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Colosseum ThePotatogod V. Idea


and it was this big
Roleplay Type(s)

An empty field lies yonder the grieving horizon, as a lone throne sits in the middle, tied to it's fate of being the last of it's ruined kingdom as dozens of blades tried to claim it. . .
Amidst the horizon, a lone man of grey descended from the clouds which cover this desolate field of blades. The man stood up, revealing a metallic exterior and a visor of white which covers his face.

"This is Alpha General Jo-Gio. I have arrived at the mission area." He clicked his earpiece as he spoke, "What is my mission?" He waited for seconds, as mere static fills his ears. John Giovanni Lefbehind was a man of honor, always valuing the fate of many rather than himself. He promised that years ago...Years before the Rein Execution Project began...To a dear young girl whom he lost, and was yet to be found. Her corpse, vanished from the morgue one day and was never returned.

"Your mission is to investigate the mysterious readings we briefed you about earlier. We don't know if they're REIN or not, but we need to get a sample of it." A stern man's voice commanded, "It might be strong enough to eradicate the Rein."

"Understood." He said, looking around the area. "I detect no Rein activity in the area...Do you read anything?"

"None." The man replied, leaving John in a confused state, "There's absolutely no Rein in the area. Not even the smaller ones."

"Copy that." John sighed once more, drawing out his silver painted RES rifle. "Beginning mission. Jo-Gio, out."

"Copy that. Good luck, Soldier." The man replied, before leaving the conversation in pure static. John looked at the skies for a moment, admiring the beautiful view of the orange skies that were tainted by the dark aura that shrouded the place. Underneath his helmet, he let out a grin.

"Alison...Can you see me from up there?" John asked no one, raising a hand towards the heavens. "I still wonder how much you've grown...Then again, I'll still be taller than you." John let out a cold chuckle, "I know you probably can't do this but..." He looked back at the barren field of blades, shouldering his rifle. "Please...Guide me to the right path." He said, as he began moving forward.

Minutes have passed, and there was still no sign of the reading. Maybe it's a hoax, or maybe it's not. But one thing made John stop in his tracks...A silhouette of a familiar girl wearing almost nothing and black and white mechanical Gliders on each side. Her hair...Half of it was once black, now it was white as snow. Her eyes now bear a somber light hue of Blue and orange. The same ones as the gliders. It could be an ordinary Rogue RES Mechanical Maiden, but this model...The corpse used for this one is...

"A...Alison...?" John asked, as the girl turned around, staring at him deeply. "Is that really...You?"

(@Idea , Hajime no Ippo!...I mean, showtime!)

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