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Fantasy Those That are Hunted

Basically a psychopath gets arrested for summin like speeding or something. I dont quite remember. But he gets real pissed, gets a majillion guns and goes around killing the police who try and arrest him. So what Kai is basically going to do is get a majillion guns and explosives and go all out killing spree at the government place thing
(ok thanks) "Rambo?" Alec had to think for a moment. His eyes widened at the realization of what he meant. "Wait Kai! Are you sure you want to do that? The government, you don't know what kind of gifted they have on their side!" He ran after him. " I know for a fact they have one that neutralizes gifteds abilities within a certain distance from him."

After searching for a while Amelie failed to find Eloarch. I guess I should go back and check on Xavier. I'm sure by now Kai got out of the illusion. She shot ice at the ground and the ice wolf slowly started to form. "Just in case he is still there." The wolf howled and followed Amelie as she ran back to Xavier. As she got closer she couldn't see him in sight but saw someone on the floor. She slowed to a walk and cautiously walked towards the, what looked like, an unconscious body. When she reached it she knelt down and the wolf started nudging the body. He looks familiar. Wonder if he is still a live. She poked the boy's cheek.
Xavier felt something cold nudge against him and tried his best to ignore it. He didn't want to get up, just sleep for a while or maybe forever. He was about to slip back into unconsciousness when he felt someone poke his cheek. Groaning, Xavier slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the harsh light. It took a few moments to see properly and when he could he cursed, letting his powers completely rest as he registered Amelie next to him. The colour faded from his hair and eyes, returning them to their white and red states though his hair was tinged red with blood. "Guesses you're gonna take me back, huh?" He said, trying to force a smile but grimicing when that too hurt.
Kai swiveled around after he heard what Alec said, "can he stop a gun?" Kai asked, he slowly started to walk towards Alec again, "can he stop himself from being blown to bits?" Suddenly an idea appeared in Kai's head. Out of nowhere as if someone had placed it there. "Alec, is there a way that we could convince the gifted to betray the government? Or at least most of them? Without the government we could all be free, and it would be much easier." Kai grinned and turned on his heel. As he walked towards the weapons store he yelled out, "chop chop Alec, by the time I'm there I want your job to be done."
Amelie smiled softly at him. "I don't think I will. You would not survive what the government would do to you." She winced at the thought. She may not have physically felt the pain but she saw what they did. Wasn't always pretty. Eloarch was lucky. He was a prized possession. They would not harm him unless needed. "Might just give you to my brother. You'd be better off in his care."

"I..I don't think he can." He stopped to think about what Kai was saying. "There probably could but most of them are so brainwashed I'm not sure." And the only one I tuely know is Amelie and I don't know. She left my lifestyle before I even began it. "From experience I can tell you that some of them are there for safety reasons as well. The government protects them."
Xavier sat up slowly, aware of every cut and bruise on his body. "Yeah, kinda figured. You aren't that cold," he said, cracking a small smile at the pun as he struggled to his feet. Instantly he leaned back against the wall closing his eyes. "Adding a small concussion to the list of injuries," he grumbled mostly to himself before opening his eyes to look at Amelie. "Ok, I would turn you down since I have no clue who your brother is, but I don't want to run into Kai again before I'm patched up. I'll kick his ass later."
Amelie smirked as she helped Xavier up. Holding out her hand ice covered over it. "Here, this may help." As weird as it felt for her she placed her hand on the back of his head. This was her fault. "My brother, he....he is in charge of an organization that helps gifted hide from the government. I don't know exactly where he is but I am sure I can find him." Looking him fully over she couldn't help but frown. "I;m really sorry. It's because of me you look like this."
Xavier closed his eyes and leaned back into Amelie's hand, too tiered to think of how weird it was and just that it felt nice and cool. "Thanks," he mumbled and looked around, taking deep breaths and focusing his attention on anything but himself. The cuts and bruises hurt, but were steadily fading to just a dull throb that was easy to ignore. When Amelie mentioned her brother he laughed dryly. "Of course I find out there's someone hiding us gifted out there after I'm an agent," he joked, trying to stand more on his own. "And this is not your fault. I would have ended up like this one way or another. At least I did something decent to earn it."
"Trust me they do a good job of hiding themselves. You wouldn't know they exist unless they wanted you too. I..well I used to be a part of it but left when I felt my life was threatened. The government provided protection and I didn't have to hide who I was." She gripped his arm with her other hand. "I don't think you should be moving." Looking around she could slowly see people start walking around outside. The city is started to come a live again.
Kai died down after what Alec had said. He then suddenly lit up again and hit himself on the forehead. "Caitlin!" He exclaimed. He patted Alec on the back. He turned around for the third time and walked off into the direction of the nearest "secret entrance".
(do any of you want to make another character to add more umph to the rp)Alec was confused on why Kai mention Caitlin. "How is she going to help? Or I should say why. I don't remember seeing anything about her being gifted on her file." He had to run to keep up with Kai.
(I might make one, is there a possibility that i could make Caitlin into a main character? Like she accompanies Kai with what he's doing?)
Name: Caitlin Brenton-Rule

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Gift(if they have one): No natural powers but uses enhancers made by herself.

Side(agent or not): Not

Appearance: (will insert pic later)

Personality: Caitlin is very smart and enjoys creating gadgets and all sorts of things. She is best friends with Kai and helps him with what he does. Most of her past is unknown as she has somehow "erased" it. (Im only going to say what Kai knows about her, so he can find out about her later.)

Other: Nothing really
(whenever I guess. My character can't do anything till everyone else does) 
(I found some people who wish to join ^.^ Since for some reason our ooc and character thread didsspeared I'm going to figure out how to make a group message and we can all do that stuff there.)

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