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Fantasy Those That are Hunted

"Haha no," Kai replied suddenly serious, "she's mine to dispose of," Kai smiled and pulled the trigger. The gun fired its dark ball of mass into Amelie's head. Nothing happened. Enraged, Kai turned to Xavier and ran at him. He lifted him from the collar of his shirt. "I knew you couldn't be trusted you little b****! Where is she!" Kai was enraged. "Wait a sec," he said calmly to Alec before pocketing his phone, forgetting to turn it off. "You let her go you little traitor! Once an agent, always an agent."
Xavier's eyes went wide as Kai shot "Amilie", the energy doing nothing to the illusion. His feet left the ground and he tried to pull Kai's hands off his shirt. "What the f**k did you want me to do?! Stand by and watch you kill her?!" Xavier kicked his feet out to try and gt Kai off of him, enraged and panicking past the point of reasonable. This was his world, damnit. His. And it pissed Xavier off to no ends that some kid thought he could come in and attack him. Suddenly the buildings and surrounding things crumble into nothingness, leaving the two of them standing on a plain flat surface, the sky above boiling with clouds and lightning. "Need I remind you that I can't be hurt in here? Only you?" he said in a calm voice.
Frustrated, Kai let go of Xavier and let him fall to the ground. He then kicked him as hard as he could in the face. "F***. You." Kai spat on Xavier again. Maybe if Kai could get Xavier frustrated again, he could get out of the illusion, make him muck it up. Kai got out the gun and placed it on Xavier's chest. "You can get me out of here the easy way, or the hard way." Kai grinned, "I transfer chaos into you, and make you destroy this illusion just out of your sheer chaoticness, or you can just let me out. Your choice," Kai stared at Xavier as the gun started to whir as it powered up.
Xavier felt the breath woosh out of his lungs as he hit the ground, struggling to breath when Kai kicked him. He didn't pay attention to what the other boy was saying for a few seconds until the gun was placed on his chest. Xavier glared up at Kai, probably a sorry sight after the day he'd had but pissed none the less. "F**k. You." He repeated Kai's earlier statement, figuring there was no way in Hell he'd go down without a fight. Kai's gun couldn't hurt him physically in here, and all he had to do was keep himself under control with the chaos inside him. Piece of cake.
Kai shot his gun into Xavier's chest, the most direct route. Kai then cut himself, the pain fueling his next punch that went straight into the face of Xavier. That should get him going, Kai smiled. All Kai needed was for Xavier to strike back, then the chaos inside should start to affect the illusion. Grinning, Kai stepped over Xavier and brought his foot down onto his stomach.
Xavier closed his eyes in pain, curling in on himself. The physical attacks weren't even noticed, but the shot of chaos power in his body was agonizingly painful. It took all his energy -physical and mental- to keep under control, but it wasn't working. His heart was beating too fast, his muscles twitching, but his mind was the worst. No thought was staying put longer than a millisecond, and his head felt like it was splitting. Xavier grabbed the sides of his head, trying to keep his skull together, and screamed even though no sound came out. The world had gone mute and was as chaotic as it's controller. The sky flashed with lightning and poured out rain, the scenery changing with every blinding strike. Finally a booming clap of thunder shook the little world and it shattered, reality coming crashing down around the two boys. Xavier didn't move from his spot on the street though, the chaos energy still pulsing through his veins and burning him from the inside out.
Kai smiled and lifted Xavier up. He slammed him against the wall of a nearby building. "Headache huh?" he laughed smashing Xavier into the wall again. Kai knew how he was feeling. He had felt the same, kind of, instead it was for days, and ten times worse. That was what had made him as chaotic as he is. "I told you the hard way wouldn't be pleasant." Kai placed the gun to the boys chest and removed the chaos from inside him. "That's right you traitor motherf***er!" Kai then pulled out his phone, "you still there Alec?"
Alec rolled his eyes impatiently at being told to wait. As much as he doesn't like the choice she made, she was still his sister and he didn't want her dead. Which is what will happen if she stays captive by Kai. Tapping his fingers on his bike he waited. Hearing Kai get angry that the other ex-agent about letting Amelie get away, he smirked. She always did find a way to get out of tough situations no matter what. Hope she didn't do what she did last time. His thoughts went back to the first time he read the file on one of her missions. Now getting mission reports from the government was extremely hard. The person he had in there could have gotten killed getting it for them. The mission reported that Amelie got trapped by a gifted with the ability to neutralize another gifted's ability in a 20ft radius. Since that said gifted had that ability he was good at close combat. It ended up in her having to do a sexual favor to get him to join the government. Alec remembered his reaction being severely disappointed in his twin. Now looking back, well his reaction is still the same. Hearing Kai talk again Alec snapped out of his thoughts. "Yeah I'm still here."
(Sorry for the late answer ive been really busy)

"Great," Kai replied smiling, "sorry just had to deal with some government dickheads." He said, strolling away from the scene, his gun casually swinging his gun on his fingertips. "Why dont we meet at the cafe again and discuss, i have to talk to you in person." Kai smiled and cut the line. He looked at a text from Caitlin and grinned. After tedious hard work and hacking she had found that there was some sort of gifted training facility. The firewall had finally got her though and she came back with no information other than comfirming the underground facilities. Kai's grin widened as he walked to the cafe.
Xavier blanked out almost completely, having decided that even thinking was too much work for his head. He registered being thrown against something -probably the building- at least twice before he felt the chaos vanish from his body. Inhaling a deep breath, Xavier tried to focus his sight to see anything but it just wasn't working. Everything seemed smudged and fuzzy, and the sound was like he was underwater. He didn't understand what Kai was saying, only that the other boy had finally left him alone. Not the best circumstances, but still better than if he'd stayed. Shifting gently, Xavier moved to sit with his back to the wall and closed his eyes, mentally going through all his injuries. The stitches on his arm from the chip were barely holding on, and the bullet wound on his leg had reopened completely. He felt bruises everywhere, and was pretty sure he had a major concussion. Yeah, not the best circumstances. Knowing that the town's people were looking for him, Xavier used a little bit of his energy to change his appearance, making his eyes and hair brown before falling unconscious.
Alec sighed as Kai hung up. "I didn't even get to leave." He mumbled. He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed his eyes to try and get rid of his tiredness. Seeing Kai walk in yet again, he got off his bike and followed him in. "So what is it you want to talk about now?" He asked coming up behind Kai.
Kai ordered a frappe and sat down at the same seat. "Your army," Kai stated. "Why do you have some sort of underground bip de bop?" Kai asked. He leaned forward across the table. "Answer my questions and no more civilians will be killed."
Alec's eyes narrowed at the mention of the base. /How did he find out?/ He didnt sit down infront of Kai. Instead he just clenched and unclench his hands before putting them in his pant pockets. "You know. I would stop threatening the civilians of this town." He looked in the direction of the cashier and nodded his head once. She nodded back and turned the store's open sign to close. "I'm sorry folks. But we are going to have to close early." She called out. Some people groaned as they got up out of their seats. Soon the place was empty except for Kai,Alec, and the cashier lady. "You cant hurt me here. I know everything about you and your...gifts. You have one friend here and she supplies you with weapons to enhance you power. She is actually a very interesting girl. I wouldn't mind taking her to work for me." He pulled out one of his hands and flicked something off of his nails before putting them back. "And about your information, we aren't an army. Barely half of us would even consider fighting. But trust me when I say I have enough to take you down when I need." He paused for a moment thinking things over. "But," he sat down in front of Kai. "I don't want that kind of relationship with you. You had Amelie, the ice agent, in a death hold and if it weren't for her partner I'm sure she would have died. The kind of relationship I want from you is different. I want us to be friends. But friends don't hurt or take what is already theirs. I worked very hard for many years to get to where I am. Why do you think the government hasn't been been here at all for many years. I'll tell you a secret." Alec leaned forward. "It's because we have people on the inside. I would have eventually taken care of the agents that are after you but you fucked it up when you killed so many of the civilians. You should be happy I am even offering to be friends after you basically ruined any chance of this city form not being under the governments eye."

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(sorry about spelling errors and stuff. I'll fix it in the morning. Its very difficult to look back at everything I wrote on my phone.)

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Kai slammed his fist onto the desk and stood up. "Dont you f***ing lay a hand on her!" Kai yelled. The table shattered, the wood splintering and shattering as his fists smashed through the wood. He seethed with anger, his pupils turning into a dark purple. Kai's voice suddenly changed and became deeper. "You underestimate me," he said as he stood up. "I will do what i f***ing want, but i see we have a common enemy." Kai's pupils returned to their regular colour and he unclenched his fists. "You know my power, it requires chaos, pain, death, i will die without it. You dont know what it is like!" Kai shouted the last bit. The memory shot through his brain, the searing pain in his chest. The chaos and destruction. Kai touched his chest as he recalled the feeling, the feeling of his heart being torn apart, and then being recreated with parts missing. "I can take the government away," Kai said. "It's time for me to f***ing end it all!"
Alec flinched as the table shattered. The cashier gasp and ran behind the counter. Sighing Alec closed his eyes. "That's going to cost a fortune to replace." He mumbled. Opening his eyes again he looked Kai dead in the eye. "And I don't underestimate gifted. We have lost some good people because of that. Never made that mistake again." Taking his hands out of the pocket he stood up. "Don't press the button Lia." He glanced back at the girl behind the counter. "I have it under control." The girl hesitantly nodded, not exactly believing Alec but he was her higher up and she had to listen. Looking back at Kai Alec forced his body to relax. He could see the glow around Kai flicker at his anger. "First off, just calm down. You do realize that I never forcefully take someone to work under me but when they do I protect them. Caitlin seems like a nice girl. As for your other comment I am going to ignore it." His hands went back into his pockets. He never understood why he always had an urge to keep them there. "As for the government thing, what did you have in mind?" He smirked.
Kai calmed after he heard that he wouldnt take Caitlin forcfully. Kai clicked his knuckles and grinned. He picked up his gun. "Ever seen the movie Rambo?" Kai said winking as he headed out the shop. Kai knew the whereabouts of a gun shop in the town which had many big, powerful looking guns. "Nice knowing you," Kai said grinning and saluting as he headed out the shop to the gun store. The raid would be easy, no.civilian casualties.

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