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This is My Fault. {StevenxConnie with Sea241}



It was a pretty nice day, well in Steven's standards. The sky was sunny and bright, like usual. Some clouds would float by, one even looked like a rabbit. The Ocean was calm, so it didn't seem anything would happen. Amethyst likes to say that the ocean tells a lot about the day's occurrences. Or maybe it was just her being weird again. Steven could only sometimes tell. Amethyst was only ever sometimes serious, Battles, something regarding her past or feelings.

Bringing his flipflops together, the bottoms were flush to each other. And to make the day better, he was hanging out with his best friend-Connie! But for as long as they were there, Steven found it slightly awkward; they weren't exactly talking much. A few words here and there. He can't recall, but wasn't it Connie who asked for him to come outside?

With a slight shrug, he turned to the brunette beside him. "Hey, Connie! You think I could go grab my Ukulele?" He asked, rocking slightly. Maybe he could write a new song while he was out here. As far as he knew, the gems were out on a mission and it was just them.

Connie closed her eyes, feeling the wind blow through her hair. It was a pleasant day out, with the sun shining and the crisp beach air. The knight flexed her toes, feeling the warm squish of the sand beneath her feet. But it was so much better thanks to the friend she shared it with. Steven always seemed to brighten her day.

Time with her best friend like this was rare nowadays. With Jasper on the loose, doing who knows what with corrupted gems, down time like this was hard to come by. But that made it all the more sweeter. The look of happiness Steven had when Connie asked him to hang out was worth all the troubles they had been facing.

Connie often found her thoughts wandering to Jasper. She was grateful that she could be there for Steven, but part of her wondered what she was doing. she didn;t belong in this fantasy world with Steven and the Gems. She was just Connie, a plain, simple human. It amazed her how much came out of a dropped bracelet what seems like years ago.

But Connie wasn't supposed to be thinking of all of that, not now, not with Steven. Sneaking a glance at her friend, she noted how his hair shinned in the sun, the way his skin glowed as well. It was sometimes difficult thinking of Steven fighting, but when they did he always had this air of maturity about him. But right now he was free to be just Steven.

"I think that's a great idea," she said, getting up from her laying position. Steven had a wonderful voice after all.
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A grin spread across Steven's face when Connie agreed to his offer of music. Well, people didn't really reject his musings anyway, but leaving without asking, that would be rude. He couldn't possibly leave Connie alone. Steven rose from the ground and gave another glance to the sea. A calm sea was good, but it seemed a bit too calm. Stretching his arms, he sighed, turning to Connie. Reaching a hand out, he grasped one of her hands and began walking towards the temple.

Sometimes, when he decided to think like a gem, his mind wandered a bit dangerously. To Jasper, to the corrupted gems. And sometimes it really hurt. Frowning slightly, the half quartz reached down and lied a hand on his belly. It wasn't in his nature, he mostly only thought like a gem if it was needed. Like if he's in battle.

Closing in on the stairs, Steven smiled. "Okay! I'm not sure if I have any ideas for a new song today. Maybe I'll just play a classic." He shrugged, letting go of Connie's hand and climbing the stairs.
Connie was quick to follow Steven, and not just because he held her hand tightly. Connie couldn't explain it, but whenever Steven did something like this, it made her face heat up and her stomach feel weird. She wasn't given much time to ponder these feelings as her friend pulled her to his house.

Something was off with Steven, that much was sure. He seemed... distant, almost. Like he was in a whole other world. The knight wanted to protect Steven, but all she could do was give his hand a gentle squeeze, letting him know she was here. But all things must end, thought Connie as Steven let go. She couldn't help but notice the sudden lack of heat. Again, Connie chose to ignore it in favor of following her friend.

"I'm sure you'll think of something. You always do," she reassured, trailing close behind him.

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