the front without any regard for possibly getting shot. Adrenaline rushing through his veins, he moved through the barbed wire without much difficulty, although he did end up cutting himself slightly on the sides of the barbed wire, causing tiny cuts to bleed on his sides, Vikram paid no attention to this although, with all the adrenaline running through him, he felt no pain from it. Finally he found another crater caused by the various explosions going off around him, and still are. With men dying by his side with blood spraying, Vikram took aim with his enfield rifle, and shot at another MGer, hitting him square in the head and dropping him to the ground. Vikram bolted the rifle and kept his head down now, waiting for the rest of his group to show up, all the while getting a feel for his surroundings.

James Murphy

James waved the man with the Bangalores over. He turned and fired into the opening in the bunker, distracting the gunner. The man was nearmthem in seconds. "Damn you move fast!" he yelled over his shoulder as the man slid in next to them. "Get those things over to the captain and put a hole in the fence" ordered the man. The only thing was that the captain was dead. James didn't realize he was the commander yet. "Jimmy, your the captain now. Fuller just died" the man said in an all to familiar voice. It was Sammy Gibson. "Well shit boy. It's about time I found you. Blow the fence up" James said as he waved more soldiers away from the blast.


Samuel Gibson

Sammy nodded as James ordered him to put a hole in the fence. He rolled over to an open spot and pushed the explosives through. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" he shouted as he drove over to Jimmy and Pip. The explosion shook the men around it, making a loud roar that was heard down the beach. "There ya go Jimmy" he said as he readied his pistol.


@Proxploxtops @The Omen of Death(heard the blast)



(sorry for the late reply, we're still good, right?)


Robert Mure


Robert ran up closely behind Vikram. Damn that man ran fast! He thought. He heard the thumping if fellow soldiers behind them, the popping of machine guns and the sudden drop of bodies onto the sand.


He heard the barbed wire rattle as men struggled to move through. Their was a slight hope inside him that they were granted a quick death. A couple pot shots at the bunker were fired from his Sten Gun. It probably didn't do much though it was better than nothing.


As they approached the top of the ridge a force of German soldiers were met. They had initially cut down a few soldiers nearby only to meet a fatal end from the overwhelming fire that surrounded him.


Out of nowhere, a huge explosion was heard. It hadn't been quite loud enough to decimate his ears though it was loud enough to shake the ground. He stumed a bit only to sprint in order to make up for lost time. It was better to keep moving rather than to stop and wait for German Machine guns to mow down their team.


"How're you holdin' up their Vikram?" He shouted and kept moving. He dared not look back at the beach behind him.




A flurry of American bullets slammed into the concrete bunkers in front of them. The German machine gunners duck their heads to avoid being shot in the head. With this opportunity troops charged in to the towering structures that loomed above them like giants. American forces were at the south bunker, British forces at the north. Time to breach.



James Murphy

James had charged ahead to the bunker as troops fired at the bunkers and nests that covered the hill. With most of his soldiers joining him, he ordered that the bunker was falling today. "We are breaching the bunker down there. I want a BAR down there now!". He moved along with the BAR gunners and dropped into the trench that led to the entrance.




[SIZE=11pt]Gary Gordon - the Army Ranger armed with his M1 Garand rifle - stood briefly atop the trench leading into the bunker. With his radio thrown over his shoulder, he trained his rifle on the doors leading out into the trench and watched out of the corner of his eyes as the other soldiers dropped down into the trench. The other soldier standing next to him would have been a stranger in any other circumstance. Today, he was his brother. Today - on this day of days - every freedom loving man on those beaches was a brother to Gary. He protected this unnamed man just as if he’d expected the same from him. Watching intently into the trench, Gary squeezed off two rounds into the backs of fleeing Germans...strangers and enemies - humans nonetheless but certainly not his brothers…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I got you covered, boys. Clear it out!”[/SIZE]
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(Sorry for lacking any posts, I thought I made a reply here already!)

As the group approached the ridge Vikram took a shot with his Lee-Enfield and dropped yet another German, slumping him down. Bolting his rifle, he caught glimpse of 3 others coming he took a shot, he missed this one, but the German's took cover. The Gurkha dropped his head behind cover, and found this to be the opportunity, he slung his lee-enfield over his shoulder, he unsheathed his kukri... The distinct curved 10 inch blade coming out of it's sheathe, he looked at it gleam in the sunlight, he remembered the legend that once a kukri was unsheathed it was to taste blood, that statement was about to come true today... Before he could prepare though, a distinct explosion rocked everyone, it only got a quick glance from Vikram before he used his opportunity with the German's ahead of him distracted. The Gurkha stood up Kukri drawn up, and filled the air with the infamous bloodcurdling war cry that became the distinct symbol of death for those marked the enemy of a Gurkha... "AYO GORKHALI!" (THE GURKHA'S ARE HERE!) and with that Vikram charged with the ferocity of a tiger, and with the German's attention now caught, he caught them off guard and now one of them was shitting his pants internally right now. This one ended up the first victim of the Gurkha's wrath. Vikram vaulted over the sandbag cover, and then brought the Kukri down chopping, in a quick motion hacking the man's head off, lopping it down to the ground as the other two watched blood spurting from the location where his neck once was, as the head rolled down to the ground, the Gurkha staring daggers into their eyes, with the other in shock, the Gurkha exploited this and rolled towards him, and as the man eyed him being too slow to react, Vikram then stroked backwards and brought the now bloodied Kukri into the man's leg, causing him to collapse, the cut proved incredibly deep, and blood poured out of that wound, then driving the kukri once more into the man, but through the neck, once more decapitating yet another German. Eyeing the last one the last one cowered in fear as he realized the man was the stuff of legends, a Gurkha. He retreated hastily absolutely for his life screaming. "Heilige Scheiße, hier ist ein Gurkha! Renn weg!" (Holy shit there is a Gurkha here! Run away!) Vikram then realized there was a bunker, so he drew his webley, and waited for his men to support him. As he was intent on now clearing out the bunker, if anyone remained.


James nodded to the man above. "Thanks brother" he said to him. James continued to shoot down three more Germans with there backs turned, running from the Americans. "Alright men, let's get to work!" James shouted out. He motioned the BAR gunner to follow him along with some other men. As they went to round the corner they were met by a frightening sight, there was a MG pointed right at the door.  "GET BACK!" he yelled out as he reached for the BAR gunner, but he was too late. The man was filled with holes instantly. "Damn animals!" he shouted. He reached for the BAR with his shovel and pulled it in. Peeking it around the corner, he doused the room in bullets. The Germans were killed or they ran. All he knew was that they were in.




James nodded to the man above. "Thanks brother" he said to him. James continued to shoot down three more Germans with there backs turned, running from the Americans. "Alright men, let's get to work!" James shouted out. He motioned the BAR gunner to follow him along with some other men. As they went to round the corner they were met by a frightening sight, there was a MG pointed right at the door.  "GET BACK!" he yelled out as he reached for the BAR gunner, but he was too late. The man was filled with holes instantly. "Damn animals!" he shouted. He reached for the BAR with his shovel and pulled it in. Peeking it around the corner, he doused the room in bullets. The Germans were killed or they ran. All he knew was that they were in.


*Gary dropped down into the trench behind James only to watch the BAR gunner's body be jerked around by an infamous Mg42. Shouldering against the wall - opposite the door from James - Gary peeked inside. When his unadapted eyes proved fruitless in his attempts, he listened closely for the sound of moving belts, 7.92 Mauser being reloaded. Amidst the sound of bombardments and distant machine guns, Gary heard nothing and nodded to James. 


Gary reached to his slide and unsheathed his bayonet. He mounted it upon the end of his rifle and stepped away from the door. His rifle shouldered, he aimed down the hall and covered James' advance*
y no writings now?
plz i need to have this little fun with this site out of my everyday boring life.
love you all

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